TransFrameNet:Hostile encounter
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- The yew had been grown by John Combes in the early 1700s when this house was built, and there had been an altercation about it; therehad also been anoli myösaltercationkiistaaabout the buildingrakennuksesta.
- He devotes more space to a subsequentaltercationriidallebetween Brown and an Israeli journalistBrownin ja israelilaisen toimittajan väliselle.
- Melissa recounted briefly the exchanges on the way to the belvedere and thealtercationsananvaihdonover the bookkirjasta.
- Gatting'sGattinginaltercationriidallawith Shakoor RanaShakoor Ranan kanssawas to have a considerable effect on the West Indies Test rubber.
- While Famagusta stood out, the emir should want noaltercationskiistojawith ZaccoZaccon kanssa.
- MullanMullanhad had analtercationriidellytwith a youth who had called Mosley a `Black Bastard ``nuoren kanssa, joka oli kutsunut Mosleytä ”mustaksi paskiaiseksi”.
- A Chelmsford motorist was hit over the head with a golf club, during analtercationtappelunat a hamburger stall on the A12 near to the townhampurilaiskojussa A12:n varrella lähellä kaupunkia.
- But she had promised Rob … and perhaps, after that finalaltercationriidanin the officetoimistossa, Luke would keep his distance.
- She would run and hide asher parents'hänen vanhempiensaaltercationsriidatso often got out of hand with plates crashing and books thrown.
- Little is known of Herle's character and qualities and comments tend to be coloured byfinancialtaloudellisetaltercationskiistat.
- WeMeillähad analtercationriitathat soon resolved itself with me lying face-down in a damp bed of cardboard boxes at the loot of a hidden staircase.
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- But even without using her special royal train, itwas not quite theei ollut aivaneverydayjokapäiväinenbattletaisteluto get there.
- As local residents packed a meeting of Nailsworth Town Council in Gloucestershire, it looked as if they'd losttheirheidänbattlekamppailunsato save one of the town's landmarks.pelastaa yksi kaupungin merkkipaaluista.
- Hence therewill be antulee olemaanintra-organizationalorganisaation sisäinenbattlekamppailuabout the case for that particular innovationtätä erityistä keksintöä koskevasta tapauksesta.
- Two weeks later, at a place called Ballinamuck, the small French army surrendered after ashortlyhyenbattletaistelunagainst a numerically superior British forcemäärällisesti suurempaa brittiläistä sotajoukkoa vastaanand were taken prisoner.
- He was later reputed to have played a role in theseameri-battletaistelussaagainst the Frenchranskalaisia vastaanoff SandwichSandwichsaarten edustallain 1217vuonna 1217.
- A goal from Julio Berazi after five minutes was enough to settle thisrelegationalempaan divisioonan pudottamista koskevanbattlekamppailunagainst Erith and BelvedereErithiä ja Belvedereä vastaanat Marriots CloseMarriots Closessathis afternoontänä iltapäivänä.
- ThefrequentToistuvabattlenahistelubetween parents and childvanhempien ja lapsen välinenwhen the latter is at an adolescent stage of self-assertion while the parents -- or one of them -- strive to retain the old family structure is a case in point.
- Between 14 and 16 July14.–16. heinäkuutatwenty-two people were killed in thebattleskahakoissabetween blacks, the police, and the National Guardmustien, poliisin ja kansallisvartion välisissä.
- That is bad news, and threatens a continuation of thedebilitatingtyhmääbattlekinasteluabetween the government and the parliamenthallituksen ja parlamentin välistäthat has dragged on since last November.
- A PAKISTANI peace broker won a ceasefire yesterday, apparently haltingartillerytykistö-battlestaistelutbetween the Afghan government and guerrillasAfganin hallituksen ja sissien välisetthat have caused thousands of civilian casualties.
- Sunderland could virtually clinch safety at Brighton on Saturday, but Middlesbrough could face final-day drama at Wolves after losing the initiative to Leicester City in thebattleottelussafor second spottoisesta paikasta.
- Organizations like the R S P C A say they're disappointed but promise to continuetheirheidänbattleponnistelujaanfor a scheme to be introducedjärjestelmän käyttöönottamiseksi.
- er Summer of nineteen forty is the fifty year er commemoration of theBattleTaistelunof BritainBritanniasta, er and this began as a book display and spread outwards, out of the library and along the high street.
- Decision near inUSYhdysvaltainbattletaistelussaover cellular phonesmatkapuhelimista
- The party is rich in buildings, printing presses, holiday homes; if it were to break into bits, therewould be aolisibattletaisteluover who kept the goodiessiitä, kuka pitää herkut.
- FEUDING ex-lovers Mia Farrow and Woody AllenPITKÄVIHAISET entiset rakastavaiset Mia Farrow ja Woody Allenare now locked in abattlekiistaanover moneyraha-.
- THE BeatlesBeatlesare locked in aHigh Courtkorkeimman oikeudenbattletaisteluunover the rights to the cover of their album Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Bandoikeuksista Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band -albuminsa kanteen.
- The funds in the League treasury, now amounting to 5,000 talents (thirty million skilled-man days' pay), were used; but this was not done without aparliamentaryparlamentaaristabattletaisteluaover the ethical question.eettisestä kysymyksestä.
- He came intobattletaisteluunwith the schoolkoulun kanssaover the obligation to parade with the Officers Training Corpsvelvoitteesta osallistua upseerien koulutukseen.
- For years he had continued arunningjatkuvaabattletaisteluawith producers and film companies whomtuottajien ja elokuvayhtiöiden kanssa, joitahe saw as the bad guys.
- Formerly affiliated to the Psychopomps gangcult, her chapter was broken up in 1995 during apitchedilmi-battleriidanwith the Road Cavalry in Spanish ForkRoad Cavalryn kanssa Spanish Forkissa, Deseret, Jessamyn is now believed to be working alone.
- Together with Cornish mother-of-two Lynn Hicks, whose navigator husband Steve died in the Gulf,the pairpariare now locked inbattleriitaanwith the Ministry of Defencepuolustusministeriön kanssa.
- GANGS of neo-NazisUusnatsijengitfoughtbattleskahakoivatwith protestersmielenosoittajien kanssain London's WaterlooLontoon Waterloossalast nighteilisiltana, bringing terror and chaos to commuters and theatregoers.
- After all, just ten years ago in Lima, Peru,policepoliisiwere engaged inviolentväkivaltaisiinbattleskahakoihinwith poor hawkers trying to scrape a living on the streetskaupustelijaraukkojen kanssa, jotka yrittävät ansaita elantonsa kaduilla.
- These additions were taken over the London and North Western Railway in 1871 after aconvolutedmonimutkaisenlegaloikeus-battleriidanwith the Llanelly companyLlanelly-yrityksen kanssa.
- The widow of a man who died from asbestosisAsbestoosin kuolleen miehen leskihas begun anothercourttuomioistuin-battletaistelunwith British RailBritish Railin kanssaover compensationkorvauksista.
- He says he was shot in agunase-battletaistelussawith Iraqi troopsirakilaisten sotajoukkojen kanssabut escaped to Saudi Arabia.
- TheyHewill dobattlemittelevätin a series of daredevil duels with 24 volunteers from all over the country chosen for their speed, stamina, fitness and agility from over 2,000 hopefulsuskalikkojen kaksintaisteluissa, joihin osallistuu 24 vapaaehtoista ympäri maata; heidät valitaan nopeutensa, kuntonsa ja ketteryytensä ansiosta yli 2 000 toiveikkaan hakijan joukosta.
- Its name is associated with the site of thebattletaisteluunin 1388vuoden 1388when the men of Glarus defeated a greatly superior Austrian army and so regained their independent liberties.
- On Feb. 8, in anotherguntuli-battletaistelussanear the village of Brasheetlähellä Brasheetin kylää, three guerrillas were killed and one Israeli soldier was wounded; on Feb. 11, guerrillas launched rocket attacks on SLA positions.
- The affair is the noisiest clash (so far) in whatmust surely be thevarmastikin onlongest-runningpisimpään kestänyttakeoveryrityskaappaus-battletaisteluin business history.
- His subtle military strategy -- sending Scuds to Tel Aviv, opening thelandmaa-battletaistelunby attacking the US forces, parking up the air force in Iran for future use -- cold still transform the war.
- ThebattleTaisteluagainst `invaders ``from North Wales and the North West of EnglandPohjois-Walesista ja Luoteis-Englannista peräisin olevia ”maahantunkeutujia” vastaanwas sparked off after they arrived at Ferryside beach, near Camarthen.
- THERE looked a slim possibility yesterday that Owners Abroad might escape the clutches of rival travel group Airtours, just a few hours ahead of the close of the£290 million bid290 miljoonan punnan tarjous-battletaisteluaat 1pm today.
- One suspects that the David and Goliath nature oftheirheidänongoingjatkuvanbattletaistelunsamay have swayed the decision further in Virgin's direction.
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- Two teamsKaksi joukkuettabattleottelevatto beat the dropennätyksen parantamiseksi
- ONE MAN was arrested and scuffles broke out yesterday asprotestersmielenosoittajatbattledtaistelivatto save a line of beech trees from being felled.pelastaakseen pyökkipuurivistön hakkuulta.
- There seemed no place for him in the context of anEngland teamEnglannin joukkueenbattlingtaistellessato wipe out a one goal deficitkuroakseen umpeen yhden maalin välimatkanagainst a reeling American siderynnivää amerikkalaista puolta vastaanin FoxboroFoxborossa.
- Ships laden with nutmeg or cinnamonLaivat, joihin oli kuormattu muskottia tai kanelia, cloves or corianderoncekerranbattledkamppailivatthe Seven Seasseitsemällä merelläto bring home their precious cargotuodakseen kotiin arvokkaan lastinsa.
- MiddlesbroughMiddlesbroughbattledtaistelievery inch of the wayjoka ikisen tuuman tielläänto gain a creditable 0-0 drawsaavuttaakseen ansiokkaan 0–0 tasapelinand only a second leg at Old Trafford now lies between Middlesbrough and their second Wembley Cup Final in two years.
- In his last competitive game before the world championship,DavisDavisinhadto<empty>battlekamppailtavaall the waykoko ajanagainst an opponentvastustajaa vastaanalso fighting for one of the four play-off places.
- George Bush has been swerving from side to side asJekyllJekyllbattlespäihittääHydeHydenfor command of the president's soulpresidentin sielun hallinnasta.
- More than 120,000 soldiersYli 120 000 sotilastahave beenonbattlingtaistellutthe militantsmilitantteja vastaanin the Kashmir valleyKashmirin laaksossa, supported by locals, who look upon the security forces as a vengeful occupying force which must be opposed.
- Suddenly, afterbattlingkamppailtuaanall seasonkoko kaudenwith Manchester CityManchester Cityn kanssafor third place in the First Divisionensimmäisen divisioonan kolmannesta sijasta, the Wednesday player-manager finds that finishing second is now more than just a pipe dream.
- And will the sartorially-conscious supporter have to pay fora new wardrobe in whichuusi asu, jollato<empty>battlepäihitetäänthe carabiniericarabinierit?
- There were five of them, andtheyheistäappeared none too happy at the prospect ofbattlingottelustaa MyrcanMyrcania vastaan.
- IMinä've been written off andbattledtaistellutback before and I am determined to do so again.
- Withfour more British soccer sidesneljä muuta brittiläistä jalkapallojoukkuettabattlingkamppailevatitsiitäoutin EuropeEuroopassatonighttänä iltana, one club in particular will be trying to recapture its past glories.
