But what really excited her about the visit was the museum's corresponding red leather book containing all the same names, which enabled
the information
tiedot toiseen kertaan .
should always
pitäisi aina double-check
tarkistaa toiseen kertaan, that the patient is sitting up safely
että potilas istuu turvallisesti , and keep watch in case he changes position as you go along.
neuroottisesti double-check
tarkistan toisen kerran, if the tape is running
että nauha on käynnissä , I mutter by way of apology, `I've had some bad experiences with tape recorders.
Two hours later, when he had finished,
tarkistaa sen toiseen kertaan , by re-translating it all back into English.
This stage can also be used for
tarkistamiseen your copper track design
kupariraiteiden muotoilun for errors or omissions
virheiden tai puutteiden varalta .
Even if you normally do not bother too much about checking the wiring before trying out a new project, always at least
tarkista toiseen kertaan the mains wiring
pääjohdot on any mains powered projects.
Any suspicious images
kaikki epäilyttävät kuvat by a radiologist
Radiologi before any decision is taken to treat the patient.
by Dr Alexander Gibson, a Home Office pathologist,
Tohtori Alexander Gibsonin, sisäministeriön patologin, suorittama gave the cause of death as carbon monoxide poisoning.
If he was based at a school governed by the Church of England, then the Catechism would have to be recited, and some
by a priest
papin suorittama would be necessary.
By 1632 they had installed themselves in their own Hall, Cobham House in Blackfriars, where they embarked upon regularizing
trade and setting
kaupan ja asetusten for their Apprentices
harjoittelijoilleen .
Iain MacPherson was spared this when he failed the common entrance
for Merchant Taylors.
In the United States the American Cancer Society and the American Urological Association recommend an annual
peräsuolitutkimusta for men aged over 50.
opiskelijoiden, jotka taking resit
for exceptional reasons, such as an examination missed through illness, are usually allowed to count the full marks earned.
We have already noted the sense of smell in
tutkimuksessamme of the effect of the subtle essences and perfumes which emanate from the trees and herbs at a site
puista ja yrteistä leviävien hienovaraisten tuoksujen ja hajusteiden vaikutuksista .
of the reports of elemental diets having a favourable effect on Crohn's disease
Luonnollisten ruokavalioiden suotuisaa vaikutusta Crohnin tautiin käsittelevien raporttien , indicates that all of them had very low fat content (0.6 to 1.3% of total calories).
THE RESULT of a post-mortem
on a man who died after collapsing at a rave party
Reiveissä pyörtyneen ja kuolleen miehen will not be known for another 48 hours, police said yesterday.
Dr Kellett, who gave evidence of
, said most of the injuries were consistent with blows from the flex, either looped or in a straight line.
A demonstration is being arranged and
indicates we can contain this phase within the existing budgets.
tarkastuksessa will test accuracy, neatness, intelligent display and reasonable output.
of `prejudice ``
'ennakkoluuloja' käsittelevässä needs to take into account the meaning of this ordinary word.
Screening for FAP in affected families presently involves annual
starting from 14 years of age.
would be prohibited from conducting a
of any employment applicant
työnhakijoista ,
except for the single purpose of ascertaining ability to perform job-related functions
lukuun ottamatta yksittäistapauksia, joissa halutaan varmistaa kyky suorittaa työhön liittyviä tehtäviä .
Once a direction has been made it is the responsibility of
conducting the
or assessment to ensure that a child of sufficient understanding does in fact consent.
The Detective Chief Inspector, Mr Southwell, and I
Ylikomisario, herra Southwell ja minä have been carrying out an
of the scene
rikospaikalla .
must surely have carried out a
since the discovery of the body.
Other woodworkers
Muut puusepät will of course make a
if only to discover the methods of construction
vain selvittääkseen rakennusmenetelmät .
Franks made
, dictating brief comments to his secretary.
have worked hard in `92
every facet of our business
kaikkia toimintamme puolia to see where efficiencies can be made in our working practices
nähdäksemme, miten työskentelytapojamme voi tehostaa .
all these matters
kaikkia näitä seikkoja to see what we might do
nähdäkseni, mitä voimme tehdä .
would therefore
Siitä syystä ancient writings
entisaikaisia kirjoituksia to find out if the event had already occurred in the past and what solution had then been applied to it
ja yrittävät selvittää, onko tapahtuma jo tapahtunut aiemmin ja miten se on ratkaistu .
