apparatus.n 🔎
- ApparatusLaiteto carry out such sensory measurementsjolla suoritetaan tällaisia anturimittauksiahas been incorporated into a mobile odour laboratory capable of investigating odours on site either at the source of the odour or in the ambient air.
- Before 1800 he had installed gasapparatus-laitteento light the factorytehtaan valaisemiseksiand the first public appearance of gas lighting was in 1802. this was when the outside of the Soho Manufactory was illuminated for the Peace of Amiens.
- So advanced was his method, that theapparatuslaitettafor distillationtislaus-has altered very little in 900 years.
- While disagreeing with his explanation, Priest ley was quick to describe suitably scaled upapparatuslaitettafor filling balloonsilmapallojen täyttämiseksi.
- A box ofapparatuslaitteitafor the circussirkus-was provided for all but the most recent trials.
- Close to the mill was the Severn Engineering Works, at which the boilers andapparatuslaitteetfor making paper from woodpaperin valmistamiseksi puustawere manufactured.
- Nineteenth-centuryapparatuslaitteetfor delivering equal measures of liqueur de tirage to each bottletakaavat yhtäläiset liköörivetoisuudet kullekin pullolle
- This is one of twenty-one country parks established between 1977 and 1980 in which there are more than 440 recreational sites where facilities such as barbecues andchildren'slastenplaylelu-apparatuskojeitaare provided.
- Vologsky's inner robot acknowledged that themissile detectionohjuksen havainto-apparatuslaitewas functioning, and took the appropriate action.
- In the latter case thetesttesti-apparatuslaitettais called a torsion pendulum and is usually of inverted type, having a counterpoise to remove end loads from the specimen and to test the Biot correction.
- `I think there's a certain individual inside withlisteningkuunteluapparatuslaitteen.
- The main problem is understood to be integrating the software and themicrochip decodermikrosirun dekoodaus-apparatuslaitein the receiver.
- Carted all myengravingkaiverrus-apparatuslaitteenito Rydal Mount & when there made two drawings of the Mount … ” “ 5th Nov.
- Firemen wearingbreathinghengitys-apparatuslaitteitaused special foam to extinguish the flames in the factory's North Works.
- At one time he had been the leader of the local rescue brigade and was familiar with the use ofbreathinghengitys-apparatuslaitteita.
- Consideration of the products is complicated by the fact that invariably they are mechanically dosed, their performance depending on thedosingannostelu-apparatuslaitteestaas well as that of the machine used and its serviceability.
- Sometimes the largeapparatuslaitecan be left outside, always ready for use.
- The experimentalapparatuslaitethey used has come to be called a Skinner box.
appliance.n 🔎
- There's no way I'd need a tattoo or dress up in somesurgicalkirurgistaappliancelaitettato give folks a good night out
- That is to say: we explore; we produce; we pipe gas to homes and factories; we sellapplianceslaitteitato burn gaskaasun polttamiseksi; and we do installation and repair work as well.
- They may also agree to re-siteappliancesapuvälineitäfor disabled peoplevammaisilleat reduced cost.
- Two upper floors together accommodate nearly 2,200 men, each having his numbered place with table, while adjacent staff premises contain steam ovens, tea and coffee brewing and usualapplianceskodinkoneitafor meeting the needs of those workmen who do not go home for meals during the dayniiden työmiesten, jotka eivät menneet kotiin aterialle päivän aikana, tarpeiden täyttämiseksi.
- At one end is a tool room, withapplianceslaitteitafor making cutters and tapsterien ja tappien valmistamiseksi, tool sharpening machines, a cutter hardening furnace, and lathes, etc.
- Ensure that all yourgaskaasu-applianceslaitteesiare regularly serviced.
- Natural gas is a safe fuel, but did you know yourgaskaasu-applianceslaitteesican give off a poisonous gas which can kill?
- Over-use ofhot airkuumailma-applianceslaitteidencan contribute to drying out the hair.