- Eight teams of four from each factoryKahdeksan neljän hengen joukkuetta jokaisesta tehtaastawill<empty>battleottelevatitsiitäouton 17 March17. maaliskuutain a knockout pool, darts, dominoesnyrkkeilyssä, tikanheitossa, dominopelissäand crib competition with all proceeds going to Children In Need.
- TheyHe'll be in action at the Delta Tennis Centre,battlingotellenitsiitäoutfor £5,500 in prize money5 500 punnan palkintorahan saamiseksi.
- This was The Battle of the Books (1704) by Jonathan Swift (1667 -- 1745), a satire in whichthe Ancientsmuinaiset kansatbattletaistelevatagainst the Modernsmoderneja kansoja vastaan.
- THE GIRL whomTYTTÖ, jokadoctors feared would never play golf againbattledottelifiercelyurheastito-daytänäänfor a place in the last eight of golf's Lancome (Irish) Ladies' championshippaikasta ensimmäisen kahdeksan pelaajan joukossa golfin (Irlannin) Lancomen naisten mestaruuskisoissa.
- They are alarmed at the sustained physical effort of the Broomfield players and the manner in whichtheyhebattlekamppailevatfor possessionomistuksesta.
- Sunderland turned it on to win 3-0 against Ipswich and end their dismal sequence of five league defeats but Crosby expects an entirely different type of game againsta sidepuolta, jokabattlingkamppaileedesperatelyepätoivoisestifor survivalpaikastaan.
- It's a competition to find the most floral town in Europe, withrepresentatives from eight countrieskahdeksan maan edustajatbattlingottelevatfor the titlemestaruudesta.
- `The big monopoly companies should be broken up -- like British Airways, ``said thetycoon whopohatta, jokais<empty>battlingtaisteleewith BA chairman Lord KingBA:n puheenjohtajan Lord Kingin kanssaover US flightsYhdysvaltain lennoista.
- BattlingTaisteltuaanwith the hospital bureaucratssairaalan byrokraattien kanssa, he's finally permission to experiment using a new drug aimed at sufferers of Parkinson disease called L Dopa.
- ARMAGHARMAGHbattledtaistelibravelyurheastibefore surrendering the initiative to Portadown during the closing ten minutes after a keenly fought first round encounter.
- In fact, ever since she'd arrivedshehän'd beenonconstantlyjatkuvastibattlingtaistellut, without really being a hundred per cent sure what she was battling against.
- Two figuresKaksi hahmoawere<empty>battlingkamppailifuriouslyraivokkaasti,exchanging blows as they materializedvaihtaen iskuja materialisoiduttuaan.
- WilkinsonWilkinsonhasonbattlednyrkkeillythardankarastiand taken a lot of knocks this season.
- Dozens of impresarios got a piece of the now clandestine action,battlingtaistellen,often bloodilyusein verisesti,for control over neighbourhoodsnaapuriston herruudesta.
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- Itwas the first prooli ensimmäinen ammattilais-boutmatsibetween twinskaksosten välinenand the only way the 400 spectators could tell them apart was by the colour of their shorts.
- She'd particularly enjoyed aboutsanaharkastabetween Iris Murdoch and Professor AnscombeIris Murdochin ja professori Anscomben välisestä, she recalled,on the relation of philosophy to religionfilosofian suhteesta uskontoon.
- In the last minute of a ferociousboutottelussawith Spain's Miriam Blasco SotoEspanjan Miriam Blasco Soton kanssa, Nicola got her opponent in a stranglehold.
- The story was that the two men, who shared living quarters in the barn of their farmer-employer, had quarrelled after adrinkingryyppy-boutputkenduring the nightyön aikana.
- TOUGH-GUY actor and boxer Mickey Rourke caused an uproar when he beat Canadian middleweight Terry Jessmer in a farcical televisedboutmatsissain Madrid, SpainMadridissa Espanjassa.
- Individualboutsmatsitare also decided by sudden-death contests.
- As we have seen in previous chapters, akaratekarate-boutottelutlasts for two or three minutes.
- For the first time aheavyweight championshipraskaansarjan mestaruus-boutottelunwill be judged by three women Patricia Jarman of Las Vegas, Sheila Harmon-Martin of Washington and Jean Williams of Atlantic City, New Jersey.
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- After the streetbrawl-tappelunagainst Manchester CityManchester Cityä vastaanlast Tuesdayviime tiistainathis seemed like a gentle Sunday afternoon stroll in the North London sunshine.
- A climactic sceneis aonbrawlkinastelubetween the wife and husbandvaimon ja aviomiehen välinenon a ski-slopehiihtorinteessäabout his extra-marital affairmiehen avioliiton ulkopuolisesta suhteesta.
- Diego Maradona was partly to blame for thebrawltappelustabetween Sevilla and Cadiz playersSevillan ja Cadizin pelaajien välisestäat the end of Sunday's Spanish league matchsunnuntain Espanjan liigan ottelun lopussa, according to police.
- ABOUT 30 people may have been massacred in Kinshasa, Zaire, on Monday, after abar-roombaari-brawltappelunover a womannaisestaled vengeance-seeking Zairian troops to fire indiscriminately on two funeral processions, killing the wrong targets, human rights and business sources reported by telephone yesterday from Abidjan, on the Ivory Coast.
- BEVERLY Hills 90210 bad girl Shannen Doherty claims she was the victim in abrawlrettelössäwith aspring actress Bonita Moneykunnianhimoisen näyttelijättären Bonita Moneyn kanssaat a Hollywood clubhollywoodilaisella klubilla.
- The twenty three year old footballer had been drinking and became involved in abrawltappeluunin Church StreetChurch Streetilläafter friends tried to stop him driving because he'd drunk too much.
- In June 1936 the Danzig SA attacked a DVNP meeting, and in thebrawltappelussathat followed one of their men died.
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- A second cousin of the QueenKuningattaren toinen serkkuhadolibrawledrähinöinyton-stagewith Manchester United's centre forwardManchester Unitedin keskushyökkääjän kanssa.
- Soon after he met his second wife, Hannah Anderson, a publican's daughter from Gateshead,GallacherGallacherwas arrested forbrawlingrähinöimisestäwith her brotherveljensä kanssaunder Newcastle's High Level Bridge.
- In the rehearsal room after lunch I finda tough-looking guykovalta näyttävän hepunbrawlingrähinöimässäwith two younger menkahden nuoremman miehen kanssa.
- They said the sailors were detained afterabout 500 seamennoin 500 merimiestäbrawledrähinöialong Lisbon's docksideLissabonin satamassa, besieging a police station, smashing windows in shops and bars and overturning cars.
- Her only daughter, the apple of her eyeHänen ainoa tyttärensä, hänen silmäteränsä,had beenolibrawlingtapellutin the streetkadulla.
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- It was a major disappointment for Beasant, who was ready to fly to Italy with Portsmouth fortomorrow'shuomiseenAnglo-ItalianCupcup-clashotteluunagainst AscoliAscolia vastaan.
- Dennis Andries'sDennis AndriesinEuropean cruiserweight titleEuroopan raskaan keskisarjan mestaruus-clashotteluagainst Akim Tafer of FranceRanskan Akim Taferia vastaanin BeausoleilBeausoleilissalast Februaryviime helmikuussa, has been voted as the EBU's fight of the year.
- And the disturbances could not strictly be called racial: the most prominent feature was that ofviolentväkivaltaisetclashesyhteenototbetween young people and the policenuorten ja poliisin väliset.
- In the republic of Armenia, more than twenty people died inclashesyhteenotoissabetween Soviet troops and Armenian nationalistsVenäjän joukkojen ja armenialaisten nationalistien välisissä.
- The stark three million milestone sparked themost bitter and rowdyerittäin katkeriin ja levottomiinCommonsalahuoneenclashesyhteenottoihinfor monthskuukausia kestäneisiinwith John Smith, the Labour leader, accusing the Prime Minister of standing idly by while unemployment soared.
- As the war moved towards amphibious invasions and aclashyhteenottoaof continental armiesmantereen armeijoiden, the Commandos' numbers increased but there were proportionately fewer involved in small-scale raids.
- There were frequentclashesnahisteluaover the reporting of Northern IrelandPohjois-Irlantia koskevasta raportoinnista, ending with a ban on interviews with members of Sinn Fein.
- He told ITV's Walden programme theclashriidanover proposals to give the colony greater democracyehdotuksista siirtomaan demokratian lisäämiseksiwere `quite interesting ``.
- Talks broke down today between the Soviet and Japanese delegations who have been negotiating overrecentäskettäisistäterritorialalueclasheskiistoistaover culture-krill-harvesting operations off the island of Sakhalinkoskien katkarapujen viljelyn ja keräämisen lopettamista Sakhalinin saarella.
- Early in the new century, agreements to resolveimperialkeisarillistenclashesriitojenwith the old rivals, France and Russiavanhojen vihollisten Ranskan ja Venäjän kanssa, drew Britain into close association with the anti-German Dual Entente.
- We have records of frequentclashesriidoistawith the Phariseesfarisealaisten kanssaover the sabbath and other traditional observancessapatista ja muista perinteisistä rituaalimenoista.
- Molby, 30, can move nearer his ambition of an international recall by impressing Denmark manager Richard Moeller Nielsen duringLiverpool'sLiverpoolintelevisedAnfieldAnfieldinclashottelussawith Blackburn RoversBlackburn Roversin kanssa.
- A follow-up meeting between the movement and the king never materialised, and after the twoclashesriidanon the borderraja-King Hassan has called off a second meeting.
- New Widnes skipper Paul Hulme leads the side intotonight'stämän illanFirst Divisionclashotteluunat Hull KR hailed as `another Ellery Hanley.
- Other sections moved to release blockaded army bases in Croatia and to mobilize bases in Bosnia-Hercegovina, where the movement of the armed column sparked offlocalpaikallisiaclashesyhteenottojain protestprotestiksi.
- There wereclashesyhteenottojain Sarajevo, the Bosnian capital, and surrounding areas and in the north-western region around Bosanski BrodBosnian pääkaupungissa Sarajevossa, ympäröivillä alueilla ja luoteisella alueella Bosanski Brodin ympärillä(mainly between Serbs and Croatslähinnä serbien ja kroaattien kesken).
- The Spanish royals revealedtheirheidänclashriitansaover bullfightinghärkätaistelua koskevanin interviews with Selina Scott.
- Apart from perturbation in Washington concerning the uncertain consequences ofborderraja-clasheskahinoiden, the political and economic situation in South Korea gave rise to additional anxiety.
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- `The soul of man is a world full of beings, a kingdom in whicharmiesarmeijatclashottavat yhteento help or hinder a supreme conquestauttaakseen tai estääkseen suvereenia valloitusta.
- In December 1988 and January 1989Joulukuussa 1988 ja tammikuussa 1989Chinese and African studentskiinalaiset ja afrikkalaiset opiskelijatclashedottivat yhteenviolentlyväkivaltaisestiin the eastern city of Nanjingitäisessä Nanjingin kaupungissa.
- Slum-dwellersslummien asukkaatin a Tehran suburbTeheranin lähiön, protesting against the planned demolition of unauthorized shacks,hadolivatclashedottaneet yhteenviolentlyväkivaltaisestiwith policepoliisin kanssaon July 2929. heinäkuuta.
- Gone arethe roving gangs of party militantspuoluemilitanttien kiertelevät jengitwho would sneak round in the dead of night replacing other parties' posters with their own and oftenclashingottivat yhteenviolentlyväkivaltaisestiwith rival gangskilpailevien jengien kanssa.
