- Maddened bythe limp rag dollveltto räsynukke, jokabangingjyskyttiagainst his legshänen jalkojaan vasten, he veered to the left.
- Her headHänen päänsäbangediskeytyiagainst the surfacepintaa vasten.
- Several other humansMonet muut ihmisetbangedtörmäsivätinto himhäneen, almost jarring Masklin loose.
- He didn't dare switch his light back on, andhehänbangedtörmäsiinto some shelveshyllyihinin the darknesspimeydessä.
- He could hearthe pipespiippujenchugging andbangingkolisevantogetheryhteenand from below came the rattling of pots in the kitchen, and the faint smell of a freshly lit fire.
- My legsJalkanibanglyövätuselesslytogetheryhteen.
- SheHänswayed andbumpedtörmäsiagainst Uncle PhilipPhilip-setäänand he dropped his joviality like a brick and shook his fist balefully at Finn over his head.
- A DOWNS Syndrome sufferer was attacked whenhehänaccidentallybumpedtörmäsiinto a manmieheen, a court heard.
- I don't countall the deerkaikkia peuroja, joihinIminä'veolenbumpedtörmännytinto since it's taken for granted you'll see a few of the elegant beasts galloping away over the heather no matter which hill you're on.
- Another horrific cry rose into the night, raising the small hairs on two ill-washed necks, and causingPooley's teethPooleyn hampaattochatterkalisemaannoisilyäänekkäästi.
- The worst of it passed, buthis teethhänen hampaansastillchatteredkalisivatfeeblyvaimeasti.
- And Sycorax hears them,her teethhänen hampaidensachatterkalisevanand through her wasted lips there comes a sigh --;
- `They beat me, ``he said,his teethhampaidensachatteringkalistessaas if he had a feveraivan kuin hänellä olisi kuumetta.
- Her teethHänen hampaansachatteredkalahtivatagainst the cupkuppia vasten.
- The gear leverVaihdetankoalsochatterskoliseein its plastic cupmuovikuopassaan, if it has not been replaced try that.
- Eric's guitar sounded liketwo steel rail wagonskaksi teräksistä junanvaunuaclangingkolisisitogethervasten toisiaanin a Chicago freight yard at 4am.
- A bulletLuoticlangedkilahtimonstrously loudhirvittävän äänekkäästion a brass barrelmessinkitynnyriinand ricocheted up into the sky.
- SwordMiekkaclangedkalahtion stonekiveen, and Fedorov cursed as it jarred his wrist.
- Soon the chewed mass has sponged up any moisture left andyour dry tonguekuiva kielesiis<empty>clangingkalahteleeagainst the side of your mouthsuusi reunoja vastenlike the great bell of Notre Damekuin Notre Damen suuri kello.
- IronRautaclangedkalahtiagainst steelvasten terästä.
- The doorOviclangedkalahtishutkiinni.
- There was the renewed sound of breaking glass asthe carsautotclashedtörmäsivätagain.
- Ignoring him, Guy let the impetus of his powerful swing carrythe bladeterääonwardsto<empty>clashosuakseenviolentlyrajustiwith the sword of the third soldierkolmannen sotilaan miekkaan..
- Lachlan's axeLachlanin kirvesclashedkolahtiwith itsiihenin mid-sweep.
- Teeth like yellow platesKeltaisia lautasia muistuttavat hampaatclashedkalahtivatat themheihin.
- Her cupHänen kuppinsaclashedkilahtiinto the saucerteelautaseen.
- I wanted to go ashore, ``she told him throughteeth thathampaidensaclatteredkalisevientogetheryhteenunpleasantlyepämukavasti.
- The policeman followed him, andtheir shoeshänen kenkänsäclatteredkopisivateerilyaavemaisestiin the stillness of the now empty cathedral.
- Annie came in;her clogshänen puukenkänsäclatteredkopisivatirritablyärtyneestion the stone flagskivilaattoihin.
- We waited in the shed whilerainsadeboomed andclatteredkolision to the metal roofmetallikattoon, and no aircraft took off or landed for hour after hour.
- Through open windows or balcony doors came the mingled sounds ofpotsastioidenclatteringkilinääand televisions blaring, an indication that most families were having their evening meal.
- With a growl he launched himself at the wizard,bootssaappaidenclatteringkopistessaas he slid from ring to ring.
- Gloria was just walking out of her office when she heardmy heelskorkojeniclatteringkopinanon the terrazzo tilesmosaiikkibetonilaattoja vastenand turned sharply round.
- Her coffee cupHänen kahvikuppinsaclatteredkolahtiin the saucerteelautaseen.
- She lifted her hand to her immaculate hair, causingthe many bracelets along her wasted armsurkastuneessa kädessään olevat rannekorutto clank andclatterkolisemaanlike old dustbin lidskuin vanhojen roskasäiliöiden kannet.
- They ran into the hall,Tom's bootsTomin saappaidenclatteringkopistessaon the tileslaattoja vasten.
- Flushing from her toes to the roots of her hair, Polly drained the last of her coffee,the mugmukinclatteringkolahtaessaagainst her teethhänen hampaisiinsa.
- The formal shouts of challenge and reply were made between the guards on the watchtowers and the approaching horsemen, and a moment later there werehooveskaviotclatteringkopisivatin the yardpihalla.
- She led the way along the back passages towards the small dressing-rooms and she could hearWilliam's well-soled bootsWilliamin hyvin pohjattujen saappaidenclatteringkopisevanagainst the stone floorkivilattiaa vasten.
- BranchesOksatclatteredkolahtelivatagainst the carautoa vasten.
- She rushed down the corridor, through the kitchen, out of the back door to the shed and ran back with the barrow andthe spadelapionclatteringkolistessaon toppäällimmäisinä.
- Kruger paced the marble floor,his bootshänen saappaidensaclickingkopsahdellessaharshlykovaaon its smooth surfacesen sileään pintaan.
- She stopped, turning quickly at the sound of brisk footsteps, then she hurried across the foyer,high heelskorkeiden korkojenclickingkopistessaon the shiny floorkiiltävään lattiaan.
- StepsAskeleetclickedkopisivaton the stones outsideulkona oleviin kiviinand Allan Stewart came in, out of breath, his red hair darkened and sticking to his forehead.
- She flew down the stairs and across the atrium floor,her heelshänen korkojensaclickingkopistessaagainst the tileslaattoja vasten.
- We fell to our knees,the gold coinskultakolikoidenclinkingkilahtaessaominouslypahaenteisestiin the napkin I clutchedpuristamani lautasliinan sisällä.
- The medalsKunniamerkitclinkedkilahtivatagain.
- And then asBrett's teethBrettin hampaidenclinkedkilahtaessauncomfortablyepämukavastion the edge of the drinking glassjuomalasin reunaan, something strange happened.
- The keyAvaincomes out,clinkingkilahtaenquietlyhiljaaonce.