- The likelihood is that DVI will form an important element of the world of computers and data processing while CD-I, with or without FMFFV, will appeal to the world ofconsumerkuluttaja-applianceslaitteidenand entertainment.
- With British women travelling more than ever Clairol have developed a new range of mobilecurlingkiharrin-applianceslaitteita.
- Some sort of fire prevention had been in existence, for a number of hydrants were placed around the village and earlier in the same year extra hydrants were provided and thefirepalo-appliancelaite-committee was formed.
- And Liverpool Broadgreen MP Jane Kennedy launched a Commons campaign calling for regular checks ongaskaasu-applianceslaitteiden.
- This has major marketing implications, for the Jones will now become active members in the markets for housing, mortgage finance, furniture andhomekodin-applianceskoneita, do-it-yourself and gardening products insurance (etc).
- If so, you can hive off washing machine, dryers, ironing equipment and probablycleaningsiivous-appliancesvälineitäand accessories, which is a great help when you are short of space.
- Every member of the warehouse staff should be trained in the use of various portablefire fightingpalontorjunta-appliancesvälineideninstalled within the premises.
- As well as potential damage from chemical treatments, hair suffers daily from chemical treatments, hair suffers daily from outside elements, heatedstylingstilisointi-appliancesvälineitäand general wear and tear.
- Four key proposals are to be examined at a meeting of health and safety chiefs later this month: The introduction of a duty on landlords to maintain allgaskaasu-applianceslaitteetin a safe condition.
- Again poor servicing ofelectricsähkö-applianceslaitteiden.
- It will also rundomestickodin-applianceskoneitain areas of Japan with no mains supply.
- `But, ``he adds, `strategically, if you stood back and asked yourself ifdomestickodinapplianceskoneetwas a good business to be in, the answer was no, it wasn't.
- There were 180 items already on the rationed list, including articles of clothing, shoes, basic household and consumer goods anddomestickodinelectricalsähköisiäapplianceskoneita.
- Much the same applied to new refrigerators andelectricalsähkö-applianceslaitteisiin.
- Never takeelectricalsähkö-applianceslaitteitainto the bathroom.
- Anyelectricalsähkö-applianceslaitteetshould be pointed out to the guests with instructions on use if necessary.
- The electricians were apprised so that allelectricalsähkö-applianceslaitteetcould be in perfect order.
- Whether you have central heating or individualheatinglämmitys-applianceslaitteita, you are likely to be using one of the four main fuel types -- gas (mains or liquified), solid fuel, electricity or oil.
- Individualheatinglämmitys-applianceslaitteetsuch as gas convectors can be controlled by thermostats and time switches just as effectively as a central heating system, and will obviously cost less to install.
- The answer is one of the most neglected and abusedkitchenkeittiö-applianceslaitteistaever invented: the refrigerator.
- Moderngaskaasu-applianceslaitteetwith electric ignitions are suitable for use with a slot-meter).
contraption.n 🔎
- The lave netwas a simple but very effectiveoli yksinkertainen mutta hyvin tehokascontraptionvekotinfor catching salmonlohen nappaamiseen.
- The BA (Hons) design student has invented a poop-scooping device called a poopet, a cardboardcontraptionvekotinfor disposing of dog dirtkoirankakan hävittämiseenwhich is based on the principle of a puppet.
- He found a rusty man-trap in a cupboard -- an evilcontraptionvekottimenof chains and springs and teeth -- and assured her that it had taken the leg off more than one poacher in its day.
- The phone rang for about thirty seconds, then after a click, a voice gave the number and said, `This is Marius Steen speaking on one of theserecorded answeringäänitys-vastaus-contraptionsvekottimiin.
- He hoisted thecontraptionvekotintain his arms and made for the battlezone.
- The sooner we get a 4th official in a booth with avideo/replayvideo-toisto-contraptionvekottimenthe better.
device.n 🔎
- Adevicelaiteto detect plastic explosivesMuoviräjähteet havaitseva, including Semtex, is to be launched next month by Ai Cambridge of Pampisford, Cambs.