- In January 1657tammikuussa 1657heHänclashedotti yhteenwith FeakeFeaken kanssaat AllhallowsAllhallowsissaover his old ally's continued intransigencehänen vanhan liittolaisensa jatkuvan myöntymättömyyden vuoksi.
- The House of LordsAlahuonewas clearly reluctantto<empty>clashriitelemäänwith Parliamentparlamentin kanssaon a matter within the scope of Parliamentary Privilegeparlamentaariseen etuoikeuteen kuuluvasta asiasta(see Chap. 3).
- PolicePoliisiclashedotti yhteenwith steel workersterästyöntekijöiden kanssain Guayana CityGuayana Cityssä, where two people were wounded, and with students in San F)x, where seven people were wounded, 50 were arrested and buses were set on fire.
- Hateley and StaelensHateley ja Staelensclashedottivat yhteenmidway between the centre circle and Brugge's goalpuolivälissä keskiviivan ja Bruggen maalin välilläand though both players looked equally at fault, the referee decided to dismiss Hateley on his own.
- The two forcesKaksi sotajoukkoaclashedottivat yhteenat the heart of Finuval PlainFinuvalin tasangon sydämessä.
- Mr JanmanJanmanclashedriiteliat the Monday Club meetingmaanantaisessa seuratapaamisessawith fellow Tory Mike Trumankonservatiivipuolueen toisen jäsenen Mike Trumanin kanssa, who contested Ealing Southall for the party at the last election.
- TheyHeclashedriitelivätin 1925vuonna 1925over the return to the gold standardpalaamisesta kultastandardiinand again in 1928-9 over Lloyd George's proposals for loan-financed public works.
- Mr GrahamGraham, 57, took early retirement afterclashingriideltyäänwith then Education Secretary Kenneth Clarkesilloisen opetussihteerin Kenneth Clarken kanssa.
- On the morning of Sept. 11Aamulla 11. syyskuutapolicepoliisiusing tear gas and batonskäyttäen kyynelkaasuja ja patukoitaclashedotti yhteenwith around 3,000 Serb demonstratorsnoin 3 000 serbimielenosoittajan kanssademanding the dismissal of the bus company's Moslem director.
- On June 20-2420.–24. kesäkuutain NarbonneNarbonnessapolice (and, later, CRS riot police)Poliisi (ja myöhemmin CRS-mellakkapoliisi)clashedotti yhteenwith ``Harki youths”Harki”-nuorten kanssa--the children of Algerians who had fought on the French side during the Algerian war of independence.
- Dad and IIsä ja minäclashedriitelimmemore than I'd like to think about.
- TheyHehadn'teivät olleetclashedriidelleetopenlyavoimesti.
- Flats residentsKerrostalojen asukkaatclashriitelivätover `unsafe ``homes”turvattomista” kodeista
- Next year I hope they bring in a seeding system asmany of the top winning dogsmonet voitokkaista huippukoiristaclashedtörmäsivät yhteenvery early onhyvin varhaisessa vaiheessa.
- Walkers and landownersKävelijät ja maanomistajatoftenuseinclashottavat yhteenbut the conflict is unnecessary, says Environment and Water Advisor for the Country Landowners Association Alan Woods
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- Thiswas a formaloli muodollinencombattaisteluto settle a territorial disputealueriidan ratkaisemiseksi.
- Hadthe Doctorlääkäriengaged inmentalmielencombattaisteluunto save the woman from EarthMaasta kotoisin olevan naisten pelastamiseksi?
- And there have been unconfirmed reports thattroops from Pakistan, Morocco and TunisiaPakistanin, Marokon ja Tunisian joukotrefused to take part in activecombattaisteluunagainst IraqIrakin vastaiseen.
- The latter involved smaller numbers of people and were less indiscriminate and embittered, frequently being, like those of the North American Indians, somewhat ritualized and even limited to stand-up singlecombatotteluunbetween championsmestareiden väliseen.
- The college coat of arms, consisting oftwo unlikely beastsoudoista pedoistalocked in grimcombatkamppailuunfor possession of a narrow scrollkapean kaistaleen omistuksesta, reposed at the centre of a stone arch surmounting heavy wooden doors.
- After much discussion and some practise sorties a dogfight routine was worked out, as Lindsey recalls: `In those days dogfighting World War Two aircraft at airshows was a routine that the public had not really seen before and it was rather exciting for us pilots to re-enact theaerialilma-combatstaistelujaof yesteryearmenneiden aikojen.
- BothKummatkinare still locked incommercialkaupalliseencombattaisteluunover the lucrative contract to refit Britain's Trident submarine fleettuottoisasta sopimuksesta Britannian Trident-sukellusvenelaivaston kunnostamiseksi.
- This spell may be cast againstany one opponentmitä tahansa yhtä vastustajaainhand-to-handlähi-combattaistelussawith the casterloitsujan kanssa.
- ItSehad been engaged in regularcombattaisteluunwith the Red Armypuna-armeijan kanssa, as part of German forces.
- As soon as he entered, Athelstan sensed it was a woman's chamber: hand-woven tapestries hung on the walls, one depictinga golden dragonkullanväristä lohikäärmettälocked incombattaistelemassawith a silver wyvernhopeanvärisen draakin kanssa.
- One hot afternoon in June of 1976, I flew into Beirut to findthe PLOPLO:ninopenavoimessacombattaistelussawithin west BeirutLänsi-Beirutissaagainst SaiqaSaiqaa vastaan, who had attacked Arafat's forces on orders from Damascus.
- MilitarySotilaallisetcombattaistelutin the 1980s1980-luvullasurvived within established armies where a man had to be a contracted, organised member of a unit.
- A small table stood nearby on whichivory chessmennorsunluiset shakkinappulatstood poised incombattaistelussaon an inlaid boardmosaiikkilaudalla.
- If they manage to lure a victim within reach before dropping the illusion, the Daemonettes will automatically gain surprise on the first round ofhand-to-handlähi-combattaistelun.
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- La Belle MimosaLa Belle Mimosawas on her feet with the dexterity that World Champion Jem Mace would envy in the ring andconfrontedkohtasithe Grand DuchessGrand Duchessinbosom to bosompovi povea vasten, hands on her hips.
- In education,onemeidänisonalwaysainaconfrontingkyseenalaistettavathe latest thinkingviimeisimmät ajatusmallit, but when it comes to doing it you have to face your personal hang-ups as well.
- ThereSielläthe prisonersvankejaare encouragedto<empty>confrontkohtaamaanthe true nature of their crimesrikostensa todellinen luonneand themselves.
- He and Mr Fay's son, PeterHän ja Fayn poika Peter, 22,confrontedottivat yhteena group of youthsnuorisojoukon kanssain the street at Low Fellkadulla Low Fellissä, Tyne and Wear.
- Work in the Prince's office at Buckingham Palace came to a halt whenDianaDianaconfrontedotti yhteenher husband-to-betulevan aviomiehensä kanssaabout his proposed gifthänen ehdottamastaan lahjasta.
- Angry at being put at such a disadvantage,ShaughnessyShaughnessytwiceconfrontedvaati selitystäAvivAviviltaabout the leaktietovuodosta, and twice Aviv denied having had anything to do it.
- In a similar revolutionary mannerSamalla vallankumouksellisella tavallaParacelsusParacelsusconfrontedkyseenalaistithe contemporary craze for seeing witchcraft everywhereaikakauden hullutuksen noituuden näkemisestä kaikkiallaand claimed this phenomenon for psychiatry.
- ConfrontVaatia selitystähimhäneltäwith everythingkaikesta?
- She felt that if onlyshehäncould reach her father-in-law andconfrontkertomaanhimhänellewith her fears for George's safetyGeorgen turvallisuutta koskevista peloistaan, he would somehow make everything all right.
- John WesleyJohn Wesleyhadoliconfrontedkyseenalaistanutpopular recreationalsuositut vapaa-ajanforms from the early days of his mission.
- PrimafloraPrimaflorahadoliconfrontedtörmännytjealous womenkateellisiin naisiinbeforeaiemmin; angry women; threatening women; but none with the power of this one.
- ConfrontKohtaayour fearspelkosiby asking yourself what practical steps you would be taking if you were feeling motivated -- make a list and do them.
- ElizabethElizabethappeared out of the overhanging leaves andconfrontedvaati selitystähimhäneltä.
- Inset top From the safety of a safari truck,a touristmatkailijais<empty>confrontedkohtaaby a lionleijonanon his home territorysen omalla reviirillä.
- I spun round to see what it was andwas<empty>confrontedtörmäsinby a barn owltornipöllöönflying madly around inside the aviary, flapping its wings against the mesh.
- About 100 years agoRobert KochRobert Kochwas<empty>confrontedtörmäsiby a similar situationsamantapaiseen tilanteeseen, albeit at the microscopic rather than the ultramicroscopic level.
- At Christmaswemeare<empty>confrontedkohtaammewith the face of a babyvauvankasvotand it seems churlish to obstruct the tide of warmth and sentiment which flows out to descend on Bethlehem.
- ConfrontKyseenalaistasuch Copernican thinkingtällainen kopernikaalinen ajatteluby taking an actual census of the Galaxy's stars, and a startling thing appears: nearly all stars are less massive and intrinsically fainter than the Sun.
- By 1971Vuoteen 1971 mennessäthe Councilneuvostowas<empty>confrontingkohtasimore fullyselvemminthe implications of the earlier discussionaiemman keskustelun seuraukset.
- He foundhimself<empty>confrontedtörmäävänsänownytby a midriff and a pair of legskeskiruumiseen ja jalkapariin; the wall behind the legs was draped in scarlet.
- Unfortunately,most conflict in organizationsuseimpia konflikteja organisaatiossais noteiconfrontedkäsitelläopenlyavoimesti, but is ignored.
- Although notconfrontedtörmääregularlysäännöllisestiby Aidsaidsiinwe can no longer pretend that it does not affect us.
- He foundhimselfitseconfrontedjoutuvansa vastakkainby a sorrier specimen than himselfitseään murheellisempien tyyppien kanssa.
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- Malaysia is against our ideal, against our evolution, and against our State -- our revolutionis aonconfrontationvastakkainasetteluto destroy the old order and build a new order in Indonesia and elsewherevanhan järjestyksen hävittämiseksi ja uuden järjestyksen rakentamiseksi Indonesiassa ja muualla.
- After furtherconfrontationkiistanabout the carautoa koskevan, it was agreed that S would leave the vehicle outside her home to be collected by another member of staff while she was away.
- Each episode had a broadly similar scenario:the good guys from the Serious Fraud Officehyvät pojat vakavasta petosvirastostawere pitted incourtroomtuomioistuinsalinconfrontationsyhteenottoihinagainst the bad guys from Guinness and their alliesGuinnesin pahoja poikia ja heidän liittolaisiaan vastaan.
- He gives equal emphasis to the possibility that such characteristics make the game an ideal vehicle foraggressiveaggressiivisiinconfrontationsyhteenottoihinbetween rival groups of young malesnuorten miesten vihollisryhmien välillä.
- Throughout April there were reports ofconfrontationsyhteenotoistabetween demonstrators and security forcesmielenosoittajien ja turvajoukkojen välisistä.
- Welkom has become a flashpoint in anationwidekansallisessaconfrontationkiistassabetween militant blacks and whitesmustien ja valkoisten militanttien välisessäover President de Klerk's reformspresidentti Klerkin uudistuksista.
