TransFrameNet:Forming relationships
- Back in 1980,HallHallhad met andbeen<empty>befriendedystävystynytby Eddie MurphyEddie Murphyn kanssaand, by the time The Late Show failed, the two had made Coming to America.
- There,shehänisolibefriendedystävystynytby StoneyStoneyn kanssa, a sexy rock `n ``roller who rescues her from a world of LSD that she has dropped into.
- Deadwood prospered andCostnerCostnerin kanssawas<empty>befriendedystävystyivätby localspaikallisetuntil they discovered he had drawn up plans for an 800-room hotel and conference centre nearby.
- It went into the farmhouses where he lodged overnight and wherehehänetwas known andbefriendedotettiin ystävällisesti vastaan.
- In what circumstances, if any, oughtIranIraninto<empty>befriendolla ystävällinenthe lesser enemyvähäisemmälle vihollisellein order to make matters worse for the greater one?
- After Wilde's release in 1897 and his exile to France,RossRosscontinuedto<empty>befriendystävällinenand supporthimhänelle, and to act as intermediary between Wilde and his estranged wife and her advisers.
- As he released his anger, he felt his love for his ex-wife, and wept overtheirheidändivorceavioeroaan.
- Diana, then 14, was heartbroken when her grandfather died aged 83 in June 1975 -- six years afterher father'shänen isänsäbitterdivorceavioeronfrom her mumhänen äidistään, now Mrs Frances Shand Kydd.
- Mum thoughtmyminundivorceavioeronishamed her.
- IMinä've had three kids and twodivorcesavioeroa, and if you think it's made me happy, then think again.
- `TheyHe'd both like to see a reconciliation and they certainly have no plans fordivorceerota.
- The Act allowedcouplesparitto petition fordivorceavioeroaafter the first anniversary of their marriage, instead of after three years as had been upheld previously.
- He refused to comment on his holiday withMaryMaryn,whojokawasolidivorcederonnutlast yearviime vuonnafrom his cousin Angus McKinnon, a doctorserkustaan lääkäri Angus McKinnonista.
- The couplePari,whojokadivorcederosifour months ago after 16 years of marriageneljä kuukautta sitten 16 vuoden avioliiton jälkeen, just `couldn't live apart ``.
- SheHändivorcedotti avioeronmeminustabecause of my unreliable behaviour and adulteryepäluotettavan käytökseni ja aviorikokseni vuoksi, but wherever I go she is in my thoughts.
- My mum doesn't have a clue where he is and says she doesn't thinkshehäncanvoidivorceottaa avioeronhimhänestäbecause of thistämän vuoksifor all we know he could be dead.
- AnneAnnedivorcederosiMark PhillipsMark Phillipsistäin Junekesäkuussa.
- Crowley's wifeCrowleyn vaimodivorcedotti avioeronhimhänestäon grounds of admitted adultery in 1910myönnetyn aviorikoksen perusteella vuonna 1910.
- IMinädivorcedotin avioeronmy wifevaimostanifor smoking in the toiletvessassa tupakoinnin vuoksi!
- Rosentiel's fourth wifeSusanSusanspent ten years tryingto<empty>divorceottaa avioeroahimhänestä, a decade of singular bitterness, involving his perjury and attempts to jail her.
- Peggy did not move, but after a moment of silence she said, `Iminäcanvoindivorceottaa avioeronhimhänestä.
- A judgetuomarista,was<empty>divorcedotti avioeronby his wifeVaimobecause he had taken to the idea that she was possessed by the devil and gave her a thump or two to drive Satan outkoska tämä oli saanut päähänsä ajatuksen, että vaimo oli paholaisen riivaama ja kumautti siksi häntä pari kertaa ajaakseen saatanan ulos.
- Shehänestähad beenolivatdivorcedottaneet avioeronby her two husbandsHänen kaksi aviomiestään, deserted by her last lover, and considered herself very virtuous because she neither drank nor smoked.
- The arms on a tea-tray we will be selling are those of the Duke of Northumberland and I am fascinated to read thathis first wifeensimmäisestä vaimostaanwas<empty>divorcedotti avioeronby himhänin 1779vuonna 1779.
- TheyHewere<empty>divorcederosivatin 1936vuonna 1936; they had no children.