- A new microwavedevice-laitettato detect breast cancerrintasyövän havaitsevaais being developed by researchers.
- Soldiers were pushing it open and Rostov saw that the whole inner yardwas a cleveroli kätevädevicekeinoto protect the citysuojella kaupunkia.
- Sterilisations and abortions are being forced upon women who are then fitted with intro-uterinedeviceslaitteidento prevent them having childrenjotta he eivät voi saada lapsia, he claimed.
- He has already won the title Young Engineer of Britain from the Engineering Council for inventing adevicelaitteento warn pedestrians that pub cellar trapdoors are openjalankulkijoiden varoittamiseksi siitä, että pubin kellarin nostoluukut ovat auki.
- The institute has also made two other automatic welders for pipeline builders, and adevicelaitteenfor wet underwater weldingvedenalaista märkähitsausta vartenappropriately called `Neptune ``.
- Shock-absorbingiskuja vaimentaviadeviceslaitteitaof many types have been given a hard look.
- Radio, television and the radar-dependentnavigationalnavigointi-deviceslaitteitaof planes and other vehicles are affected, as are computer networks and satellites.
- There are today houses with the remains of ingeniousdeviceslaitteitafor channelling away the waterveden poisjohtamiseksi.
- This, this word here, this this again, it's a, it's aonprinter'stulostimendevicelaite.
- Can I borrow yourwritingkirjoitus-devicekonettasi?
- Sperm whales frequently dive to search for squid and they are much more agile than any of ourhuntingmetsästys-deviceslaitteistamme.
- And I have a pair of goggles here but there is anothersafetyturva-devicelaitebuilt into this which is this window.
- It also determines the course of subsequent events occurring at the surface, such as platelet adhesion-activation forblood contactingveren kanssa kosketuksissa olevilledeviceslaitteille, or bacterial adhesion, encrustation and blockage for urinary catheters.
- It included radio and television stations,pagingpakkaus-deviceslaitteita, mobile telephones, Orion Pictures and the Harlem Globetrotters.
- It has an external control unit, which can be sited up to 30 metres from the detector, and an automaticprism wipingprismapyyhkäisy-devicelaite.
- But another theory was that the bomber dumped thedevicelaitteenafter becoming nervous about possible discovery on his way to plant it elsewhere.
- Following the two multimeter add-ons described in the last two instalments of Circuit Surgery, several readers have suggested that a simpledevicelaitefor directly measuring capacitancesähköisen varautumiskyvyn suoraksi mittaamiseksiwould be extremely useful.
- The company has been makingtuningviritys-deviceslaitteitafor over thirty years and the R450 is the latest in their product line.
- This is an ability I have developed over many years, starting, of course, at a time when none of the modernlocatingpaikantamis-deviceslaitteistawere available.
- The camera section of a camcorder has a photographic lens which forms an image of the subject on asensinganturi-devicelaitteeseen.
- Several electroniclisteningkuunteludeviceslaitteitawere discovered in the US consulate in Bratislava, the Slovak capital, in early December.
- His other designs have included Parkright, a reversing aid for safe parking of vehicles, and Visitors' Aid, an electronicdevicelaitefor locating staff at his former collegehenkilöstön paikallistamiseen hänen entisessä lukiossaan.
- Itis aonsecurityturva-devicelaitefor banking or shopping by telephonepuhelimitse tapahtuvaan pankkiasiointiin tai ostoksiin.
- `The camerais a standardon vakiomallinenSecurity surveillanceturvavalvonta-devicelaite.
- AdeviceLaiteused to produce maps, architectural drawings and other graphic output.
equipment.n 🔎
- British Telecom have information on a wide range ofequipmentlaitteistato assist hearing impaired peoplekuulovammaisten ihmisten auttamiseksi.
