. ”
As soon as
, you put your coat on and walk out of the pub and you come over to 17, Holden Street and tell me.
was shocked
that `professionals ``called in as consultants were being paid 200 rupees ($12) a day plus travel and expenses
että ”ammattilaisille”, jotka oli kutsuttu paikalle konsultteina, maksettiin 200 rupiaa (12 dollaria) päivässä ja matkakulut .
Pat said that until
, she hadn't realized just how anti-women her brother was.
'd be interested
what you think
sinun mielipiteesi .
But the chairman said
nothing to suggest that an Englishman is required to wear a beard
mitään, joka viittaisi siihen, että englantilaisella pitäisi olla parta .
Someone claimed to have heard him on the radio from Darwin -- but it was always someone at a third hand remove; someone who had heard it from
someone who
joltakin, joka .
was clearly surprised
such intelligent words
näin älykkäitä sanoja from such a small creature
näin pieneltä olennolta , and decided to show me to her husband.
would be interested
your views on the Macmerry -- Whitecraig route
sinun mielipiteesi Macmerryn ja Whitecraigin välisestä tiestä , and look forward to hearing from you.
about being good Europeans
hyvistä eurooppalaisista käyttäytymistavoista .
of how your mother got soaked on the third tee in a downpour
siitä, miten äitisi kastui likomäräksi kolmannella tiiauksella rankkasateessa .
accepted but
're waiting
He said: `Clearly
are very upset
of the death of a patient
potilaan kuolemasta .
of the don's disappearance
lehtorin katoamisesta , she'd naturally rushed up to Oxford in the hope of tracking down her precious notes.
But on
, the Archbishop immediately put forward the case that the original contract of sale of the Palace had not included furnishings, so the tapestries were the property of the Church.
Wycliffe said: `Obviously
about Francis Garland
Francis Garlandista -- how did you hear, by the way?
That's why I thought
No doubt
about the street children
katulapsista & other sources from time to time.
`He was upset, ``Rose said pleadingly, for
from Aycliffe
Aycliffeltä, just what Benedict had said in his black fury
mitä Benedict oli todennut vimmastuneena .
before then!
`Fabia, love, how nice
! ``her mother exclaimed.
One afternoon in late October
on a local radio station
paikallisesta radioasemasta, that someone, claiming to speak for Islamic Jihad, had phoned to announce that two Americans would be executed
että joku, joka väitti puhuvansa islamilaisen jihadin puolesta, oli soittanut ilmoittaakseen kahden amerikkalaisen teloituksesta .
on the World Service
World Servicestä, that Leeds lost 2-1 at Norwich
että Leeds hävisi 2–1 Norwichissa .
through the family grapevine
perheen viidakkorummun välityksellä .