- TheyHewere awakened at 6.30 a.m.,breakfastedsöivät aamupalaaat 7.30 a.m. and were put to work from 8.0 a.m. to 11.30 a.m.
- HeHänbreakfastedsöi aamupalaaat TauntonTauntonissawith Joshua Toulmin, the town's kindly and distinguished Unitarian minister, then continued west through Neroche Forest towards Horton Cross and Chard.
- Wells had first noticed the man whenhehänwas<empty>breakfastingsöi aamupalaain the Welcome CaféWelcome Café -kahvilassain Cross Street at 7.30am.
- I<empty>slept that night in a large airy cabin, andbreakfastedsöin aamupalaksion coffee and hotcakeskahvia ja pannukakkuja.
- WeMerose at five-thirty andbreakfastedsöimme aamupalaksioutsideulkonaon fresh mangoestuoreita mangoja.
- One by one the gonophs, thieves, finewirers, whores, illusionists, backsliders and second-storeymenmiehetawoke andbreakfastedsöivät aamupalaa.
- The morning came, andtheyhebreakfastedsöivät aamupalaatogether.
- Home Office ministers and anti-drink campaigners were concerned that extended hours could encouragepeopleihmisiäto<empty>consumekuluttamaanalcoholalkoholia.
- One young magistrate commented: `An animaleläimenis stolen, killed, andconsumedsyöby half a dozen peoplePuolenkymmentä ihmistäin a single nightyhdessä yössä-- by morning not a vestige of the animal is to be found.
- In ecosystems,plantskasvejaare<empty>consumedsyövätby herbivoreskasvinsyöjät, which are in turn consumed by carnivores.
- Industrialized countries in whichillegal drugslaittomia aineitawere<empty>consumedkäytettiinagreed to limit the supply of chemicals used to manufacture such drugs and to control the flow of arms to drug cartels.
- That worked well, certainly in France, where Alsace accounts for 45 per cent ofwhite appellation contrôlée winevalkoisen appellation contrôlée -viininconsumedkulutuksesta.
- Between military exercises, they rested, they smoked,theyheconsumedjoivatthe madeira purchased en routematkalla ostettua madeiraa.
- On rainy dayshehändevouredahmibookskirjoja, recommending Shirley and Jane Eyre by an author known to him as Currer Bell.
- It says in Revelation 12:4, `The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so thathesemightvoisidevourhotkaistaher childhänen lapsensathe moment it was born.
- Animal dungeläinten ulosteita, joitais spread by birds,devouredsyövätby insectshyönteiset, bacteria, and earthworms and mixed intimately into the topsoil.
- The houses looked like shambling tents of black straw,their terracesniiden terassitdevouredolivat tuhoutuneetby the glutton of rotmädäntymällä, their roofs low and sloped as though faintly hovering from some old and finished war.
- Each fishJokainen kalais caught in the water, then carried to a nearby bank and delicatelydevouredsyödään.
- Mrs Baggley examined the disbelief in Theodora's eye before she went on, `I'm not sure how much Mrs Thrigg is influenced here by the theme ofthe novelettespienoisromaanienshehänendevoursahmimiensa.
- I will preventpeststuhoeläimiäfromdevouringsyömästäyour cropssatoasi, and the vines in your fields will not cast their fruit, ``says the Lord Almighty.
- I believehehändinedsöi päivällistäat your establishmentyrityksessäsion the -- th of the -- th this year.
- The noble owner returned around nine o'clock, and renewed his acquaintance with Dr Johnson, with whomhehänhad onceoli kerrandinedsyönyt päivällistäin LondonLontoossa.
- WeMedinedsöimme päivälliseksion spicy fishmausteista kalaawhich repeated on me for most of the evening in the Jac, meeting pals, until I drowned it in an ocean of beer.
- Henry VIII wasthe first monarchensimmäinen kuninkaallinen, jokato<empty>dinesöi päivälliseksion turkeykalkkunaa, but Edward VII made it fashionable to eat at Christmas.
- `We insistyousinundinesyövän päivällistäwith us.
- Skippers Bistro in Dock Place has a real nautical atmosphere and good seafood as has The Waterfront whereyou<empty>canvoitdinesyödä päivällistäoutsideulkonafrom May to Septembertoukokuusta syyskuuhun.
