austere.a 🔎
- Thinking of theaustereaskeettisiarationsannoksiaback in Britainkotona Britanniassa, Constance was uneasy at such luxury.
- It was at Winchester thatKenKenin'saustereaskeettisethabitstavatseem to have developed.
- DurkheimDurkheimwas a veryaustereaskeettinenman whomies, jokaled a rigidly timetabled existence and refused to talk to his family except at mealtimes.
- HeHänstood flexing the body he had preserved to himself by hard exercise and theausterevaatimattomillaliving thatelintavoilla, jotkawore so deceptive a cloak of luxury.
- WeMeidänmust have been poor or deliberatelyausterevaatimattomia, but I was not told …
- Lifeelämäfor IraniansIranilaistenwasoliausterevaatimatonta.
- He told me thatPyke's private lifePyken yksityiselämäwasn't a desert ofaustereaskeettisiaand puritanical practices.
- Harry halted sharply at sight ofthe slender, elderly priestlaihan, vanhemman papin,austerevaatimatonand grey beside Isambard's splendour.
austerity.n 🔎
- To someone brought up in the relativeausteritieskoruttomuudessaof the Church of ScotlandSkotlannin kirkon, all this gilt and marble, colourful painting and painted statuary seems rather extraordinary and, somehow, secular.
- Suchwas theolivatausterityvaatimattomatof his habitsHänen vaatteensathat it never entered his head himself to have any kind of formal dinner in which I could join.
- For some years now Pecham had been lecturing in Rome where he was noted forhishänenausterityvaatimattomuudestaan, his learning and his authoritarianism.
- Perhaps it is the legacy of my Fifties upbringing, when the States always had that image of the cornucopia of goodies and pleasureable things, with no whiff ofEuropeaneurooppalaistaausterityvaatimattomuuttaand rationing.
- To make things worse, after six months of stringentgovernmenthallituksenausteritytiukkaa taloudenpitoa, the inflation rate for the month of January was almost 18%.
- Soon afterwards, the Finance Minister will present anausteritysäästeliäänbudgettalousarvionfor 1990.
- But it remained to be seen whether the ambitious plan would withstand the impact of possible futureausteritysäästäväisyys-measurestoimia.
economical.a 🔎
- SheHänwasolieconomicaltaloudellinenin her conversationkeskustelussaan.
- ItSeis<empty>moreenemmäneconomicalsäästääwith spacetilaa.
- I am sure they provideveryhyvineconomicaltaloudellisenmotoringautoilun, but no-one gets much enjoyment out of it shall I say.
- Eating outUlkona syöminenis convenient andeconomicalhalpaa.
- Itis thereforeon siksimostkaikkeineconomicalhalvinta, from the quality control point of view,to produce large batchesvalmistaa suuria eriä.
economy.n 🔎
- It was part of theeconomytaloudellistadrive in preparation for Hate Week.
extravagant.a 🔎
- I giggle a little as I fetch the little dark blue jacket I bought at the same time: itwas ratheroli varsinextravaganttuhlaavaistato buy bothostaa kummatkin,but they seemed to belong together.
- If anything,wemewere tooolimme myösextravaganttuhlaavaisiain the late 1980s when money was rolling in -- we took everything for granted.
- Thusa ladyhieno nainenwill smoke, talk slang, orbeonextravagantpröystäileväin dresspuvussaan; and will declare her intention of doing as she likes ``.
- At a formal dinner party,yousinullahave an excuseto be<empty>extravagantkäyttää runsaastiwith the floral decorationskukkakoristeluja.
- She saidbeing<empty>extravaganttuhlauswith watervedenwas awfully unfair …
- WIMBLEDON 'Sextravagantylenpalttisetcelebrationsjuhlallisuudetsuggested Vinnie Jones had won an Oscar for best supporting tough guy in `Soccer's Hard Men ``.
- McCarty-Cooper soon gave up decorating, and began to sell his mentor's collection in order to support anextravaganttuhlaavaistalifestyleelintyyliään.
- The number ofextravagantTuhlaavaisialocal authoritiespaikallisviranomaisiawould be more than 100.
- That may be a rather spectacular andextravagantkohtuutonway of showing his disdain for factual knowledgetapa näyttää halveksuntansa tosiasiatietoja kohtaanerm which no doubt can go too far.
- This doesn't mean seeing wealth as our main goal in life, or as a guarantee of security and happiness; nor does it mean being wasteful andextravaganttuhlaavainen.
- He died in 1837 and left all his assets tohis nephewhänen veljenpojalleen,,whojokawas veryextravaganttuhlaavainen.
frugal.a 🔎
- BothKummatkinwere<empty>frugalsäästäväisestiin their use of energy and timekäyttivät energiaansa ja aikaansa.