- The dispute between Australia's 1,700 pilots and the airlines has turned intothe country'smaanmost bitterindustrialteollisenconfrontationkiistanfor many years.
- But in France, as in Germany, anticlericalism inflamed aconfrontationyhteenotoksiof Church and Statekirkon ja valtion väliseksiat many points, from educational policy to marriage lawsmonista kysymyksistä opetuspolitiikasta avioliittolakeihin, and was to finish in disestablishment.
- Part and parcel of bothwasolihishänenconfrontationyhteenottonsaof the USSRNeuvostoliiton kanssaon all fronts, but especially in the arms racekaikilla rintamilla, mutta etenkin asevarustelukilvassa.
- He had stayed long enough to see the first stage of the counter-inflation policy accepted and the clash andconfrontationkiistanof two years earlierkaksi vuotta aiemminreplaced by a new partnership.
- The time is ripe for a show-down or a majorconfrontationkiistaanover money mattersraha-asioista.
- This has broughtIslamislaminonce again into directconfrontationkiistaanwith the British school systembrittiläisen koulujärjestelmän kanssa.
- The League's failure initssenfirstconfrontationyhteenotossawith a major powersuurvallan kanssaalarmed smaller, more vulnerable countries.
- Last year, this fixture was marred by Nigel Clough's sending-off, and there was more animosity whenForest captain Stuart PearceForestin kapteenilla Stuart Pearcellahad an uglyconfrontationyhteenottowith Iceland international Gudni Bergssonislantilaisen kansainvälisen pelaajan Gudni Bergssonin kanssaon the sidelineskentän reunalla.
- There wereviolentväkivaltaisiaconfrontationsyhteenottojawith some 900 police, who kept the two groups apartnoin 900 poliisin kanssa, jotka pidättelivät kahta ryhmää erossa toisistaan; about 50 arrests were made.
- The demonstrations soon turned intoconfrontationsyhteenotoiksiwith Israeli police and army unitsIsraelin poliisin ja armeijan yksiköiden välisiksi, a number of youths were killed and hundreds of people injured.
- Aware of the history of that awfulbloodykirotustaconfrontationyhteenotostathroughout the 1969-70 tourkoko vuosien 1969–1970 kiertueen aikana, the new-era Springboks are determined to keep their heads high and their political profile low.
- The police had prohibited anyconfrontationtappelutat the gamepelissä, so the Bushwackers tracked their intended quarry in their cars, communicating with each other on CB-radio (Observer, 2 June 1985).
- He thought back, again, to theconfrontationyhteenottoain Mr Smith's officeSmithin toimistossa.
- Atkins and the other man who had been with him during thedoorstepportaillaconfrontationyhteenotossaon Boxing Nightnyrkkeilyiltanawere waiting.
- Great Yarmouth heads forconfrontationkiistaanon recyclingkierrätyksestä
- Untidy work led to rows, rows led to confrontation,confrontationkiistaled to the boy being soundly thrashed by his exasperated mother.
- The vocabulary ofmoral and legalmoraalisen ja laillisenconfrontationvastakkainasettelun(duty, obligation, rights, and so on) is acquired in social contexts involving the recognition of `give and take ``.
- The imaginary war consisted of a realmilitarysotilaallisestaconfrontationyhteenotosta, with real soldiers, real weapons and using real resources.
- AN Irishman armed with a machete has been cleared of injuring a Welshman who was holding a pool cue in anearly-morningvarhaisaamunstreetkatu-confrontationtappelussa.
- Even ifall-outtotaalinenconfrontationyhteenottois avoided, many US academics and journalists are convinced that skirmishing between the three will dominate the post-Cold War era.
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- Lord John had sounded hopeless for he knew he would lose aduelkaksintaistelunagainst SharpeSharpea vastaan.
- Mayor of Winglebury (fict.), a shady attorney whose muddled intervention averts aduelkaksintaistelustabetween Alexander Trott and Horace HunterAlexander Trottin ja Horace Hunterin välisestä, but causes the former to be treated as a lunatic.
- The prosecution alleges that Blissett `cynically and deliberately ``thrust his elbow into his opponent's face during a mid-airduelkamppailussafor the ballpallosta.
- Under the surface of an everyday conversation aduelkaksintaisteluaof two astute mindskahden itsepäisen mielenwas taking place.
- Half a century agoMr Guerra, a fellow AndalucianGuerra, andalusialainen toveri, would have fought aduelkaksintaistelunover this remarktästä huomautuksesta, but he is happy, come the 29 October elections, to crush Mr Pacheco's party into the ash-white earth of Jerez.
- Rob AndrewRob Andrewwon his personalduelkaksintaistelunsawith BarnesBarnesin kanssa, ramming in 19 points.
- ROBIN Smith, Hampshire's defiant middle-order maestro, yesterday had the last word inhishänensummer-longbitterkatkerassaduelkiistassaanwith Waqar YounisWaqar Younisin kanssa.
- The old Warden of the city, a great High Elf mageKaupungin vanha vartija, mahtava ylimpien haltijoiden velho, was slain in amagicalmaagiseenduelkaksintaisteluunwith Grom's greatest shamanGromin mahtavimman shamaanin kanssa, and the people of Tor Yvresse beseeched Eltharion to become their new warden.
- HeHänenjoyed apublicjulkisesta,after dinneraterian jälkeisestä,verbalsanallisestaduelkaksintaistelustawith Dr Stricktohtori Strickin kanssaat Grantley HallGrantley Hallissa.
- (Oh, by the way, Benjamin killed the nobleman concerned in aduelkaksintaistelussawith swordsmiekoillain Leicester Fields.
- As late as 1812the French representative in NaplesRanskan edustaja Napolissafought aduelkaksintaistelunwith his Russian colleaguevenäläisen kollegansa kanssaover a question of precedenceparemmuutta koskevasta kysymyksestä; and his doing so was officially approved in Paris.
- He rarely survived to the final reel, because the notion ofVan CleefVan Cleefinnobly agreeing to aduelkaksintaisteluunin a deserted streetautiolla tielläwas ridiculous.
- Posidonius enjoyed describing those strictly hierarchical banquets of the Celts in which people challengedeach othertoisensatomortalkuolettaviinduelskaksintaisteluihinon fine points of honourvähäisistä kunniakysymyksistä, such as the best piece of meat.
- The World Chess Championship resumed its second half in Lyons, France on Saturday night with asharpkiivaassaduelkaksintaistelussawhich, nevertheless, burnt out as another draw.
- TheyHefought aduelkaksintaistelunusing huge thorns of the sacred crab-apple treekäyttäen valtavia pyhän metsäomenapuun oksia, and Hahgwehdiyu emerged victorious.
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- `I can visualizeyou threeteitä kolmeaduellingnahistelemassamany times till you inoculate yourselves against any trace of enmity.
- By the end of the week, two of our first-year novitiates could ski faster than I.My son and his friend JulienPoikani ja hänen ystävänsä Julienduelledkaksintaistelivatnonchalantlyhuolettomastiwith ski-polessuksisauvoillaas they bombed downhillsyöksyessään alamäkeä.
- HeHänduelledkamppailibrieflylyhyestiwith the Triplanekolmitason kanssa, lost it, and came round in a wide, searching turn.
- Shallwemeidändueltaistellaover thistästä?
- She had leftthe two of themkaksi heistätoduelottelemaan, not even acting as referee, waiting for them to tire, perhaps even to appeal to her.
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- We much appreciate your support inourmeidänfightponnisteluissammeto maintain the independence of Palatine, which your Board is convinced is in the best interests of its shareholders, employees and customers alikePalatinen itsenäisyyden säilyttämiseksi, jota johtokunta pitää osakkeenomistajiensa, työntekijöidensä ja asiakkaidensa parhaiden etujen mukaisena.
- I just wanted thefightkamppailunto stop before you began wading in with the rucksack.
- `Well,wemehad afightriitelimmeabout somethingjostakin.
- `There was very little he could do about the horrendous injuries Cooper suffered inhishänentwofightsottelussaanagainst AliAlia vastaan, but he saved him on countless other occasions with his quick, methodical work.
- There have been several arrests, followingknifepuukko-fightstappelujenbetween drunk latinosjuopuneiden latinojen välisten.
- Fightstappelutbetween skinsSkinien välisetwere usually the result of some territorial infringement.
- Farmer's boy winsfightkiistanfor fortuneomaisuus-
- Birkenhead MP Frank Field has taken up thefighttaistelunof Tranmere residents who feared they were in danger of becoming a `forgotten areaTranmeren asukkaiden, jotka pekäsivät olevansa vaarassa joutua ”unohdetuksi alueeksi.
- Thefightkiistastaover appointmentsNimitys-became more and more bitter and added to the all-engulfing problems of Christine Jackson's recruiting operation, with its Equal Opportunities commitments.
- If more than one person is attacking you,fighttaistelewith your back to a wall (not a low wall in case you trip over it)selkä seinää vasten (ei matalaa seinää, jos satut kompastumaan sen yli)so that no one can come round behind you.
- My father told me that when he was younghehängot in afighttappeluunwith someonejonkun kanssaand nearly killed him, and that the man swore vengeance.
- She was deliberately trying to pick afightriidanwith himhänen kanssaanbecause she was terrified he'd realise how she really felt about him.
- SheHänstarted thiswatervesi-fightsodanwith KevinKevinin kanssa, she was throwing wet tissue at him and cos I got good at it she goes you're too immature.
- Indeed we should see life not as an ineluctablefightkamppailunato the deathkuolemaan asti, but as a delicate balance between competition and co-operation.
- SPORTS enthusiasts representing Petersfield Chamber of TradePetersfieldin kauppakamaria edustavat innokkaat urheilun ystävätgavetheir oppositionvastarintansaa toughfightottelussain the four chamber sports competitionneljän kamarin urheilukisassaon Saturdaylauantainawith Liphook emerging as victors in the final moments.
- Mike Tyson, in his brief, brutal reign as world champion, reduced the appeal ofheavyweight titleraskaan sarjan mestaruus-fightsottelujento that of watching an egg timer.
- Some were trampled by horses and others knocked about by staffs and swords in thefighttaistelussaat WorcesterWorcesterissa.
- TheyHeidänmust fight pitched battles, andfighttaisteltavain a bodyryhmässä; and they must begin fighting as far forward as possible.
- We have supported stronger laws to protect badgers and stop cruel tethering, and have increased the penalties for organisinganimaleläin-fightskamppailujenand for cruelty.
- Each hen then learns to give way to stronger hens than herself;sheselearns not to get intofightstappeluunshe would probably lose.
- `Greasers are almost like hoods;wemesteal things and drive old souped-up cars and hold up petrol stations and have agangjengifighttappelujaonce in a whilesilloin tällöin.
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- And nowwemeidänhavetoonfighttaisteltavato be reinstated in the unionpäästäksemme jälleen ammattiyhdistykseenand then also to be reinstated in the company ``.
- I've gota lot of playerspaljon pelaajia, jotkafightingtaistelevatto get in this teampäästäkseen tähän joukkueeseen, and the Russian will have to join them.
- IMinä'm all in favour offightingtaisteluathe Torieskonservatiiveja vastaanto protect our members' interestjäsentemme etujen suojelemiseksi, but we won't be doing much fighting because we'll be using all our efforts sorting out internal squabbles.
- As a result they, they grow large, they grow aggressive, and they're highly coloured andtheyhefighttaistelevateach othertoisiaan vastaanfor access to malesurosten saamiseksi.
