almond.n 🔎
- -- What I clutch in my hand is a fruit of theseaketapaninalmondmanteli-.
- The bitter variety is a distinct one, all the almonds of a bitter tree being bitter, rather than an occasional sport from asweetmakeanalmondmantelin.
- Meanwhile, grill theflakedhiutaleetalmondsmanteli-until golden; cool and roughly chop.
- Away from the heat, add the sugar to the pan, then stir in thegroundjauhetutalmondsmantelitand the lightly beaten eggs, in that order.
- Stir together the flour, ground cinnamon, grated suet,flakedhiutaleetalmondsmanteli-and orange zest.
apple.n 🔎
- ABritish Cox'sBritish Coxinappleomenamay have been sprayed 12 times and dipped in fungicide before it reaches your fruit bowl.
- `They had already lost one boat, their clothes were in rags, and all they had to eat was mouldy flour and a fewdriedkuivattuaapplesomenaa.
- Even Sal and Kitty turned up their noses when he offered them such delicacies as black bananas andbruisedmurskattujaapplesomenoita.
- The devil-man crossed the stage with his loping, thief-like walk and took anappleomenanhalf-eatenpuoliksi syödynout of the fist of another player.
- To make one, a pie dish lined with shortcrust pastry is filled withslicedviipaloiduillacookingkeitetyilläapplesomenoillasprinkled with demerara sugar and topped with slices of cheese.
- CrabMetsä-applesomenoitaare easily grown from seed, and most of the seedlings are well worth their place in the garden.
- Cook a 4-oz. pack of frozen peas or runner beans and serve with anuncooked grated sharp-tastingkeittämättömän, raastetun, kirpeäneatingsyönti-appleomenanto save the trouble of making apple sauce.
- He could also be seen riding on Buddie's back with ashinykiiltäväredpunainenappleomenain each hand, and again walking beside Smallfry on the day she wore the big yellow roses in her hair.
- FiveredpunaistaapplesomenaaI can see
- Cook a fewtarttorttu-applesomenaaalong with a sprig or two of mint and strain through a fine sieve.
- I also admired the way he could peel anappleomenanwith the skin in one piece, coiled like a spring.
banana.n 🔎
- A compromise was reached recently after much wrangling between those for and against duties ondollardollari-bananasbanaanien.
- HOW stupid of the EC to order cuts in our traditional imports of bananas from South America and the Caribbean so we have to buysmaller greenerpienempiä vihreitäEuroeuro-bananasbanaanejafrom Italy, Greece and the Canary Islands.
- Grated apple ormashedmurskatutbananabanaanitcan also add natural sweetness.
- I eat another halfbananabanaanin, thrash vainly at long pots, and resign when rather seriously behind.
basil.n 🔎
- This classic Genovese sauce, made withfreshtuoreestabasilbasilikasta, is served with pasta and soups.
- Halve, stone and peel one small avocado, then finely dice and mix with one tablespoon each of French dressing,chopped freshsilputtua tuorettabasilbasilikaaand finely chopped, seeded tomato.
- Add plenty of freshly milled black pepper and lots of herbs -- chopped fresh parsley, ordriedkuivattuabasilbasilikaa, or chopped celery leaves.
- Garnish with a sprig ofbasilbasilikan.
beef.n 🔎
- At the meat fridge I picked up a pack ofgroundjauhettuabeefnaudanlihaa.
- LeanVähärasvaistamincedjauhelihaabeefnaudanis on offer this week in most areas and there are some good buys to be had with topside, silverside and rump.
- Bresaolais a similaron samantapaistadriedkuivattuasaltsuola-beefnaudanlihaafrom ItalyItaliasta, but is often not quite as lean as pastrami.
- `I'll have somesaltsuola-beefnaudanlihaaand a bottle of brandy.
- Spiced currant dumplings cooked withboiledkeitetynbeefnaudanlihanwere also eaten at Easter in the Cambridge area.
- `You're not to eatbeefnaudanlihaa, ``said her mother.
- For those determined to stick to home cooking, you can still getroastpaahdettuabeefnaudanlihaa, gravy, chips, salad, ice-cream, beer and coffee -- all for Pounds 2.70.
beer.n 🔎
- He sat at an open-air terrace cafý and sipped a tall glass ofkegtynnyri-beerolutta, his tie undone and jacket draped over the back of his chair.
- It seems that only music andRed StripeRed Stripe -beerolutunites Jamaican society.
- In summer the water is home to huge plastic bathtubs in which unhappy families sit self-consciously picking at their dog's dinners, or pudgy louts grow raucous ontinnedtölkki-beerolutta.
- Slowly and hesitantly, the Big Six attempted to rebuild bridges to its alienated customers by producing and promotingcask conditionedtynnyriin pakattuabeeroluttaagain.
- Dry hops and finings are added tocask conditionedtynnyriin pakattuunbeerolueeseen.
- This is a style ofwheatvehnä-beerolutthat I especially enjoy, with its teasing counterpoint of tartness and chocolate-malt sweetness.
- Back at the village we were invited to join the chief and some of the older men for a drink ofmaizemaissi-beerolutta.
- Perhaps he drinks a lot ofbeerolutta.
berry.n 🔎
- The success of JS in this area was recognised at the `Britain Can Make It ``exhibition when, in the Printing and Packaging Section, ourcoffeekahvi-berriespapummeand semolina packs were selected as outstanding examples.
- The rowan (Sorbus aucuparia) is a great favourite of starlings, which provide an amusing display of gluttony as they devour thebright red autumnkirkkaanpunaisia syksynberriesmarjoja.
- Black and white peppercorns are well known to all cooks, but any good delicatessen should also stock green peppercorns, both dried and pickled in brine, andpinkvaaleanpunaisiapepperpippurinberriesmarjoja.
- ``We're going to carry theyewmarjakuusenberriesmarjojahome in our mouths and eat them in the great burrow.
- She read us some and there was one about a garden in the moonlight with a willow andwildvilli-berriesmarjoja.
- Uniformlybluesinisetberriesmarjatthat are familiar in certain temperate Ericaceae seem to be particularly associated with the attraction of pheasants, at least in the Malay Peninsula, where they are found in Pollia spp.
- They had been out picking bilberries all day, stooping over the little tough bushes among the heather and separating the branches to find thefatpulleita,blackkarhun-berriesvatukoitawith their bluish-misty sheen.
- Thesepungentkirpeät,driedkuivatutberriesmarjatfrom a citrus shrubsitruspensaanare reddish- brown.
- This trip included an overnight stop with a dinner of bear meat, dried fish, bread andforestmetsä-berriesmarjoja, followed by all six people sharing one enormous bed!
- Dick suffered personal injuries after eating theberriesmarjoja.
biscuit.n 🔎
- It can, but does not necessarily, mean paddling down the Orinoco alone, with a two week ration of half aship'slaiva-biscuitkeksistäand some rancid coconut milk.
- He puts hisdrykuivanbiscuitkeksinsädown, and with his left hand seizes his right elbow.
- It was seven o'clock in the evening and Lowell was mashing upcatkissankieli-biscuitskeksejäin hot water for Middy.
- She fed him bits ofbiscuitkeksi-, keeping her fingers clear of his teeth.