- Essentialequipmentlaitteitato enable a child to participate in a grouplapsen osallistumiseksi ryhmäänmay be provided, opportunities for training may be shared.
- The licenses have been issued on condition that PowerGen installsequipmentlaitteet,to remove most of the harmful emissions by 1998joilla poistetaan suurin osa haitallisista päästöistä vuoteen 1998 mennessä.
- The rightequipmentvarusteetfor Quayle-huntingQuayle-metsästykseen.
- Here are some sample questions and answers; as you can see, they don't know much, and lack the mentalequipmentlaitteitafor intuitive or imaginative leapsintuitiivisiin tai kuvitteellisiin hyppyihin.
- The company still plans to sell off Thorn Security and Electronics, which makessecurity and surveillanceturvallisuus- ja valvonta-equipmentlaitteitafor the defence industrypuolustusteollisuudelle.
- Or we'd find out if there's a special-needs school in the area which would benefit from specialequipment-laitteistafor handicapped childrenvammaisille lapsille.
- Dormanstown Primary spent it onrecreation and learningvirkistys- ja oppimis-equipmentlaitteisiinfor its special needs unitsen erityistarpeiden yksikölle.
- In the past twenty years the planning, organization andequipmentlaitteitaof order-maintenancejärjestyksen ylläpito-has been steadily updated and centralized, so that the police now has the potential to mobilize thousands of riot-trained and equipped police officers.
- He had none of theequipmentlaitteistaof a detectiveyksityisetsivän, neither being particularly observant nor having any great insight into the psychology of small boys.
- The board can also be used for incline/decline work with barbells and dumb-bells, and does not have to be regarded only as a piece ofequipmentlaitteenafor exercising the stomachvatsan harjoittamiseksi.
- Make sure you've regularly checked all tack andequipmentlaitteetfor stitchingompelu-etc.
- The big snag for listeners is that theequipmentlaitteitafor receiving the surround-soundsurround-äänen vastaanottamiseksiis not yet on sale.
- Dowding does best when its customers are workingtheirheidänequipmentlaitteitaanflat out.
- But as far as being anal aboutmyminunequipmentlaitteistani, as some guys are, I don't really give a shit as long as it sounds good and works.
- There was alsomyminunescapepako-equipmentvälineeni.
- In fact there are various references in his diaries to his takinghishänenetchingetsaus-equipmenttarvikkeitaanout into the landscape -- but whether this was soft-ground plates is not made clear.
- The village has bought its own playing field andchildren'slastenplaypeli-equipmentvarusteita.
- This system is laborious, and if thefencingaitaus-equipmentvarusteitais not carefully maintained, stock can break out with disastrous results.
- So muchgreenhousekasvihuone-equipmentlaitteetis electric and a light will allow you to work with the plants at any time of the day.
- It was the sort of belt sold widely in shops specializing in Western orcampingretkeily-equipmentvarusteisiin.
- DivingSukellus-equipmentvarusteetand clothing worth £1,145 was stolen from Beaumont Street car park, Darlington, at the weekend.
- The Trio-Kenwood Corporation, a world leader in the home audio, car audio, communications,test and measuringtesti- ja mittaus-equipmentlaitteiden, is driven by high quality, advanced design and sensitivity to market trends
- For smaller companies, especially those engaged in craft industries, the combined cost ofmonitoringseuranta-equipmentlaitteiden, inspection and certification is proving so high as to threaten their existence.
- Master production usingdesktop publishingtietokoneavusteisia julkaisu-equipmentlaitteita.
- In the playground they had a sturdy wooden house with door and windows,climbing and swingingkiipeämis- ja heilunta-equipmentvarusteitaand lots of small bicycles and tricycles.
- The machines includedequipmentlaitteita,with which an operator could do programmingjoilla koneenkäyttäjä pystyi ohjelmoimaanby editing the computer tapes that white-collar staff provided.
- Universal Office Supplies, the largest suppliers ofofficetoimisto-equipmentlaitteidenwithin the UK, are publishing The Green Office Guide, written by John Elkington and Julia Hailes, co-authors of the best-seller Green Consumer Guide.