- TobyTobyhad been married twice anddivorcederonnuttwicekahdestibut, without the problem of children to provide for, had escaped without too many financial penalties.
- I'm not a jealous kind of person, andmy own parentsminun omat vanhempaniwere<empty>divorcederosivatfive into my marriage with Bailey.
- In 1934 he married Katherine Monica, younger daughter of Samuel Kerkham Ratcliffe, a British journalist and lecturer;theyheseparated in 1945 anddivorcederosivatin 1947vuonna 1947.
- Coy Senior and Luke's mother, AnnCoy Senior ja Luken äiti Ann,divorcederosivatsoon after Luke celebrated his sixth birthdaypian Luken kuudennen syntymäpäivän jälkeenin the poor Ohio farming community where the family scraped a livingköyhässä Ohion maatalousyhteisössä, jossa perhe elää kituutti.
- Lord Campbell -- 46-year-old brother of the Duke of Argyll -- had tried to ignore his ex-wife's antics sincetheyhedivorcederosivatwithin months of marrying in 1974parin kuukauden avioliiton jälkeen vuonna 1974.
- Dawn and her first husband, BrianDawn ja hänen ensimmäinen aviomiehensä Brian,divorcederosivatas a result of the affairjutun vuoksi.
- Her parentsHänen vanhempansadivorcederosivatwhen Jane was 12Janen ollessa 12-vuotias, and she and her sister hardly knew their father.
- This may, however, underestimate the volume of marital breakdown in the earlier years of marriage, for several studies have shown that couples may split up, on average, five years beforetheyheactuallydivorceerosivat.
- Example Jane is the child ofRichard and MaryRichardin ja Marynnownytdivorcederonneen.
- THE 14-year-old girl who14-vuotias tyttö, jokalaunched an action to `divorceerotakseen``herself<empty>from her parentsvanhemmistaanwas yesterday placed under the guardianship of the High Court.
- Aged 18, she was given £50,000 from the fund to buy her famous Colherne Court flat, where she lived untilherhänenengagementkihlautumistaanto CharlesCharlesin kanssa.
- A few minutes later Sophie placed the tray on the low table beside Joanna and began to discuss the news ofHelen'sHeleninengagementkihlautumista, but Joanna showed very little interest.
- But afterIminäleftjätinherhänet, I realized how cruel I had been.
- `Howcouldsaattoimy fatherisänileavelähteä? ``she breathed, her face shining.
- Police believethe childlapsenwasolileftjättänytthereby his father, Mr Ashworth, 31,hänen isänsä, herra Ashworth, 31,who took him to Scotland yesterday morning.
- `IMinut've beenonlefthylättyhere holding the baby, jobless, practically penniless, worrying how I'm going to meet mortgage repayments.
- Much later (about 800 pages later)Paljon myöhemmin (noin 800 sivua myöhemmin),DickensDickensleavesjättäähis wife Catherinevaimonsa Catherinen.
- Ms Sultana, of Lawrence Street, Dundee, said her family was approached in 1989 by Ahmed's family to arrange amarriageavioliitonbetween themheidän välillään.
- In the first instance she arranges themarriageavioliitonof ElgivaElgivanto the sensitive and naive kingherkkään ja hyväuskoiseen kuninkaaseen.
- It has been the setting for themarriagesavioliitoilleof numerous MPsuseiden parlamentin jäsentenand the subsequent baptism of their offspring in its Welsh marble font.
- In the egalitarian, brothers have equal inheritance rights, do not live with their parents after marriage, and allow nomarriageavioliittoaamong their childrenlastensa kesken.
- OnhisHänenmarriageavioliittonsaon 2 April 1622to Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Coxe, grocer, of London,lontoolaisen sekatavarakauppiaan Robert Coxen tyttären Elizabethin kanssahe had land in Hampshire, Surrey, and Wiltshire settled on him.
- He hadn't thought ofmarriageavioliittoabefore.
- The idea ofmarriageavioliitostainto the royal house of FranceRanskan kuningashuoneen jäsenen kanssahad been openly raised at least as early as September 1543, and presumably had been in the mind of Mary of Guise long before that.
