TransFrameNet:Health response
allergic.a 🔎
- `IMinä'molenallergicallerginento rosesruusuille.
- The PiaroaPiaroatareovatasyhtäallergicallergisiato a notion of social `rule ``sosiaalisen ”säännön” käsitteelleas to the idea of `the right of commandkuin ”komento-oikeuden” idealle.
- Ifyousinäareoletstronglyvoimakkaastiallergicallerginento any foodsjollekin rualle, you will know what they are, but slight reactions can go unrecognised.
- She uses them in her paintings, I know, but I'd wondered if generallyshehänwasolikoallergicallerginen, or something … ”
- The doctor gave himan anti-tetanus injection to whichjäykkäkouristusrokotteen, jollethe plaintiffkantajawasallergicallerginen.
- The mother of five's family doctor had told Hope Hospital, in Manchester, thatshehänwasoliextremelyäärimmäisenallergicallerginento codeinekodeiinilleand must NEVER be given the painkiller.
- `It could be that it's justsomething thatjotakin, jolleBobBobisonallergicallerginento<empty>, but it had better be investigated and some sample testing done in case we need to get on to the manufacturers.
allergy.n 🔎
- One study carried out in Canada showed that 20 per cent of cases could be attributed to true IgE-mediatedallergyallergiastato foodruoka-.
- IMinähave anallergyallerginento themniille.
- There may not be a guaranteed cure foryoursinunallergyallergiallesi.
- Peter immediately explainedCarol'sCarolincodeinekodeiini-allergyallergianbut the doctor replied: `But she's had some already.
- Inpatients whoPotilailla, joillahavecow's milklehmänmaito-allergyallergia, a clinically positive milk challenge induces the increased permeability of gut mucosa, irrespective of whether the symptoms arise from the gut or the skin.
- Hyperactive children (and some adults as well) were observed suddenly to outgrow behaviour problems along withtheirheidänskiniho-allergiesallergioidensa.
- There are at least 20 types ofsunaurinko-allergyallergiaa, caused by UVA and possibly UVB radiation being absorbed by a chemical in the skin.
sensitive.a 🔎
- `She did tell me she hassensitiveherkästi reagoivateyessilmät.
- Asthmatics are more prone to suffer attacks when any one of these pollutants hits the `poor ``mark, and somesensitiveherkätpeopleihmisetmay even be affected when the air quality is describes as `good.
- The soap I use is shared by the whole family, so my wife makes sure that it's that pure white, unperfumed stuff forsensitiveherkälleskiniholle.
- Ifthe cases of so called paradoxical painns. paradoksisaalisen kivun tapauksetwereopioidopiaattiin,sensitivereagoivat herkästiwhy not test that hypothesis directly?
- Grass and clover seedsRuohon- ja apilansiemenetneed fairly warm conditions for germination andareovatmore<empty>sensitiveherkempiäto drought or excessive moisturekuivuudelle tai liialliselle kosteudellethan cerealskuin viljakasvit.
- YouSinägetmorbidlypatologisestisensitiveherkempito your own motivesomille motiiveillesi.
- WeMeidänmust believe in ourselves and notbeollasensitiveherkkiäto remarks made by others who want to hurt ustoisten, jotka haluavat loukata meitä, huomautuksille.
- MusselsSimpukatcan live for several years, butareovatveryhyvinsensitiveherkkiäto ammonia and nitriteammoniakille ja nitriitille.
- Burning and stinging is a usual complaint becausethe skinihostahas been mademore<empty>sensitiveherkempiby stripping off the surface protective film.
sensitivity.n 🔎
- It has also been reported thatdiabeticsdiabeetikoillamay have increasedvascularsuonensisäinensensitivityherkkyysto angiotensin IIangiotensiinille II(Christlieb, 1976; Weidmann et al, 1979).
- It may be that they have developed newsensitivitiesallergianto foodsruoka-, or that they are becoming chemical-sensitive.
- This reaction in no way invalidatestheirheidänfoodruoka-sensitivityallergiaansa-- it is real, even if the symptoms of the moment are mentally generated or psychogenic.
- Fluctuating hormone levels can affectskiniho-sensitivityallergiaan.
- If there is little or no improvement on the Step 2 diet, then it may be because there is a generalyeasthiiva-sensitivityallergia, due to candidiasis (see p 184).
- the main purpose of our present study was to determine whether chronic infection with H pylori alters thesensitivityherkkyyttäof the parietal cellsparietaalisolujento gastrinmahahapoille.