- I understand that Wyre Borough Council are standardising all theplaypeli-equipmentvälineetthroughout the borough and bringing it up to British Standards safety requirements.
- Most consumers had boughtstereostereo-equipmentlaitteetby then, and equipment manufacturers saw quadraphony as a golden opportunity to cash in on sales of new records, pickups, amplifiers, and loudspeakers.
- Most high qualitykitchenkeittiö-equipmentvälineetis manufactured in stainless steel for its strength, resistance to damage and for hygiene considerations.
- On top of all her other commitments, she is involved in a major aid project to supply African health services with surplus Americanmedicallääkintä-equipmentlaitteita.
- VANDALS have wrecked the home andmedicallääkintä-equipmentlaitteetof a three-year-old boy who needs a life-saving transplant operation.
- They may be very basic, as in thebeer line cleaningolutlinjan puhdistus-equipmentlaitteissaused in licensed premises, or highly sophisticated fully automatic computer monitored and controlled.
- Thetext processingtekstinkäsittely-equipmentlaitteitaand VDUs will be used in a normal clean office environment.
- As a detector owner you probably already possess most of theequipmentlaitteistaused by beachcombers.
gadget.n 🔎
- Maurice has agadgetvekotin,to record any telephone calls he wants tojolla hän voi äänittää minkä tahansa haluamansa puhelinsoiton.
- GadgetsVekottimetfor the home and officekotiin ja toimistoonmultiplied fast: among them were refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, typewriters and telephones -- the last increasing from 1 355 000 in 1900 to 20 200 000 in 1930.
- She was short and fat with a braying voice, boasting of some newgadgetvehjettäfor the householdkotitaloudelleor bullying her husband.
- Apart from the battery of robots and electric motors under computer control, firms are sellinggadgetslaitteitafor teaching the principles of microprocessorsmikroprosessorien periaatteiden opettamiseksi.
- So the supply-room clerk had a mini-transceiver amonghishänenother littlegadgetsvekottimien.
- Many own luxury homes with swimming pools and no end ofhouseholdkotitalous-gadgetsvehkeitä.
- STROKE firmly upwards from knee to waist with your hands or amassagehieronta-gadgetlaitteella.
- The Plugpal, anothervacuumtyhjiö-gadgetvekotinwhich sucks out the accumulated mess from sink outlets without pulling any plumbing apart, also looks set to be a big success.
- If your budget can't stretch to such luxuries asmassaginghieronta-gadgetslaitteetand slendering creams, try these tips to tighten and tone slack, unattractive skin.
- ROBERT FRANKLIN of Los Gatos, California, has come up with a neat way of ensuring thatelectricsähkö-gadgetslaitteetsuch as irons and hair curlers turn themselves off when left unattended.
- Top drawer, pens andexecutiveyritysjohtajiengadgetsvekottimet, right down to the aerobasic calculator.
- `So you have to keep at him because like all kids he lives for the telly and variouselectronicsähkö-gadgetsvekottimiaand he'd be quite happy eating crisps and playing for the rest of his life.
- Last summer she had her rooms secretly `swept ``with anelectronicsähkö-gadgetvekottimellato seek out any possible bugging device.
- It lets the youngsters use specialelectronicsähkö-gadgetsvehkeitäwhich bounce light around.
- Steven was always difficult, he bought everykitchenkeittiö-gadgetvehkeenand electrical device known to man, and he already had enough leather gloves, ties and scarves to restock Marks and Spencer.
implement.n 🔎
- The manufacture of a five-pronged manualimplementtyökalunfor manual diggingkäsinkaivaukseen tarkoitetunresults in a fork even if the manufacturer, unfamiliar with the English language, insists that he intended to make and has made a spade.
