TransFrameNet:Inchoative attaching
agglutinate.v 🔎
- The nurse eggsMunatagglutinateliimautuvat yhteento a mass in the centre of the capsular spacemassaan kapsulaarisen tilan keskellä.
attach.v 🔎
- If you look at a dissection of the human arm you can see thatthe string-like tendons whichnauhamaiset jänteetattachkiinnittyvätto the fingerssormiinare joined further back in the arm, to the muscles.
- Considerthe long tendon thatpitkää jännettä, jokaattacheskiinnittyyat one endtoisesta päästäto the muscle flexor digitorum profundusflexor digitorum profundus -lihakseenand at its other end to digit 3.
- The main point is that prose varies a great deal inthe amount of aesthetic interest whichesteettisen kiinnostuksen määrässäattachesliittyvänto linguistic formkielitieteelliseen muotoon.
- When isolated mature hepatocytes are cultured on a non-physiological substratum such as tissue culture plastic,the cellssolutattachkiinnittyvätpoorlyheikostiand have a limited viability.
- However, ifinterestmielenkiintoattacheskohdistuuto all eigenvalueskaikkiin ominaisarvoihin, and in particular if there is less concern with the associated vectors, other methods may be used.
bind.v 🔎
- The SAM moleculesSAM-molekyylitbindsitoutuvatto the faces of the repressorsrepressorien etuosaan, remote from the DNA, with their positively charged sulphur atoms lying at the carboxy termini of the B helices, as in the holorepressor structure.
- The two remaining typesKaksi muuta tyyppiäbindkiinnittyyto the surface of the cubekuution pintaan.
fasten.v 🔎
- A pounce,the cheetah's jawsgepardin leuatfastenkiinnittyväton the gazelle's throatgasellin kaulaan, and it is quickly throttled to death.
- But as he went in, something landed on his back and he feltstrong, sinewy handsvoimakkaiden, jänteikkäiden käsienfastenpuristuvanround his throatkaulansa ympärille.
moor.v 🔎
- On the journey our eldest child picked up bubonic plague, and whenthe steamerhöyrylaivamooredankkuroituiat ChaukChaukiinmy wife managed to get medicines from the BOC Hospital shortly before it closed.
- Both vesselsMolemmat aluksetmooredankkuroituivatalongside the main jetty in the Royal Navy dockyardpääaallonmurtajan viereen Royal Navy -telakalla, and Eden was there to greet his guests on what he hoped would be an historic visit.
stick.v 🔎
- Early experimenters in that field reported observations of electrified rods becoming sticky, as evidenced bysmall pieces of paperpienten paperinpalojenstickingtarttuessato themniihin, and of the rebounding of one electrified body from another.
- The mechanisms by whichplateletverihiutalestickstarttuuto platelettoiseen verihiutaleeseenduring aggregation are not fully understood.
- Synthetic cutting boards: These present special problems asorganic soilorgaaninen maaperäphysicallyfyysisestistickstarttuuto the materials usedkäytettyihin materiaaleihinso bonding occurs.
- His eyelidsHänen silmäluomensastucktarttuivattogetheryhteen.
- Each time I'd wondered how they carried such a heavy load: howthe pine-needlesmännynneulasetevenstucktarttuivattogetheryhteen, bound as they were with a single length of rope.
- My hairHiuksenistickstarttuvatto itsiihenwhen I sit up in bed.
- Rose petals are too strong;theynecurl andwill noteivätkästickkiinnityonto the claysaveen.
- The polymer treatment might be used straight away as a daily mouthwash for mentally handicapped people to stopplaqueplakinstickingkiinnittyminento teethhampaisiin.
- Her shift, too, was white, butitsewas<empty>stickingtarttuito her bodyhänen vartaloonsahere and theresiellä täälläwith sweathien vuoksi.