- Andrew and his wifeAndrew ja hänen vaimonsadinedsöivät päivällistäalonethat nightsinä iltana.
- HeHändownedkulauttihis beeroluensa, looking around him uncomfortably.
- On the planelentokoneessahis employerHänen työntekijänsähadolidownedkulauttanutseveral drinksmonta drinkkiä: Morgan was a man who drank heavily.
- Still frowning,GuyGuytook it anddownedhörppäsithe contentssisällönin one gulpyhdellä kulauksella.
- HankHanksilentlyhiljaadrankjoidownhis beeroluensa, and hoped he had made the right move in telling his father.
- Rainbow waits ina room full of childrenhuoneessa, joka on täynnä lapsia, jotkadrinkingjuovatjuicemehuafrom plastic cupsmuovimukeista, who study her in silence.
- HeHändrankjoihis sherrysherrynsäfrom long glasseskorkeista laseista, diluted with water.
- A D Hopeprotested that Patrick White always wrote `the ribbon of tea wound through him ``instead of `hehändrankjoisia cup of teakupillisen teetä.
- For their part it was unnecessary as they only drank what had been boiled for tea or coffee, whereasIminäoftendrankjoinwatervettäon its own or with fruit cordial.)
- Rufus had a bottle of red wine buthehänwas<empty>drinkingjoithe wineviiniäout of one of Hilbert's brandy glassesHilbertin brandylasista.
- Based on a London Mild recipe from 175O,the latterviimeksi mainittuawas originallyalunperindrunkjoivatby London fish and market porterslontoolaiset kala- ja markkinakantajatand was named after the brewer's dog!
- Hereitsitäis<empty>drunkjuodaanwith soda before dinner and straight after.
- Men were lying on the dirty floor, a sailor was asleep on a table andtwo womenkaksi naistawere<empty>drinkingjoiat the barbaarissa.
- `By the way, I understand there was a glass of water on the lectern, andSir ThomasSir Thomasdrankjoifrom itsiitä.
- An' if it gets too bad,your little girlspikkutyttösican come anddrinkjuodaout of the swimming-pooluima-altaasta.
- `Congratulations, both of you, ``Belinda said sincerely, thenAndrewAndrewproposed a rambling, outrageous toast anddrankjoia long gulp of champagnepitkän kulauksen shampanjaawith pretended sophisticationteeskennellen hienostunutta.
- WeMeatesöimmethe fishkalanand polished off some cider while we watched the bombers blasting Caen, the British guns along the Orne joining in for good measure.
- The time interval betweenthe motheräidineatingsyötyäthe foodruoanand the baby suffering symptoms can vary from one day to several days.
- Oftenan informal groupepämuodollinen ryhmäwill<empty>eatsyölunchlounastanear a machine or other work stationkoneen tai muun työaseman lähellä, even though a canteen is available.
- EatSyöregular, adequate mealssäännöllisiä, riittäviä aterioitaand make sure you get enough sleep.
- Thusshehänetwas always forcedto<empty>eatsyömäänher evening mealsilta-ateriansaout of TV-dinner-traysvalmisruokapakkauksistain front of the dreaded boxpelottavan laatikon edessä.
- All the dredge strawkaikki kaivetut oljetis<empty>eatensyöavidlyahnaastiby cattleKarja; the rye and wheat straw are less palatable, but are eaten more readily when put through the chaff-cutter and mixed with chopped mangolds or swedes.
- There were stories thatshehänethad beenolivateatensyöneetby wild animalsvillieläimet, but John Ward didn't believe it.
- A NEWLY-WEDvastanaineen miehenwas<empty>eatensöiby a great white sharkVALKOHAIin sight of his terrified wifehänen kauhistuneen vaimonsa silmien edessä,just 15 days after the couple were marriedvain 15 päivän kuluttua pariskunnan häistä.
- NutsPähkinöitäcan bevoieatensyödäin moderation, but not cashew nuts as they are rich in carbohydrate.
- SheHänwas<empty>eatingsöifrom an extra large bag of potato crispserityisen suurta perunalastupussiaand digging the stuff out in handfuls.
- As the house doesn't have a dining room,the familyperheeatsyöin the large kitchensuuressa keittiössä.
- Fen made no comment about the meal she set before him, but, she noticed,hehänenatesyövänwith relishhyvällä ruokahalullaand from time to time she felt him observing her contemplatively.