- Brian Wood and Andy McEntee plumb the depths of a grisly marketplace in `implementsvälineinäof repressionpainostus-
- If he was hanging in a slaughterhouse, then might they not choose to use theimplementsvälineitäof the slaughtererteurastajanon him?
- Some of the earliest items in her collection look more likeimplementsvälineiltäof torturekidutus-.
- He stood with thecarvingkaiverrus-implementstyökalutpoised over the ruined saddle.
- In general, moderndrawingpiirrustus-implementsvälineetare improvements on ancient materials.
- As was customary a number of items such as galvanised baths, water cans andgardenpuutarha-implementsvälineetwere hung on hooks outside, below the fascia.
- John attempted to convince John's friend that that friend should loan John somerepairkorjaus-implementstyökaluja.
- As an extra precaution, the kitchen has a `shadow cabinet ``containing all the knives andbutcheringteurastus-implementsvälineet.
- Exhibition offarmingmaatalous-implementstyökalujenin the stables.
- If I am ferreting single-handedly there is no need for any otherdiggingkaivuu-implementtyökalulle.
- The pathologist led Blanche over to a stainless-steel trolley whose top was hidden by jars and bottles and varioussurgicalkirurgistenimplementsinstrumenttien.
- For example, in the early agricultural villages, some individuals became full-time producers of pottery, clothing andagriculturalmaatalousimplementsvälineiden.
- It is on record that within living memory swill basket makers and tanners used them, and that peat, fodder andfarmmaatalous-implementsvälineethave been stored there.
- Each exhibit building is equipped with authentic furnishings, cooking utensils andfarmmaatalous-implementsvälineitäillustrating the various facets of life in those early times.
- In the yard the ancientfarmmaatalous-implementsvälineitäand a fine display of farm carts.
- There are also sound-slide shows, and a restaurant decorated with oldfarmmaatalous-implementsvälineillä.
- Thefarmmaatalous-implementsvälineetof this period were made and repaired in the village.
- His tone of voice objective, dispassionate, as if theywereolivatkitchenkeittiö-implementsvälineitäor gardening devices.
- Give them, still covered by the cloth, repeated thumps with a heavykitchenkeittiö-implementvälineilläto crack them slightly.
instrument.n 🔎
- I have been told the Chinese have a simple inexpensiveinstrumentinstrumenttito trace extra low frequencieserittäin matalien taajuuksien jäljittämiseksi.
- We have developed very powerfulprocessingprosessointi-instrumentsvälineitäto help our thinking.
- Although about an inch less wide than a Guild F-50 or a Gibson J-200, thisis still definitely not anei todellakaan oleinstrumentvälinefor players of the short-armed varietylyhytolkaisille pelaajille.
- Drew designs and makesinstrumentsvälineitäfor monitoring diabetessokeritaudin seurantaanand has distribution agreements with two medical companies with global networks, Ciba Corning and IL.
- A newinstrumentvälinefor measuring ozone levels in the airilman otsonitasojen mittaamiseksihas been developed by Austrian scientists.
- Instrumentsvälineetof tortureKidutus-feature somewhat incongruously alongside porcelain, glassware and fans owned by members of the imperial family.
- Something of the kind must have been operative when Galileo first introduced the telescope as aninstrumentvälineenäfor exploring the heavenstaivaiden tutkimiseen.
- Astron'sAstroninmaininstrumentvälineis an ultraviolet telescope developed jointly with the French.
- But while thisisona perfectionist'stäydellisyydentavoittelijaninstrumentväline, it's not intimidating.
- In 1811 the governors laid out £2.0s.0d. forsurgeons'kirurgininstrumentsleikkausvälineille, £103.3s.8d. for medicines and £15.12s.3d. on leeches.
- Having set up a certain attitude and a certain power, you must check, by scanningyoursinunflightlennonvalvontainstrumentsvälineitä, that the desired performance is being achieved, and also that it is being maintained.
- Usinghishänentelegraphlennätin-instrumentvälinettäänhe communicated with his colleague.