- Julia sat down and took her tea and asmallpienenalmondmanteli-biscuitkeksin.
- A knock on the door announced the arrival of two white mugs of tea and an anchor-decorated plate on which lay, unbelievably, twolarge thickly coatedisoa paksusti kuorrutettuachocolatesuklaa-biscuitskeksiä.
- Miss Mates will make us all some tea, give you somesweetmakeitabiscuitskeksejä, and only when I am fully satisfied that you are fit again shall I allow you to leave.
bread.n 🔎
- Serve with slivers ofwarmlämpimänpittapitta-breadleivän.
- Bec's bakedsodakivennäisvesi-breadleipääas well.
- Home-cooked ham, accompanied byfreshtuorettabrowntummaabreadleipää, is also a nourishing start to the day.
- Have thick crust pizza, extra potatoes,thick slicedpaksuja viipaleitabreadleipääor rolls with your meal.
- Say what you like, but thisstalepilaantunutbreadleipäthey served here was no substitute.
- Avoidwhitehiiva-breadleipääand choose from wholemeal, rye, granary or multigrain.
- Why do we kneadbreadleipää?
butter.n 🔎
- You great big beautiful bird: Roast turkey withClaudia Roden'sClaudia Rodeninflavouredmauste-buttervoillaand stuffing
- Concerning the world shortage ofcocoakookos-buttervoin, this is partly due to the increasing popularity of milk chocolate which, in manufacture, requires added cocoa butter.
- How about the langoustine inlimesitruuna-buttervoissa?
- Over each slice pour somemeltedsulatettuabuttervoita.
- Brushmeltedsulatettubuttervoiover pastry and scatter over the fruit.
- Lucy's grease, however, was a mixture of beeswax andrancideltaantunuttabuttervoita.
- Mash it or purée it in the blender with an equal quantity offreshtuorettaunsaltedsuolaamatontabuttervoita.
- Melt thebuttervoiin a pan.
cabbage.n 🔎
- The hallway smelt of boiledcabbagekaalinand old rag mats.
cake.n 🔎
- That way he could have hiscakekakunand eat it too.
- Milk shakes, fudge sundaes, brownies, banana splits, mocha mud pie,devil's foodpaholaisen voileipä-cakekakku-- the names are enough to provoke a cardiac arrest.
- Deep fryfishkala-cakeskakutand warm for 5 mins before serving with tomato sauce and lightly-boiled leeks and celery.
- They washed and dried in silence, and then the twins appeared withlemonsitruuna-cakekakkuaall over them.
- Almost at once she was back again staggering under the weight of anenormous roundvaltavan pyöreänchocolatesuklaa-cakekakunon a china platter.
- Cut therichtäyteläinenfruithedelmä-cakekakkuin half diagonally and place one half on top of the other to form a triangle, sandwiching on with a little apricot glaze.
- Sally-Anne sat down, and began to eat the bread and butter, home-made scones andVictoria spongeVictorian sokeri-cakekakkuaas though she had not eaten for weeks.
- Believing in economy, Miss Lodsworth had already bakedrock and fairyhedelmä- ja haltija-cakeskakkujaand spread hundreds of sandwiches with crusts still on with Marmite and plum jam which was cheaper than strawberry.
- But I soon learnt how to bakelittlepieniäcakeskakkujamade of corn, which I ate with warm milk.
- She started eating acreamkerma-cakekakkua.
carrot.n 🔎
- Carrots:sweetmakeitababybaby-carrotsporkkanoitashould be in the shops now.
- Everything was a delicious blend of tart and sweet:babybaby-carrotsporkkanoitawith apricots, snow peas with prunes, roast potatoes sprinkled with basil.
- 2 tsps ground cinnamon. ý tsp ground nutmegs. 1ý tsps baking soda. 4oz (120g) chopped pecans or walnuts. 8oz (250g)finely grated rawhienoksi raastettuja raakojacarrotsporkkanoita.
- If you are a compulsive nibbler, better you should nibble onrawraakojacarrotsporkkanoita, sunflower seeds, and pistachio nuts than anything else.
- I peeled acarrotporkkananand opened a can of sardines.
cereal.n 🔎
- Manychildren'slastencerealsmurotwere very sweet and low in fibre, it added.
- Count as a serving one slice of bread, half a cup of cooked wholemeal cereal or pasta and three-quarters cupready-to-eateines-cerealmuroja.
- BranLese-cerealsmurotand muesli are rather more weighty, so here people tend to serve out more than an ounce just so that it looks sufficient.
- Otherwise they lived on Harvest Crunchbranlese-cerealmuroillaand chocolate.
- Milk, meat,wholegrain breakfasttäysjyväaamu-cerealsmuroja, eggs, and green vegetables
- Many high-fibre fruits and vegetables, nuts anddrykuivatbreakfastaamiais-cerealsmurot(shredded wheat, for instance, as opposed to porridge) need a good deal of chewing before they can be comfortably swallowed.
- 5 Frequently eat fresh fruits and vegetables andcerealsmurojawith high fibre contentrunsaskuituisia.
- Christina atecerealmurojaand drank three cups of tea.
cheese.n 🔎
- If you are arranging a cheeseboard, place some Farmhouse Lancashire alongside a traditional Stilton, a ripe Brie, atangykirpeängoat'svuohen-cheesejuustonand a low fat cheese to a well-balanced selection to please most tastes.
- Cabocis aoncows' milklehmänmaito-cheesejuustoamade in small cylindrical shapes and rolled in toasted oatmeal to give it a more distinctive flavour.
- FreshTuorettagoats' milkvuohenmaito-cheesejuustoais available in many supermarkets and has a slightly sharper flavour than fromage frais.
- The sky darkened and the moon came out, going from full into its last quarter, and bright as a chunk ofWensleydaleWensleydalencheesejuusto.
- Add thecrumbledmurennettuaShropshire blueShropshiren sinihome-cheesejuustoato the dip, then season to taste with salt and pepper.
- If you fancy abluesinihome-cheesejuustosta, chose Roquefort over Stilton -- the difference is 40 calories an ounce!
- Althoughrealaitocreamkerma-cheesejuustomay be made from real cream it isn't real cheese, since it is not a curd but simply ripened cream, semi-solidified and drained of its fluid content.
- Serve withgratedraastetunParmesanparmesaani-cheesejuustonand a green salad.
- You can now if you like add a tablespoon or two offinely gratedhienoksi raastettuaGruyère or ParmesanGruyère- tai parmesaanicheesejuustoa, just as a seasoning.
- They ate their bread andcheesejuustonsa.
- She went into the bathroom and I made my own supper by slicing some of thefoulhaisevaacheesejuustoaand shoving it between two slices of greased plastic bread.
- I also hope Vitesse Arnhem slice up Norwich like anEdamEdam-cheesejuusto.
cheesecake.n 🔎
- Right then today I think I'm gon na treat you to lovelyapricotaprikoosi-cheesecakejuustokakun.
- So Jenny's afternoon tea, if you hang on in there, I will kindly donate a slice of myapricotaprikoosi-cheesecakejuustokakkuani.
- The first 150 names drawn after November 17 will each receive a McVities Low Fat Cheesecake voucher which can used to buy aLow FatvähärasvaisenCheesecakejuustokakunat your nearest stockist.
