infrastructure.n 🔎
- He spoke at a luncheon with local businessmen Thursday, where he explained his country's efforts to improveindustrialteollistainfrastructuresinfrastruktuuriawith foreign investments.
- India needs foreign investment to improveits<empty>outmodedvanhanaikaistainfrastructureinfrastruktuuriaan, and it is still starved of the electrical power needed for economic growth.
- However, as it would have to developHong Kong'sHongkongininformation<empty>infrastructureinformaatioinfrastruktuuriaan, the bureau should create four new permanent posts.
- ``Our aim is to develop thebankingpankkialaninfrastructureinfrastruktuuria, cope with global banking modernization, accelerate economic activity and facilitate procedures at a time of high competition worldwide, he added.
- Orentlicher said Rwanda does not have theinfrastructureinfrastruktuuriaor resourcesto administer justiceoikeudenkäytön valvomiseen.
- Ackerman acknowledged South Africa lacked theinfrastructureinfrastruktuuri, competitiveness and experience of other potential host countries, which he blamed on years of international isolation because of apartheid.
- Russia, which has strong ties to Sevastopol and the Crimea, had insisted on using the entirefleet<empty>infrastructurelaivastokantaain SevastopolSevastopolissaas well as some other Ukrainian harbors --- conditions Ukraine had resisted.
- Despite significant renovation efforts launched under Sobchak, residents say much of thecitykaupungininfrastructureinfrastruktuuristaneeds urgent repairs, notably its subway, roads and sewage system.
- DEPUTY Prime Minister and Finance Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim yesterday urged telecommunication companies to consider merging and assisting the Government in enhancingthe country'smaantelecommunications<empty>infrastructuresteleviestintäinfrastruktuurin.
- Before leaving Riyadh, Perry said he received guarantees from Saudi Arabia for U.S. military access to its ports and airfields after he displayed spy photo evidence ofIraq'sIrakinnewuudestamilitarysotilaallisestainfrastructureinfrastruktuurista.
- Last week, he said Moscow might be satisfied if NATO guaranteed it would not moveitssenmilitarysotilaallistainfrastructureinfrastruktuuria, above all nuclear weapons, onto the territory of new members.
- As part of its preventive diplomacy, Japan will continue studying possible measures to strengthenMacedonia'sMakedonianfragileherkkääeconomictaloudellistainfrastructureinfrastruktuuria, he said.
- Milford said the ``all-encompassing indictment includes top leaders, thetransportationliikenteeninfrastructureinfrastruktuurin, managers and distributors and the lawyers who assisted the traffickers.
- Other problems cited were inefficient government services, an inadequate legal structure,poorheikkoinfrastructureinfrastruktuuriand China's tight credit policies.
- ``We are encouraging the industrial sector in developing countries to put their money intourbankaupungininfrastructureinfrastruktuuriin, rental housing and services, N 'Dow said.
- Hardest hit was el-Minya, about 220 kilometers (135 miles) south of Cairo,a region whosealueella, jonkapoorheikkoinfrastructureinfrastruktuuriand mud-brick homes leave it particularly vulnerable to floods.
- The United States, however, may raise questions about certain details of the proposal, such as earmarking funds to repairIraqiIrakininfrastructureinfrastruktuurin.
- This affectsEurope'sEuroopaninfrastructureinfrastruktuuriin.
- Much ofthe city'skaupungininfrastructureinfrastruktuuristawas damaged by the latest fighting; sections of the city are bullet-riddled or blackened and scarred by artillery blasts.
- ``I really don't think (Pakistan) has theinfrastructureinfrastruktuuriafor that sort of thingsiihen.
- Analysts said Great Universal could provide Argos with abuilt-insisäänrakennetuninfrastructureinfrastruktuurinfor mail-order shoppingpostimyyntiä varten.
- Today there is aninfrastructureinfrastruktuurifor Islamic terrorislamilaisen terrorisminin the entire worldkoko maailmassa.
- But Lt. Gen. Sir Michael Rose, the U.N. military commander for Bosnia, told reporters in Sarajevo that the U.N. mission to Bosnia depends on ports andinfrastructureinfrastruktuuristain CroatiaKroatian.
- The money is to be spent on improving theinfrastructureinfrastruktuurinin the Arab neighborhoods of east Jerusalemitäisen Jerusalemin arabialueilla.
- The technology, NEC's Digital Radio Multiple Access Subscriber System, is expected to boost thetelecommunications<empty>infrastructureteleviestintäinfrastruktuuriain rural areas of the countrymaan maaseutualueilla.
- Much of that includes investments designed to improveIndia'sIntianbackwardkehittymätöntäinfrastructureinfrastruktuuria, from electricity and telecommunications to roads and ports.
- He also said a growing threat will come from Southeast Asia, which is only now beginning to expandits<empty>tourist<empty>infrastructureturisti-infrastruktuuriaanand promotion.
- NEW DELHI, India (AP) --- The government on Thursday announced lowering of import duties on 31 lifesaving drugs and some other products and new incentives to attract foreign investment intransportliikenteeninfrastructureinfrastruktuuriin.
- She said the revenues would be dedicated forborderrajaninfrastructureinfrastruktuurinimprovements and called it ``an idea whose time has come.
- ``Our aim is to develop thehealth careterveydenhuolloninfrastructureinfrastruktuuriain IndiaIntiassaby infusing modern management techniques, said Mohan Chellapa, a consultant surgeon at Mount Elizabeth Medical Center in Singapore.
- PERTH, Australia (AP) --- Construction company John Holland Group Pty. Ltd. has won a US dlrs 36 million (50 million Australian dollars) contract to upgraderailwayrautateideninfrastructureinfrastruktuurinin the Philippines.
- ``Drought and typhoons have exacerbated the earlier damage to theinfrastructureinfrastruktuurilleof the countrymaanand food aid requirements of the vulnerable groups have risen to an unprecedented level.
- ``In order to strike at theinfrastructureinfrastruktuuriinof terrorismterrorismin, they will have to deal with its leadership, Shahal told Israel Radio.
- ``The wholeinfrastructureinfrastruktuuriof pipelinesputkistojenin RussiaVenäjälläis very old and bad, said Eduard Gismatullin, who works for the environmental group Greenpeace in Moscow.
- Internet 2 is the next- generation project to upgrade theinfrastructureinfrastruktuuriof the InternetInternetin, benefiting tens of millions of users all over the world.
- Yaalon said the Palestinian Authority was doing little to destroy themilitarysotilaalliseninfrastructureinfrastruktuurinof militant groupsmilitanttiryhmien, but said they have scuttled plans for attacks, Israel Radio said.
- ``This trend admittedly reflects wider access to travel by car and the increasing shortcomings ofroad<empty>infrastructuretieinfrastruktuurin, the report said.
- India lacksproperkunnollinenroad<empty>infrastructuretieinfrastruktuuriwith no super highways linking major cities.