- And as she stood there, listening to the sounds coming from the kitchen, ofglasseslasienclinkingkilinääand water splashing, she found herself glancing down at his coat.
- On it, tall glasses rattled lightly againsta green glass jug thatvihreää lasikannua, jossaclinkedkilisivätwith icejäät, floating on top of a cool blend of tropical fruit juices.
- One of the men at the head of the table rose, his glass in his hand,the gold of his ringkultaisen sormuksensaclinkingkilahtaessaagainst the crystalvasten kristallia.
- Milk bottlesMaitopullotclinkedkilisivätin E sharpkorotetussa E:ssä.
- The Commander busied himself with his coffee cup:itseclinkedkolahtiagainst his saucerteelautasta vastenas he picked it up.
- No time to shout out --the dooroviclunkedläimähtibehind himhänen takanaan.
- An image came into her head: ofGazzer's spray canGazzerin spraytölkistädropping out of his pocket andclunkingvieriacross the floor of the kioskkioskin lattian poikki: a little vandal who went round spraying his name everywhere.
- The oak doorTamminen oviclunkedläimähtishutkiinni, and Jennifer realized that she had forgotten to curtsy, so she managed an awkward one without toppling over.
- The engine purred throatily,doorsovetclunkedsulkeutuivatwith glamorous soliditylumoavan lujasti, the car felt luxurious and astronomically expensive.
- ItSeclunksklonksahtaainto positionpaikalleenand I sit on it to take off my shoes.
- Thenhis teethhampaansaclunklouskuvattogetheryhteen.
- Otherwise the War Wagon is moved as indicated and ifitsecollidestörmääwith troopssotilaisiinit comes to a halt and a round of hand-to-hand combat follows just as if the War Wagon had charged.
- He side-stepped to let her pass andtheyhecollidedtörmäsivät.
- At least 32 people died in Australia's worst bus accident whentwo coacheskaksi linja-autoacollidedtörmäsihead-onvastakkainon the Pacific Highway on the New South Wales coastPacific Highwayllä New South Walesin rannikollaearly today, police said.
- Five die asvanspakettiautojencollidetörmätessähead-onnokkakolarin
- Shortly after the £5 million junction was opened,two trainskaksi junaacollidedtörmäsihead-ontoisiinsakilling four people and injuring 22aiheuttaen neljän ihmisen kuoleman ja 22 loukkaantumisen.
- Up to about twenty years ago, it was thought that protons and neutrons were ``elementary particles, but experiments in whichprotonsprotonejawere<empty>collidedtörmäytettiinwith other protons or electronsmuihin protoneihin tai elektroneihinat high speedssuurilla nopeuksillaindicated that they were in fact made up of smaller particles.
- A coroner has recorded an accident verdict on a nine year old boy who was killed whentwo chair-liftskaksi tuolihissiäcollidedtörmäsiat a Californian ski resortkalifornialaisessa hiihtokeskuksessa.
- I witnessed an accident wherea vehicleajoneuvocollidedtörmäsiinto the back of another onetoisen perään, pushing it completely across the crossing.
- A week of national mourning was announced after more than 150 people were killed whena passenger trainmatkustajajunacollidedtörmäsiwith a goods traintavarajunaannear DolisieDolisien lähelläon Sept. 66. syyskuuta.
- Riding home from a pre-Christmas shopping trip42 year old David Adams42-vuotias David Adamscollidedtörmäsiwith a vanpakettiautoonon Curbridge road in WitneyCurbridge Roadilla Witneyssä.
- Riddler's son, she tells Praxis, is `the product of a single night of love -- if love it is whenstrangersmuukalaisetcollidetörmäävätin chaoskaaoksessa.
- Three trainsKolme junaacollidedtörmäsidue to a signalling faultmerkinantovian vuoksi.
- Two taxisKaksi taksiacollidetörmäsiin KilmarnockKilmarnockissa.
- You see the thing is produce something like a pyon you have to create enough energy to make it, and in order to create enough energy the you have to produceparticlespartikkeleita, jotkacollidingtörmäävätat very high speedserittäin suurilla nopeuksilla, and in order to produce these particles you have to accelerate them.
- Sure enough, it was just as the second, regurgitated blade appeared, dangling on a length of thread from Jim Rose's mouth, thatRichardRichardhadolicollidedtörmännytsuddenly and rather violentlyyllättäen ja melko rajustiwith the floor of Strathclyde University Union's level eight hallStrathclyde Universityn unionin kahdeksannen tason hallin lattiaan.
- They were singing `Forty Years On ``as a duet, which surprised her so much that she stepped backwards and trod on the toe ofthe cross young man with whomäkäisen nuoren miehen, johonshehänhadolicollidedtörmännytthat afternooniltapäivällä.
- Many regarded his words as perhaps signalling that his feud with Alain Prost -- fuelled to boiling point aftertheirheidäncollisiontörmäyksensäat SuzukaSuzukassalast Octoberviime lokakuussa-- may be cooling slightly.
- For instance, the rule of contributory negligence applicable tocollisionstörmäyksiinat seamerellä tapahtuviindiffered from that established by the common law of tort.
- John Byrne, 64, of Cleveland Avenue, Trimdon Village, had to be cut free from his car after thecollisionkolarinat 11.40 am yesterdayklo 11.40 eilen.
- The inner solid planets, it is claimed, were created by acatastrophickatastrofaalinencollisiontörmäysbetween two giant planets orbiting where Mars and the asteroid belt now residekahden, Marsin ja asteroidivyön nykyisessä paikassa sijainneen jättimäisen planeetan välillä.
- Thecollisiontörmäysbetween a BMW and a lorryBMW:n ja kuorma-auton välinenwas the third serious crash in three weeks on the road.
- In Atlante occidentale, the writer Ira Epstein meets the particle physicist Piero Brahe after a nearcollisiontörmänneetin mid-airilmassabetween their two light aircraftkaksi kevyttä lentokonettain the skies above GenevaGeneven yläpuolella.
- Thirty minutes of fast driving, involving quite a few nearcollisionstörmäystäin the fog shrouded streetssumuisilla kaduilla, had finally brought Curtis's quarry and his unwilling chauffeur clear of the city.
- The incident was the secondU.S.-Russian submarineamerikkalais-venäläisen sukellusveneencollisiontörmäysin 14 months.
- In Gloucestershire a woman was trapped by her legs after atwo-carkaksi autoacollisiontörmäsiväton the A 46 at Cleeve Hill near CheltenhamA 46:lla Cleeve Hillissä lähellä Cheltenhamia.
- Recently,Iminullahad seven nearcollisionstörmäystäwith automobilesautojen kanssaduring one 12-mile run along the Thamesjuostessani 12 mailin pituisen matkan Thamesin varrella.
- The Williams' driver's excellent performance on a drying track at Monza was overshadowed byBerger'sBergerincollisionkolariwith Ferrari team-mate Jean AlesiFerrari-tiimikaveri Jean Alesin kanssa.