- But you said you've got to makecheesecakejuustokakuntonight.
chicken.n 🔎
- Elinor likedready-seasonedvalmiiksi maustetusta,free-rangevapaasti kasvaneesta,corn-fedmaissilla ruokitustachickenkanasta.
- People die ofbadpilaantuneenchickenkananlihan.
- Cook thechickenkananlihaagently in olive oil for 8 minutes.
- They eat fourbabypoikaachickenskanan-and a whole loaf of brown bread for lunch.
- She relies onroastpaistetustachickenkanasta.
chocolate.n 🔎
- He had had all herchocolatesuklaansa, too!
- Cadbury'sCadburynchocolatesuklaais a taste of sheer luxury.
- Smaller eggs are best made fromsolidkovastachocolatesuklaasta.
- If usingdarktummaachocolatesuklaata, beat the mixture for 1-2min with an electric or hand whisk, until it thickens slightly and lightens in texture (this is not necessary when using white chocolate).
- `And there's a bar ofmilkmaito-chocolatesuklaata.
- 150 runners up will receive a copy of The Taste of Chocolate, a super selection of Cadbury confectionery and Cadbury'sMilk TrayMilk Tray -chocolatessuklaita.
- The new bar consists of a triple layer of chocolate ice cream inside arealtodellisenmilkmaito-chocolatesuklaa-coating.
coffee.n 🔎
- Then he fetched a mug and a can ofhotkuumaacoffeekahvia.
- She heaped a teaspoonful ofinstantpika-coffeekahviainto a couple of beakers and poured a steaming jet of water on to it.
- Make a cup ofcoffeekahvi-!
cookie.n 🔎
- I have not yet come across in the US anything like ourScotchskotlantilaisetcookiepikkuleipämme, a most desirable item of teabread.
- For dessert he offered a choice of rice pudding with caramel sauce, stewed apple with alemonsitruuna-cookiekeksillä, or Fuity Snow White -- a delicious raspberry coulis with meringue.
- No-one can resist thesehuge gooeyvaltavia siirappi-cookieskeksejä.
- Melissa nibbled thoughtfully at acookiekeksille.
- I buy my six-pack and somechocolate chipsuklaalastu-cookieskeksejä.
- Most of them are pretty yukky but thechocolatesuklaa-cookieskeksitare superb.
cracker.n 🔎
- Patrons could drink `American Style ``, with an entire bottle of Bourbon to mark for themselves while nibbling on cinnamon bark, stuffed olives, pickled herring, cloves, ordrykuiviasaltsuola-crackerskeksejä.
- `I've gotcrackerskeksejä.
- Thérèse had to offer him the apéritif, Léonie the fluted glass dish ofpolishedsileitäJapanesejapanilaisiacrackerskeksejä.
- Pass thecreamvoileipä-crackerskeksitand cooking sherry!
- The shepherd's pie was followed by waiters carrying plates of nibbles; nuts, crisps,saltedsuola-crackerskeksejäand more champagne.
- We eat cheese andriceriisi-crackerskeksejäfrom a platter on the coffee table, and in the kitchen, Stewart, Gemma's fiance, prepares supper on his new sushi-making machine.
croissant.n 🔎
- And if you want to know where the expression `melt in the mouth ``comes from, just try ourbuttervoi-croissantssarvia.
- He poured another cup of coffee, finished the lastcroissantvoisarven.
- When Josh had scraped the plates and gone to `tea-tray ``down the hill, David produced another tray with coffee, Clare's ownhomemadekotona leivottujacroissantsvoisarvia, and strawberry jam.
- Then the geezer who owns the car comes up with his portable phone and his cheese andhamkinkku-croissantvoisarven, and his Psion organizer `
- She used to make things that are now quite commonplace but which at the time seemed really exotic -- fabulous cakes like kugelhopf andfilledtäytettyjäcroissantsvoisarviawhich were wheeled in on a trolley for tea.
- In the morning, breakfasts may be classic continental with fresh fruit juice andItalian-styleitalialaistyylisiäcroissantsvoisarviaand pastries, or savoury treats such as focaccia -- slabs of rich bread dough baked with herbs and olive oil.
- Shoppers liked the quality, the fresh fruit, thehotkuumistacroissantsvoisarvistaand chilled meals.
date.n 🔎
- AdateTaateli-and walnut loaf.
- Finger food: from top left, Spiced nuts, Festive purses, Cashew stars,Datetaateli-surprises, Stilton and pear toasts.
- Would I now be taking the juices of cactus,datetaatelistaand fig?
- Add dried fruits like sultanas,driedkuivattujadatestaateleita, figs, apricots, and also chopped nuts.
dressing.n 🔎
- Arrange pieces of bacon on each plate and pour over thewarmlämmindressingsalaatinkastike.
- Very tasty as salad,lemonsitruuna-dressingsalaatinkastike.
- Choose simple starters such as chilled fruit juice, melon, clear soup, salads with a littleolive oiloliiviöljy-dressingsalaatinkastiketta, or seafood dishes without sauces.
- Known as `the little onion ``, this herb is best used raw insaladsalaatin-dressingskastikkeissa, or added to dips and sauces, or to flavour savoury butter and egg dishes.
- Sprinkle the cheese over the salad and add theFrenchranskalaistadressingsalaatinkastiketta.
- Remember how thecoolihanasaladsalaatin-dressingkastikeran smoothly over the crunchy lettuce.
- To make thedressingsalaatinkastike: place the orange juice and oil in a screw-top jar with the salt, pepper and sugar.
- `I'll do that, ``said Tim, `and I'll make thesaladsalaatin-dressingkastikkeen.
egg.n 🔎
- Sainsbury sell packs of 12 minipartykoristelluneggskananmunanat £1.19, and vegetable rolls at £1.25 for 30.
- Harriet got a job as a dentist's receptionist and lived on lentils andpoachedkeitetyilläeggskananamunillain a hostel until the dentist asked her to marry him.
- Place thequails'viiriäiseneggsmunatin a pan of boiling water and boil for 3min.
- Some of our recipes includerawraakojaeggskananmunia.
- TWO hundred baby hedgehogs have been saved this year by RSPCA nurses who fed themscrambledkokkelillaeggsmuna-at West Hatch, Somerset.
- `Willscrambledkokkelieggsmuna-be all right tonight, Bob?
- Hard boil thefreshtuoreitaquails'viiriäiseneggsmuniafor 3min, cool slightly and shell.
- They also eat theeggsmuniaof birds and other reptileslintujen ja muiden matelijoiden.
- Adam fried himself aneggkananmunanand a couple of rashers of bacon.
fat.n 🔎
- Bone the legs and mince the leg meat,porksian-fatihraand 4oz of the duck livers through the coarse plate of the mincer.
- Dry-fry or boil mince, and pour offresultingjäljelle jääväfatrasva.
- The meat is marbled by a thick tracery offinerlaadukkaallafatrasvalla.
- Perhaps to avoid taking anything home from the bothy at all, you could stick a candle in someoldvanhaanbaconpekoni-fatrasvaan, or a UHT milk carton.
- Foods containingsaturatedkyllästettyjäfatsrasvojashould be avoided.
