TransFrameNet:Intentional traversing
ascend.v 🔎
- The steeper the slope the more the toes must face downhill, andthe steepest slopes climbed using this techniquetämän tekniikan mukaan jyrkimmille rinteillewould beolisiascendedkiivettäväbackwardstakaperin.
cut.v 🔎
- Blazer's forelegsBlazerin etujalatcutleikkasivatthrough the airilmaaalmost with grace as if he were swimminglähes sulokkaasti, aivan kuin hän olisi uinut.
- The canalKanavacuthalkaisithrough that flattasaisen, agricultural landscape, its monotony broken only here and there by a farmhouse or a barn, until the closed Lock gates dammed it up.
- Fifty feet ahead,dolphinsdelfiinitcutkyntiväta stealthy pathsalamyhkäisen reitinthrough oily watersöljyisen veden halki.
- Even worse was the realization thatwemehadolimmecutleikanneetan obliquevinoviivanthrough the outer ditch in our extended town defences sectionulomman kaivannon läpi laajennetulla kaupunginpuolustusalueellamme.
- CutLeikkaadiagonally along one long edge of the tissue paperto make a crown shape (Fig 2)saadaksesi aikaan kruunun muodon (kuva 2).
- Of the four remaining,the three mountain routeskolme vuoristoreittiäcutkulkeestraight acrosssuoraan läpifrom the Mediterranean coastVälimeren rannikoltaand tunnelled through the Judean Hills.
- She looked up, amazed at howhehänhadolicutselvinnytthrough everythingkaikestato the heart of their break-upkeskellä heidän eroaan.
- Fellahin bending over their sicklescutleikkasiswathesväylänthrough fields of wheatvehnäpeltojen läpi.
- Advancing at more than 50 metres a week,the elevated road and rail highwayilmatie ja -ratais<empty>cuttingleikkaavata swatheväylänthrough the citykaupungin läpiunder the noses of astonished motoristshämmästyneiden motoristien silmien edessä.
- The posters on the walls were all the same old ones of1950s legionnaires in tanks1950-luvun legioonalaisista tankeissalooking at the desert through binoculars, orcuttingjotka leikkasivattheir waytietäänthrough the jungleviidakon halkiwith machetesviidakkoveitsillä.
ford.v 🔎
- WeMefordedkahlasimmethe Webi ShebeliShabeellejoen ylion 17 October17. lokakuutaand camped near an Arussi village.
- In 1072Vuonna 1072WilliamWilliamled a large army up to Stirling,fordedkahlasithe riveryli joentheresiellä, and rode on to join up with his fleet entering the Tay.
- Climb over the fence,fordkahlaathe burnjoen yliagain to reach the main road.
- `IMinä'd liketo<empty>fordkahlatathe riverjoen ylibefore darkennen pimeääif it won't inconvenience your ladyship too greatly.
- Not for the horse's sake alone was it thatcarterskuorma-ajuritwould drive through a roadside pond, or chooseto<empty>fordkahlaamisena streamvirran ylirather than go over a bridge beside the ford.
- If I could find the River,Iminäcouldvoisinfordkahlataitsen ylisomehowjotenkin, thought Fergus, his mind tumbling now with ideas and plans, and with half-forgotten memories.
- Then, aftertwo young brotherskaksi nuorta veljeädrownedfordingkahlatessaana Chiayi streamChiayin virran ylion their way to schoolmatkallaan kouluunin 1971, Ho formed the Chiayi Philanthropic Works Corps to build bridges.
- Meanwhile, rescue workers searched for an 18-year-old woman who was presumed dead aftershehäntriedto<empty>fordylittääa creekpuronin her carautollaan.
- In Santa Barbara County, surging floodwaters killed a 60-year-old man andan 18-year-old woman who18-vuotiaan naisen, jokatriedto<empty>fordylittääa creekpuronFriday.