- HeHänfoughttaistelifour timesfor his seat on Southampton councilpaikastaan Southamptonin neuvostossabefore winning itennen tavoitteensa saavuttamista: a result that encouraged him to move into national politics.
- PeopleIhmisetusedto<empty>fightriiteliväteach otherkeskenäänover religionuskonnosta.
- Scientists in Rio de Janeiro blamelocal authoritiespaikallisviranomaisiafor notfightingtorjuneetthe mosquitohyttysiäover the past two yearskahden viime vuoden aikana.
- WeMeshall<empty>fighttaistelemmethemheitä vastaanin the quarrykivilouhimossa.
- Instead,Iminätriedto<empty>fighthillitämy nauseapahoinvointianiby breathing in deeplyhengittämällä sisään voimakkaasti.
- HeHänstill wantstohaluaafightnyrkkeilläMike TysonMike Tysonia vastaanin about 18 monthsnoin 18 kuukauden kuluttua.
- WhenIminäfightnyrkkeilinI go on to the end, as I did in 1926.
- IMinätriedto<empty>fighthäätääyousinutoff!
- MaggieMaggieasked mockingly,fightingyrittäenhardkovastito stop her legs from tremblingpysäyttää jalkojensa tärinän.
- Thoughtheyhefoughttaistelivatbravelyurheasti, they were no match for the trained mercenaries.
- `Let's<empty>notfightriidelläabout a few hoursparista tunnista.
- WeMe've beenolemmefightingriidelleetabout moneyrahastaof latehiljattain, but then again it might be my face.
- Not only are they marching in common cause with other unions, but the UMWA is also forging links withgroupsryhmienfightingtaistelevanagainst conservative forceskonservatiivisia voimia vastaanin American society.
- He explained that firstIminämust promise nottoenfighttaistelisiagainst Lilliputlilliputtilaisia vastaanor hurt Lilliputians, and that I must be searched for weapons.
- A mob of 400 labourers on Nacton Heath told the magistrates that ``theyhecametotulivatfighttaistelemaanfor their libertiesvapauksiensa puolesta.
- Yet others fought and identified with a plethora of socialist andanarchist groups whoanarkistiryhmien, jotkafoughttaistelivaton the Aragon frontAragonin rintamalla,in the defence of MadridMadridin puolustamiseksi, and at the battle of Jarama in February 1937.
- Whilethe Dark Elvesmustat haltijatfoughttaistelivaton the beachesrannoillaanother force of High Elves had landed miles away.
- He had only been dragged out of retirement becauseso many young donsniin monet nuoret lehtorithad lefttolähteneetfighttaistelemaanon the Western Frontlänsirintamalle.
- `I wantyousinunto stopfightingtaistelunover BerlinBerliinistä.
- At the moment, the divorce is given and then, often, the real bitterness starts ashusband and wifemies ja vaimofightkinastelevatover cash and kidsrahasta ja lapsista.
- The English and French fought over her likethe Greeks and Romanskreikkalaiset ja roomalaisetfoughttaistelevatover Helen of TroyTroijan Helenasta!
- HeHänhadolifoughtpyrkinythardvoimakkaastiover the year of her suspensionmääräaikaisen erottamisensa aikanato have her case dealt with speedily, and to get at the truth behind the allegations.
- The smell of paintMaalinhajufoughttaisteliwith his body smellhänen ruuminhajuaan vastaanand won; it was almost overpowering.
- The ItaliansItalialaisetfoughttaistelivatwith great couragehyvin urheasti, especially in 1917 when they stopped a superior axis force that threatened to take over the whole of the northern part of the country.
- At the momentTällä hetkellä, as you know,the white people and their friendsvalkoihoiset ja heidän ystävänsäare<empty>fightingtaistelevatwith the Germanssaksalaisten kanssa.
- He rushed to attack me, butnownythehänwas<empty>fightingtaisteliwith a desperate girlepätoivoisen tytön kanssa.
- `Yes -- wellme and Richminä ja Richfightkinastelemmefrom time to timetoisinaan.
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- An opposition MP, Mr Jan Van Eck, yesterday accused the police of complicity in the latestfightingkahakassato break outat the Cape Town squatter camp, CrossroadsKapkaupungin talonvaltaajien leirissä, Crossroadsissa.
- It is in this arena that some of the fiercestintellectualälyllinenfightingkinasteluabout arttaiteestais taking place, though the contests range wider than the visual arts to politics and economics.
- The provincials regarded us as a gassy, protesting, quarrelsome, cantankerous crowd, very good at cursing the enemy and cursing ourselves, but no good at effectivefightingtaistelussaagainst the well organised political partieshyvin järjestäytyneitä poliittisia puolueita vastaan.
- Eventually Adam was made up to captain, but not before he had distinguished himself in the Malayan jungle inhand-to-handlähi-fightingtaistelussaagainst the never-ending waves of Chinese soldierskiinalaisten sotilaiden loputtomia aaltoja vastaan.
- It was also -- although it is now forgotten in the West -- the scene of some of thefiercestkiihkeimpienfightingtaistelujenbetween Axis and Allied forcesakselivaltojen ja liittoutuneiden välistenin the Middle EastLähi-idässä.
- It saw much of thefightingtaistelujabetween Moors and Christiansmaurien ja kristittyjen välisiäduring El Cid's lifetimeEl Cidin elinaikana.
- After the Khmers Rouges announced their boycott, ceasefire violations were said to have worsened, with outbreaks offiercekiivaidenfightingtaistelujenbetween their guerrillas and government troops north of Phnom Penhsissien ja hallituksen joukkojen välillä Phnom Penhin pohjoisosissaduring July and August.
- By then,BedfordBedfordwill be leftfightingtaistelemaanfor survivalhenkiinjäämisestäin four crunching closing fixtures and when Patterson makes his likely league debut it will be in Bath, of all places.
- It said UN military observers helped after it collapsed in a dispute over control of the local police, prompting newfightingkiistojafor territoryalue-yesterdayeilenbetween the former alliesentisten liittolaisten välillä.
- This was perhaps during thefightingtaistelunof 1016vuoden 1016.
- Equipped with Messerschmitt Bf109E fighters, the unit was composed of battle-hardened veterans who had seen much action during thefightingtaistelussaover EnglandEnglannistaduring the previous summeredelliskesänä.
- Heavyfightingtaistelujawith government troopshallituksen joukkojen kanssawas expected to break out soon.
- When a certain degree of proficiency has been reached, a student takes part infreevapaamuotoiseenfightingotteluunwith a partnerkumppanin kanssa.
- THE fighting on the ground may be nothing compared with thefightingkiistelyynover who pays the billsiitä, kuka maksaa laskun.
- The many functions that have been proposed for it range from sound transmission to drilling holes in ice; but it is really used inaggressiveaggressiivisessafightingkamppailussaamong malesurosten välisessä.
- Tass still reportedheavyraskaistafightingtaisteluistaaround BagramBagramin ympäristössäon March 88. maaliskuuta.
- However, reports continued of instability throughout the country, and ofpersistentjatkuvastafightingtaistelustaon the Sierra Leone borderSierra Leonen rajalla[see also below, this page].
- Provisions in the Constitution for Turkish Cypriot participation in government have been in abeyance sinceintercommunalyhteisön sisäisestäfightingtaistelustain 1963vuonna 1963.
- RecentÄskettäisestäfightingtaistelustain (to name but a few) Togo or Rwanda or on the Senegal-Mauritania border(mainitakseni vain muutaman) Togossa tai Ruandassa tai Senegalin ja Mauritanian välisellä rajallahas lacked even that vestigial interest for western readers.
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- `Machine-gun carrying hoodlums were shot and killed early this morning in a car chasegunfighttulitaistelussawith policepoliisin kanssa.
- One television news cameraman got lost near here and asked a postman for directions adding, there's goingto be a bigsuurigunfighttulitaisteluwith those religious nuts over theresiellä olevien uskonnollisten mielipuolten vuoksi.
- Three Senegalese soldiers (initially reported by an NPFL spokesman as having been killed) had been wounded on May 28 in a10-hour10 tuntia kestäneessägunfighttulitaistelussainvolving NPFL menosallistui NPFL:n miehiäat Vahun, close to the Sierra Leone border.
- Why should we have assumed that a little thing like agunfighttulitaisteluin the streetkadullawould attract attention?
- ELITE United States troops backed up by a dozen helicopters stormed a building in south Mogadishu today and arrested 17 Somali militiamen after abrieflyhyengunfighttulitaistelun, a United Nations military spokesman said.
- Police said they found the bodies of seven drug traffickers killed in thegunfightaseellisessa yhteenotossabetween rival gangsvihollisjengien välisessä.
- The government-owned daily Al-Gomhuriya said the two men were probably killed in agunfightaseellisessa yhteenotossabetween police and the militantspoliisin ja militanttien välisessä.
- Charges stemming from a1993vuoden 1993gunfighttulitaistelustawith two off-duty police officerskahden virka-ajan ulkopuolella toimineen poliisinin AtlantaAtlantassawere dropped.
- Police said the three activists, all in their mid 20s, died in anhour-longtunnin kestäneessägunfighttulitaistelussawith policepoliisin kanssain the violence prone Orangi neighborhood in west Karachiväkivaltaisuuksissa, jotka puhkesivat Orangin lähiössä Länsi-Karachissa.
- Still, in 1995 a native man was shot to death by police in a stand-off near Sarnia, Ontario and two officers were wounded by natives in agunfighttulitaistelussaat Gustavson Lake in British ColumbiaGustavsonin järvellä Brittiläisessä Kolumbiassa.
- Last May, Santoni lost another bodyguard in adeadlykuolettavassagunfighttulitaistelussanear Ajacciolähellä Ajacciota.
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- Star Trek VI -- The Undiscovered Country opened in London on Friday withKirk and SpockKirk ja Spockresuminghostilitiesvihollisuudetagainst the Klingonsklingoneja vastaan.
- Peter III was personally responsible for the abrupt cessation ofhostilitiesvihollisuuksienagainst a prostrate Prussianujerrettua Preussia vastaanin the midst of the Seven Years Warseitsemän vuotisen sodan puolessavälissä.
- They did not speak of permanenthostilitiesvihollisuuksistabetween sections or lineagesryhmien tai sukujuurten välisistä, but they did speak of peaces between lineages.
- Hostilitiesvihollisuudetbetween India and PakistanIntian ja Pakistanin välisetover KashmirKashmiristahad ended in a ceasefire from Jan. 1, 1949.
- I decided I would postponehostilitiesvihollisuuksiafor a while.
- Tomorrow, on a Buckinghamshire industrial estate,the pairparirenewhostilitiesvihollisuudetwith Ardiles fighting to protect his credibility and O'Neill's managerial aptitude already drawing comparisons with his mentor, Brian Clough.
- He also expressed the view that his visit signalled the imminent end ofhostilitiesvihollisuudetwith North Korea, a long-term ally of the Soviet UnionNeuvostoliiton pitkäaikaisen liittolaisen Pohjois-Korean kanssa.
- RepeatedEuropeaneurooppalaisethostilitiesvihollisuudetin the eighteenth century1700-luvunreinforced the county's particular vulnerability; with the revival of local militias after 1758, the aristocracy and gentry were expected to serve as officers.
- Ralph Glaber may thus be correct in referring tohostilitiesvihollisuuksiinbefore 1026ennen vuotta 1026.
scuffle.n 🔎
- There was aminorvähäinenscuffleriitabetween Hegarty and a Unionist councillorHegartyn ja ammattiyhdistyksen valtuutetun välilläand before desisting, Hegarty shouted to the gallery: `Whom do you want to see in the chair?