- Village hoardings are covered with adverts for Astra margarine -- a product made ofsaturatedkyllästetystäfatrasvastaso hard that it stays solid even in tropical heat.
- Put into a hot pan and cook until thefatrasvaruns out.
- I'd rather eatcoldkylmääfatrasvaa.
fish.n 🔎
- As Judith finished cleaning out the hen for the next day's dinner, she made room on the kitchen table for her mother to prepare the Friday-night traditional meal ofgefiltetäytettyäfishkalaa.
- I'll bet Mr Nagasyu wantedrawraakaafishkalaaor something
- Thirty pairs of eyes stared with unwavering concentration as I dipped my hand into the all-too-familiar breakfast of slightly sour rice andsaltedsuola-fishkalaa.
- I'm cookingfishkalaafor lunch for my father.
- Why should they eatsaltsuola-fishkalaa, when William and Joe commanded the seas?
fruit.n 🔎
- Its dental adaptations tohard savannahkoviin savanninfruitshedelmiinand seeds probably preceded the development of bipedalism, which may itself have been originally connected with foraging, reaching upward to browse on bushes for example.
- These survivors, and their many descendants, provide us with one of the most versatile oftreepuunfruitshedelmistä.
- Cutfruithedelmäin half.
- When buyingcitrussitrus-fruithedelmän, look for shiny, healthy-looking skins that are not bruised or discoloured.
- In a large bowl, mix with the remainingdriedkuivatunfruithedelmän.
- The crowd which stormed the local party headquarters and found stocks offreshtuoreitacitrussitrus-fruitshedelmiäin store there, were soon suppressed by special troops.
- Christina asked Celia as she appeared on the terrace carrying a tray offreshtuoreitatropicaltrooppisiafruithedelmiäand a teapot.
- There isripekypsäfruithedelmäon the palate, with evidence of the light oak ageing.
- They were passing the lemon groves now, almost at the roundabout close to the gate to Monte Samana, and she could smell theripekypsänfruithedelmänin the warm darkness.
- The peel ofcitrussitrus-fruitshedelmiencan also be dried or candied.
herb.n 🔎
- Usually theywereolivatordinarytavallisiacookingruoka-herbsyrttejäthat had been taken out of their original packaging, so visitors are advised to any herbs in their original jars or boxes.
- Amongst the dead hogweed umbels and seed heads ofwillow<empty>herbhorsmienthere are clusters of ladybirds, packed into tight groups in every available crevice.
- Grasses gradually increase and after 10 years the appearance is mainly one of grassland with scattered clumps oftallkorkeitaherbsyrttejä.
- Quite why food and diet have become of such interest in recent years is for the social historian to discuss, but there is no doubt about the present popularity ofculinarysyötävienherbsyrttien.
- Addherbsyrttejä, salt and pepper.
honey.n 🔎
- In the meantime, Mike Harris will miss out on this years batch ofheatherkanerva-honeyhunajaa.
- Quarter figs, top them with some cinnamon-spiced ricotta and drizzle withclearkirkastahoneyhunajaa.
- Tastehoneyhunajaafresh straight from the hive!
juice.n 🔎
- Emily jumped and spilled herjuicemehunsa.
- Hawkins waved a dismissive hand at hislimesitruuna-juicemehulleen.
- Like Southern Baptists of Tennessee, many Northern Irish Presbyterians believe that the wine enjoyed by Jesus and His disciples must have beengrapeviinirypäle-juicemehua, since Christians do not drink alcohol.
- ``Milton-Humberside's eyes narrowed as he sipped his lethal cocktail of Foster's lager andconcentratedtiivistettyälimesitruuna-juicemehua-- a drink for gamblers, heartbreakers, hell-raisers.
- `Mum -- ``Nutty turned round and her mother let out a wild scream, shootingplumluumu-juicemehuaall over the tablecloth.
- Your baby will love the taste -- and you can be happy in the knowledge thatRobinsonsRobinsonsinconcentratedtiiviste-juicesmehutare giving them the goodness that they need.
- Italian-style cold drinks, such as iced coffee granita or a zingy blend offreshtuoreitafruithedelmä-juicesmehujaand grenadine, are also worth exploring.
- Alternatively, stir the honey and vinegar into a 400g (14oz) can of pear halves innaturalomassajuicemehussaan.
- The red of my anger bubbled up like therosyrusottavaorangeappelsiinijuicemehusqueezed by the vendors' machines in the main street in our village.
- Placefreshly squeezedvastapuristettuorangeappelsiinijuicemehuand rind, clear honey or syrup and alcohol in a large saucepan and heat gently until honey has dissolved.
- In this study we utilized a pure vegetarian diet composed mostly of common fruits, vegetables, nuts, tubers, carrot juice, anddehydratedkuivatetunbarley grassohranjuicemehustawhile tracking participants' FMS status during a 7-month period of time.
- Stewart was on hand at the NYSE to ring the opening bell for her big day, after, says the Journal, serving the money men a breakfast of scones, croissants andfresh-squeezedvastapuristettuaorangeappelsiinijuicemehua.
- The company's 1996 shipment ofunpasteurizedpastöröimätöntäappleomena-juicemehualed to an E. coli outbreak that killed a 16-month-old girl and sickened at least 66 other people.
- SCREW SOLE COMFORTABLE 1 ounce sloe gin SCREW AGAINST 1 ounce Southern THE WALL Comfort 1 ounce sloe ginOrangeappelsiinijuicemehuato fill 1 ounce Southern Glass: Collins, with ice Comfort (A Sole Screw with the Orange juice to fill addition of Southern 1/2 ounce Galliano floated Comfort.)
- ThedehydratedKuivatetunbarley grassohranjuicemehuawas consumed by all but 2 subjects who reported immediate nausea upon consumption of the powder.
- Apparently, Mr. Wheeler was under the impression that rubbing one's face withlemonsitruuna-juicemehullarendered it invisible to videotape cameras.
- HAWAIIAN PUNCH Splash of grenadine 1 ounce sloe gin Fill with half orange ¾ ounce Southern juice, half Comfortpineappleananas-juicemehua.
- In the gustatory realm, backwords are common:Fresh-squeezedvastapuristettuorangeappelsiinijuicemehuand hand-dipped ice cream simply make the point that most juice and ice cream no longer come that way.
- what are we yeah yeah hat's in thejuicemehussathis is what i would put in juice
- Something they call'Hume'Hume-Juicemehuksi.
- (You may recall that toxic E. coli showed up in alfalfa sprouts two months ago, and in Odwallaappleomena-juicemehussalast year.)
- KAMIKAZE BLEEDING BRAIN 1 ounce vodka Fill a shot glass with half 1 ounce Triple Sec peppermint schnapps, Few drops Rose's Lime half Irish cream liqueur,Juicemehuaand add a few drops of Glass: rocks glass, with grenadine.
- An Alabama Slammer, for instance, is made from sweetish liquors andfruithedelmä-juicemehusta.
- So is hamburger already made into patties, or cheese that has been shredded, or100-percent-puresataprosenttisesti sekoittamatonorangeappelsiinijuicemehuthat comes in a container with a screw top.)