- Your mother wasa silly greedy girl -- a gold-digger whotyperä ja ahne tyttö – varakasta miestä metsästävä nainen, jokawantedto<empty>marryavioituaabove her station, but took fright at the last moment, without caring what hurt she bestowed.
- And it was generally accepted that Grandad William Tallentire was capable of making his way in any society, so it really wasn't a clear case ofGrandmaisoäidinmarryingavioituvanbeneath her.
- Fanny, his wifeHänen vaimonsa Fanny,whomjonkahehänclandestinelymarriesnaiagainst his parents' wishes, being compelled to spend his wedding night `in a back-kitchen chimney ``at her father's house.
- TheyHemarriedmenivät naimisiinsoon after.)
- Traditional values still hold sway as 86pc of Ulster youngsters thought it was important fora coupleparito<empty>marryvihittiinbefore having children, when the national average was 72pc.
- Accompanied byhis wifehänen vaimonsa,whomjonkahehänhadolimarriednainutshortly before sailing, Johnson arrived with the first fleet and celebrated the first Anglican service under `a great tree ``at Sydney cove on 3 February 1788.
- WhenIminämarriedmenin naimisiin, I left behind the few friends of my childhood, and made no lasting friends in London.
- `Becauseyousinä're<empty>marryingmenet naimisiinMiss Ingramneiti Ingramin kanssa-- she's your bride!
- I remember being one of the most disgusted whenSusan GrilletSusan Grilletmarriednaia Beastly BaronetBeastly Baronetinnearly three times her age.
- They had a son anda daughter, (Lydia) Marian, whotytär, (Lydia) Marian, jokamarriednaiHumphrey Mynors, later first baronet, deputy governor of the Bank of EnglandHumphrey Mynorsin, myöhemmin ensimmäisen baronetin ja Englannin pankin apulaiskuvernöörin.
- For a long time Bayonne was an English possession, having been part of the extensive territorial dowry of Eleanor of Aquitaine whenshehänmarriedavioituiinto the Plantagenet familyPlantagenetin perheeseenin the middle of the twelfth century1100-luvun puolessavälissä.
- The Podensac, who held a number of strong-points on the Garonne,Podensac, jolla oli useita tukikohtia Garonnen varrella,hadolimarriedavioitunutinto the bourgeois family of CaillauCaillaun porvarisperheeseenat BordeauxBordeaux'ssain 1293vuonna 1293and thus brought much of their fortune into the Albret inheritance.
- `It is impossible forsomeonejonkunto<empty>marrymennä naimisiininto the Royal Familykuninkaallisen perheen jäsenen kanssaand have separate but equal status.
- HeHän'd liketo<empty>marryliittyäinto our circleryhmäämme, for he's a snob.
- Three of their children died young, but three sons survived to sit in Parliament andthree daughterskolme tytärtäto<empty>marrynaitiininto minor gentry familiesalempiin säätyläisperheisiin.
- My man and IMinun mieheni ja minäseparatederosimmewhen I was 60.
- The parentsVanhemmatseparatedasuivat erilläänfrom time to timeajoittainand the father also served a prison sentence.
- Her parentsHänen vanhempansaseparatedasumuseronand later divorced and she says the `family split into two ``.
- Ofwomen whoNaisista, jotkaseparatederosivatbetween 1970 and 1974vuosina 1970–1974before the age of 35ennen 35-vuoden ikää, nearly one-quarter had remarried within three years, while just over half had remarried within six years.
- A friend said: “Jenny and IanJenny ja Ianseparatedottivat asumuseronin 1974vuonna 1974and divorced in 1978.
- The MacBridesMacBridesitseparatederosivatafter two yearskahden vuoden kuluttua.
- International:MandelaMandelaaunder pressureto<empty>separateeroamaanfrom `wayward ``wife”kurittomasta” vaimostaan
- Eleanor and HenryEleanor ja Henryhadolivatseparatederonneetunofficiallyepävirallisestiand there was no love lost between them.
- Diana, who is from a broken home, will find no comfort in the fact that Lisa is from a stable and loving family who have given her every support sinceherhänenseparationeronsafrom MarcoMarcosta.
- In May 1991, justices made an order committing two children, who had been living with their mother following theseparationeronof their parentsheidän vanhempiensa, to the care of the local authority.
