a piece of bread
leivänpalan self-consciously
vaivaantuneesti .
on his side-plate
lautasensa sivuun .
picked up the dry droppings and
Squeezing her fist together
into fine powdery dust
hienoksi jauhemaiseksi pölyksi .
the softened butter
pehmeä voi , sprinkling in the rice flour or cornflour at intervals, as and when the butter seems to be getting sticky.
With my own eyes I saw
and pour fresh milk on it.
to the consistency of breadcrumbs
leivänmurujen kokoisiksi kokkareiksi .
Place in an glass serving bowl and
over the sponge
hiivan kohottaman taikinan päälle .
There's no need to thaw them -- simply
the frozen sprigs
jäätyneet lehvät over a dish
annoksen päälle when required
tarvittaessa .
Rodriguez's eyes were fixed on his plate,
his short dark fingers
hänen lyhyet mustat sormensa the remains of his tortilla
hänen tortillansa jäämiä .
Merrill stared at him,
her fingers
hänen sormensa .
The bread sauce is certainly a mammoth task and involves an entire morning's work, as
the breadcrumbs
leivänmurut .
between her fingers
sormiensa välissä .
dabbed her lips with salt water again and
some of the roasted chicken neck
hieman paistetun kanan kaulaa .
She was still in love with the man, and
the defences she'd been steadfastly attempting to rebuild all day
hänen puolustuksensa, jota hän oli yrittänyt rakentaa uudelleen päättäväisesti koko päivän .
up and sprinkled dry salt over it instead.
If the plants are barerooted, spread the roots out in the hole, with the same proviso regarding the long ones, and then
in over them
niiden päälle to fill the hole
kuopan täyttämiseksi .
the amaretti biscuits or almond macaroons
amarettikeksit tai mantelileivokset with a rolling pin
kaulimella and mix with the ricotta cheese, chopped apricots, Sweetex Granulated, Cointreau or Grand Mariner and ground cinnamon.
The leather chafed her heels and the straps felt as if
were going
Of a sudden Lexandro's free hand gripped Valence's wrist with
a power which
voimalla, joka any ordinary bones
tavalliset luut .
the stub of his cigarette
tupakantumppinsa .
some of the flowers
pari kukkaa and rubbed them on my forehead as I'm told it has an invigorating effect on cabbages and thought it might do the same for me.
plucked the flower out of his morning coat and closed his fist slowly over it,
The lorries came and went on a service road near the town; on some days
the bulldozer
puskutraktori clanked back and forth,
into the soft, orange earth
pehmeäksi, oranssiksi mullaksi .
and boil them, then soak the ankle when the water's cooled enough to bear.
They knew that
anything, even Alice
kaikki, jopa Alice , could advance over them like bulldozers,
spoiled twice as much fruit as he ate by
beneath his clumsy feet
kömpelöiden jalkojensa alla in a mad rush from bush to bush.
took two pills from a bottle by the bed on which she had thrown herself and
between the pages of Mansfield Park
Mansfield Parkin sivujen välissä .
A farmer is using a shire horse to pull
the millstone which
myllykiveä, joka .
Fresh or frozen prawns and cockles are good -- even
prawns in their shells
isot katkaravut kuoressaan ,
by the throat teeth
kurkkuhampaalla and provide roughage.
Crush biscuits by placing in a strong polythene bag and
with a rolling pin
kaulimella or process until fine in food processor.
She looked across the stream, through the leaves at the distant field; at the nettles and the meadow-sweet and the wild roses; down at
the camomile daisies
päivänkakkarat under her feet
hänen jalkojensa alla .
Dante's sinners
Danten syntiset are buried in mud, shut up in the trunks of trees, frozen solid in blocks of ice,
beneath stones
kivien alle .
The Mickey Mouse girl would be sweeping it all into the bin, along with
any cockroaches
torakoiden, jotka .
and dissolve it in the water but she moaned when I held the cup to her lips and tried to turn her head away.
`I really don't want to close this off, ``
to ash and frayed tobacco
tuhkaksi ja rispaantuneeksi tupakaksi .
waded into the ice-cold stream, opened the sluice, started cup the mill-wheel, and
the old woman's bag of corn
vanhan naisen jyväsäkin .