- well yeah but it it's like it's just chicken it it's as much as you want you know torn up and and rice and cream of chicken soup and some mayonnaise andlemonsitruuna-juicemehua
- it's like uh eight ounces of cream cheese softened and you mix it with one tablespoon onion juice and one tablespoonlemonsitruuna-juicemehuaone tablespoon Worcester sauce
- equal theorangeappelsiinijuicemehuwas label concentrate manufactured in the United States and Turkey
- Genesis might as well be, say, Microsoft -- you know, no neckties, brainy employees, only thefreshesttuoreintafruithedelmä-juicemehuain the machines.
- If the need arises to order a drink, try Prudie's favorite:cranberrykarpalo-juicemehuaand soda, in a wine glass.
- here we call it pop i guess on the east coast you'd call it soda and uhjuicesmehuiksiand
- who would have though of it apple say orange appleappleomena-juicemehuaand turkey
- um no there's there's only one pop machine and it's not accessible to the cafeteria now so uh mainly what they serve in there isjuicemehuaand coffee and tea
- On the streets around the park — each named after a flower — there are small hotels and restaurants, plus portable stalls sellingfreshtuoreitafruithedelmä-juicesmehujaor hot Mexican snacks.
- She bills your candy bar,juicemehun, and cigarettes (as well as her own candy bar, juice, and cigarettes) to the magazine ($15).
- Subjects were given a 2-month supply ofdehydratedkuivatetunbarley grassohranjuicemehu-powder (Barleygreen) and a blend of laxative herbs and psyllium seed (Herbal Fiberblend) (AIM International, Nampa, ID), with instruction to ask for more when this supply was finished.
- Spit Repeatedly into ajuicemehu-glass, drink it.
ketchup.n 🔎
- `If you want, I could probably get Mum to meet you, ``said Josh, drizzlingketchupketsuppiaover his grilled chicken.
- We had dinner in the Village: a french restaurant where the provençal dressingisonwarmlämminketchupketsuppi, and it's all candlelight and striped aprons and waiters with waxed moustaches who talk like Maurice Chevalier.
- For a moment, she looked at thetomatotomaatti-ketchupketsuppiaon the walls and thought of Gazzer's graffiti.
lamb.n 🔎
- Food and Drink: Roll up for asaucymehukastalamblammasta
- Sainsbury's TenderleanSainsburyn Tenderlean-Lamblammastais labelled `naturally produced ``and it comes from selected farms.
- Add themincedjauhettulamblampaanlihaand fry until brown.
- However,much younger and very tenderpaljon nuorempi ja hyvin mureaspringlamb-lampaanlihatraditionally comes into the shops for the Easter weekend.
- We ateNew ZealandUuden-Seelanninlamblammastaand dairy products; British factories used Malaysian rubber and tin; British machines were sold to India; and British capital was invested heavily in South Africa.
- Method: roast thelamblampaanliha, keep pink.
- This is a very tasty way of using up any left-overs after a meal ofroastpaahdetunlamblampaanliha-.
- Except that he ate venison androastpaahdettualamblampaanlihaa, and drank milk laced with honey, or hot mead fragrant with herbs.
lasagne.n 🔎
- I make you agoodhyvänlasagnelasagnen.
- The designer Italian menu, which varies from superb to bland, includes specialties like marinated vegetables with seafood,zucchini-layeredzucchinilla kerrostettualasagnalasagneain pesto saucepestokastikkeessaand veal medallion with diced artichokes.
- A bitter cup of coffee, a rude salesgirl, a failed attempt to get the right ingredients for avegetablevihannes-lasagnalasagneen, are the signposts of the day, and they are massive.
- David ate hislasagnelasagnensarapidly and with relish.
lettuce.n 🔎
- There is also `Debby ``, abutterheadlehti-lettucesalaattiresistant to most diseases and also to lettuce root aphid.
- It is said thatcommercially-grownteollisesti viljeltyäwintertalvi-lettucesalaattiais sprayed More times than a Rolls Royce, which seems an excellent reason for growing your own organic winter salads.
- Melt butter and frylettucesalaattiaslowly until soft.
- `The charlatans say the eagle gets its keen eyesight by eatingrawraakaalettucesalaattia.
- She washed aCosCos-lettucesalaatin, leaf by leaf, then patted each of them carefully with a tea towel.
lobster.n 🔎
- These include two species of porcelain crabs, andsquat<empty>lobstershummeria.
- Ellis swallowed somelobsterhummeria.
- Highly imaginative as they were, all three gentlemen called it Sauce forBoiledkeitetylleLobsterhummerille.
- A little strong mustard is spread on the emptied shell of agrilledgrillatunlobsterhummerin.
mayonnaise.n 🔎
- A rosette of tomato garnished a slice of green and pink asparagus and smoked-salmon terrine topped with a teaspoonful ofdilltilli-mayonnaisemajoneesiaand a tiny crescent of puff pastry.
- Use them ineggmuna-mayonnaisemajoneesissa, omelettes or simply to top scrambled eggs.
- Today itwas ase olicoldkylmäfishkala-mayonnaisemajoneesiwith lettuce and french dressing in a little bottle, brown rolls, and a special goatsmilk cheese obtainable only at one particular shop in Soho.
- Use skimmed or semi-skimmed milk, margarine low in saturated fats, low fat cheese,reduced calorievähäkaloristamayonnaisemajoneesiaand low fat yogurt instead of cream.
- Meanwhile, mix themayonnaisemajoneesi, lemon rind and lemon juice.
meat.n 🔎
- `The Gruncher likes hismeatlihastaroastedpaahdettuna, and the fire roasts it as it goes down.
- A valuable export market for sheep andsheeplampaan-meatlihalleto Europe from the United Kingdom has developed, even though a sheep meat agreement has not yet been concluded.
- These Cuban weaknesses have long been veiled by imports of grain andtinnedsäilyke-meatlihan.
- However, Ell moved quickly over and picked up therawraa'anmeatlihan.
- `We d'Urbervilles don't sell our horses forcat'skissan-meatlihaksi! ``he insisted.
- Eggs andleanvähärasvaistaredpunaistameatlihaaare quite acceptable in moderation.
- He cutssmall fillets of leanpieniä siivuja vähärasvaistameatlihaathe size of quails' breasts.
- Cook for an hour or untilmeatlihais tender.
- He rarely ateredpunaistameatlihaa.
- Other countries don't share our reluctance to eatgoatvuohen-meatlihaa.
- Their displacement, says Helen, has caused a crisis in dental health because people started eating refined foods and sweets, rather than their traditional Tibetan roast barley flour anddriedkuivattuyakjakin-meatliha.
- We hadroastpaistettuameatlihaaonce a week on Sundays, served at noon on the dot, usually their own home-killed sheep or pork.
milk.n 🔎
- It can, but does not necessarily, mean paddling down the Orinoco alone, with a two week ration of half a ship's biscuit and somerancideltaantunuttacoconutkookospähkinä-milkmaitoa.
- If it is too thick, beat in some morehotkuumaamilkmaitoa.
- BreastRinta-milkmaitogives nutrients, also provided in formula feeds, in a perfect blend as well as antibodies and white blood cells which protect against disease.
- For example,breastrinta-milkmaitois sweet and salty, so it makes sense that we're born liking these tastes.