- WeMeatesöimmeon the boatlaivassaand landed at Ramsgate at 6.30pm British time.
- HeHänatesöifast and heartilynopeasti ja tukevasti, but his skinny frame never gained a pound.
- The head of Lima's anti-rabies clinic saidthe batslepakoidennormallyfeastedsyövänon animalseläimiäbut, in their rabid state, they probably didn't know any better.
- Sir CannibalSir Cannibalfeastsherkutteleeon Fish 'n' Chipsfish 'n' chipseillä
- Herethe Orcsörkitfeastedsöivätand fought amongst themselves while their loot lasted, and, after three days of drunken brawling, readied to invade the Moot.
- AsIminäfeastednautiskelinon my drinkjuomaaniI sensed the hum, the confectionery of a feminine presence.
- One of the few British birds studied in relation to acidification is the dipper,a small black and white bird whichpieni mustavalkoinen lintu, jokafeedssyöon invertebratesselkärangattomiaalong riversjokien varsilla.
- I cast back and suddenly found that I had hookedthe birdlinnun,whichjokahad beenolifeedingsyönytavidlyahnaasti, dipping and swooping over the water.
- We have a bird-table in the garden, and love to watchthe variety of birdserilaisten lintujenfeedingsyöväntheresiellä.
- Finally, make surethe fishkalojenare<empty>feedingsyövänfirst by catching one or two with your usual indicator.
- The fishKalatwere<empty>feedingsöivätravenouslynälkäisinä, and several times when I was landing or unhooking fish the indicator on my other rod went sailing up.
- Most of the animals in the sea either feed directly upon the diatoms and flagellates of the phytoplankton, or feed uponcreatures thatolioita, jotkahaveovatfedsyöneetupon that phytoplanktonkasviplanktonia.
- After all, itwas<empty>a parasite thatloinenfedoli syönyton the brainaivoja.
- Predation concentrated onindividual whelksyksittäisiin kuningaskotiloihin, jotkafeedingsöiväton the open rock surfaceavoimella kivipinnalla.
- Here on the islands, where there was little vegetation,one speciesyksi lajifedsöion seaweedmerilevääand clung to rocks among the surging waves with unusually long and powerful claws.
- This can also be treated biologically in a greenhouse by deliberately introducinga predator mite, Phytoseiulus persimilis, whichpetopunkin, Phytoseiulus persimiliksen, jokafeedssyöon red spider mitevihannespunkkeja.
- The young man then died an unheroic death, riding his motorcycle underneath a lorry in Hammersmith andVanessa's emotionsVanessan tunteitafedlietsoion the tragedytragediauntil she was convinced he had been the love of her life.
- The louseTäithenfeedssyöby sucking the fish's bloodimemällä kalan verta.
- The FrogSammakkohad got into the Underground andwas<empty>gobblinghotkaisiupthe guardsvartijaton the Bakerloo lineBakerloon linjalla, but all in a deadly silence.
- Don'tÄlägobblehotkiyer foodruokaasiso fast -- you've chewed off half yer own hand already and not even noticed!
- IminägobbledHotkaisinthemnedown -- there was a whole day ahead of me and no guarantee of food -- and washed them down with water.
- They were likea great flock of gullssuuret lokkiparvetswooping to tear andgobblehotkienat their preysaalistaan.
- On her way she encounteredtwo fat pigeonskaksi lihavaa kyyhkystägobblingahmimassathe remains of a dropped sandwichpudonneen voileivän rippeitäon the pavement in front of her.
- `ItSegobbledhotkaisiupthe birdlinnunin one goyhdellä kertaa, ``said a mournful bird-watcher yesterday.
- Whileone manYhden miehengobbledhotkaistessaupa kippersavusillin,
- She has a dark look,the bad girl child whotuhma tyttö, jokawill<empty>gobblenielaiseeyousinutup.
- I must confessIminägobbledahminthe meatlihandown and I didn't notice the bone until it was too late.
- This yeareight tons of prime beef, four tons of fresh salmon and four tons of fresh strawberrieskahdeksan tonnia ensiluokkaista lihaa, neljä tonnia tuoretta lohta ja neljä tonnia tuoreita mansikoitawill be<empty>gobbledahmitaanup.