- `SURE of foot, hard of hide, strong in constitution,frugalniukkain dietruokavalio, a first-rate weight carrier, indifferent to heat and cold,hehäncombines the best of the most homely characteristics of both the noble houses from which he is descended.
- LaboulbenialesLaboulbeniales-parasiiteillaare ratheron varsinfrugalvähänwith their sporesitiöitä.
- Being a rather mean andfrugalkitsasmanmies, he employed a local stonemason who was well versed in the designs of the great architects of the day such as James Gibbs.
- Kendalians were described, a population of 8,000 as `afrugalkitsaiksi, industriouspeopleihmisiksi, and many of them have risen to a considerable degree of opulence by their assiduous attention to business.
- She insistsshehänlives afrugalsäästäväistälifeelämää.
- But clearlythe Queenkuningattaren's well-knownfrugalsäästäväisethabitstavathave rubbed off on staff.
- She was said to be a good cook, afrugalsäästäväinenmanagertaloudenhoitaja, an enthusiastic gardener.
- It was a simplefrugalsäästäväistälifeelämää.
- Myth has it that the accumulation was financed byfrugalsäästäväisetJapanese workersjapanilaiset työntekijät.
- But this caution, thisfrugaltaloudellinenhusbanding of manpowertyövoiman säästäminen, was not founded purely on cold reasoning.
- Japan has few energy resources of its own anditsehas learntto be<empty>frugalsäästeliäs: energy prices are approximately twice those in Britain.
- SheHänlikedto be<empty>frugalsäästäväisyydestä: to have money and carefully dole it out.
- He was a hardworking,frugalsäästäväinenand thriftymanmieswho was saving to buy a small cottage from his employer.
- SheHänetis also known forbeing<empty>frugalkitsaudestaanand will often only serve visiting supporters after running a used teabag three or four times through a mangle.
- IMinä'm a bitolen hiemantooliianfrugalsäästeliästo splash out masses of cash on designer clothestuhlatakseni massoittain rahaa design-vaatteisiin.
frugality.n 🔎
- HisHänenfrugalitysäästäväisyytensäextends to his two work-places.
husband.v 🔎
- Britain is well placed withreserves of coal, oil and gas whichhiili-, öljy- ja kaasuvarantoja, joitamust beonhusbandedkäytettävä säästäväisestiin a national energy policykansallisessa energiapolitiikassato balance the needs of the present with those of the future.
- Well, fortunately, new ground has been broken by some of our novelists,ground whichperusta, jotacan bevoivathusbandedkäyttää säästäväisestiby new writersuudet kirjailijat.
- HollyHollydid not interrupt him, and broke his bread into small pieces andhusbandedsäästithe crumbsmuruset.
- Properly calculated and regularly reported, intangible-asset values are an additional signal showing investors how well, or badly,bossespomotareovathusbandingsäästäneeta bank's resourcespankin resursseja.
- All marble used in the west at this time had to be imported from the Greek islands, soitsitäwas<empty>husbandedkäytettiin säästeliäästi.
parsimonious.a 🔎
- To be<empty>parsimoniousKitsasin the use of parametersparametrien käyttöassists in the display of deviance; in a prosecution it aids a portrayal of guilt, as an agency head explained:
- Alter most of Britain's major wars there is a rush to demobilize, and to return to theparsimoniousniukkaanlevels of peacetime Defence expenditurerauhanaikaisen puolustuksen kulutasoon.
- The European grants, correctly assigned to Northern Ireland due to its isolation within the market and its relative poverty, should not be gobbled up byparsimoniouskitsaatTreasury Ministersvaltionvarainministeritas they hide behind the concept of additionality.
- Very well, keep that ifyousinäare soolet niinparsimoniouskitsas, and we will find something else for them.
- He describedthemheitäas cowardly, hesitant, selfish, timorous, suspicious, fearful,parsimoniouskitsaiksi, miserly, small-minded, ill-humoured and avaricious.
- HowMitenconservative orparsimoniouskitsashasnatureluontobeen with its signals and its building materials?
parsimony.n 🔎
- Anecdotes ofhishänenparsimonykitsaudestaanabounded.
- This ease with money characterised their life together, which David had sampled and rejected fiercely, preferring theparsimonykitsauttaof the Oxford houseOxfordin talon-- though he had never used that word aloud.
profligacy.n 🔎
- In practice, they so mistrust the secrecy and allegedprofligacytuhlaavaisuuttaof Central Officekeskustoimistonthat they refuse to shell out.
- The virtuous Scottish doctor would certainly have been shocked byourmeidänmodernprofligacyhillittömyytemme.