- The other breast oozedmilkmaitoa.
- In Ireland, Barbara had learned a method of making cheese withunskimmedkuorimattomastacow'slehmän-milkmaidostaand when she returned to Ayrshire she introduced the new process.
- Avoidcow'slehmän-milkmaitoa, sugar, wheat and potatoes
- In a previous follow up study we found that patients who had challenge proven cow's milk allergy acquired clinical tolerance tocow'slehmän-milkmaidollewhen the antigen specific immune response had developed.
- Medical materials or medicines, blankets, quilts and bedding, warm clothing, tinned or packet food,driedjauhettamilkmaito-, baby care products and first aid kits are all urgently needed.
- Hoardings for Nespray — theNestléNestléndriedjauhemilkmaito-— are everywhere.
- He liked the plain chops and boiled potatoes and greens; most of all he liked the rice puddings with a well of red jam in the centre andevaporatedväkevöityämilkmaitoapoured on to cool it all.
- Inside that stout little tent was a very efficient camping-gas burner, complete with kettle, billycan, matches, tea bags andpowderedjauhettamilkmaito-.
noodle.n 🔎
- `What do you mean, disappeared? ``pressed Brian, spearing anoodlenuudelin.
- You can get all the nutrients you need from other dietary sources: treat yourself to pasta, wholewheat spaghetti,browntummia-noodlesnuudeleita, rice, couscous or a filled jacket potato.
- SingaporeSingaporennoodlesnuudelithave hot spices.
- Serve witheggkananmuna-noodlesnuudelienor brown rice.
- Serve the scallops withChinesekiinalaisteneggmuna-noodlesnuudelien(200 calories per serving of 50g/2oz noodles, weighed before boiling) and a light green salad.
nut.n 🔎
- Garnish with thechoppedmurskatuillacashewcashew-nutspähkinöilläand dust the salad with a little cayenne pepper.
- Add dried fruits like sultanas, dried dates, figs, apricots, and alsochoppedmurskattujanutspähkinöitä.
- Mix one part wild rice with two parts brown or white, add chopped toasted hazelnuts orpinemännynnutskerkkiä, dried apricots and sultanas.
- Once more Daisy was knocked out by the fecundity of everything, the blackthorn purple with sloes,plumppulleitahazelhassel-nutspähkinöitäalready shredded by squirrels, elderberries shiny as caviar hanging like shower fittings from their crimson stems.
- Susannah Perry of north London also uses spinach, combined with lamb andpinemännynnutskerkkiäfor her filo rolls, serving them with an egg and lemon sauce.
- Sprinkle each with thepinemännynnutskerkkiä.
- Burun cracked anothernutpähkinänand ate the meat.
oil.n 🔎
- Fill a large pan with water and bring to the boil; add a heaped tablespoon of salt and a dash ofordinarytavallistacookingruoka-oilöljyä(this prevents the pasta from sticking).
- Laboratory studies show thatfishkalan-oilöljymay prevent weight loss and cause cancers to shrink.
- Polyunsaturated fatty acids, found in some plant oils, some margarines and most fishoils-öljyt, reduce the blood cholesterol.
- NaturalLuonnollistafishkalan-oilöljyähas been used as a traditional folk remedy at least as early as the eighteenth century.
- Add theoliveoliivi-oilöljyä, mint and salad ingredients and mix thoroughly.
- Mix theoilöljy, soy sauce, ginger and five spice powder in a shallow dish.
pancake.n 🔎
- All subjects consumed the lactulose drink within five minutes and therice flourriisijauho-pancakelettujawithin 15 minutes.
- Nachips aresmall roundpieniä pyöreitätortillatortillapancakeslettuja.
- With great ceremony, he rolled a portion with some shredded vegetables and sweet HP-ish sauce inside twotinypienoistapancakeslettua.
- Galettes, Brittany'ssavouryherkullisetbuckwheattatar-pancakesletut, are served with different fillings, salad and relishes with dessert crepes, followed by organic ice creams and all washed down with ciders, soft drinks or wines.
- Padley'ssavouryherkullisetpancakesletutare quick and easy to cook when time is at a premium.
- At the first village, Amsiwi, we were soon sprawled on cushions under the carved guest-room ceiling in the chief's house, drinking tea and eatinghotkuumia,wholemealkokojyvä-pancakeslettujaand butter.
- The Scrogg Road Club from Newcastle came second after tossing apancakeletun52 times.
pasta.n 🔎
- `Ah, but you've only sampled mypastapastani.
- For wholefood enthusiasts, I would recommendbuckwheattatar-pastapastaarather than wholemeal, which I think is rather dull in flavour and texture.
- COOK 'S NOTE: This is a marvellous starter, divided between six or eight people and served withvery finehyvin hienojenbird's-nestlinnunpesienorcapellinicapellini-pastapastan.
- Serve withspinach fusillipinaatti fusilli -pastapastan.
- The evening meal featured a regular à la carte menu with special dishes like chicken with coconut and ginger,seafoodkala- ja äyriäis-pastapastaain tangy tomato saucekirpeässä tomaattikastikkeessaand terrine of chocolate served with an apricot sauce.
- For many years caterers could obtain onlydriedkuivattuapastapastaa.
- EggMuna-pastapastais firmer than regular pasta and allows the use of more distinctive shapes.
- Stir the butter into thefreshly cookedjuuri keitettyyn,drainedsiivilöityynpastapastaanwith a fork, then stir in the yogurt.
pastry.n 🔎
- She had been addressing herhalf-eatenpuoliksi syötyäDanish<empty>pastryviineriään, unable to meet his penetrating eyes as she delivered her little speech.
- ThedelicateHerkullinenbuttervoi-pastryleivosmelts in your mouth.
- The meal was delicious: beef andvenisonhirvenliha-pastriesleivonnaisiaand different wines, blood-red claret as well as light, sweet Rhenish.
- If you addfrozenpakaste-pastryvoitaikinanto your stock you have pâtisserie.
- Butfilofilo-pastrytaikinaais available in the North, because this week's winning recipe comes from Newcastle upon Tyne.
- Melt the butter and cut thefilofilo-pastrytaikinainto 10 cm (4 in) strips.
- Roll out thepufftuuli-pastryhattuto a rectangle 30×25cm/12×10in, sprinkling with the sugar as you go.
- `She used to give me a piece of the dough when she was makingpastryleivonnaisia.
pea.n 🔎
- Philip speared hispeasherneensä.
- Everything was a delicious blend of tart and sweet: baby carrots with apricots,snowsokeri-peasherneitäwith prunes, roast potatoes sprinkled with basil.
- If the soil is fit to work in late March, sow the hardier annuals like calendulas, cornflower, larkspur, limnanthes, nigella andsweettuoksu-peasherneitä.
- Mint sauce has long been an ingredient of the English Sunday lunch of lamb with the season'snewuusiengreenvihreidenpeasherneidenand new potatoes.
- There were bowls of coleslaw and potato salad laced withgreenvihreitäpeasherneitä, buttered garlic rolls and hard-boiled eggs.
- Chips andmushymuhennetutpeasherneetby the coast are as popular as ice cream and donkey rides.
peanut.n 🔎
- Gloria was eatingpeanutsmaapähkinöitä.