- Carey couldn't tell what had been said; the words were spoken far back in Ellwood's throat and seemed to gush from his mouth and nose like a greatgulpkulausof watervettäswallowed too hastily.
- Biff didn't seem unduly bothered; he was chasing away his hangover with stinginggulpskulauksillafrom his flaskpullostaan.
- He worked without an easel and with the minimum of fuss, placing his canvas on a chair and painting quietly, `interrupting only now and then to take agulpkulauksenof alcoholalkoholiafrom a bottlepullosta.
- RussellRussellgulpedhörppäsianother mouthfultoisen suullisenfrom his pint of beeroluttuopistaanand ripped open a bag of crisps.
- Various itemseri esineitäget<empty>gulpedNielaisenup into my mouth, and after skilful massage with tongue and teeth I transfer them to the plate for additional sculpture with knife and fork and spoon.
- HeHänkeptgulpinghörppimistäitsendown till he made himself ill;
- LucienLuciengulpedhörppäsithe watervedengreedilyahneesti.
- SheHängulpedhörppäsiat the whiskyviskiä, then thought better of it.
- Mr CarverHerra Carvergulpedhörppäsithrough his teateetään, then muttered, `Well, I'm away.
- Families eating candyfloss under strings of coloured lights,crowds of bikerspyöräilijätguzzlingahmivatfrogburgerssammakkopurilaisia, country music wailing from loudspeakers; we could have been on Hampstead Heath on Bank Holiday night.
- At 3.00pmwemestaggered onto the summit after endless moves of II and III andguzzledkulautimmedownthe orange juiceappelsiinimehun.
- Her kidsHänen lapsensaguzzleahmivatsugarsokeriaall daykoko päivän, and the house is an absolute mess.
- ChampagneShampanjaawas<empty>guzzledjuotiinlike lemonade and flexible friends took care of the bill.
- `Who gives you the authority to disturbhonest menrehellisiä miehiähavingjuomassaa beerolutta?
- TheyHeillähadolia peculiar little wedding breakfastomituinen pieni hääaamiainenin West KensingtonWest Kensingtonissa.
- `You've got all my money andIminä've<empty>had nodinnerpäivällistämeself for three days, ``I said.
- Thenwemehadsöimmelunchlounastaat Pen HousePen Housessa.
- Yes,Iminähad<empty>a mealsöinwith them last night; they send their love …
- SheHänusuallyhassyöa snackvälipalanmid-morningaamupäivällä, at around 4 pm, and later in the evening while watching television.
- Here,haveotaa swig of thistästä ryyppy.
- She hadn't known this until one night, three years ago, whenhehänhadoliimbibedjuopotelluttoo liberallyliian vapaasti.
- I have read of folk suffering such hallucinations whentheyheidänhave<empty>imbibedjuopoteltuaantoo freelyliian vapaasti.
- `You should not speak too bluntly of forgery, my dear fellow, ``saidMr Singletonherra Singleton,delicatelyhienostuneestiimbibingryypiskellenmore whiskylisää viskiä.
- HeHänimbibedjoitoo muchliikaa, too often and too frequently and, when in his cups, was included to brag and boast.
- Therethe litterpennutwill remain,imbibingjuodenmilkmaitoaand growing rapidly for five weeks.
- The foodRuokais<empty>ingestednielläänand the bacteria may lie dormant in the bird, where it contaminates the eggs produced and can be excreted and spread around the flock.
- The embryonated infective eggs or larvae of the dog roundworm,Toxocara caniskoiran suolinkaisetare<empty>ingestednieleeby the dogkoira(1) and migrate to the body tissues (2) such as the kidneys.
- `That isn't surprising, ``remarked the Doctor, straightening up, `when you consider thathehänhasoningestednielaissutbubbleshakekuplapirtelön.
- SubjectsKohteettheningestednielaisivatthe radiolabelled mealradiomerkityn aterian.
- The larvae occur inmany fish which havemonissa kaloissa, jotka ovatingestednielaisseeteither the eggs or crustacean paratenic hosts carrying larvaejoko munia tai loisen isäntänä toimivia äyriseläimiä, jotka kantavat toukkia.
- Brian Wilson,the former Beach Boy whoeniten Beach Boysin jäsen, jokaingestednieliGrade A drugsA-luokan huumeitaat the same rate his fellow Californians gulped down vitamins has brought out his autobiography.