- The meeting would be their first on an American track sincetheirheidäncollisionyhteenottonsaeight years agokahdeksan vuotta sitten tapahtuneenat the Los Angeles OlympicsLos Angelesin olympialaisissa.
- For an exhibition he built a small electron accelerator with a cloud chamber as detector for the particles produced by theelectronelektroniencollisionstörmäykset.
- The hon. Gentleman referred in his question, and in a conversation on radio during the weekend, to what he describes as ``an increasing number ofpassenger trainmatkustajajuniencollisionstörmäyksiä.
- The pilot released the cable but could not keep the glider straight, or stop in time to prevent thecollisiontörmäyksen.
- The trouble was the improperly designed fuel tank; this tended to fracture, particularly afterrear-endperäänajojencollisions<empty>.
- On 18 June 1927, there was acollisiontörmäsibetween two carskaksi autoa(presumably L.C.C. cars)in London Road, Mitcham,London Roadilla Mitchamissa,when they met on temporary track where relaying was in progressautojen kohdatessa väliaikaisella radalla viestikilpailun ollessa käynnissä.
- An example would be wherea large articulated motor vehiclesuuri yhdistelmäajoneuvowas turning a sharp corner and in doing so had aslightkevyesticollisiontörmäsiwith a parked carpysäköityyn autoon.
- For instance, the Newtonian paradigm will include methods of applying Newton's laws to planetary motion, pendulums,billiard-ballbiljardipallojencollisionstörmäyksistä, and so on.
- With practice, however, the race action becomes enjoyable, particularly in close battles with your opponents as you carefully avoidcollisionstörmäämästäwith themheihin.
- A TEENAGE motorist suffered serious face injuries in ahead-onnokkakolarissacollision<empty>on a country roadmaantiellä.
- The case arose out of a fatal road accident in Illinois, the plaintiff's parents having been killed as a result of ahead-onnokkakolarissacollision<empty>between their Volkswagen Rabbit and another vehicleheidän Volkswagen Rabbitinsa ja toisen auton välisessä.
- PC Peter Betts was on a training run when he crashed into a hedge as he tried to avoid ahead-onnokkakolarincollision<empty>with a lorrykuorma-auton kanssa.
- Conception takes place when the man's and the woman's seed collide, just as in the universe at large thecollisiontörmätessäof atomsatomienproduces new things (p. 54).
- Doctors fear New York Jets defensive lineman Dennis Byrd will never walk again after breaking his neck in acollisiontörmätessäänwith a team-matetiimikaverin kanssaduring a 23-7 loss to the Kansas City Chiefs23-7 hävityssä pelissä Kansas City Chiefsiä vastaan.
- A SCHOOLGIRL suffered a catalogue of injuries whenshehänwas thrown from her bicycle in acollisiontörmätessäänwith a carautoon.
- A MANMIESseriously injured in acollisiontörmätessäänwith a buslinja-autoonwas last night fighting for life in Wrexham Maelor hospital.
- An official of Libyan Arab Airlines said that reports of amid-airilmassa tapahtuneestacollisiontörmäyksestäbetween the airliner and a Libyan military aircraftreittilentokoneen ja Libyan sotilaslentokoneen välisestäwere being investigated.
- It would, you may recall, have coincided with a heavy-duty exercise at Catterick Camp involving amid-airilmassacollisiontörmäysof civilian and military aircraftsiviili- ja sotilaskoneen.
- ThecollisionTörmäyshappenedoff MalaysiaMalesian ulkopuolella48 hours after the Greek-registered ship left Singapore on a voyage advertised as a `cruise to nowhere ``48 tuntia sen jälkeen, kun Kreikkaan rekisteröity alus lähti Singaporesta risteilylle, jota mainostettiin "matkana ei mihinkään".
- ThecollisionTörmäysoccurredat about 9.15 this morningn. klo 9.15 tänä aamuna,when there was torrential rain across much of the Cotswoldskun lähes koko Cotswoldsissa satoi kaatamalla.
- Moss was never to get that close to the title again and his career ended on Easter Monday 1962, after ahigh-speedsuurella nopeudella tapahtuneencrashkolarinat GoodwoodGoodwoodissa.
- INJURED North West 200 rider Jim Courtney was described as `satisfactory ``in Coleraine hospital followinghishänencrashkolarinsaat the circuitkilparadalla tapahtuneentodaytänään.
- He survived atrainjunan kanssa tapahtuneestacrashkolaristaat Allendale between Newcastle and EdinburghAllendalessa Newcastlen ja Edinburgin välilläin the Sixties60-luvulla.
- A DRIVER who died following atwo-carkahden autoncrashyhteentörmäyksessäat Eddleston, near Peebles,Eddlestonissa, Peeblesin lähellä,was named yesterday as Margaret Keaney, 60, of Biggar Road, Edinburgh.
- And twenty American servicemen are feared dead afterairlentokoneencrashestörmättyäin the GulfPersianlahdella.
- ALMOST four years after the1985vuonna 1985 tapahtuneencrashsyöksymisenof an airlinerlentokoneenin Gander, Newfoundland,Ganderissa, which 248 US servicemen were killed, a group of congressmen are pressing for a new inquiry into the disaster.
- I heard thecrashtörmäyksenof a bodykehonagainst the dooroveen, and angry snarling.
- Now the latest news on thecrashtörmäyksestäof the American fighter planeamerikkalaisen hävittäjänat the United States airforce base at Upper HeyfordYhdysvaltojen ilmavoimien tukikohdassa Upper Heyfordissa.
- Bishop Auckland police are investigating acrashtörmäystäon Seymour StreetSeymour Streetillä tapahtunuttainvolving a stolen vehicle.
- Cold wind that stirs up bitter memories Peter Hetherington reports on ambivalent feelings created by a memorial service in the town scarred bylast year'sviimevuotinencrashtörmäys.
- At least there should not be a reccurrence of this particular accident -- the day aftermyminuncrashkolarinia white cross appeared on the new `runway ``.
- AIRLINES are stepping up safety checks on Boeing 747s followinglast month'sviime kuussa tapahtuneenAmsterdam airAmsterdamincrashlento-onnettomuuden.
- Crash investigators believe fractured pinsmay have been responsible for theovat ehkä aiheuttaneetEl Al cargo jetEl Al -rahtikoneencrashonnettomuuden.
- But the broomstick couldn't do anything to avert thecrashonnettomuuden.
- Finally, afterWharton'sWhartonincrashonnettomuudenat AlbiAlbilla, Sir Alfred told Raymond Mays and Pater Berthon that BRM should build a smaller, lighter car.
- After her mother died in acarauto-crashonnettomuudessashe was sent to live with an aunt, who was barely more welcoming than her own parents had been.
- Ahead-onnokkakolarincar<empty>crash<empty>in which five women were killed may have been caused by flat tyres.