- She continues: “ The people who created Guedé ” needed a spirit which could burlesque the society that crushed him, so Guedé ” eatsroastedpaahdettujapeanutsmaapähkinöitäand parched corn like his devotees.
- They drank, and atesaltsuola-peanutspähkinöitä, and ordered more beer.
pepper.n 🔎
- The del Cero is an adaptable wine for food, as good with fritto misto di mare as with grilled squid andfreshtuoreitachillichili-pepperspippureita.
- 6 Put the meringues in petit four cases and dust withpaprikapaprika-pepperpippurilla.
- Season generously with thefreshly groundjuuri rouhennetullapepperpippurilla, then serve with plenty of crusty French or Italian bread.
- Add thechoppedjauhettupepperpippuriand the cumin seeds to the saucepan and bubble gently over a medium heat for 8–10 minutes until the pepper is soft.
- Squeeze some lemon juice over the salad and add alittlepieniäblackmusta-pepperpippureita.
- Taste the broth and add salt andpepperpippuriaif necessary.
- Addredpuna-pepperpippuriaand chilli and saute for two minutes.
- Season chickens generously with salt andfreshly groundjuuri rouhennetullablackmusta-pepperpippurilla.
potato.n 🔎
- The research is focused on developing a suitable model of an export marketing system forNorthern Ireland'sPohjois-Irlanninseedsiemen-potatoesperunoille.
- Serve with ajacketuuni-potatoperunanand a green salad.
- Thewildvilli-potatoperunaexploits this behaviour in an ingenious defence.
- Daniel seemed to enjoy hisbakeduuni-potatoperunastaanwith mushroom sauce and also managed a few chips, eaten in his usual style -- squashed up between his fingers.
- Top withinstantjuurimashedmuhennetuillapotatoperunoillaand brown under the grill.
- I serve this with a mesclum salad and finely sliced artichoke bottoms as well as a dish oftinypienoisianewuusiapotatoesperunoitain their skins, in a chive vinaigrette with ground mixed pepper.
- Serve withroastpaistettujensweet<empty>potatoesbataattien, guavas and peaches.
- While the meat was simmering, they ate puris andspicedmauste-potatoesperunoita.
- `Er -- is Drew Benedict married? ``asked Daisy as she mashed thepotatoperunaa.
poultry.n 🔎
- While Colonel Sanders'sfriedpaistettupoultrykananlihahasn't done much for the state's image and few of us get to attend the Kentucky Derby, America's leading spirit is becoming increasingly fashionable in Britain.
- buy organic fruit, vegetables, cereal products, meat, dairy produce andfree rangevapaasti kasvatettuapoultrykananlihaaand eggs as often as possible.
- Skim off all fat from grill pan after cooking meat orpoultrykananlihan, leaving any sediment.
roll.n 🔎
- `I hope I get a chance to taste one of hersausagemakkara-rollskääryleistään.
- Vegetables are from the garden or locally grown and bread androllskääryleetare home-baked.
- Bourne crumbled abreadsämpylänroll<empty>on his side-plate.
- There were bowls of coleslaw and potato salad laced with green peas,butteredvoideltujagarlicvalkosipuli-rollssämpylöitäand hard-boiled eggs.
- She got up from her chair, went to a cupboard and came back with acrustyrapeakuorisenrollsämpylänand a dish of butter.
- She spread butter on afreshtuoreellebreadsämpylälleroll<empty>and slid the plate across the table.
salmon.n 🔎
- She put a great many potatoes on my plate after she had served thehotkuumaasalmonlohta.
- These are puff pastry parcels filled withfreshtuorettaScottishskottilaistasalmonlohtain a light creamy sauce and are one of the most luxurious buffet items around.
- RockPiikki-salmonhai-- that had a noble sound about it, though he believed it was actually inferior to real salmon.
- There are few simpler things than cooking asalmonlohen.
- Eatingsmokedsavustetunsalmonlohenwhile talking to Johnny Prescott had seemed to last a lifetime.
- But health benefits are not the only reason for eatingAlaskaAlaskancannedsäilyke-salmonlohta.
sauce.n 🔎
- The menu mixes hearty steaks withchef'skokinsauceskastikkeita, fish, a few Continental classics like boeuf bourguignon and chicken kiev, with a page of curries including vegetarian ones made with Quorn.
- Then I picked up a bit of naan bread and mopped up mycurrycurry-saucekastikkeeni.
- When hot, pour into a food processor and process to asmoothtasakoosteistasaucekastike.
- Léonie swished her fork around her plate to gather up the last vestiges ofsaucekastike-mornayjäämistä.
- In a bowl mix the cottage cheese, prawns andTabascoTabasco-saucekastiketogether.
- A few berries in arichtäyteläisessäwineviini-saucekastikkeessafor goose or chicken adds a delicious note.
- We use only the finest soy beans, wheat and a specially developed yeast to producethe world's finestmaailman hienointasoysoija-saucekastiketta.
- Just before serving, drizzle thesoysoija-saucekastikettaon top of the chicken and rice and garnish with the spring onions.
- Toss ravioli in aheatedkuumennettuuntomatotomaatti-saucekastikeeseenand serve with mixed green salad.
- Put tomato pieces or whole cherry tomatoes among the drained, hot potatoes on serving plates and spoonsaucekastikettaprettily over each serving.
shellfish.n 🔎
- Grazing and benthic feeding carnivores will take live foods from the aquarium bottom and many are partial tofreshly-broken clean livejuuri murskattuja puhtaita eläviäshellfishsimpukoitain their shellskuoressaan, if you anchor them to one spot.
- It smelled ofshellfishsimpukoilta, newsprint, disinfectant -- and the lime-encrusted urinal at the far end.
- `RawRaakojashellfishäyriäisiäfor breakfast, ``muttered Ann.
- Of the varioussmokedsavustetuistashellfishäyriäisistäavailable, smoked mussels and oysters are the most popular, and smoked squid is the sort of thing that browsers pick up, show their friends and put down again.
shrimp.n 🔎
- Live food consists ofriverjoki-shrimpkatkarapujaand -- of course -- daphnia.
- Long-armedPitkäsarvisetfresh-watermakean vedenshrimpskatkaravutwedge themselves in cracks when the river rises.
- Unlike themuch more difficult driedpaljon vaikeammat kuivatetutshrimpskatkaravutand dried shrimp pastes of the Thai kitchen, nam pla does not taste in the least bit fishy.
- Ferdi von Schýnberg sat opposite Lais in the Cafý de Paris in Monte Carlo watching her devour a mound oftiny pinkpieniä vaaleanpunaisiashrimpkatkarapujawith sighs of enjoyment.
- It wasn't a soufflé, Sara noticed, but something soft and avocado-coloured, withdelicate pinkhennon vaaleanpunaisiashrimpskatkarapujapiled high and tiny strips of raw carrot arranged to give a starfish effect.
- `Besides, if you remember, sir, thepottedsäilötyissäshrimpskatkaravuissahad a solidified butter glaze on top.
- `What about that time in Morecambe when you ateshrimpskatkarapuja?
soup.n 🔎
- Sell your brand asMother'sÄitimuorinsoupkeittona.