- In Madagascar,geckosgekotlaplitkivätnectarnektariafrom palm flowerspalmun kukista.
- IMinälappedLitkinat the warm, rich bloodlämmintä ja paksua verta; very nice, very fresh.
- Iminä'd had a couple of drinks,lappedahminupsome fast foodpikaruokaa, and jumped into a cab.
- IMinähadOlinlunchedlounastanutat Buckingham PalaceBuckinghamin palatsissaand them met with her at Ascot.
- HeHänlunchedlounastiat a pub on the way downpubissa matkallaanand arrived at the Incident Room shortly before two.
- Every FridayJoka perjantaihehänlunchessyö lounastain the Glasgow Art ClubGlasgow Art Clubillawith about a dozen friends and only displays momentary irritation when he fails to hear an occasional bon mot.
- Too obviouslyhehänhadolilunchedsyönyt lounaaksiwell<empty>on a dish laced with garlicvalkosipulilla maustettua ruokaa, and he kept twirling his dark moustache, of which he seemed inordinately proud, while in halting French I explained my purpose.
- Having gingerly discarded over a hedge bits of rotted fruit and suspect cheese,I<empty>lunchedsöin lounaaksion olives and mineral wateroliiveja ja kivennäisvettäin the shade of a great oak woodsuuren tammen varjossa.
- WeMelunchedsöimme lounaaksiquietly, indeed wordlessly,hiljaa, täysin sanattomasti,on the fluidal sausageslöysiä makkaroita.
- The very first time I met him,wemelunchedsöimme lounastain downtown BarcelonaBarcelonan keskustassawith his first wife, Susy.
- Iminä'm sitting by the pool chilling,munchingmutustellenon a bagelrinkeliä.
- I FELT it was wrong to show17-year-old American model Niki Taylor17-vuotiaan amerikkalaisen mallin Niki Taylorinmunchingmutustelevanon a cheeseburgerjuustohampurilaista.
- PhilomelPhilomelwas stilledelleenmunchingmutustelinoisilyäänekkäästion his oatskauraansa.
- Champagne was quaffed andtrufflestryffeleitämunchedmaisteliby the 30 guests30 vierasta: `It was quite an orgy, very close, very friendly, ``says Gilbert.
- KennethKennethmunchedmutustelisolidlyvakaastithrough his jam doughnutshillodonitsejaan; one got the impression that he had heard all this before, many, many times before.
- Their animalsHeidän eläimensä, richly caparisoned for the tourists,were<empty>munchingmutustelivatat green piles of clovervihreitä apilakasojaand swatting their tails against the early flies.
- RexRexdecanted champagne andmunchedmutusteliupon a sasquatch sarnievoileipää.
- Robina (sixteen, beautiful, distracted)Robina (kuusitoista, kaunis, hämmentynyt)silentlyhiljaamunchesrouskuttaacornflakesmaissilastuja.
- The popular image ofa pandapandastamunchingmutustelemassaa piece of bamboobambunpalaais the one I have chosen for this month's design.
- `Building the three lagoons was an engineer's nightmare, ``Tim told us aswemeidänmunchedmutustellessammeour sandwichesvoileipiämme.
- In a field wherean old horsevanha hevonennibbledpureskelithe cold grasskylmää ruohoadelicatelytarkasti, a covey of partridges, three strutting chasing moles and an indifferent female, caught my eye.
- SheHännibblednäykkithe toastleipäänsähe gave her unenthusiastically, but she had to admit it helped -- her head was now using muffled drums.
- This week local Nature Trusts are asking volunteers to visit woods to search forhazlenuts thathasselpähkinöitähave been<empty>nibblednakertelemiaby dormicepähkinähiirten.
- `I'll bet it's Ferdi, ``said Peach,nibblingnäykkienon the fig she had just picked in the gardenpuutarhasta juuri poimimaansa viikunaa.
- OtherwiseI<empty>'ll<empty>nibblenapostelenon fruithedelmiäor something to convince myself that I'm eating well!
- This done,Iminänibblednäykinbleaklysynkkänäon my piece of lettuce and dry bunsalaattia ja kuivaa sämpylääand dreamed of being almost anywhere else in the universe.
- She thinks perhapssmall fishpienten kalojenare<empty>nibblingnäykkivänat herhäntä, but it is pleasant, it doesn't hurt.