- TWO people were critically injured in athree carkolmen autoncrashonnettomuudessaon a back road near Woodham, Newton Aycliffetakatiellä lähellä Woodhamia, Newton Aycliffessä.
- Then, after flying back to Heathrow, I stepped off the plane and ten miles from my front door on the drive home,I<empty>had ahead-onnokkakolarincrash<empty>.
- When thehead-onnokkakolaricrash<empty>occurred, the nearest police car was a quarter-of-a-mile behind the stolen vehicle.
- And whenher Ford Caprihänen Ford Caprinsawas in ajoutuicrashonnettomuuteenthe replacement was a diesel-powered Ford Sierra.
- PASSENGERSMATKUSTAJAThurt inlast December'sviime joulukuisessaSevern TunnelSevern Tunnelissatrainjunan kanssacrashtörmäyksessäwill each receive up to £20,000 compensation.
- A BOOZY L-driverHUMALAINEN autokoululainenin amotorwaymoottoritiellä tapahtuneessacrashtörmäyksessätold police at the scene: `I really AM Nigel Mansell.
- SEARCHERS have found a survivor a week after a horrificplanelentokoneonnettomuudencrash<empty>in which at least 30 people died.
- More than a hundred and thirty people have been killed in anIranian planeIranissacrashlentokoneonnettomuudessanear TehranTeheranin lähellä.
- Thecrashonnettomuushappenedjust after 7 amvähän 7 jälkeenand the road was not cleared until 1.50 pm.
- Thecrashonnettomuushappenedat Hurn airport, near Bournemouth, DorsetHurn-lentokentällä, lähellä Dorsetin Bournemouthia.
- Dreaming,LeonLeonalmostcrashedtörmäsiagainst meminuun, there in the kitchen passage.
- Thenthe police carpoliisiautohadolicrashedtörmännytinto a fenceaitaan.
- Pilot F/O E Foit bailed out of the stricken Hurricane, andthe aircraftlentokonecrashedtörmäsialmost verticallylähes pystysuorassainto the Lochjärveen.
- He said: `The carAutohadolicrashedtörmännytthrough a wallseinäänand had overturned in a marshy field.
- He ignored her words and continued to squeeze her arm until she thought that soonthe bonesluutmustvarmasticrunchpuristuvattogetheryhteenand splinter under the pressure of his fingers.
- He allowed the car to move slowly forward,the tyresrenkaidencrunchingnarskuessaagainst the gravel roadkarkealla tiellä.
- Two words, both of them not repeatable, and then the thud, asCallum's bodyCallumin vartalocrunchediskeytyiagainst the far wallvasten takaseinää.
- Firsthis Y-reg Yugohänen y-rekisteröity Yugonsacrunchediskeytyiinto the back of a trailer behind a broken-down Austin Ambassadorperävaunun takaosaan ränsistyneen Austin Ambassadorin takana.
- As Peach turned the corner of the hotel, Captain Kruger emerged from the shadows by the parking lot,his bootshänen saappaidensacrunchingnarskuessaon the gravelsoralla.
- The hedgehogs could hearits tremendous feetsen valtavien jalkojencrunchingratinanthrough the weedsheinissäas it bounded away.
- When I got up to walk,glasslasicrunchedrouskuiunder my feetjalkojeni alla.
- They picked their way through broken pieces of furniture,their feetheidän jalkojensacrunchingratistessaacross splintered glass and woodhajonneen lasin ja puun seassa.
- He raged at the futility of it, and shouted for help ashis bladehänen teränsähissed andcrunchednarskui, but his arms were tiring and he could feel blood running down inside his tunic.
- Ace's bootsAcen saappaatcrunchedtulivat natistencloserlähemmäs.
- FootstepsAskeleetcrunchedkulkivat natistenpastohinearbyläheltä.
- Hewas out in the sunshine,oli ulkona auringonpaisteessa jahis feethänen jalkansacrunchingnarskuivatthe gravelled drive with which Riddle had put the finishing touch to his little estatesoratiellä, jonka avulla Riddle oli viimeistellyt pienen tilansa.
- She watched as they scrambled from the truck, running after Lais, wishingtheir footstepsheidän askeleensadidn'teivätcrunchnarskuisisoloudlyäänekkäästion the gravelsoralla.
- He staggered round the rear of the couch,feetjalkojencrunchingratistessain plasterlaastissa, and sat down.
- BootsSaappaatcrunchednarskuivaton gravelsoralla.
- Arriving at the foot of the ladder,Grant's feetGrantin jalatcrunchednarskuivatin a sprinkling of fresh soil underfootraikkaassa maassa jalkojen alla.
- BootsSaappaatcrunchingratisivaton broken rocksepelillä.
- The seamanMerimiesmoved quickly andwas onlysai vaingrazednaarmunon the earkorvaansa.
- Her kneehänen polveaangrazedraapiagainst the barkPuunkuori, but her tights remained miraculously intact.
- Fernando looked down on her adoringly before allowinghis lipshuultensato<empty>grazehipaistalanguidlyrauhallisestiover her mouth and cheeks and throathänen suutaan, poskiaan ja kurkkuaan.
- Their lipsHeidän huulensagrazedhipaisivat toisiaanthen parted, then momentarily joined again in the delicate dance of romance.
- Any hit which causes a Wound, and even 50% of hits which don't (theyneare takento<empty>grazeraapivatthe skinihoa), inject 1 dose of Manbane into the victim.
- He ducked instinctively andthe bulletluotigrazedhipaisihis headhänen päätään.
- RainSadehissedsuhisiagainst the tyresrenkaita vasten, and the beat of the wipers became almost hypnotic.
- Thunder grumbled somewhere in the sky again andrainsadehissedropisiat the windowsikkunoihin.
- In the 12th minute, Oliver Schafer fired a low angled shot past Chris Woods only to seethe ballpallonhitosuvana posttolppaan.
- Two teenagers were hurt whentheir carheidän autonsahittörmäsia telegraph polepuhelinpylvääseenin ClevelandClevelandissa.
- Canoeists, surfers and support boat skippers braced themselves asthe waveaaltohitosui kohdalle.
- SheHänslipped forward out of the chair andhitosuithe floorlattiaanin a dead faintpyörtyen.
- A small piece of lichen covered stonePieni jäkälän peittämä kiviflaked under his hand andhitosuithe groundmaahanat their feetheidän jalkojensa juuressa.
- I walked across to collect it andsomethingjokinhitosuimeminuavery hard indeedtodella voimakkaastiin the backselkään.
- The bulbLamppuahad obviously beenoli selvästihitlyötyhardvoimakkaastiso as to break its filament, to ensure no warning light came on.
- They sat him down roughly on the outside bench, andhis headhänen päänsähitosuithe wallseinäänwith a thudtömähtäen.
