- He was so tall thathis steel helmethänen teräskypäränsägratedraapaisigentlykevyestiagainst the top of the dooroven yläosaawhen he came in.
- Knowing that she simply had to shake off this mood of dreamy awareness, she turned on her heel,some grit beneath the leather soles of her flat white sandalshieman hiekkaa tasapohjaisten valkoisten sandaaliensa nahkapohjissagratinghankasiharshlykovasti.
- He gripped her so hard thather boneshänen luunsagratedkirskuivattogetheryhteen, and she gasped in pain before stumbling as he pushed her away.
- His mantle flared,the spurskannuksetgratedraapivatagain.
- Double callresemblesmuistuttaatwo stoneskahta kiveägratedhangattuatogetheryhteen; wing quills make a rattling sound in flight.
- The floor was covered witha black substance thatmustaa ainetta, jokalooked like soot, butgratedkirskuiunder the soles of her bootshänen saappaidensa pohjien allalike sandhiekan tavoin.
- On Friday night his grandmother heard him come in, becausehis keyhänen avaimensagratedkirskuiin the locklukossa.
- Perhaps it wasthe branchesoksat,that were spiking inside her ears,gratinghangatenagainst the back of her throathänen kurkkunsa takalakea?
- I sat tight in my seat,my big kneessuuret polvenigratinghankasivatagainst the row in frontedesä olevaa riviä vasten, trying to ignore the agonising cramps that tore up my thighs.
- The spiked padPiikillinen pehmikeripped through the Daughter's blouse, andgratedhankasion the armoured contour-girdletuettuja liivejäunderneath.
- There was a harsh sound ofrustruosteengratinghankausagainst rustruostetta vasten, which set Meredith's teeth on edge, but the key wouldn't budge.
- Chains rattled andpinsneulatgratedraapivat.
- In a cage near Creggan an eagle shook its feathers; somewheretalonspetolinnun kynnetraspedkirskuivatbrieflyon metalmetalliinand were still.
- He rubbed his face,his handkädelläänraspingraapienover the heavy beard stubbletiheää parransänkeä.
- As he went,his swordmiekkansacameraspingkirskuenfrom the sheathtupesta.
- Ruth found herself on her knees,sandhiekkaraspinghangatenbetween her fingershänen sormenvälejään.
- And perfect too is the reception committee that tumbles out of the door asour tyresrenkaammeraspnarskuvaton the gravelsoralla: two golden-haired children, two golden retrievers, and one golden wife.
- My breathHengitykseniraspedpihisiin my throatkurkussani, and a slight light-headedness I had started to feel owing to hyperoxygenating earlier waned as my muscles took up the slack of the extra power in my blood.
- They heard a car in the driveway, then the sound offootstepsaskeltenraspingnarskuvanon brick pavingtiiliskivipinnoitteella, and the hum of a second car.
- And then with a desperate movement he drew back from her grasp,his breathhänen hengityksensäraspingpihisiin his chesthänen rinnassaan.
- Mr Whistle seemed to be growing to giant size,his huge headhänen valtava päänsäscrapingraapaistenthe ceilingkattoa.
- He picked up the folder and stood up,the chairtuoliscrapingkirskuinoisilyäänekkäästiagainst the concrete floorbetonilattiaa vastenas he pushed it back.
- Holding his breath, Patrick lifted the gate slightly to preventitsitäscrapingraapimastaalong the groundmaahanand then pushed it open.
- Redundant handlesYlimääräiset rivatscraperaapivatalong the groundmaatalike entrailskuin sisälmyksiäand get tangled up in pushchair wheels and unsuspecting dogs' legs.
- TwigsRisutscrapedraapivathis skinhänen ihoaan, the touch of dank leaves on his face made him shiver.
- SomethingJokinscrapedraapiagainst one of the windowsyhtä ikkunoista.
- I finished it, and the sound ofmy spoonlusikkaniscrapingkirskumisestaon the bottom of the bowlkulhon pohjaa vastenmade him wince.
- The chair behind her kneesTuoli hänen polviensa takanascrapedkirskuion the floorlattiaanwith a raucous metallic soundäännekkäällä metallisella äänellä, and she winced.
- He started looking at some of the nearby pillars and columns,his bootshänen saappansascrapingnarskuivaton the glass slabs of the floorlattian lasilaatoillaas he moved.
- This not only strained the backs of my arms but also madethe aluminium legsalumiinijalatscreechkirskumaanagainst the groundmaata vasten, which set my teeth on edge.
- The wheel rimPyörän vannescreechedkirskuiagainst the stonekiveä vastenbut Dougal ignored it.
- A right-hand fork appeared suddenly; Volkov took it,the Renault's tyresRenaultin renkaatscreechingkirskuen.
- As they got out of the car and walked across the yard,their feetheidän jalkansascrunchingnarskuivaton the stoneskivillä, Jinny had a queer feeling that they were being watched.
- The tyresRenkaatsquealedkirskuivatas they braked, the concrete smooth as skin and slick with fluids that had bled from other cars.
- Without a backward glance at Brooklands or the woman who stood watching them from the doorway, she pulled out into the flow of traffic,her tyreshänen renkaansasquealingkirskuivaton the loose gravel driveirtonaisella soratiellä.
- A spearKeihässquealedkirskuion the rim of his shieldhänen kilpensä reunaanand he lifted his sword.