- Use ofdrawingpiirrustus-instrumentsvälineiden50 per cent drew an acceptably accurate construction of an equilateral triangle (p.82).
- It carries a battery ofX-rayröntgen-instrumentsvälineitäprovided by Japanese, US and UK research groups.
- It contained a 12-bore self-loading shotgun, gloves, handcuffs,cuttingleikkaus-instrumentsvälineitäand black bags, he added.
- Twenty company divisions for electrical machinery, computers, communications,measuringmittaus-instrumentsvälineitäand systems engineering all cooperate in robotics work.
- The laboratories have extensive tissue culture facilities and there is a flow cytometric unit equipped with both analytical andcell sortingsolujen lajittelu-instrumentsvälineitä.
- SURGEONS in the US have pioneered the use of a mechanical arm laden with sensors to track the positions oftheirheidänsurgicalkirurgisteninstrumentsvälineidensäwhile they operate on patients' brains.
- The position of thesurgicalkirurgisteninstrumentvälineidenin the real skull is determined by the sensors in the mechanical arm.
- AspecialistErikoislääkärinsurgicalkirurgineninstrumentvälinewas developed in America to make a `channel ``in the corneal tissue to insert the ring.
- Close encounters with thoseinstrumentsvälineidenof tortureKidutus-such as the forceps, and probe (used in the early days for extracting root).
- Andrew Burt explains that another common reason is that theinstrumentsvälineetof assessmentarviointi-specified in the module descriptor are not being used or have been varied.
- TheinstrumentKoje(the telescreen, it was called) could be dimmed, but there was no way of shutting it off completely.
player.n 🔎
- After a while, I hooked up each unit toa compact discCD-levy-playersoittimeen.
- This museum is like a walk-in scrapbook, with framed snapshots, newspaper clippings, and memorabilia, such as King Tribhuvan's goldfish tank, bicycle, andrecordlevy-playersoitin.
- Both Airbus and Boeing have bombarded their planes with cell waves and failed to record any interference; Boeing still recommends that phones not be used in the air -- but to prevent electronic interference similar to (though slightly stronger than) that of a laptop orCDCD-playersoitinta.
tool.n 🔎
- The edge of the main blade can also be used as ahackingkarhentamistooltyökalunato clear vegetation or cut through tree rootskasviston raivaamiseksi tai puunjuurien leikkaamiseksi.
- Deck scrubbers: Essentially scrubbing brushes on broom sticks (stails) these are purpose designedtoolstyökalujafor manual floor cleaningmanuaaliseen lattian puhdistukseen.
- I tried various methods, although I was a bit limited because I only have two-prongedtransfersiirto-toolsvälinettäfor that machine.
- The approach suitable in specializedindexingjako-toolsvälineisiinfor medical researchlääketieteelliseen tutkimukseen tarkoitettuihinwill need to be very specific in order to differentiate between closely related subjects.
- Algorithms and softwaretools-välineetfor ordering clone librarieskloonikirjastojen tilaukseen: application to the mapping of the genome of Schizosaccharomyces pombe
- The classic one involves picking up stitches with yourtransfersiirto-toolvälineelläsi, knitting about seven or eight rows, picking up the next three stitches and repeating along your edge.
- A hobbyist's substitute would be a 25watt soldering iron with a shaped bit, or awood burningpuunpoltto-toolväline.
- William George Henry Augustus, Eleventh Marquis of Hulton, always had a pipe in his mouth and he was invariably either filling it, cleaning it out with a metalreamingavarrus-toolvälineelläor trying to light it.
- WeavingKudontatoolsvälineetconsist of a knife, a beating comb and shears.
- The full range ofcarvingkaiverrus-toolsvälineitäon display at The Woodworks
- It includes a powerful set ofobject drawingkohteen piirto-toolsvälineitäincluding PCX import and scaling.
- We don't sellgardeningpuutarhanhoito-toolsvälineitäbecause of demands on space, but composts and flower pots etc, are now being looked at.