Very few do this now; although there are a number of mills to be seen, occasionally even with their sails turning,
Many residents were reduced to eating a crude bread made from
the cores of corn cobs
jyvätähkien ytimet , mixed with buds from tree branches and berries from which tea was brewed.
Robyn followed as best she could, her high-heeled boots skidding on the slippery surfaces, polished by
generations of men
miesten sukupolvet .
and sue for the hand of she to whom he owed that indignity?
Once cold,
into a fine powder
hienoksi jauheeksi .
Now in the carp's case, it matters very little how hard the food is because
its pharyngeal teeth
sen nieluhampaan are designed
into a pulp which can then enter the digestive tract or gut
soseeksi, joka kuljeteaan sitten ruuansulatuskanavaan tai suoleen .
suddenly tore off the cloak as if it burned, and threw it to the ground, along with the last shreds of the mask,
Since jade can not be flaked, like flint and obsidian, it could only be shaped by
on a piece of wood
puunpalaa vasten for weeks or months
viikkoja tai kuukausia .
Squeeze some lemon juice and
some black pepper
hieman mustapippuria .
If you're quick,
all the maize
kaiken maissin in about two hours
noin kahdessa tunnissa .
as soon as possible after roasting
mahdollisimman pian paahtamisen jälkeen and either packaged for use in percolators and cafetières or freeze dried to make instant coffee of distinction.
between the faces of the stones which came to be grooved to give a better cutting action
kivien sivujen välissä; sivuja oli uurrettu, jotta ne leikkasivat paremmin , and the ground meal was distributed to the outside edge of the stones for collection.
, but should first be roasted in a frying pan.
Eventually they end up at a reprocessing plant where
into tiny flakes
pieniksi hiutaleiksi , washed and dried.
The material deposited at the cathode
Katodiin kertynyt aines for examination by a transmission electron microscope and an X-ray diffractometer
jotta sitä voitiin tarkastella transmissioelektronimikroskoopilla ja röntgendiffraktiomittarilla .
Both powders and coarser materials
Sekä jauheet että karkeammat ainekset , and then intimately mixed with a liquid whose refractive index is close to that of the solid.
about three inches of cigar
noin kolme tuumaa savuketta into a shapeless heap of shredded tobacco
muodottomaksi tupakkasuikalekasaksi .
Long before we Brits got to grips with spices
Kauan ennen kuin me britit aloimme käyttää mausteita ,
the Mexicans
meksikolaiset all kinds of seasonings
kaikenlaisia mausteita into their sauces
kastikkeisiinsa to serve with tortillas
tortillojen kanssa tarjottavaksi .
Almond biscuits will be moister if
-- grate blanched almonds in a cylindrical-shaped grater.
mustard seeds
sinapinsiemenet are soaked and then
are mounted in a block of cold setting resin and then
and polished
to reveal the edge of the sample
näytteen reunan esille tuomiseksi .
In theory,
each consignment
jokainen erä to remove danger from broken glass …
Remove any damaged outer leaves from the lettuce, cut it in half, then place cut side down on a board and
each half
kummallekin puolelle , using a sharp knife.
generally need to remove the thick spine before
Wash and
(saving one or two for garnishing).
Here they gathered some dry leaves and twigs, and
a tinder-old branch
rutikuivan oksan with his knife
veitsellään and stuck it upright among the leaves.
Once more Daisy was knocked out by the fecundity of everything, the blackthorn purple with sloes,
plump hazel nuts
pulleat pähkinät , elderberries shiny as caviar hanging like shower fittings from their crimson stems.
Thousands of feet above, towards the elusive summit, lay the wreckage of
oli repinyt riekaleiksi by a storm as savage as it was unexpected
yhtä raju kuin odottamatonkin myrsky .
checked over his copy of the coded telex transmission before
, unable to repress a bitter smile.
Cover each piece with two sage leaves, sprinkle with cayenne and
hasn't ever
ei koskaan ole surreptitiously
salamyhkäisesti a glossy green leaf
kiiltävää vihreää lehteä , overcome by curiosity as to whether a plant is real or not?
Next came
a leg of Szechuan duck
Szechuanin ankan koipi ,
our attendant
palvelijamme with all the panache of a French waiter filleting a sole
aivan kuin merianturaa fileeraava suuren maailman ranskalainen tarjoilija .
more than a thousand trees
yli tuhat puuta … turning them into wood chips …