- A mother and her four children have been badly hurt whena trainjunahittörmäsitheir vanheidän pakettiautoonsaon an unmanned level crossingvartioimattomassa tasoristeyksessä.
- The waterVesihitiskiher bodyhänen vartaloonsalike stoneskuin kivet.
- His family is suing the Kenyan government over his death from a fractured skull afterthe vehicleajoneuvoveered on to the wrong side of the road on 3 August,hittingja törmäsithe couplepariskuntaanfrom behindtakaa päin.
- Bill's nightmare started whenhehänwas taken to hospital afterbeingjouduttuaanhityliajamaksiby a carautonas he returned home from a fishing trippalatessaan kotiin kalastusreissulta.
- The cityKaupunkiinis<empty>hitosuiby war bombssotapommejaand destroyed.
- The chain snapped on and there was a thump asBrianBrianiinwas<empty>hitosui, then some more noise and Abu Salim stormed out.
- Thenmy headpäänihitosuisomething elsejohonkin muuhunand I realized it was one of Armstrong's rear tyres.
- Lieutenant Justin Freeland, 25,Luutnantti Justin Freelandin, 25, jonkahitosuiin the armkäteenby shrapnelkranaatinsirpaleita, said: `I would very much liked to have returned fire but we could not pinpoint the enemy.
- A STAR ballerinaTähtiballerinalle, jonkahitosuiin the facekasvoihinby an airgun pelletilmapyssyn kuulahas been told: Dance one more pirouette and it could blind you.
- He watchedthe bodyvartaloonhitosumistain a spray of snowlumituiskunthen turned away, the roar of the wind abating as he drew the hatch closed behind him.
- TheyHewere scarcely damaged whenhitiskivätby bomberspommikoneetduring the Gulf warPersianlahden sodan aikana.
- The crystal missileKideammusimpactedtyöntyiin a skater's chestrullalautailijan rintaan, and erupted.
- He added: “ We were planning the next evacuation when the shelling began … we were flat on the ground on the landing zone whenthe last shellviimeinen pommitusimpactediskeytyiabout 20 yards from usnoin 20 jaardin päähän meistä, injuring two Canadian UN soldiers. ”
- The Ranger series of spacecraftRanger-avaruusaluksetforimpactingvalloittamiseen tarkoitetutthe MoonKuunwere not entirely a success story; but the soft landing Surveyors, which followed them, were.
- Another photo showed that the aircraft had clipped off the tops of at least two tree beforeitseimpactediskeytyi(at an estimated 350 kts.noin 350 solmun nopeudella)the 50-deg. upsloping rock-encrusted mountainside50-asteen nousevaan kivikkoiseen vuorenrinteeseen.
- The executive transporter boomed like a giant bell asitseimpactediskeytyiagainst the bay wallpoukaman seinään.
- Of course, the information they glean is of little value if the Goblin is pulverised ashehänimpactsiskeytyywith the groundmaahan.
- Kik! said the tower beside them asa spray of accelerated star discsparvi kiihtyviä tähtikiekkojaimpactedtörmäsioverheadtaivaalla.
- Outsidethe rainsadepatteredropisilightlykevyestion the windowikkunaan, and in the room there was a great sense of tranquillity.
- Only the sound ofthe rainsateen,patteringropistenmore gentlykevyemminagainst the windowikkunaan, disturbed the quiet now.
- Lying in each other's arms in the afternoon, listening tothe raindropssadepisaroita, jotkapatteringropisivaton to the leaves of the shrubberypensaiden lehtiin, draining a champagne bottle.
- ShrapnelSirpaleetpatteredropisivatoff his shieldhänen kilvestään.
- The first scatters of rainEnsimmäiset sadepisaratwere beginning to fall,patteringropisteninto the oak leavestammen lehtiinand pricking the bare, pink skin inside their ears.
- A shower of gritty dustRakeista pölyäpatteredropision her facehänen kasvoilleen.
- They could hearthe rainsateenpatteringropisevanin the grassruohoonand bouncing off the roof of the jeep.
- High heelsKorkeat korotpatteredkipittivätacross the cloakroom floornaistenhuoneen lattian yliand someone pushed at the toilet door.
- Thick, black rain clouds massed in the sky and, as I fell asleep,rattling raindropsäänekkäät sadepisaratpatteredropisivatagainst the wooden shutterspuisia ikkunaluukkuja vasten.
- HailRakeetpatteredropisivaton the windowikkunaan,quick as morsenopeasti kuin morseaakkoset.
- The watery fluidVetinen nesteplashedloiskahtiagainst my cheeksvasten poskiani; as it did so I felt a novel sensation, a sloughing, pulling and slipping of the skin.
- It was softly carpeted with leaves and was still and silent, except whenraindropssadepisaratfound a way through the green roof above andploppedropisivatfaintlyvaimeastion to the leaveslehtiin.
- Butbefore they had reached the back gateennen kuin he olivat ehtineet takaportille,a few drops of rainmuutama sadepisarahad alreadyoli joploppedpudonnutwarninglyvaroittavastion their headsheidän päähänsä.
- CarefullyVarovasti,slowlyhitaasti,not at all certain whyei ollenkaan varmana siitä, miksi,theyneploppedputoilivatdownalason to the branchoksalle.
- The eggsMunatsimplyvainploppedputosivatoutulosin front of the host birdisäntälinnun eteen, who carried on incubating any remaining eggs as though nothing had happened.
- ItSesailed high, in an arc,thensittenploppedja putosiinto the pondlammikkoon.
- Outside, the thunder rolled more loudly, anda few drops of rainmuutama sadepisarabeganto<empty>plopmolskahdellaagainst the thatch above their headsheidän päidensä yläpuolella olevaan olkikattoon.
- A tearKyynelploppedputosionto the tablepöydälle.
- I threw the core of the apple over the creek;itseploppedputosiinto the mud on the far bankrannan mutaanwith a satisfying slurptyydyttävän hörppäyksen myötä.
- Not totally sure she actually wanted to illuminate what she already knew she was going to find, she snapped down the switch and stared disagreeably at theglistening dropskimaltelevia pisaroita,thatploppedputoilivatrelentlesslyjatkuvastion to the dresserlipastolle.
- The carAutolurched to the right, mounted the grass verge, andploughedkulkithrough the safety barrierturva-aidan läpi.
- The youngsters died aftera carautoploughedtörmäsiinto a roadside benchtien vieressä olevaan penkkiinat Akers Way in SwindonAkers Wayllä Swindonissa.
- These are the crumpled remains ofa car whichautosta, jokaploughedajoithrough a hedgepensasaidan läpiandinto the side of a houseja talon seinäänin Reddings Road in CheltenhamReddings Roadilla Cheltenhamissa.
- The two girls died whenthe carautoploughedtörmäsiinto themheihinfrom behind as they skipped along a pavement.
- HeHänrappedkoputtithe deskpöytää.