- Thecouple'sparinseparationerowas `bitter and unhappy ``.
- From time to time, during the first few months ofourmeidänseparationeroamme, Otto used to ring me.
- Republicanism may not be rampant yet, but the Duchess of York's indiscretions andthe Prince and Princess of Wales'sWalesin prinssin ja prinsessanseparationerohave certainly made it more respectable.
- We chart eachseparationeroaand see how it affected child.
- Caroline had suffered a double loss in that followingseparationasumuserostaand divorcefrom her husbandaviomiehestään, he later died from a sudden heart attack.
- But as the relationship deepened, so aseparationerobetween she and her husbandhänen ja hänen aviomiehensäcame to seem inevitable.
- Mr MandelaMandelaais now being urged by ANC colleagues to announce an officialseparationeronfrom his wifevaimostaan.
tie the knot.v
- The wedding industry has to get as much cash as possible out ofthe remaining couples whojäljellä olevista pareista, jotkachooseto<empty>tie the knotmennä naimisiinwith the blessing of God and every florist in BritainJumalan ja Britannian kaikkien kukkakauppiaiden siunauksella.
- Bride Laura Browne, 34,Morsian Laura Browne, 34,arrivedto<empty>tie the knotmenemään naimisiinwith 38-year-old Robbie Carter38 vuoden ikäisen Robbie Carterin kanssain Cinderella's glass coach, drawn by six white ponieskuuden valkoisen ponin vetämässä Tuhkimon lasivaunussa.
- PRINCESS StephaniePRINSESSA Stephanieplansto<empty>tie the knotmennä naimisiinwith her former bodyguardentisen henkivartijansa kanssaafter Christmasjoulun jälkeen.
- TheyHetied the knotmenivät naimisiinin a romantic ceremony on the banks of a fjordromanttisessa seremoniassa vuonon penkereillä.
- The King lookalike couldn't help falling in love with Lynn Willoughby andyesterdayeilentheyhetied the knotmenivät naimisiin.
- Ifyousinä're<empty>tying the knotmennä naimisiinat a registry officemaistraatissa, this timeless style is ideal.
- Love blossomed on a summer holiday in Morecambe andtheyhedecidedto<empty>tie the knotmennä naimisiin.
- Whensister Lousisar Loufinallylopultatied the knotmeni naimisiin, she did it in style; the full church wedding.
- WeMe're tibemenemmewednaimisiinat Easter.
- First of Augusthehän's gettingwednaimisiin.
- `So youaresinäto beaiotwedmennä naimisiinin June, ``he said speculatively.
- How farMarx and EngelsMarx ja Engelswereolivatweddedsitoutuneetto the ideaideaanis not clear and Engels did note that this sequence did not apply to the New World.
- In Julyyoung Catrionanuori Catrionawas<empty>wednaitettiinagain, and she took her child to her new home with her.
- `In fact my girlfriend Claudia and I have talked about marriage and I don't see whywemeidänshouldn'tei pitäisiwedmennä naimisiinsometime although we have not set a date.
- During Catherine's brief marriage to Henry, Culpepper and another former lover, Richard Dereham, were arrested and tortured into admitting having lain with Catherine beforeshehänwednaithe Kingkuninkaan.
- `Why areyousinäin such a hurry to be really and trulywednaimisissa? ``asked Joan curiously.
- Times I'd lie in my bed, late at night, and shudder to thinkmy Jakeminun Jakeni'doliweddedmennyt naimisiinherhänen kanssaanin a Christian church.
- Thatweddinghäätbetween Liz and OwenLizin ja Oweninhad proved to be a watershed in all their lives.
- Mozart composed his Haffner Serenade for theweddinghäihinof Elisabeth HaffnerElisabeth Haffnerin, daughter of a rich Salzburg merchant.
- Shortly before theweddinghäitäof the Duke and Duchess of YorkYorkin herttuan ja herttuattarenin July 1986 he was transferred to other duties, much to Diana's dismay.
- We were both fit enough to enjoy a wonderful weekend when we celebratedourmeidänRubyWeddinghäitä, with our children, their spouses, our grandchildren, our brothers and sisters, nieces and nephews and their children.
- I've waited sincemyomistaweddinghäistänifor this moment.