TransFrameNet:Judicial body
court.n 🔎
- Thecourtoikeusconstrues it according to its terms and finds that, so construed, it enables tax to be saved or minimized.
- Transfer may be justified in the child's interests, for example, where it would enable the case to be heard in acourttuomioistuimessacloser to the child's homejoka sijaitsee lähempänä lapsen kotia.
- It is always desirable, at least in the superior courts, to refer thecourtoikeusistuimeento the cases cited by the writer for his propositions.
- He was brought before thedistrictpiiri-courtoikeudenin TraleeTraleessaon August 31, where the judge ordered his extradition to Britain.
- Conditions on the granting of bail may be imposed by themagistratesmaistraateissa,'courtoikeusistuimissaon defendants against whom charges are pending.
- They were convicted in the magistrates' court, but appealed successfully to theDivisionalpiiri-Courtoikeudessaon the ground that the question whether their obstruction had been reasonable had not been adequately considered.
- They will both reappear before thecourtoikeudenon Thursday morning.
- The European Court binds allEnglishenglantilaisiacourtstuomioistuimiaon all matters relating to the Treaties by which the EC was formed and EC legislation.