- TheyHeRappedhakkasivatvigorouslyrajustiat the furniturehuonekalujato get the dust out.
- But before he had completed his swing the boy fearfully withdrew his arm andthe canekeppirappedkopsahtiharmlesslyon the floorlattialle.
- My friend went on down the winding road for about two miles, finishing at the quayside, wherehehänrappedkoputtismartlyfiksustion a dooroveen.
- MeredithMeredithhesitated again in the porch and thenrappedkoputtiloudlyäänekkäästion itsiihen.
- Leafless twigsLehdettömät risutrappednapsahtivattheir facesheidän kasvoihinsalike bony knuckleskuin luiset rystyset.
- Before I lifted the knocker I gave my clogs an extra rub on my stockinged calf, thenIminärappedkoputinon the doorovea.
- Probably be glad to get rid of her, she thought gloomily, then looked up sharply assomeonejokurappedkoputtaisiat the back doortakaovea.
- Thenhis shouldershänen olkapäänsärappedkopsahtivatagainst granitevasten graniittia, scoring the flesh, and he was bounced upright.
- The small stonesPienet kivetrappedkopisivatunder their feetheidän jalkojensa alla.
- A soft November swell has setthe tablespöydätrattlingkolisemaanmetallicallymetallisestiat one anothertoisiaan vastenacross the barbaarissa.
- Her teethHänen hampaansabeganto<empty>rattlekalistaas she stared at him, transfixed.
- From the back-yard came the sound ofbottlespullojenrattlingkilinänas Mr Plant stacked crates on top of one another.
- In Mondano-in-Chianti three old men, busily engaged in sitting on a wall beside the petrol pumps, seemed to jeer at her and a child threwa small stone whichpienen kiven, jokarattledkolahtiagainst her car bonnethänen autonsa konepeltiin.
- It moved uncertainly towards her,its uncut clawsleikkaamattomat kynnetrattlingrapistenon the tileslaattoja vasten, and gave her hand a soft, wet greeting.
- In spring drake has a curious crackling note, likea single matchyksi tulitikkubeing<empty>rattledrapisisiin a match boxtulitikkurasiassa; duck has a low quack.
- A keyAvainwas<empty>rattlingkolisiin the lock of the front dooretuoven lukossa.
- He took a good third of the whisky;icejäätrattledkalisivatagainst his mouthhänen suutaan vasten.
- The lidKansiclanged down,rattlingkolistenon its pulleysväkipyörissä.
- The noise of the thunder shook the house, andthe little panes of glasspienet lasiruudutrattledkolisivatin the window framesikkunankehyksissä.
- His hand was shaking so much thatthe bottle he was holdinghänen pitelemänsä pullorattledkilisiagainst his glasslasia vastenlike a window in a thunderstormkuin ikkuna ukkosmyrskyssä.
- Making a fist Michael smashed it down on the desk in front of him, causingtheir empty coffee cupsheidän tyhjät kahvikuppinsato<empty>rattlekolahtamaanin their saucersteelautasille.
- She set the glass down on the table, her hand shaking so thatitserattledkilisiagainst the ornate white-painted metalkoristeltua, valkoiseksi maalattua metallia vasten.
- If only he had called out beforethe doorovislammedpaiskautuishutkiinni!
- A doorOvislammedläimähtidownstairsalakerrassa.
- Behind ThorfinnThorfinnin perässä,the doorOvislammedpaiskautuishutkiinniwith a force that made her bed jerkvoimalla, joka sai hänen sänkynsä tärisemään.
- Andthensittensomethingjokinslammedpaiskautuihardvoimakkaastiagainst one of the boardsyhtä lautaa vasten.
- Quickly she reached for the doorknob, only to find her frantic effort useless asRune's handRunen käsislammedlöiagainst the doorovea, holding it fast.
- We hearditsenslampaukahtavanbehind ustakanammeand the key turn in the lock.
- The speeding Audi and the VolvoYlinopeutta ajava Audi ja Volvoslammediskeytyivätinto each othertoisiaan vastenwith sufficient force to buckle the Audi's grille and shatter both headlightsvoimalla, joka riitti taivuttamaan Audin ristikon ja rikkomaan molemmat etuvalot.
- The JeepJeepslammediskeytyiinto the gatesportteihinsome more, but still not enough to drive through.
- The last brickViimeinen tiilislammedpamahtiinto placepaikalleen.
- Artillery shellsTykistön ammuksetslammediskeytyivätdownalason SarajevoSarajevoon, sometimes at the rate of one a minute, as rebel Serb tanks and infantry attacked Bosnian defenders in the strategic western suburbs of Stup and Azici.
- ItSeflung open andslammedpaiskautuibacktakaisinagainst the wallseinää vasten.
- The hoovesKaviotslammedpaiskautuivatoutulosand with a snort of terror it hurtled off up the path followed by the others.
- The doorOvislammedpaiskautuishutkiinniand he bolted it.
- Suddenly, from the floor below they heardthe study doortyöhuoneen ovenslampaukahtavanand Stephen's quick step towards the sitting room.
- A nearby doorLähellä oleva ovislammedpaukahtiand the pitter-patter of small feet were heard, running up the stairs.
- The catamaran's sternKatamaraanin ahterislammediskeytyion rockkallioonand they heard, above the scream of the wind, the rudders shatter.
- ShotsLaukauksetslammedpamahtivatinto the wallsseiniininside the courtyard where the civilians cried and threw themselves on the groundpihalla, jossa siviilit huusivat ja heittäytyivät maahan.
- Angry feetVihaiset jalatslappedläiskähtelivätagainst the stone stairskiviportaisiin.
- His white feetHänen valkoiset jalkansaslappedläiskähtelivätacross the cold chapel floorkappelin kylmään lattiaan, and he opened the barred door.
- Then shewas out of the water,tuli pois vedestäher feetjalkojensaslappingläiskähdellessätowards the showerssuihkuja kohti.
- The handKäsipromptlypikaisestislappedläimäyttiherhäntäon the neckniskaan, and she leapt into the air with shock and surprise; but she was even more surprised when she was offered more feed.
- Her handsHänen kätensäslappedläimäyttelivätthe wallseinää, like someone drumming a loose rhythm on a tom-tom.
- SuddenlyYhtäkkiäher handhänen kätensälashed out andslappedläimäyttihis facehäntä kasvoihin.
- John Taylor's huge handJohn Taylorin valtava käsislappedläimäyttiMorrisMorrisiapainfullykipeästibetween the shoulder bladeslapaluiden väliin.
- As they worked the sound ofwatervedenslappingläiskähdellessäagainst the canal wallsvasten kanavan seiniäwas a ceaseless accompaniment to their labours.
- A waveAaltoslappediskihimhäntäin the mouthsuuhun.
- At night, while John's impatient body sleeps, I listen tothe wavesaaltojenlooselykevyttäslappingläiskähtelyäat the side of the stilled shipliikkumattoman laivan sivuihin.
