Tinka's home is now in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, but for many years she lived in Johannesburg, where
the Medau Society of South Africa
Etelä-Afrikan Medau-yhteisön .
their own intelligence network
oman tiedusteluverkoston in a bid to combat the crime
pyrkiessään taistelemaan rikollisuutta vastaan .
, therefore,
the Kenya Reinsurance Corporation
Kenya Reinsurance Corporation -yrityksen and decreed that all underwriters reinsure part of their business with Kenya Re.
US$100,000,000 EFTA development fund for Yugoslavia
100 000 000 USA:n dollarin EFTA-kehitysrahasto Jugoslavialle in April 1990
huhtikuussa 1990 with the intention that it should begin operations, after ratification, in 1991.
is working on a project in East Dorset
a course with heathland areas
toimintatavan kanervikkomaille, on what used to be agricultural land
jotka olivat aiemmin viljelysmaata .
It is thus difficult to predict the precise spatial outcome of
a monetary union within the EC
rahaliittoa EY:ssä .
Independent within the Commonwealth since 1976,
the Republic of Seychelles
Seychellien tasavalta in March 1979
maaliskuussa 1979 as a one-party state
yhden puolueen valtiona .
in October 1985
lokakuussa 1985 as an independent research centre funded jointly by the ESRC, the Northern Ireland government and private industry
itsenäiseksi tutkimuskeskukseksi, jota rahoittivat ESRC, Pohjois-Irlannin hallitus ja yksityinen teollisuus .
The communications network
viestintäverkosto by Rank Xerox
Rank Xeroxin , for example, will be bequeathed to Andalusia `as a contribution to technological development and to training a generation which will take Andalusia into the 21st century ``.
The Brook Centre
Brook Centre -keskus to provide young people with professional advice on all sexual matters
ja sen tarkoituksena on tarjota nuorille ammattilaisneuvoja kaikissa seksuaalikysymyksissä .
A Serbian Autonomous Region of Western Slavonia
Serbian autonominen Länsi-Slavonian alue .
by the magistrates of Speenhamland (Berkshire)
Speenhamlandin (Berkshire) tuomareiden was widely copied until its abolition by the New Poor Law of 1834.
A mill manufacturing that material
Kyseistä materiaalia valmistava tehdas nearby on the banks of the Church Beck
lähelle Church Beckin rantaa, but was washed away in a flood.
The DoE suggested that
the EC environment
EY:n ympäristö- committee
a network of enforcement agencies
toimeenpanoviranomaisten verkosto .
to benefit the village area by raising funds for improvements
kyläläisten hyväksi keräämään varoja parannuksiin .
It wouldn't even surprise me to learn that
As the real FFL costs money, I think the Telegraph one which is basically the same game, but with slightly different rules
, is the one to follow for us.
The Dunbartonshire (Solicitors) Estate Agency
Dunbartonshire (Solicitors) Estate Agencyn by law firms in the area
alueen lakiyritykset .
The local technical university is a useful source; so
the Penang Skills Development Centre
Penang Skills Development Centre -keskus and financed
by local multinationals
jonka paikalliset monikansalliset yritykset .
The Hong Kong contract is a boost for
Transpotech, the marketing company
Transpotechille, markkinointiyritykselle, jonka by Britain's Transport and Road Research Laboratory
Britannian liikenneala ja tientutkimuslaboratorio .
In order to ensure that every department at the studio was of the best
Varmistaakseen, että jokainen studion osasto oli paras mahdollinen ,
training schemes for new entrants to the industry
koulutussuunnitelmia alan uusille työntekijöille .
an overseas trust
ulkomaisen rahaston for the benefit of his grandchildren
lapsenlastensa hyväksi .
Collaborative links
Yhteistoimintaa with colleges, social services, the health authority and a wide range of voluntary organisations
oppilaitosten, sosiaalipalveluiden, terveysviranomaisten ja useiden vapaaehtoisorganisaatioiden kanssa .
with the aim of stimulating the development of the small firms sector in Tyne and Wear
ja sen tarkoituksena oli stimuloida pienyrityssektorin kehitystä Tyne ja Wearissa .
a special food store
erityinen ruokakauppa following talks with members of the British Diabetic Association.
Caroline Gordon
Caroline Gordon ,
Beaver Recruitment Brokers
Beaver Recruitment Brokersin with Joan Tannian
Joan Tannianin kanssa , said that the market was flooded with recruitment agencies which created confusion among companies with positions to fill.
These new, relatively small, selective colleges
Näitä uusia, suhteellisen pieniä ja valikoivia oppilaitoksia are
by private sponsors
yksityiset sponsorit , with government grants to provide a free education with a technological emphasis for 11-16-year-olds.
It will replace
a temporary unit
väliaikaisen yksikön. jonka at Docking, Norfolk
Norfolkin Dockingiin ,
to deal with victims of the virus that plagues thousands of North Sea seals
tavoitteenaan hoitaa tuhansille Pohjanmeren hylkeille ruttoa aiheuttavan viruksen uhreja .
The Supreme Soviet decisions were based on findings by
an official commission
virallisessa komissiossa, joka in May 1989
toukokuussa 1989 to examine the investigators' work
tutkijoiden työn valvomiseksi .
Two new bodies
Kaksi uutta hallintoelintä by presidential decree
presidentin määräyksestä .
A memorial fund
muistorahasto, in his native village
Hänen kotikylässään to build a monument to one of Ulster's less remembered legion of fighting men
jonka tarkoituksena on rakentaa muistomerkki Ulsterin huonommin muistetuille taistelijoille .
We advertised for people who had previous experience so
He added, however, that
a Namibian central bank
Namibian keskuspankkia , with assistance from International Monetary Fund (IMF) advisers.
The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting
Tiedotus- ja viestintäministeriö had, therefore,
By the early 1980s
1980-luvun alkuun mennessä ,
his own company, Albrite
oman yrityksensä Albriten .
Philip Treacy,
a talented novice who
lahjakas aloittelija, joka two years ago after leaving The Royal College of Art
kaksi vuotta sitten valmistuttuaan Royal College of Artista , makes guest appearances for the Karl Lagerfeld /Chanel stable, Rifat Ozbek and Jil Sander.
Lunda, who had held the office for under 11 months, said he was stepping down ``to allow
the head of state
valtionpäämiehen an enlarged transitional government
laajemman siirtymävaiheen hallituksen .
In January 1986
Tammikuussa 1986 The Desktop Publishing Company
The Desktop Publishing Companyn and bought a complete Apple Macintosh desktop publishing system.
an Animal Protection Commission
eläintensuojelutoimikunnan, to enforce and recommend changes to legislation
joka toteuttaa ja suosittelee muutoksia lainsäädäntöön .
currently broadcasts for 20 hours a day and successfully competes with many of the country's commercial stations.