`Look on my works, ye mighty, and beware, ``
said to the statue, prised off his bubble-gum,
for impurities
epäpuhtauksien varalta and put it back in his mouth.
Peering through a lens,
for intrusive imperfections
päällekäyviä epätäydellisyyksiä means he notices every blemish on the landscape.
includes an introduction to the process of basic toilet training a young child and then
siinä tarkastellaan the problems in continence that young children show
lapsilla esiintyviä pidätyskyvyn ongelmia .
The next two chapters
Seuraavissa kahdessa luvussa this problem
tätä ongelmaa in more detail
yksityiskohtaisemmin .
Standing up,
with extreme care
erittäin tarkasti .
climbed from the car and
with interest
kiinnostuneesti .
He went around the cut in the belly so that
from the inside
sisäpuolelta .
Paul lay still and silent till the doctor came;
a burly, bearded man who
roteva, parrakas mies, joka after making sure that they could be left undisturbed
varmistettuaan, että he saisivat olla rauhassa .
from beneath pink-rimmed lids
punareunuksisten silmäluomien alta --
as if checking that they were his
aivan kuin hän olisi tarkistanut, että ne olivat hänen , Trent thought.
In Lakoff's case, it might be a reflection of her training in the Chomskyan tradition, which urges
her own intuitions
omia intuitioitaan rather than collecting a corpus of data.
A study is being conducted in two rural areas
the implications of these changes
näiden muutosten aiheuttamien seurauksien .
by Home Office scientific experts in Huntingdon who found it used a battery-operated self-arming mechanism and was fired by a motor
sisäministeriön asiantuntijat Huntingdonissa, ja he havaitsivat, että koneessa käytettiin akkukäyttöistä itselaukaisumekanismia ja sillä ammuttiin moottorin avulla .
She was asked to step next door where
by a female Indian doctor who offered no opinion
intialainen naislääkäri, joka ei tarjonnut vaihtoehtoja .
The rescued man
pelastetun miehen at Middlesbrough General Hospital.
The behaviour that pursuit of management self-interest might entail
Käyttäytymistä, jota johdon oman edun tavoittelun edistäminen voi tuoda mukanaan, below.
Recovery of renal function
Munuaisten toiminnan elpymistä in patients who survived more than three months
potilailla, jotka elivät yli kolme kuukautta .
It pays
all gutter brackets and clips
kaikki kourun kannattimet ja pidikkeet, to ensure no water will drip on to walls
jotta voidaan varmistaa, ettei seinille tipu vettä .
pondered her problem outside the door of the ward.
every evening when he came home, seemed to have entered the tough and often brutal world of the secondary school without difficulty.
The conversation
Keskustelu is recorded and transcribed, then
for recurring clues
toistuvia vihjeitä .
He sat at the head of the table carefully scrutinising the document in front of him as if it were
a religious text which
uskonnollinen teksti, josta had
for scriptural errors
raamatullisia virheitä .
One of the best plants
Yksi parhaista kasveistamme, josta is an oak tree.
Neither was
in minute detail
yksityiskohtaisesti ,
every blade of grass that my kit was to come in contact with
kaikkia ruohonkorsia, joiden kanssa varusteeni joutuisivat tekemisiin .
His records
Hänen levyjänsä are removed from their metal box and
like moon rock
kuin kuukiviä .
The defendant is only entitled to have
by their medical expert
hänen lääketieteellisellä asiantuntijallaan .
This is
the myth that
myytti, jota want
He delighted to have
, turned over, scrutinised, probed and polished, until it was sharp and gleaming and ready to demolish the whole controversy.
whether pilot error or mechanical breakdown was to blame
oliko syynä lentäjän virhe vai koneen rikkoutuminen , but one expert says Russian aerobatics pilots are not as experienced as their Western counterparts.
No, I said the officers will produce
figures which
lukuja, joita very, very closely
hyvin, hyvin tarkasti .
Once the six to eight weeks of pressing time have elapsed,
to see whether it is completely dry or not
nähdäksesi, onko se kokonaan kuivunut vai ei .
After this,
a CAA Surveyor
CAA-tarkastajaa was to be asked
the modifications
muutokset to determine whether the CAA would categorise them as Minor or a Major Modifications and to establish the details of the flight testing required
ja määrittämään, luokittelisiko CAA ne pieniksi vai suuriksi muutoksiksi, sekä laatimaan vaadittavien lentotestien yksityiskohdat .