- The cliffs closed in as the river swept round a bend,its wavessen aaltojenslappingläiskähdellessäagainst vertical rockskohtisuoria kiviä vasten.
- Her packHänen reppunsaslappediskeytyiagainst her backvasten hänen selkäänsäas she jumped down beside Defrieshänen hypätessään alas Defriesin viereen, reminding her that she was at last running out of supplies: there had been few explosives on the shuttle.
- Tavalouze said nothing but strode ahead of Lucien,his worn sandalskuluneiden sandaaleidensaslappingläiskähdellessäloudlyäänekkäästiagainst his feethänen jalkojaan vastenand the marble flags of the corridor.
- Orwas itoliko sethe heavy rainrankka sade,slappingjoka läiskähteliagainst the windowsikkunoihin, the wind's eerie message as it whistled down the chimney and flickered at the flames that had begun to lick about the new-laid logs?
- He ran across the key,bandoleerpatruunavyönslappingiskeytyessähis chesthänen rintaansa, gun held at the port, and reached the beach in time to see Baccy ease the patrol boat in through a gap in the reef.
- Laps of waterLiplattava vesislappedläiskähteliagainst the boatvenettä vasten,like wine trickling from a bottlekuin pullosta valuva viini.
- The boat lefta wake thatvanan, jokarocked the long drifts of dead leaves on the water andslappedläiskähteliagainst the quay below themniiden alapuolella olevaan laituriin.
- A large handSuuri käsismackedläimäytettiininto his mouthhänen suulleenand although he bit at it the thumb was forced like a gag between his teeth.
- Evans's heavy handEvanin raskas käsismackedläimähtidownalason the small man's shoulderpienen miehen olkapäähän.
- PalmsPalmutwere spat upon andsmackedniitä maisteltiintogetheryhdessä.
- LatexLateksismackedläiskähtilustilyagainst solid fleshkiinteää ihoa vasten.
- ItSesmackedläiskähtisavagelyrajustiinto the man's facemiehen kasvoihin, flattening his nose.
- What was more painful wereKate's fistsKaten nyrkitsmackingpamahtivatinto his stomachhänen vatsaansa,blow after blowisku iskun jälkeen.
- His headHänen päänsäsmackedpamahtifirmly and noisilylujaa ja äänekkäästion the low metal ceiling of the tanksäiliön matalaan metallikattoon, threatening to send him spinning back into unconsciousness almost straight away.
- ItSeswerved, dipped andsmackedpamahtithe bartankoon.
- When her red boots stepped on to the pavementthe shock whichsokkismackediskeytyväinto herhäneenwas conveniently attributed to the cold.
- Jimmy and Cardiff recoiled, but Rohmer remained calmly where he was, as the impact flung Frye's sundered head forward,his shattered facehänen väsyneiden kasvojensasmackingpamahtaessainto the wallseinään… and rapidly becoming absorbed there.
- SomethingJokinsmashediskeytyihardvoimakkaastiagainst the dooroveenfrom the other side.
- It was the sort of movement that was music to England manager Graham Taylor but the 25-goal striker, recovered from groin trouble, was denied ashis shothänen laukauksensasmashedosuiagainst the legs of SchmeichelSchmeichelin jalkoihin.
- Whatever the reason, Toks' tighthead failed to get down andhis headhänen päänsäsmashedosuiagainst his opposition's shouldervastustajan olkapäähän.
- He had fallen badly,his headja hänen päänsäsmashingiskeytyiagainst the chipped sinklohjenneeseen pesualtaaseenwith enough force to crack his skull like a breakfast eggvoimalla, joka halkaisi hänen kallonsa kuin munankuoren.
- All the timethe tideVuorovesiwas coming andnownytwas<empty>smashingiskeytyiagainst the wave breakersallonmurtajiin, but here came a big wave.
- A carAutosmashedtörmäsiinto her rear endhänen peräänsäas she dithered over which direction to takehänen epäröidessään, mihin suuntaan hänen pitäisi mennä.
- The T-Rex singer was 29 whenhis carhänen autonsasmashedtörmäsiinto the treepuuhun15 years ago15 vuotta sitten.
- A PASSENGER trainMATKUSTAJAJUNAsmashedtörmäsiinto a truckkuorma-autoonon a level crossing near Lisbontasoristeyksessä Lissabonin lähelläkilling the train driver and injuring about 30 passengers.
- MetalMetallismashediskeytyiinto his windpipehänen henkitorveensa.
- The lorryKuorma-autosmashedpaiskautuithrough a brick walltiiliseinän läpiand plunged into the fast-flowing canal, landing on its side.
- But as she did so,a crushing weightmusertava painosmashediskeytyiacross her skullhänen kalloonsa.
- FIVE men were killed and two seriously injured whentwo vanskahden pakettiautonsmashedajaessahead-onnokkakolarinyesterdayeilen.
- His headHänen päänsästruckosuiitsiihenwith a loud crackja kuului äänekäs paukahdusand he slowly crumpled against it, sinking to his knees and then sprawling on to the grass.
- The part of the head whichPään osa, jokahad beenolistrucklyötywas apparently crucial, from what the doctor had said.
- Iflightningsalamadidolisistrikeiskenytmeminuunin the same minutesamalla hetkellä, it would be treated as a miracle.
- In Lisburn, a 70 year old woman died aftershehäneenwas<empty>strucktörmäsiby a carautoat Queens RoadQueens Roadillashortly after noonvähän puolenpäivän jälkeen.
- A PARTIALLY-sighted man suffered fatal injuries whenhehäneenwas<empty>strucktörmäsiby a carautowhile crossing a road without using his white stickhänen ylittäessään katua ilman valkoista keppiään.
- A NINE-YEAR-OLD girlYHDEKSÄNVUOTIAS tyttö, johonis recovering in hospital afterbeing<empty>strucktörmäsiby a carautonear the North-East coastlähellä koillisrannikkoaat the weekendviikonloppuna.
- The stonesKivetstrikesiskeytyvätthe groundmaahanat the base of the towertornin juurella.
- The rainSadebegan just before dawn,strikingpiiskatenthe roofkattoaso hard that he woke, startled, from a fast sleep which had been hard wonniin voimakkaasti, että hän heräsi pelästyen syvästä unesta, joka oli ollut työn takana.
- Judy's houseJudyn taloonwas<empty>struckiskiby lightningsalamaduring that stormmyrskyn aikana, and moments later she switched on the radio to hear that he had died.
- I have just uttered the words `MayIminuunbe<empty>struckiskisipäby lightningsalamathis minutetällä hetkellä``.
- The wind spun the sea into feathers of spume, the rain solid asitsestruckosuiMarianaMariananin the facekasvoihin.
- As he raised his binoculars to scan the coastKun hän nosti kiikarinsa katsellakseen rannikkoa,the windtuulistruckiskihimhäntäin the facekasvoihin.
