Monsignore de Haerne had previously already founded
for the deaf in Belgium, France and Portugal
kuuroille Belgiassa, Ranskassa ja Portugalissa and was later to found one in India.
It was she and her husband who founded the great
now widely known as the Glyndebourne Opera.
Financial assets are issued by borrowers and traded by
who hold them.
The privileged position of the inner London five derives from the fact that they were founded by independent
hyväntekeväisyys- , later aided by the then London County Council and subsequently by the ILEA.
This project will explore the strategies deployed by three
committed to developing more equitable staff policies and practices in the hope that illumination of particular change contexts will be of value to other institutions wishing to make similar changes
jotka ovat sitoutuneet kehittämään kohtuullisempia henkilöstökäytäntöjä ja -menettelytapoja siinä toivossa, että tiettyjen muutoskontekstien esille tulosta on arvoa muille laitoksille, jotka haluavat tehdä samanlaisia muutoksia .
Milwaukee, Wisconsin-based facilities manager FIserv Inc has agreed to acquire assets of IPC Service Corp, a Denver-based provider of item and data processing services for more than 20
; no terms given.
, he feels, would be deserted by their private clients while companies would lose international work on sheer emotional grounds.
The total Asian Currency Unit assets of Singapore's
grew from US$30.5m in 1968 to US$358bn in 1991.
By choosing suitable options, a student in virtually any
oppilaitoksessa of good standing could learn something of every one of them.
In a number of ways they are an elite group who have reached the pinnacle of academic achievement by securing one of the scarce places in one of the 1,054
of higher education
korkeampaa koulutusta tarjoavista .
The most recent volume records almost 1,600 new research projects sponsored by 145 public and private
in thirty countries
kolmessakymmenessä maassa .
For more than thirty-seven years held the important situation of teacher to the first public
in this country
tässä maassa for the education of the deaf and dumb
kuurojen ja mykkien koulutukseen keskittyneelle ; which was established in this parish, A.D. 1792...
Most secondary schools have now reached double figures in their stocks of micros -- but only a few years ago the authors of a book (Howe and Ross, 1981) could gently suggest that `we can readily envisage the time when every
koulutuksellisella will have access to at least one microcomputer.