- All will bring their respectiveapplication developmentsovelluskehitys-toolsvälineensäinto line with AD/Cycle.
- A pizza dough mixer, which rotates in the opposite direction to themixingsekoitus-toolsvälineisiin, is said to eliminate cleaning problems and prevent the dough riding up the side of the bowl.
- It would be fair to say that JustTextis aonprofessionalammattikäyttöön tarkoitettutoolvälinewhich, without an understanding of typography and design, it is impossible to fully exploit.
- They may be hand held, for which theyare the most effectiveovat kaikkein tehokkaintoolvälinefor cleaning glass windows and large mirrorslasi-ikkunoiden ja suurten peilien puhdistukseen, or stail fixed for clearing water from floors.
- Manipulating these crystals by hand with thedissectingleikkaus-toolsvälineilläwhichbiologistsbiologituse it was quite obvious that their strength was negligible.
utensil.n 🔎
- The rich, however, also expanded the market for more modest goods than silks, Chippendale furniture and ornate carriages, for they also purchased uniforms for their servants and furniture for the servants' hall, as well as theutensilsvälineitäfor their great kitchensheidän suuriin keittiöihinsä.
- She then turned her attention to the food that needed to be cooked, placing it within easy reach of the barbecue, and making sure the necessaryutensilsvälineetfor handling itsen käsittelemiseksiwere nearby.
- Each exhibit building is equipped with authentic furnishings,cookingkeitto-utensilsvälineetand farm implements illustrating the various facets of life in those early times.
- Crockery andeatingruokailu-utensilsvälineetshould be washed in hot water and detergent.
- They're then passed on to food oreatingruokailu-utensilsvälineisiinand soon everyone's infested.
- His meal finished now, he stood and carriedhishänenplate andutensilsruokailuvälineensäto the sink, and for a moment there was only the sound of the water pump as he filled the kettle.
- An exhibition ofdomestickotitalousutensilsvälineidenand farm implements
- Wash and disinfect (use specialised products -- available from Aquatic Stores) all yourfishkeepingkalansaalistus-utensilsvälineete.g. nets, scrapers, magnets, fry-nets/traps, feeders.
- having answered the question `Whateatingruokailu-utensilvälineissähas prongs? ``previously.
- Whereas the Supplementary Benefits Scheme had given grants to people to cover essential items, such ascookingkeitto-utensilsvälineet, the Fund replaced this with loans.
- Finally, I did the laundry, cleaned theeating and cookingruokailu- ja keitto-utensilsvälineetand washed myself.
- Crockery, cutlery,cookingkeitto-utensilsvälineet, pillows and blankets.
- Is it your responsibility to provide linen, blankets,cookingkeitto-utensilsvälineet, etc.
- Just a table and a couple of stools, and above the fireplace a shelf holding variouscookingkeitto-utensilsvälineitä.
- Why do people think that inserting a candle into something they have no further use for renders it an indispensablehouseholdkotitalous-utensilvälineinstead of litter they should be taking home in their rucksacks?
- Like John after him, he was not so much a tinker as a brazier, a mender and purveyor ofhouseholdkotitalous-utensilsvälineiden, with a forge beside his cottage.
- HerHänenhouseholdkotitalous-utensilsvälineensäglittered and clanked in her lap, keys against scissors, knife against comb and spirtle and needle-case.
- Other hazards in the kitchen include the hot cooker and hotbakingpaisto-utensilsvälineitäalthough protecting the hands and wrists with heat-resistant gloves helps to avoid burns.
- Evenkitchenkeittiö-utensilsastioitaare being sold along with a job lot of washing machines, dryers and ironing machines for £200.
- Shoes, clothing, leather goods, candles andkitchenkeittiö-utensilsastioitaare all produced.
- As in all areas of mainly disseminated settlement and self-sufficient farms -- woollen garments,kitchenkeittiö-utensilsastioita, even ploughs were home-made -- misery was concealed by its dispersion.