- The boomwas not pureei ollut pelkkääconsumerkuluttajienprofligacytuhlaavaisuutta.
profligate.a 🔎
- Althoughthe sourceslähteetare noteivätprofligatesisällä runsaasti, it is possible to reach a more differentiated picture.
- A persistent critic ofprofligatetuhlaavaisengovernmenthallituksen, he now has his chance to trim the deficit.
- He was a generous andprofligatetuhlaavainenhostisäntä, often keeping open-house.
- SheHänwas almostoli lähesprofligatetuhlaavainenin her generosityavokätisyydessään.
- In the US, the set-up of health insurance companies that stand between consumers and the services they use encourages theprofligatetuhlaavaistause of resourcesresurssien käyttöä.
sparing.a 🔎
- Dark pigments in leaves and flowers contribute to warming; theirsparingsäästeliäsuse in spring leaveskäyttö kevätlehdissäsuggests that green pigments alone are sufficient to bring the leaves to optimum temperatures.
- Although they are employed to a much greater extent than the rest of the percussion, it must be realized that their effectiveness largely depends on asparingsäästeliäästäuse of themkäytöstä.
- It was the first game Aitken had started since the Skol Cup final four months ago, though his display belied suchsparingsäästeliästäuse of his talentslahjojensa hyödyntämistä.
- Is a `Se on ”sparingkitsasamountsumma``given to a community of thirty small tropical fish also adequate for a dozen hungry Rift Cichlids in a larger aquarium?
spendthrift.n 🔎
- The Daily Telegraph joined in, fulminating against the welfare state's profligate fanatics,spendthriftstuhlareitaof the taxpayer's moneyveronmaksajien rahojen.
- Although a younger son, he inherited the property on the death of his father in 1706 after his elder brother Christopher (a notoriousspendthrifttuhlari) was disinherited.
- `As you know,PuttPuttwas aolispendthrifttuhlariand a heavy gambler.
squander.v 🔎
- HeHänsquanderedtuhlasihis moneyrahansaon the indulgence of all his desires.
- `It is manifestly unjust that a privileged few should continue to accumulate excess goods,squanderingtuhlatenavailable resourcessaatavilla olevia resurssejawhile masses of people are living in conditions of misery.
- However,that moneytämä rahawas<empty>squanderedtuhlattiin.
- Apparentlythe servant girl he marriedpalvelustyttö, jonka hän nai,squanderedtuhlasievery penny of hishänen jokaisen penninsäand Elizabeth says she has no pity for her now she's destitute.
thrift.n 🔎
- What a pity, thought Caro as she hurried down the rue de Rivoli, that Alphonse was no longer here to seeherhänenthriftsäästäväisyttäänput to such good use.
- Chinese leaders have responded with programs to improve social welfare, campaigns to promotecommunistkommunisiminthriftsäästäväisyyttäand a police crackdown on migrants without work.
- He devised new methods ofthriftsäästö-, such as painting backdrops on both sides of the canvas and staging chases to the top of a hill, to catch the last rays of a sunset.
- SINGAPORE (AP) --- Major restrictions on easy bank loans came into effect Monday, aimed at encouragingthriftsäästäväisyyttäamong Singaporeans who were found to be spending more and more on borrowed moneysingaporelaisten joukossa, joiden havaittiin tuhlaavan yhä enemmän ja enemmän lainarahaan.
thrifty.a 🔎
- Oxfam is thethriftysäästäväisenmanmiehen's chain-store, and the branch at 202b Kensington High Street is its menswear flagship.
- If you were athriftysäästäväinencitizenkansalainenand wanted a safe piggy-bank secure from the prying eyes of nasty parties such.
- She was a verythriftysäästäväinenwomannainenbecause in spite of eleven children we never wanted for anything and you went through a depression like, you know.
- Anything that came ashore would be snatched up at once bythriftysäästäväisetbeachcomberskeräilijät.
- There aremany other waysmonia muita tapojaofbeing<empty>thriftysäästää.
- Caroline Montalva had always been considered one of the smartest of Parisians and like most of themshehänwas alsooli myösthriftysäästäväinen.
- The only respect in whichAinoa asia, jossahehänwas obviously notthriftysäästäväinen,was wivesolivat vaimot-- he had already discarded five.
- He and his wifewere a `olivatveryhyvin,,veryhyvinthriftysäästäväisiä``, simple-living couple, and right at the end of their long lives quite close.
- SheHänethad been brought upto be<empty>thriftysäästäväiseksiand careful.
- `My parents might have spent every penny they earned on helping their out-of-work friends, but Gran broughtmeminutupto be<empty>thriftysäästäväiseksiand never to get into debt.