- NibblingNäykkiessäänat her lunchtime sandwicheslounasleipiään, she is perched on the edge of a chair by a window overlooking Williamson Square, high in the Playhouse heavens.
- The Doctor bought some roast chestnuts andbothmolemmatnibblednapostelivatat the snackvälipalaa.
- I thought of that little girl last week whenIminänibblednapostelinsome chocolatessuklaataat a London theatreLontoon teatterissa.
- Some cakes will be particularly attractive to younger children -- for instance the colourful clown, the sheep with its woolly coat made from fluffy frosting, orthe large tortoisesuuri kilpikonna, jokanibblingpureskeleea piece of lettucesalaatin palaa.
- I<empty>'ll<empty>noshHotkinyour sausagesmakkarasiAnd snap
- But no, there weren't any cafés here, only kiosks to buy drinks and snacks, and you had to prop yourself up somewhereto<empty>noshsyödäksesithemniitä.
- HeHänwas<empty>nursingpitelia drinkdrinkkiäin the living room and listening to the strains of a Bach cantata when she came down.
- NursingPidellessänimy mug of teateemukianiin both hands and feeling the warmth of the rum through my body, the thought crossed my mind as I watched the mortar team sitting on the grass in front of me, `What if the Germans discovered where we were, and got our range?
- Adoptive childrenAdoptiolapsiashouldpitäisinursehoitaaat the breast of one of the immediate familyjonkun lähiperheen jäsenen rinnallain order to have the freedom of the family when they are adult.
- HarryHarryquaffedryyppäsidownhis aleoluensaand called to Marion Treffry for more.
- There, with several farmers of his ilk,hehänquaffedjoipint after pint of good Berkshire aletuopin toisensa jälkeen hyvää Berkshiren olutta.
- Once, she being childishly curious, her father had givenherhänelleasipsiemauksenof the tot of rum he had boughtostamastaan rommipaukustato ease her grandfather's chest.
- He tried asipsiemaistaof teateetäand winced as the hot liquid scalded his tongue.
- SheHäntook anothersipsiemauksenof wineviiniäand smiled crookedly.
- WeMesippedsiemailimmeour drinksjuomiammequietlyhiljaa.
- Christina's hand shook asshehänensippedsiemaillessaangolden rumkullanväristä rommiafrom the bottlepullostaand passed it to Stephen.
- OthersMuutsipsiemailevatnectarnektariaduring their brief lives to renew their energies and to provide sustenance for egg production, but none need to feed in order to build their bodies; their growth has come to an end.
- RuthRuthcontinuedto<empty>sipsiemailuaher soupkeittonsain silencehiljaisuudessa.
- Only once since that evening have I seen a more beautiful woman,a quiet girlhiljaisen tytönsippingsiemailemassacoffeekahviain a tawdry dump misnamed The LollipopThe Lollipop -nimisessä nukkavierussa murjussa.
- SheHänsippedsiemailiitsitäthrough a strawpillillälooking around with interest.
- TheyHelay on deckbeds on the main decksippingsiemaillenchampagneshampanjaaunder the blue awningsinisen markiisin alla.
- TheyHesatat the kitchen tablekeittiön pöydän ääressäsippingsiemaillenteateetä, waiting.
- HeHänsippedsiemailifrom the first glassensimmäisestä lasista.
- He had opened a bottle of wine, andAlyssiaAlyssiasippedsiemailicautiouslyvarovaisestifrom the glasslasista, not wanting to lose control again because she was tipsy.
- `As you say, Sean, ``saidMichaelMichael,sippingsiemaillenhappilyiloisestion a full beertäydestä oluttölkistä.
- Insteadshehänsippedsiemailion several cups of reviving, strong black coffeemonta kupillista virkistävän vahvaa mustaa kahvia, and chewed listlessly on a piece of cardboard masquerading as toast.
- HeHänsippedsiemailislowlyhitaastiat a cup of watered winekupillista vedellä laimennettua viiniäand decided to return to his church.
- SheHänsippedsiemaisiat the frothvaahtoa, then sat looking towards the fire.
- Backin bedsängyssäshehänsippedsiemailimoroselyäreänäat the whiskyviskiä, grimacing slightly at its taste, then giggling wryly at her own reaction.
- DauntlessDauntlessdeclined the offer of liquor, andsippedsiemailiwith evident distasteselvästi vastenmielisenäat the tisaneuutetta.