- Can you remember when there was a bit ofscuffleriitabetween Tybaot and RomeoTybaotin ja Romeon välilläearlier onaiemmin?
- When the case came to court, the magistrate evidently decided that it was impossible to say which party was to blame in ascuffleriidastaof this sorttämänkaltaisesta.
- ``But I dare say he's impatient, thought Hazel, ``or he may have come off worst in somescuffleriidassaover a doenaaraastaand taken it hard.
- Other menMuut miehetengaged in closehand-to-handlähi-scufflestaisteluihinwith the gardaigardain kanssa…
- On 27 March27. maaliskuutahehänwas involved in ascuffletappeluunwith his prisonersvankiensa kanssaat TyburnTyburnissa.
- As the agonised Lawrence was stretchered offKun kivuista kärsivä Lawrence kannettiin paareilla pois,team manager Micky Stewart and some of Lawrence's teammatesjoukkueen manageri Micky Stewart ja jotkin Lawrencen joukkuetoveritwere involved in ascuffletappeluunwith a TVNZ cameramanTVNZ:n kameramiehen kanssa.
- Thescuffletappeluaat the Club Des EsseintesDes Esseintesin klubillaaside, she had not been in a fight since elementary school.
- BRISTOL City's Polish striker Jacki DziekanowskiBRISTOLIN kaupungin puolalainen hyökkääjä Jacki Dziekanowskiwas involved in awine-barviinibaari-scuffletappeluunat the weekendviikonloppuna.
- Afterrooftopulkokatto-scufflesnujakoidenyesterdayeilisten, they forced a halt to the demolition work.
scuffle.v 🔎
- An angry councillor pledged to table a motion deploring the Barnet chairman's conduct at Monday's explosive Football League commission, whenFlashmanFlashmanscufflednujakoiwith photographersvalokuvaajien kanssa.
- You are in love,at a point wherepisteessä, jossapride and apprehensionylpeys ja ennakkoluuloscuffleriitelevätwithin yousisälläsi.
- TheyHelocked grinding horns, andscuffledkävivät käsirysyyn.
- By the doorsOvien luona, where the couple had been,three teenage boyskolme teini-ikäistä poikaawere<empty>scufflingnujakoivatand messing around.
shootout.n 🔎
- Naturally there's amassivemassiivisiaeat-shit-killsyö-paskanna-tapashootouttulitaistelujaat the endlopussa, with enough lead being pumped around to turn the pacific into a toxic waste dump.
- Mr Samra said that two suspected gunmen had escaped in the Bombay suburb of Juhu after ashootouttulitaistelunwith policepoliisin kanssaand had taken refuge in a large housing complex.
- The cult has been barricaded in a block of buildings since ashootouttulitaistelunwith federal agentsliittovaltion agenttien kanssaon 28 February28. helmikuuta.
- At the railway station in the centre of Yeravan, workers cleaned up after violence at the weekend; sixmilitantsmilitanttiadied here in ashootoutaseellisessa yhteenotossawith troopsjoukkojen kanssa.
showdown.n 🔎
- And he can finish a golden year late next summer with themuch-awaitedpaljon odotetullashowdownvälienselvittelylläagainst Chris EubankChris Eubankia vastaan, who took Benn's WBO middleweight title nearly two years ago before moving up himself to the 12 stone limit.
- What almost everyone is waiting foris theonshowdownvälienselvittelybetween North and South KoreaPohjois-Korean ja Etelä-Korean välinenon Mondaymaanantaina.
- Over demanding Welsh roadsVaativien walesilaisten teiden osalta, Martin Vincent referees ashowdownvälienselvittelyynbetween the twoniiden kahden väliseen.
- THE battle for the coveted Welsh outside-half jersey hots up today when Neil Jenkins and Adrian Davies clash in theshowdownvälienselvittelyssäbetween East and West WalesItä-Walesin ja Länsi-Walesin välisessäat Cardiff Arms ParkCardiff Arms Parkissa.
- The eagerly-awaitedshowdownvälienselvittelybetween Alan Shearer and Ian WrightAlan Shearerin ja Ian Wrightin välinenwas upstaged by two Kevins Gallacher and Campbell as Blackburn Rovers drew 1-1 with Arsenal at Ewood Park.
- The stage is set for ashowdownvälienselvittelylleover a new constitution for RussiaVenäjän uudesta perustuslaista.
- HeHänwould have preferred ashowdownvälienselvittelyäwith GinaGinan kanssa, but it was fun to watch Eleanor fighting her by stealth.
- SINDYSINDYis to undergo plastic surgery to prevent aHigh Courtkorkeimman oikeudenshowdownvälienselvittelynwith American rival Barbieamerikkalaisen kilpailijan Barbien kanssa.
- Possibly toohehänaspired to this finalshowdownvälienselvittelyäwith his fatherisänsä kanssain order to needle TheoTheon ärsyttämiseksi, penetrate his tidy exterior and force him into the open.
- Australian World Cup tactics help set upMay 22. toukokuutashowdownvälienselvittelynat TwickenhamTwickenhamissa
- The hope is that Shas and Meretz, divided on almost everything, except on the need to negotiate peace with the Arabs, will somehow defertheirheidänshowdownvälienselvittelyääntill the day after peace comes.
- International:UN-LibyaYK:n ja Libyanshowdownvälienselvittelynear
- Ministers on alert forMaastrichtMaastrichtinshowdownvälienselvittelyyn
skirmish.n 🔎
- She resigned finally from the co-operative over aminorvähäisestäpoliticalpoliittisestaskirmishkiistastaabout which rooms in the shop would be open to menkoskien niitä huoneita, jotka pitäisi avata kaupassa miehille.
- In that time, there were frequentskirmisheskahakoitabetween the Christians and Almoravidskristittyjen ja almoravidien välisiä, and Valencia several times closed its gates to El Cid while he was engaged in campaigning in other parts of the country.
- Apart from oddskirmisheskahakoitabetween small reconnoitring groupspienten tiedusteluryhmien välisiäin the westlännessäduring the early months of the warsodan ensimmäisinä kuukausina, there were three main incidents in the county.
- Mace believes those copyright and interface issues are now being worked through in the current round oflegaloikeus-skirmisheskiistojenbetween Intel Corp and its iAPX-86 impersonators such as Advanced Micro DevicesIntel Corpin ja sen iAPX-86-imitoijien, kuten edistyneiden mikrolaitteiden, välisten.
- The significance of all this is that Utah had already convinced themselves that test-tube fusion could be an economic bonanza of unimaginable magnitude, and the first shots in theskirmishkiistassafor priorityetuoikeudestahad already been fired in February with the accusations that Jones had pirated the Utah chemists' work.
- The battles andskirmisheskiistatof middle-class rural boundary disputingkeskiluokan maaseuturaja-are of interest only to their panting protagonists.
- Green clearly perceived the protracted negotiations as a major national problem rather than alocalpaikallisenaskirmishkiistanaover the retention of Chapter III providing powers by one WEA Districtluvun III säilyttämisestä, jossa toimivallan myöntää yksi WEA-piiri.
- The action has lasted most of the day and it is now early evening but still light aswemeillähave ashort sharppieni teräväskirmishyhteenottowith the enemy rearguardvihollisen jälkijoukon kanssa.
- The season of 1983 began with anotherskirmishyhteenotollawith Frank DickFrank Dickin kanssa,over my non-selection for the European Indoor Championshipskoska minua ei valittu Euroopan sisätilojen mestaruuskisoihin.
- The little man would trot around, mumbling contentedly, reenactingheroicurhoollisiaskirmishesyhteenottojawith rabid Orksnopeiden örkkien kanssain cramped subterranean Squattish strongholdsskuattien ahtaissa maanalaisissa tukikohdissa.
- Rival fansKilpailevien joukkueiden kannattajatwere involved in askirmishtappeluunin Kilburn High RoadKilburn High Roadillawhen windows and the interior of a pub were damaged.
- The two groupsKaksi ryhmääundertook preliminaryskirmishessanaharkkaanat the Zurich Congress of the Internationalkansainvälisessä Zürichin kongressissain 1893vuonna 1893.
- There was also askirmishkiistaaaround the question of married deaconsnaimisiin menneitä diakoneja koskevasta ongelmasta, an idea broached in chapter II of the document on the Church, Lumen Gentium (officially, De Ecclesia).
- WeMeillähad a firstskirmishsanaharkkaon thatsiitäat the Councilvaltuustossaon Mondaymaanantaina.
- Outside the buildingRakennuksen ulkopuolellathere wereskirmishesyhteenottojaamong several thousand protestersuseiden tuhansien mielenosoittajien välisiäwhen a minority attempted to protect the East German flag, which was hauled down by other demonstrators and replaced with the hammer and compass emblem cut out.
- On May 13 UK Royal Marines were reported to have killed an Iraqi soldier and wounded two others during a series ofmilitarysotilaallisissaskirmishesyhteenotoissanear Sarsank, in the north of the countrylähellä Sarsankia maan pohjoisosissa.
- We raced and splashed and it was quite easy and natural during one of theserowdymeluisissaskirmisheskahakoissasimply to slip an arm through the water and put it around her waist.
skirmish.v 🔎
- Pushing north the following day,the Nez PerceNez Percelooted a wagon-train, killing three teamsters, andskirmishedotti yhteenbrieflylyhyestiwith soldierssotilaiden kanssafrom Fort Benton.
- SPECIAL:Regiments of ArchersJousiampujien rykmentitare permitted toskirmishottaa mittaa toisistaanas described in the rules for skirmishing in the Warhammer rulebook.
- SPECIAL RULES:Savage OrcsSavage Orcsitcanvoivatskirmishottaa mittaa toisistaanas described in the Warhammer rulebook.
spat.n 🔎
- In spite of therecentäskettäisestäspatkinastaabout Government taking a slice off the hill and upland ewe subsidieshallituksen ottaessa siivun kukkuloiden ja ylänköjen uuhien tuista, farming is an industry deeply indebted to Government.
- THE role of Harry Thomason, Friend of Bill and TV producer, in the Case of the White House Travel Office (see above) has given new edge to a month-longspatnahistelullebetween Washington and HollywoodWashingtonin ja Hollywoodin väliselle.
- Velcro, the touch fastener so beloved of outdoor skiing types and their like, is at the centre of abitterkatkeranspatriidanbetween its board and disgruntled shareholderssen johtokunnan ja närkästyneiden osakkeenomistajien välisenover that vexed question of shareholder valueosakkeen arvoa koskevasta suuttumusta aiheuttaneesta kysymyksestä.
- I've already had a couple ofspatsriitaawith themheidän kanssaanand they wouldn't pass up an opportunity like this to poke fun.
- Evidence of the Host's appearance is said to be the red crotal (lichen) stain found on rocks the morning after a heavy frost, which is blood they have spilled duringtheirniidenaerialilma-spatstaistelujen.
- The Tories can not sit back and smile smugly at anotherLabourtyöväenpuolueenspatkinalle, knowing that few Britons, so far, are republican.
squabble.n 🔎
- In popular imagery, the reading of a will is the occasion forbitterkatkeratsquabblesnahistelutto break outover the deceased's preferred distribution of assetsvainajan suosimasta varojenjaosta, but the limited amount of research data which we have on this issue suggests that overt conflicts are not very common.
