The Falangist chief, José Antonio Primo de Rivera
Falangistien päällikkö, José Antonio Primo de Rivera ,
and by August was under close guard in a Republican jail in Alicante.
A report published by the human rights organization Amnesty International on June 26 said that
nearly 400 political prisoners, mostly Islamic fundamentalists
lähes 400 poliittista vankia, etupäässä islamilaisia fundamentalisteja ,
between January 1989 and April 1990
tammikuun 1989 ja huhtikuun 1990 välillä .
Speaking in London recently at the invitation of War on Want,
was herself
by Pinochet's regime
Pinochetin hallitus for holding pro-democracy views
demokratian vastaisista mielipiteistä .
When the shepherd eventually limped back to civilisation and told his unlikely tale,
the authorities
viranomaiset located the treasure and
This led to
in the Tower of London
Lontoon Toweriin and the House of Lancaster usurped the throne with Henry IV being crowned at Westminster, on 13th.
were previously
oli ollut aiemmin from June until October 1990
kesäkuusta lokakuuhun 1990 for allegedly organizing a political party
heidän väitettyään organisoineen poliittisen puolueen -- all parties are prohibited.
by the Japanese
Japanilaiset but was released early in 1939.
Further troubles followed in 1614, when
was again prosecuted in the Star Chamber and
hänet vangittiin in the Marshalsea
Marshalsean vankilaan for opposition to the forced loan of that year
hänen vastustettuaan sen vuoden pakkolainaa .
Jack Sherman, a former civilian contracting supervisor for the Marine Corps
Jack Sherman, Marine Corpsin entinen siviiliyhteysesimies ,
tuomittiin vankeuteen on April 21, 1989
21. huhtikuuta 1989 ,
for 18 months
18 kuukaudeksi for accepting bribes in exchange for classified procurement information
hänen hyväksyttyään lahjuksia vaihdossa salaisista hankintatiedoista .
In the mid-1970's
1970-luvun puolivälissä imprisoned
tuomittiin vankeuteen for his part in the murders of two priests and five peasants who were agitating for land reform
hänen osallistuttuaan maareformin puolesta kampanjoineiden kahden papin ja viiden talonpojan murhaan .
Despite Ren's report, the Reuters news agency reported on April 10 that
Chen Yanbin, a student activist
opiskelija-aktivisti Chen Yanbin ,
tuomittu vankeuteen for his involvement in the pro-democracy movement
hänen osallistuttuaan demokratiaa puolustavaan liikkeeseen .
In 1656, when
several Quakers
useita kveekareita , she felt called to continue their mission and sailed for Cork.
in Marlborough
Marlboroughissa attempted to speak in the church following the service, was attacked, brought before a magistrate, and
for six weeks
kuudeksi viikoksi , during which she fasted six days.
Archbishop Romeyn of York
Yorkin arkkipiispa Romeyn was
and fined 4000 marks
for excommunicating the bailiffs of Bishop Bek of Durham while the bishop was abroad on the king's service
hänen julistettuaan pannaan Durhamin piispa Bekin tilanhoitajat piispan ollessa ulkomailla kuninkaan palveluksessa .
Most women
Useimmat naiset for offences of drunkenness or prostitution
juoppoudesta tai prostituutiosta .
captured and
tuomitsi vankeuteen the archbishop and his vicar-general, John of Nepomuk
arkkipiispan ja hänen kenraalivikaarinsa Johannes Nepomukilaisen .
in the state capital
osavaltion pääkaupungissa .
Bombs still go off, children starve to death and
for their thoughts, not their crimes
mielipiteidensä eikä rikostensa vuoksi .
I think
went to visit my mother and
A controversial character
Kiisteltynä henkilönä , he
in the Fleet prison
Fleetin vankilaan on three occasions
kolme kertaa .
for more than four years
yli neljäksi vuodeksi .
Here is the 3,500-year-old site where
Minos, king of Crete
Kreetan kuningas Minos ,
the Minotaur -- his dangerous half-man half-bull stepson
Minotauruksen, hänen vaarallisen poikapuolensa, joka oli puoliksi ihminen ja puoliksi härkä .
Of the convicted sentenced prisoners most receive short sentences and
for property offences
omaisuusrikoksista .
The most famous tale of all is that of
the `prisoner of St Pierre ``, a murderer who
'St Pierren vangista', murhaajasta, joka in the town jail
kaupungin vankilaan at the time of the disaster
katastrofin aikana .
There, on the deep-piled carpet of the elegant apartment on rue du Faubourg-St-Honoré, she had been making love to
in the slums of Beirut
Beirutin slummeihin .
As Derek Fraser points out, `whether the pavement was drained and swept, whether
in workhouses
työlaitoksiin , whether Dissenters should pay church rates depended upon the exercise of power ….
As for the human rights record of Saudi Arabia, Amnesty reports the detention of political prisoners for long periods without trial —
yksitoista henkilöä since 1979
vuoden 1979 jälkeen .
simply do not wish
in a nursing home
hoitokotiin earlier than is strictly necessary!