- The pick-up truck being screeched round the corner by a masterful hero,the soft drinkvirvoitusjuomaasippedsiemaillessaby the teenage lead actressteini-ikäisen päänäyttelijättären-- both products paid good money to be there.
- HeHänlifted his bowl andsippedsiemaisi, thinking back to earlier that afternoon.
- JaneJanethanked him andsippedsiemaisigratefullykiitollisena.
- ThisSenshehänsippedsiemailislowlyhitaasti, very conscious of the picture she made in her cream linen dress, her pale hair slightly but attractively disordered, Roman sandal thongs binding her long legs to the knee.
- Throughout, his banter came as thick and fast as softshelled crab, only halting as he paused to take aslurphörpynfrom his Dixie BeerDixie-oluestaanor to wipe the steam off the camera lens.
- After a while he heard the others move, heard Rufus take a greatslurpkulauksenof wineviiniäbefore they padded barefoot into the house and up the stairs to the Centaur Room.
- (Charles also got the message that he wasn't going to get thequickpikaistaslurpkulaustaof wineviiniäat the end of the evening that he had been promising himself.)
- `Oh, we're just having aslurphörpyn.
- What is it with soup, I wonder, asMock Turtle Martin Coogankilpikonna Martin Cooganinslurpsryystäessäon his minestroneminestronekeittoaan.
- I<empty>stopped yelling and started happilyslurpingnuoleskellamy waythrough an icecreamjäätelön halki.
- The prisonerVankislurpedryystinoisilyäänekkäästi, thanking him, bleary-eyed.
- ThrogmortonThrogmortonslurpedryystifrom his gobletviinilasistaan.
- HeHänslurpedhörppäsithe last of his tealoput teestään.
- The coronerKuolemansyyntutkijaslurpedhörppäsinoisilyäänekkäästifrom his cupkupistaan.
- Thoughitsemaysaattaasnacknapostellaon a strawberrymansikkaa, the ground beetle is an ally
- Ifyousinäsnacknaposteletbetween mealsaterioiden välillä(and most people do!) try to limit this to one or two snacks a day if you are trying to lose weight.
- `SheHänsnacksnaposteleeat anything you give hermitä tahansa, mitä hänelle annetaan.
- Dear little folk, tiny, with thin high-pitched voices,theyhesupsiemailivaton toadstools and `fairy butter ``myrkkysieniä ja 'keijuvoita', the latter being a yellow fungus found in the roots of old trees.
- HeHän'd<empty>suppedillastaisiwith the devil and no spoon was long enough.
- Snizort thought that this was probably the time of day that the Beastline enjoyed best;suppingsiemaillenat the long oak tablepitkän tammipöydän ääressä, making plans to regain Tara, drinking spiced wine or mead.
- Of course, it was probably quite an ordeal forHumansihmisilleto<empty>supillastaawith giants, although Inchbad was pleased to think that they had all treated Fenella and the other two with courtesy.
- The homelessKodittomatsleep up against the air vents of the great hotels,suppingnuuhkienon the scent of hot fudge sundae and clam chowderkuuman fudgesundaen ja simpukkakeiton tuoksuja.
- Tammuz took aswighuikanfrom a bottlepullostaand then held it out.
- Here, have aswighuikkaof thistästä.
- Never one to turn down a freebie,DaveDaveswiggedhörppäsithe wineviininin five gulpsviidellä kulauksella… holding his left hand behind him, fingers crossed.
- The NME offices were in a scabrous Carnaby Street hovel full of pre-war typewriters, hacks coughing huge clouds of non-Silk Cut type smoke and loads ofdrunken men and womenjuopuneita miehiä ja naisiaswiggingryypiskellencheap winehalpaa viiniäfrom plastic cupsmuovimukeista.
- The comedian waited were he was,swiggingryyppäillenfrom his hip flasktaskumatistaan.
- HeHänswiggedhörppäsihis lageroluttaan.
- I drive back to the hotel withLuckerLuckerinswigginghörppäillessäat a litre bottle of vodkavodkaa litran pullostabeside me.
- Pubs could become for her extensions of the office, places to put on a good show for the Yard,swillinghörppienpints of bitterbittertuopillisiawith the lads to enhance her image.
- HeHänswilledkulauttidownthe beeroluen.