- Sister Agape had been watching the procession and she had seenthe stonekivenfall andstrikeosuvanthe Deanrovastiaon the side of his headhänen päänsä sivuun.
- The windTuulirepeatedlystruckiskeytyithe housetaloonwith the force of a battering-rammuurinmurtajan voimalla.
- An expert's clubheadAsiantuntijan mailastrikesosuuthe ballpalloonat around 100 mphnoin 100 mph:n nopeudella, which, when using a driver, is a force equalling one ton.
- Different ionsErilaiset ionitare madeto<empty>strikeosumaanthe deflectordeflektoriinby changing the size of the magnetic field.
- His legHänen jalkansastruckosuiitsiihen, he slipped and fell to his death.
- IMinuunam<empty>struckosuuby small objectspieniä esineitäand my nostrils fill with the stink of rot.
- Shehänetoughtto have beenolisistruckiskeädownalasby a thunderboltSalaman, Ronni thought later.
- `The first shots shatter the morning stillness andthree dolphinskolmeen delfiiniinare<empty>struckosuu.
- Any modelMinkä tahansa mallin, johonstruckosuuby a cannon balltykinkuula,takes a strength 10 hit resolved in the normal manner.
- The only terminal casualty of this extraordinary occurrence, apart from the aeroplane, wasa hare whichjänis, johonitsestruckosuion landing.
- His legsHänen jalkansathuddedtömähteliväton and on, but the movement was mechanical, with no spirit in it.
- An arrowNuolithuddedtömähtion his helmethänen kypäräänsä.
- Marching along the street, withbootssaappaidenthuddingtömähdellessäand fingers slapping (a peculiarly skinhead mannerism), all wearing the same clothes and the same haircut, the skinheads presented an image of power.
- I must have underestimated the benefit of my practice with the neighbour's cat, since my attempt seemed to sail on and on beforeitsethuddedtömähtito the groundmaahan.
- Omar saidthe rockskiviencontinuedto<empty>thudjysähdelleenagainst her bodyhänen kehoonsafor what seemed to be an interminable timeloppumattomalta tuntuneen ajan.
- And asthe horsehevonenthuddedmätkähtiover the frozen grass of the common landyhteismaan jäisen ruohon yliand came to the high road in a clatter of hooves, she sensed, beneath the fear, some ripple of excitement.
- I heardJean-ClaudeJean-Claudenthudtömistelevändown the stairsalas portaitaand greet the man at the door.
- Then, suddenly, he was running, his arms flailing wildly,his bare feethänen paljaiden jalkojensathuddingtömähdellessäagainst the dark earthtummaa maata vasten.
- By late afternoon, a full-scale battle had broken out with rockets and grenades exploding regularly andbulletsluoditthuddingtömähtelivätinto the wallsseiniin.
- He heard a click and stepped back quickly asthe boltluotithuddedtömähtiinto the wall of the derelict house behind himhänen takanaan olevan ränsistyneen talon seinään.
- It was cool on the terrace, and quiet enough to hearthe wavesaaltojenthuddingrummuttavanon to the Plage des BasquesPlage des Basques -rantaana long way belowkaukana alapuolella.
- His backHänen selkänsäthuddedtömähtiagainst the wallseinää vastenand he scraped along it towards the door, still giddy with fear.
- SpearsKeihäätthuddedtömähtivätinto woodpuuhun.
- The outer doorUlompi ovithumpedtömähtishutkiinni, and the lock that had been holding back and resisting went home.
- Each word was accompanied bya clenched fistpuristetun nyrkinthumpingtömäytyson the chair armkäsinojaan.
- She felt as ifa hard, heavy fistkova, painava nyrkkihadolisithumpedjyskyttänytherhäntäin the stomachvatsaan.
- His feetHänen jalkansathumpedtömisivätloudlyäänekkäästion bare boardspaljaaseen lattiaan.
- As they found their target their points tightened into a terrible grip as the rest ofhis bodykehonsathumpedtömähtiagainst the front of the cagehäkin etuosaa vasten.
- She headed for the door at a dead run,her new armhänen uusi kätensäthumpingtömähteliuselesslyhyödyttömänäagainst various items of furniturehuonekaluihin.
- As Francis approached, there came a noise to accompany the smell --solid bodieskiinteät vartalotthumpingtömähtelivätagainst the tin wallstinaseiniä vasten, then a cacophony of squeals and snorts.
- A rumbling filled the air also, as casks of beer were trundled from the depths of the cellar,the barrelstynnyritthumpingtömähteliväton the stoneskiviinand resounding like the indigestion of Giants.
- Endill tried to sit up to get a better look but as he did so, knocked over a book anditsethumpedtömähtionto the shelfhyllylle.
- By the timethe unmarked police cartunnukseton poliisiautowas<empty>thumpingjyskyttidownpitkinthe motorway to Londonmoottoritietä Lontooseen, the sun teetered on the horizon.
- `Ugghhh! ``he grunted, andthe mugmukithumpedtömähtidownalason the varnished woodlakatulle lattialle.
- He was hardly aware of lurching downstairs and into the sharp rain,binocularskiikareidenthumpinglyödessähis chesthänen rintaansa.
- Suddenly,the polesauvathumpedtömähtiso hardniin voimakkaastiinto an unseen objecttuntemattomaan kohteeseen,it almost dislodged Maggieettä se lähes kaatoi Maggien.
- CregganCregganthumpedmätkähtistraight into himsuoraan häntä kohtiat speednopeudella, the sound of it travelling across the glen.
- Rourke's voice sounded low and even across the silence of the room, andLissa's heartLissan sydänbeganto<empty>thumpjyskyttääwildlyvillistiagainst her ribcagehänen rintakehässään.
- After two weeksRSGB's thick brown-covered reportRSGB:n paksu ruskeakantinen raporttithumpedmätkähtion to Lowe's deskLowen pöydälle.
- The umbrellaSateenvarjostruck,thumpingiskienhis shoulderhäntä olkapäähän.
- At that momentthe dooroviwas flung back,thumpingja tömähtiagainst the wallseinää vasten.
- Helluva fella! they shouted ashehänthumpedmätkähtiinto the chair beside the studenttuolille opiskelijan viereen, one hand gripping round her shoulder, the other smearing red drops from lips and chin.
- As the coachman rose,a lightning kicksalamannopea potkuthumpedjysähtiinto his genitalshänen sukuelimiinsä.
- Then the young woman laughed merrily, her voice strengthening after what must have been years of silence, and the whole strange cellar rang with that laughter, andthe glass fragmentslasinsirpaleettinkledhelisivätlike broken bellskuin rikkinäiset kulkuset.
- `Taki told me they were all sitting at a table telling jokes over dinner when suddenly there was a royal command --a spoonlusikkatinklingkilauttion a glasslasia.
- GlassLasitinkledhelision the roadwaymaantiellä.