When we found it and after I had thanked every sea god for my luck and promised never to make the same stupid mistake again,
the Seayak
oliko Seayakissa .
runs her finger slowly along his chin, as if
the posters on the cafe walls
kahvilan seinällä olevat julisteet to see if there was anything interesting happening in the area in the near future
nähdäkseni, tapahtuisiko alueella lähitulevaisuudessa mitään mielenkiintoista , but apart from the Film Club there wasn't much.
Self-selection enables
without pressure
ilman painetta , and this often results in an impulse purchase.
should always
pitäisi aina before going into battle
ennen taistelun aloittamista .
Only his skin, as
tarkastellessani from fairly close quarters
melko läheltä , was pallid and blotchy.
In that bodies are observable,
by Lt. Col. von Donop
Everstiluutnantti von Donop , from Tooting Junction to Mitcham and Canterbury Road, Croydon.
How many times a day
the toilets in your school
koulusi WC:iden for cleanliness and for an adequate supply of toilet paper in each cubicle
puhtaus ja vessapaperin riittävyys jokaisessa kopissa ?
We sign in, have
by that nice man from Eclipse
se mukava mies Eclipsestä and are duly body tagged with a nylon cord bracelet and a number.
The Queen Mother and Cazalet went over to see Devon Loch and he appeared to be sound:
by a vet
eläinlääkärin tekemä immediately after the calamity revealed nothing amiss with him.
The different observation methods cover
for flaws or dust
vikojen ja pölyn , surface differential, substance detection and checking for residual photoresist on Ic wafers which shows up particularly well under fluorescence.
of the bedroom
makuuhuoneen finished, she walked down the staircase into the coolness of the stone-flagged hallway.
, however, after making a
very close
erittäin perusteellisen , was looking at me.
The FSA 1986 gives wide powers to the Secretary of State to investigate insider trading, including seizing of documents,
of bank accounts
pankkitilien , and the ability to demand witnesses to appear.
The first rails were rolled on 20 June, the first car ran on test on 8 August, followed by the
Board of Trade
kauppaministeriön on 10 August.
Tarkastaessaan on page four, erm, one thousand one hundred and forty two inbred, and five hundred and twenty three bred.
From today,
non-EC boats unloading in EC ports
EY:n ulkopuolisille laivoille, jotka purkavat lastinsa EY:n satamiin, will be subject to
on hygiene, weight and origin of the fish on board
liittyen hygieniaan, painoon ja laivassa olevan kalan alkuperään .
Cathy was continuing
as though she would make an inventory.
reveals the horrid truth about your ailing pot plant
Housed animals must have sufficient lighting to allow for
voidaan tarkkailla at any time.
These will be available for
at an exhibition to be mounted by Lothian Regional Council from 22nd December 1980 for a period of five days.
He said
had carried out an
with advice from British Aerospace
British Aerospacen neuvojen mukaisesti -- and had found no damage.
was conducting an
in the barracks
kasarmilla , and Jehan had come here to wait upon him.
Under the terms of the 1990 Conventional Forces in Europe Treaty,
the signatories -- NATO and former Warsaw Pact states --
allekirjoittajilla - NATOlla ja entisen Varsovan liiton mailla - have the right to conduct
on each others territory
toistensa alueilla .
If appropriate, equipment should be moved or dismantled to conduct a
yesterday passed a
, and prospects of racing tomorrow are looking good.
wish to make an
, Señor.
make regular
to check for stolen vehicles
löytääkseen varastetut ajoneuvot .
Then, if there's time,
'll do a
`As far as I know, he's still working his way through the list of cabin calls, then
was due to do a routine
These vessels were fitted with a `wet chamber ``through which a diver could leave
the submarine
sukellusveneestä and, it was hoped, make an
of the Russian ships in the harbour
satamassa oleville venäläisille aluksille .
They stopped under a tree, like any courting couple not in a hurry to find their way home, while
made a
of the house and its surrounds
talon ja sen ympäristön .
Carrying out
lentoa edeltävien on top of the Washington
Washingtonin yllä in bad weather
huonossa säässä was however no joke, and removing static locking sleeves from the bomb bay doors was always slightly nerve-wracking.