- Pakistani-dominated mosques are riven byviolentväkivaltaisiasquabbleskahakoitabetween Deobandis (who are religious purists but political moderates) and Barelvis (who are political activists but doctrinal eclectics)deobandien (jotka ovat uskonnollisia puristeja mutta poliittisesti maltillisia) ja barelvisien (jotka ovat poliittisia aktivisteja mutta opillisesti eklektikkoja) välillä.
- Re-reading them today one is reminded of what nonsense these individuals make of thebitterkatkeristasquabbleskiistoistabetween Snow and F. R. LeavisSnowin ja F. R. Leavisin välisistänearly a century later.
- The latestsquabblekiistabetween supermarkets and banksSupermarkettien ja pankkien välinenover the latter's unilateral decision to hoist transaction chargesviimeksi mainittujen yksipuolisesta päätöksestä periä transaktiokulutmay of course make debit cards less attractive to consumers if the charges end up being passed on.
- All this assumes grown-up artists and a grown-up public, whereas too much of the recent `pop vs posh ``media rumpus sounded like anurserylapsellisestasquabblekinastelustabetween absolute beginnerstäydellisten vasta-alkajien välisestä.
- She felt pleased -- not wanting to have anything to do with thesquabbleskiistojenof these upper-class money-grubbersnäiden yläluokan rahanahneiden.
- `It is largely made up of thepettymitättömistäsquabbleskiistoistaof shop-keeperskauppiaidenand the airy superiority of the ironmasters.
- To preventsquabbleskiistojenover the boundariesRaja-, which had been especially frequent between the borough and the neighbouring Aske estate, the purpose of the boundary riding was to define the exact line of demarcation.
- HisHänensquabblesnahistelunsawith publisherskustantajien kanssaand his vicious exploitation of those who befriended him continued as before, but, in addition, he gratified his pederastic cravings.
- CoelenteratesOnteloeläimetwill resort toterritorialaluesquabbleskiistojain the aquariumakvaariossajust as they do in the wild.
- Can't you just hear thechildren'slastenplayfulleikillisiäsquabblesnahistelujaat the rabbit hutcheskanikopeissaover whether to have that fluffy grey one as a pet, or as a casserolesiitä, pitäisikö tuo pörröinen harmaa kani pitää kotieläimenä vai pistää kattilaan?
- While allied airmen risk their lives in the Arabian desert,politicians in Bonnpoliitikot Bonnissasquabblenahistelevatover whether Germany is bound by treaty to aid Turkey, a NATO partner, should it be attacked by Iraqsiitä, sitooko Saksaa sopimus auttaa Nato-kumppania Turkkia, jos Irak hyökkää tähän maahan.
- It was not long, however, beforesquabbleskahinatbroke outbetween the temporary alliestilapäisten liittolaisten välillä.
stalemate.n 🔎
- In AfghanistanAfghanistanissathestalematepattitilannebetween the superpowerssupervaltojen välinenhas ensured that no single authority rules.
- Thisuneasylevotonstalematepattitilannebetween the superpowerssupervaltojen välinenwas dramatically disturbed in October 1962 when definite evidence reached President Kennedy that the Russians were installing nuclear missiles in Cuba (CORE, pp. 154-6).
- Government officials committed themselves to ensuring that there would be no net loss of US wetlands and expressed the hope that the proposals would end thestalemateumpikujanbetween environmentalist and business groupsympäristö- ja yritysryhmien välisenon the wetlands issuesuomaaongelmasta.
- It took themilitarysotilaallisenstalemateumpikujanof 1915vuonna 1915to persuade the UDC that the time was ripe to talk about peace without victory.
- Additionally, thestalematepattitilanneover economic uniontalousyhteisöä koskevamakes it difficult to assess the costs of insurance or mortgages arranged abroad.
- The White House, not surprisingly, pointed toitssentax legislationverolainsäädännöllistästalemateumpikujaawith Congresskongressin kanssaand quickly passed the buck to the Federal Reserve.
- With the continuingstalematepattitilanteenin 1917 and early 1918vuoden 1917 ja vuoden 1918 alunit was not surprising that the radical right became restive and began to campaign both inside and outside the Unionist party for the removal of Lloyd George.
- Thestalemateumpikujaamong the 39 participating countries39 osallistuvan maan välinenwas gradually broken in the late 1980s as relations between the superpowers improved [for the most recent developments on the negotiations, see pp. 38217; R153; 38986].
- But Mellor stood by his claims that Israel was responsible for theMiddle EastLähi-idänstalematepattitilanteesta.
standoff.n 🔎
- This led to amilitarysotilaalliseenstandoffumpikujaanbetween French and American troopsranskalaisten ja amerikkalaisten joukkojen väliseenand a bitter rebuke from President Truman.
- THE FBI said yesterday that the Texas cult leader David Koresh had indicated that he appears close to receiving a sign from God, implying that an end tohishänen20-day20 päivänstandoffumpikujaansawith federal agentsliittovaltion agenttien kanssamight be near.
strife.n 🔎
- Two floors above, Jude heard what she took to be a domestic argument, and not wanting somebody else'smaritalavio-striferiidanto sour her fine mood, was crossing to turn up the soul song on the turntable when somebody knocked on the door.
- But by that time there had been two centuries ofstriferiitabetween Empire and Papacykeisarinvallan ja paavinvallan välinenand the Empire no longer had any special connection to the City of Rome.
- Sudan has suffered many years ofintermittent internalajoittaisesta sisäisestästrifenahistelustabetween governments dominated by northerners and separatist movements in the southpohjoisen asukkaiden johtamien hallitusten ja etelän separatististen liikkeiden välillä.
- The weakness of the Crown and theinternecinekeskinäisetstrifenahistelutof the baronsparonienplunged England into anarchy.
- The Birth of Athena there is certainly a peaceful subject, opposed to thestrifenahisteluunof two deitieskahden jumalolennonin the westlännessä, but it is a scene of activity and there is much movement in the treatment.
- Essentially, what had to happen was that a group of adolescent males without females had to obtain some, without allowing their group to dissolve ininternecinekeskinäisiinstrifenahisteluihinover who would become the owner of the newly acquired femalessiitä, kenestä tulisi äskettäin hankittujen naisten uusi omistaja.
- I thoughthehän'd be instriferiiteleewith the VerfassungschutzVerfassungschutzin kanssa.
- The reports of thefratricidalsisäisestästriferiidastaamong the security forcesturvallisuusjoukkojen keskuudessaindicated a threatening polarisation in the country as the regime dug in, while a burgeoning opposition gained in confidence.
- Thisinternecinekeskinäinenstriferiitawithin the Christian communitykristillisen yhteisön keskuudessawas a sad diversion of effort at a time when faith was rapidly decaying.
- It had been accepted under the UDF umbrella, but after theethnicetnisenstriferiidanat the beginning of 1990vuoden 1990 alussaconcerning the Turkish minorityturkkilaista vähemmistöä koskevanit had been rejected on the grounds that it had been constituted on ethnic lines.
- At crisis talks in London, the Prime Minister has warnedall sideskaikkia osapuoliainvolved in thestriferiidanin the former Yugoslaviaentisessä Jugoslaviassathat they must compromise or face total isolation.
- Economic development since independence was severely handicapped by sabotage andpoliticalpoliittinenstriferiita.
struggle.n 🔎
- But in reality it was a compromise designed to bring thelongpitkään jatkunutfactionalryhmänsisäinenstrugglekiistaabout Pilger's rolePilgerin roolistato an end.
- Another appointee might have seen theideologicalideologisenstrugglekiistanabout money for the artstaiteille varatusta rahastaas politics-as-usual.
- In so doing, he wholeheartedly committedthe English nationEnglannin kansakunnanto themilitarysotilaalliseenstrugglekahakkaanagainst Catholic Francekatolista Ranskaa vastaanand inaugurated an important new phase in the international relations of both state and church.
- The CPKI issued a statement on 28 August advocating radical reform and `massvaltavaastruggletaisteluaagainst the anti-democratic and reactionary forcesdemokratian vastaisia ja taantumuksellisia voimia vastaan``which had collaborated with Japan `and committed crimes against the nation.
- The antiracism I am criticizing trivializes thestruggletaisteluaagainst racismrasismin vastaistaand isolates it from other political antagonisms -- from the contradiction between capital and labour, from the battle between men and women.
- This reference was encouraging to many of the Shah's Iranian opponents who interpreted it as the presidents support fortheirheidänstruggletaistelulleenagainst the Shahshaahia vastaan.
- The African Liberation Forces of Mauritania (FLAM) announced on Jan. 15 that it would resumeitssenarmedaseistetunstruggletaistelunagainst the Mauritanian regimeMauritanian johtoa vastaan(suspended in July 1991 -- see p. 38325).
- The advance of American interest in Britain was underlined a little later with a request to the embassy in London for an assessment of that country's likely value in aglobalmaailmanlaajuisessastruggletaistelussaagainst communismkommunismia vastaan.
- Itwas aolidourtotinenstruggletaistelubetween two workmanlike teamskahden rutinoituneen joukkueen välinen.
- As one of his staff officers later wrote, Foch conceived of war as `essentially astruggletaisteluksibetween moral forcesmoraalisten voimien väliseksi``.
- It might be thought that in a reign which sawbitterkatkeriastruggleskiistojabetween king and nobleskuninkaiden ja aatelisten välisiäthe church, if astutely led, could gain some significant concessions in exchange for support carefully distributed.
- In a sense, this is the modern version ofancientikivanhoistastruggleskiistoistabetween church, state, military and trading concernskirkollisten, valtiollisten, sotilaallisten ja kaupallisten huolenaiheiden välisistä, and the continuance of the French court traditions studied by Elias (1978).
- ThestruggleKiistafor control over the Baltic republicsBaltian tasavaltojen hallinnastais rapidly being overtaken by a bigger struggle for power in the Soviet Union.
- But as I surveyed the grand vista of my 47 ft plot, one fact became clear: intheirheidänstruggletaistelussaanfor powervalta-, many of my shrubs were now far too big for their boots.
- The establishment of Prohibition laws was a battle in thestrugglekiistassafor statusasemaa koskevassabetween two divergent styles of lifekahden erilaisen elämäntyylin välillä….
- In the PhilippinesFilippiineilläthestruggletaistelufor healthterveyden puolestais very clearly the struggle for a humane social, economic and political order.
- The United Front for the Liberation of Oppressed Races (Fulro), the Montagnard guerrilla army, in October endedtheirniiden28-year28 vuotta kestäneenstruggletaistelunfor autonomy in Vietnam's central highlandsitsehallinnosta Vietnamin keskisillä ylänkömailla[see p. 39094].
- Politically- or socially-conscious artists chose themes which revealed society's shortcomings: Lawrence devoted his life to portraying the oppressed lives of his race, Fougeron focused on thepolitical and materialpoliittisiin ja materiaalisiinstrugglestaisteluihinof the working classtyöväenluokan.
- In the prosecution of the war, the Left discovered far greater opportunities for political advance than any that had arisen from theanti-warsodanvastaisistastrugglestaisteluistaof the 1930s1930-luvulla.
- Many have been killed in thepoliticalpoliittisissastruggleskahakoissaof South AmericaEtelä-Amerikanand in the missionary work in Africa, and many are still persecuted in many communist countries.
- Although the VP remained the dominant force in Vanuatu, the party was unable to regain the authority which it had lost during theleadershipjohtajuus-strugglekiistassaof 1988vuonna 1988[see p. 36381].
