TransFrameNet:Getting vehicle underway
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- The Tyne class Redcar lifeboatTyne-luokan Redcar-pelastusvenewas<empty>launchedtyönnettiin vesilleyesterdayeilento escort the fishing boat Claire Louise back into the Teessaattamaan Claire Louise -kalastusalusta takaisin Teesiin.
- Their host at the cottage was William Masters -- Captain Flower of the story -- coxswain ofthe first Swanage lifeboat, the Charlotte Maryensimmäisen Swanage-pelastusveneen Charlotte Maryn,launchedtyönnettiin vesillewhile they were staying thereheidän seisoessaan siellä.
- He finds excitement watchingthe local lifeboatpaikallista pelastusvenettäbeing<empty>launchedtyönnetään vesilleor the rescue teams in action on Dartmoor.
- The CoastguardMerivartijalaunchedtyönsi vesillethe Crimdon Dene inshore lifeboatCrimdon Denenin rannikkopelastusveneenand the helicopter at RAF Boulmer was scrambled yesterday after children reported seeing a swimmer floating out to sea near Hartlepool.
- By the early seventiesVarhain 1970-luvullaJapanese yardsjapanilaiset telakatwere<empty>launchingtyönsivät vesilleover half the world's shipsyli puolet maailman laivoista.
- AmericaAmerikkahad, said the paper, justlaunchedtyönsi vesillea new submarine torpedo boat, declared (by the Americans, I hope) `to be the most unique vessel of that character ever invented ``uuden sukellustorpedoveneen, jonka (toivoakseni amerikkalaiset) ilmoittivat olevan ”lajissaan ainutlaatuisimman koskaan keksityn aluksen”.
- Then one day in August he made his momentous announcement: `Iminähaveolenlaunchedtyöntänyt vesillemy boatveneeni.
- Asthe crewsmiehistölaunchedtyönsi vesilletheir raftslauttansaat Hay-on WyeHay-on Wyessaon Saturdaylauantaina, ahead lay a 100-mile long journey down to the river to Chepstow.
- They had moved into the area on boardfive rubber dinghiesviidellä kumijollalla, jotkalaunchedtyönnettiin vesillefrom the Greenpeace vessel, Rainbow Warrior IIGreenpeacen Rainbow Warrior II -aluksesta, and were planning to establish a ``peace camp on the atoll.
- Ferdinand Graf von ZeppelinFerdinand Graf von Zeppelinlaunchedtyönsi vesillehis first airshipensimmäisen ilma-aluksensain 1900vuonna 1900, and so began the age of the hydrogen-filled craft in which Germany led the world for two decades.
- Sabrina 5Sabrina 5was built in Bristol by Charles Hill & Son andlaunchedtyönnettiin vesillein 1944vuonna 1944, one of a class of six boats.
- Conditions stayed favourable and when we got to the headland of Volunteer Point,the small boatpieni venewas<empty>launchedtyönnettiin vesilleand we were ferried ashore with only the odd wet foot resulting from the landing.
- Nowthe J/44J/44,whichjokawas<empty>launchedtyönnettiin vesilleonly last yearvasta viime vuonna, has received an exceptional response worldwide, with 57 boats already on the water or in the process of construction.
- The first new boat built for the 1993-94 raceEnsimmäinen vuosien 1993–1994 kilpailuun rakennettu uusi venehas beenonlaunchedlaskettu vesillein AucklandAucklandissa.