- “ This will help thestruggleponnistelujaof the Palestinianspalestiinalaisten…in their regaining of their rights. ”saada oikeutensa takaisin. ”
- Left and rightOikeiston ja vasemmistonstruggletaisteluover familiar territorytutusta alueestaand all sides -- including the ruling Apra candidate, Luis Alva,-vow to root out corruption.
- Thestrugglekiistaover the successionperintö-between Ahidjo and BiyaAhidjon ja Biyan välinen, in spite of its curious circumstances, had only served to emphasize that the succession problem remained alive and unresolved.
- In Virginia and in the West Indies the assemblies voted a more or less perpetual grant of taxes;in New York and New EnglandNew Yorkissa ja Uudessa-Englannissathere were annualstruggleskiistojaover the revenuepalkka-.
- This section looks atovertavoimiastrugglestaistelujaover powervalta-.
- Rather, they require a careful analysis ofcontemporarynykyistenpoliticalpoliittistenstruggleskiistojenover questions of representation, symbolic boundary formation, and identificationkysymyksistä, jotka koskevat edustusta, symbolista rajojen muodostamista ja identifikaatiota.
- The Congress ended a stormy debate on Saturday which appeared to give parliament the upper hand in thestrugglekiistassaover who rules RussiaVenäjän herruudesta.
- It shows the great champion in the throes of the toughest bout of his life, depictinghishänenstrugglekamppailuaanwith grace and poignancearvokkaasti ja sydämeenkäyvästi.
- After King Philip's War, arelatively seriousvarsin vakavastrugglekahakkawith Indiansintiaanien kanssain New EnglandUudessa-Englannissain the 1670s1670-luvulla, this had ceased to be any serious danger and the frontier had been reasonably peaceful.
- His downfall indicated thathehänhad lost thepowervalta-struggletaistelunsawith the PS ``baronsPS:n ”paronien” kanssa.
- Mrs SnellingSnell, who was engaged in apowervalta-struggletaisteluunwith school governorskoulun rehtoreiden kanssaover the control of her opted-out schoolvaltion holhouksen alaisuudesta pois jättäytyneen koulunsa hallinnasta, received her OBE, but declined to comment on her award.
- Yesterday the Czech demonstrators were anxiously weighing Tuesday's assurance from Prime Minister Vladislav Adamec against the indications of an unresolvedstrugglekiistastawithin the leadershipjohtajien keskuudessa.
- An identification is then implicitly or explicitly made with parallel forms ofpoliticalpoliittistenstrugglekiistojenin our own daymeidän päiviemme.
- Whatdoes all this imply for thetämä kaikki merkitseefeministfeministi-struggletaistelullearound housingasumisolosuhteista?
- Secondly, the new states, like their predecessors, were the product ofstruggleskiistoistaamong diverse social groups and classeserilaisten sosiaalisten ryhmien ja luokkien välisistä, and the different forms which their political regimes assumed depended upon the outcome of such struggles.
- It started off ermwomen'snaistenstruggleskiistoinain ChicagoChicagossa.
- But enthusiasm for war itself and for anapocalypticapokalyptistästruggletaisteluafor `living space”elinympäristöstä”``was difficult to raise outside circles of nazified youth, the SS, and Party fanatics.
- Both the Sandinistas and Frelimo came to power after aliberationvapaus-struggletaistelunagainst highly repressive regimesvoimakkaasti sortavien hallintojen vastaisen.
- Theinternecinekeskinäisetstruggleskiistatover budgetingbudjetti-between the servicesOsastojen välisetis as intense as the battles between defence and social welfare programmes.
- South Africa opposed Mozambique's radical regime, fearing its potential influence in the region, and Frelimo's support for both theZimbabweanZimbabwenliberationvapaus-struggletaistelulleand the African National Congress (ANC) of South Africa.
- Peet's (1983) explanation for this regional variation is based in differences in the `classluokka-struggletaistelun``.
- Past and presentMenneet ja nykyisetstruggleskiistatare transformed into `epiphanies ``, special moments in which the conditions of oppression are transcended and which prefigure the ultimate goal of Liberation.
- Speitel had reportedly renounced thearmedaseistautuneestastruggletaistelustaand was not associated with the hunger strike; she was released on June 30, 1990, having served 12 years of her sentence.
struggle.v 🔎
- HeHänenhas hadto<empty>struggletaistellawith natureluonnon kanssa; compete with the most brilliant men and women of his generation; labour to outstrip his own achievements.
- Evennownyt, asCongresskongressistruggleskamppaileewith the legislationlainsäädännön kanssato meet this year's deadlinenoudattaakseen tämän vuoden määräaikaa, it is clear that another target will not be met.
- For several daysuseita päiviäweMestruggledkamppailimmewith the wind and wavestuulen ja aaltojen kanssa, but at last the storm died away and the sea was calm again.
- It was terribly important that I should beat him, andIminästruggledkamppailindesperatelyepätoivoisestiagainst the invisible forces that always prevent one running in dreamsnäkymättömiä voimia vastaan, jotka aina estävät meitä saavuttamasta unelmiamme.
- Andy Payton wasted the penalty, saved by Shilton, andMiddlesbroughMiddlesbroughonce againstruggledotteliagainst ten men10 miestä vastaan.
- Thus was the criminal equated with the Vietcong soldier, the only difference being thatthe formerensiksi mainittuwas<empty>strugglingtaisteliagainst capitalismkapitalismia vastaanon the home frontkotirintamalla.
- DanielDanielstruggledkamppailibut was no match for the two louts who, having kicked and beaten him, pushed him down a grassy bank towards the canal.
- IMinähave beenolenstrugglingkamppaillutwith my marriageavioliittoni kanssafor yearsvuosialargely because of my mood swingspitkälti mielialani vaihtelujen vuoksi.
- Sincewemecan not go onstrugglingtaistellawith one anothertoisiamme vastaanindefinitelyloputtomiin, Hegel says that one must submit to the other.
- In that sense, she died a failure; but she died with the respect, even admiration, not just of her supporters, but ofthose Protestant lords whoniiden protestanttiherrojen, jotkahadolivatstruggledtaistelleetagainst herhäntä vastaan.
- Communists and Social DemocratsKommunistit ja sosiaalidemokraatitare<empty>strugglingkamppailevatin Hungary, where a two-round parliamentary election starts on March 25thUnkarissa, jossa aloitetaan kaksikierroksiset parlamenttivaalit 25. maaliskuuta.
- Earlier this weekAiemmin tällä viikollapolicepoliisistruggledkamppailiwith thousands of workers who attempted to enter the parliament to shouts of `give us bread ``tuhansien työntekijöiden kanssa, jotka yrittivät päästä parlamenttiin huutamaan ”antakaa meille leipää”.
tiff.n 🔎
- Thetiffriidanpoikanenbetween JohnJohninand Edwardja Edwardin välinenstill made itself felt.
- A pint on the table, aloversrakastajientiffkinastelu, a night out with the lads, a bittersweet marriage.
- On my arrivalIminullahad anothertiffkiistawith Frank DickFrank Dickin kanssa.
- At a guess, she had had atiffkiistawith Mr CarsonCarsonin kanssa.
- BOBBY BROWN and Whitney Houston have had their firstlover'srakastavaistentiffriidanpoikanen…over a pair of pet poochesparista lemmikkipiskistä.
- Aphonepuhelin-tiffkinastelunbetween himhänenand Fergieja Fergien välisenwas recorded by an eavesdropper, it was reported last night.
war.n 🔎
- He wants to be friends with America because he thinks only American intervention will secure his aims (he offered inthe GulfPersianlahdenwarsodassato send 200,000 Sikhs to fight on the American side).
- Essentially, the talks were hostile: Morgan used the threat ofpricehintaawarsodanto force firms to sell out and merge.
- And it was a little later that same night that his lordship said with some gravity, shaking his head: `IMinäfought thatwarsotaato preserve justice in this worldoikeuden säilyttämiseksi tässä maassa.
- Afforestation began between the twoWorldmaailman-Warssodanto provide Britain with home-grown wood, particularly for pit props; used in the trenches.
- There is no question that fighting awarsotato eject him from Kuwaithänen häätämisekseen Kuwaitistais going to make all the problems of the Middle East more difficult to solve.
- It was not thatboth sideskummatkin puoletwere preparing for somefuturetulevaawarsotaato deter the other sidetoisen puolen nujertamiseksi.
- `The threat from a nuclear war forced us in the post-war period to think in terms ofwarsodandestroying the whole planetkoko maapallon tuhoavan.
- This state of affairs has resulted in long periods ofcivilsisällis-warsodanbeginning soon after independence.
- She backed me up when there was the greatfamilyperhe-warkinaabout my futuretulevaisuudestani.
- THE GOVERNMENT is facing the most serious leak of secret information initssen20-year20 vuotta kestäneessäwarsodassaagainst the IRAIRA:n vastaisessa.
war.v 🔎
- She said hesitantly, not fully understanding how to frame the words, `Two beliefsTwo luottaawarsotaaniwithin mesisäiseen: I am convinced that I will find my way back home again.
- ArmeniaArmeniahas beenonwarringsotinutwith Azerbaijan, another former Soviet republic,toisen entisen neuvostotasavallan Azerbaidžanin kanssa,and its citizens' average income dropped to dlrs 660 in 1993.
- ``We can not discuss proposals whiletheyheare<empty>warringsotivatwith our armyarmeijamme kanssa, Mrs. Kumaratunga said.
- But even asClintonClintonwas<empty>warringkinasteliwith Republicansrepublikaanien kanssaover taxesveroista, the administration reached agreement with Senate leaders on a package of dlrs 16 billion in spending cuts in previously approved social programs.
- GENEVA (AP) --- Bosnia'swarringsotivatsidesosapuolettook a first big step Friday toward ending 3 { years of bloodshed, deciding to save the nation by cutting it in two.
- The meetings in Pakistan were the first face-to-face talks that involved all thewarringsotivatgroupsryhmät, including ousted President Burhanuddin Rabbani's faction that is allied with Dostum.
- In 1991,rebel factionskapinallisryhmäkunnatbeganwarringsotiaamong themselveskeskenään, adding more bloodshed to a conflict that has killed hundreds of thousands and displaced millions in Africa's largest country.
- Karadzic said the release of hostage peacekeepers today was a gesture to ``show thatwemeare notemmewarringsodiagainst the international communitykansainvälistä yhteisöä vastaan.
- Armenia and AzerbaijanArmenia ja Azerbaidžanhave beenovatwarringsotineetover the enclave of Nagorno-KarabakhNagorno-Karabakhin enklaavista, Georgia has been wracked by coups and secessionist uprisings, and Russia has been battling Chechen separatists in its North Caucasus region for 14 months.
- Yet, a U.N. pullout would draw in NATO to cover the withdrawal and lead to a scramble by thewarringsotivatarmiesarmeijatfor U.N. equipment left behind.
- During a raid on a hotel last week where Hells Angels had gathered, police found documents allegedly indicating they were preparing an attack onthe BandidosBandidosia vastaan,with whomjonka kanssatheyhehave beenovatwarringsotineetfor three yearskolme vuotta.
wrangling.n 🔎
- The appointment of Charlton would be seen in Manchester as the perfect solution to thedamaginghaitallisellepublicjulkisellewranglingkinastelullethat has made the club a public farce over recent weeks.
- Legalwranglingkiistaover proposed tour of Collectionehdotetusta Collection-kiertueestacontinues as Carter Brown says, `This tour will be the Barnes's salvation
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