- When life is hectic and you've only got half an hour in the evening to snatch a meal, a heartwarming bowl ofCampbell'sCampbellincondensedpaksuasoupkeittoawith some crusty bread makes an ideal supper.
- The birds that do it are the oilbirds of South America, and the cave swiftlets of the Far East, the ones whose nests are used forbirds' nestlinnunpesä-soupkeittoon.
- Before the apple charlotte, Miss Chib was given a bowl ofpeaherne-soupkeittoawith a spoonful of whipped cream on it.
- Kate tested her mixture, added more salt and pepper and said, `Tsatsiki, acoldkylmäGreekkreikkalainensoupkeittofor a change.
- At lunchtimes I couldn't wait to have my regular fix of Anguillan fish soup with rouille, acreamykermaisenfishkala-soupkeitonwith croutons and tasty garlic dip.
- In Liguria strong flavours mix with frugal foods for the specialities and hearty fish dishes play a big part -- try `buridda ``, atastymaukastafishkala-soupkeittoa.
- A smell ofhotkuumansoupkeitonfilled the room.
- I don't likevegetablekasvis-soupkeitosta-- the carrots are diced too neatly.
- They can only eatsoupkeittoa.
- Lily ate Sunday lunch --cream of mushroomkermaisen sieni-soupkeiton, roast chicken, stuffing, bread sauce, roast potatoes, boiled peas strangely dry tasting and limp carrots -- with polite enthusiasm.
- `I have therefore made a small portion ofalmondmanteli-soupkeittoa.
spice.n 🔎
- Sift in remaining flours, cocoa andspicemausteet.
- Stir in 30ml (2tbsp) demerara sugar and 5ml (1 tsp)groundjauhettujamixedsekoitettujaspicemausteita.
- Mix the lamb, ginger,groundjauhetutspicesmausteet, two tablespoons of yogurt and seasoning in a bowl.
- The leaves can be pickled in brine (sometimes withadded hotlisätä voimakkaitaSzechuanSzechuan-spicesmausteita) and served with pork dishes.
- Singapore noodles havehotvoimakkaitaspicesmausteita.
- Add the finely grated rind of the orange and lemon, the rum andmixedsekoitetutspicemausteet.
stew.n 🔎
- You can also make up a book of spells and write spells on a piece of paper, or even a menu forwitches'noita-stewmuhennokselle.
- He ladled some of hisstewmuhennoksestaanonto Daisy's plate.
- `But of course -- my wife says that we anthropologists are like a housewife faced with the remains ofyesterday'seilisenstewmuhennoksenand wondering whether it can possibly be eked out to make another meal.
- Dinner is something like achickenkana-stewmuhennostawith lots of vegetables and potatoesrunsaiden kasvisten ja perunoiden kera.
- Today's main dishwas cabbage andoli kaali- jaswedelanttu-stewmuhennoswith dumplingsmykyjen kera.
- I shall enjoy heradmirableerinomaisestaturnipturnipsi-stewmuhennoksestaananother time.
- The food will revolve aroundvealvasikanliha-stewmuhennostaat about £6.
- Lunch is served in the dining-room: astrictly vegetarianyksinomaan kasviksista valmistettuIrishirlantilainenstewmuhennos: the goddess disapproves of meat and alcohol.
- Bernard was a pork and beans man, with a weakness for the occasionalIrishirlantilaiseenstewmuhennokseen, on the greasy side.
- If you buy a food labelled `wholemeal bread ``, `beefnaudanliha-stewmuhennostaand dumpling or `fish fingers ``you've a pretty good idea what's inside.
- Ten minutes to shovel in a plateful ofhotkuumaastewmuhennostaor fish and chips, and then out again into the back streets and down to the Iron Green.
- A mess tin of McConachie'smeat and vegetableliha- ja kasvis-stewmuhennostacooked over a petrol firebensiinitulen yläpuolella kypsennettyäwas a staple for a bunch of hungry men.
- They ate the hors d'oeuvres of eggs and mushrooms, then avegetablekasvis-stewmuhennostaof beans and aubergines, onions and tomatoespavuista ja munakoisoista, sipuleista ja tomaateistawith a green salad.
sugar.n 🔎
- The sudden influx of sugar also caused some temporary problems: `Russian storage facilities forCuba's rawKuuban raaka-sugarsokerilleappear to have been strained to the point that some sugar spoiled.
- Protected prices forbeetjuurikas-sugarsokerilleproduced in Europe ensure that the international market price for sugar is low, forcing down the wages of the Haitian workers.
- ThewortVierre-sugarssokeritact as a nutrient for the yeast which devours them.
- Animal feed is also made in a similar way from sugarbeet pulp, which also producedsolublekristalli-sugarsokeria.
- Meanwhile place apples, water, peel andsoftpehmeääbrownfariini-sugarsokeriaand cinnamon in a pan and simmer until tender.
- Dinner had consisted of tinned salmon, rye crispbreads and creamed cheese, Greek yoghurt withbrownfariini-sugarsokerillaand tinned mandarin oranges, but we weren't singing campfire songs.
- Add approximately half a teaspoon ofwhitevalkoistagranulatedkide-sugarsokeriato each bottle before capping it.
- Cover them ingreenvihreälläicingtomu-sugarsokerilla.
- Colour some of the fondant or marzipan (about three-quarters) black and use to mould a sheep's head, dusting your hands withicingtomu-sugarsokerillaor cornflour.
- Sift in half the sugar, beat until smooth, then sift in remainingsugarsokeri.
sweet.n 🔎
- Supplies were to consist of four water bottles each, three pounds of dates and a fewglucoserypälesokeri-sweetsmakeisista.
- I always buy him somesweetsmakeisia.
- ActuallyIndianintialaisistasweetsmakeisista, I don't fancy that at all.
- All the matches are wet, so we cram down a few handfuls of cheese andboiled<empty>sweetskaramelleja.
- Jars ofboiled<empty>sweetskaramelleja, rusks, biscuit tins and chocolate boxes are on view.
- `When the children got hungry, they found a bush covered withchocolatesuklaa-sweetsmakeisia.
- You can't get very excited when she brings home half-price loo rolls andstalekuiviacoughyskän-sweetspastilleja.
- `You've got a packet ofcoughyskän-sweetspastillejathere.
sweetener.n 🔎
- `For the first time, ``Eatherley says, `the food industry feels it will be able to cook with adietvähäkalorisellasweetenermakeutusaineella.
- A spoonful of sweetener helps the calories go down -- replace one teaspoon of sugar with a teaspoon of Canderel Spoonful, agranularrakeistasweetenermakeutusainetta, and you'll save 18 calories.
tuna.n 🔎
- Finely chop onions and draintunatonnikala.
- Combine all salad ingredients with theflakedhiutaleidentunatonnikala-.
turkey.n 🔎
- Serve with slices ofcoldkylmienturkeykalkkunan-or ham.
- We've hadturkeykalkkunaatonight.
- Everyone seems to enjoy special foods at Christmas time -- fromroastpaistetustaturkeykalkkunastato stuffed dates and other sweet treats.
veal.n 🔎
- The ``morsel of bread; offered to the guests turns out to be a meal of fresh cakes, curds and milk, and thebestparastavealvasikanlihaa.
- `I don't normally eatvealvasikanlihaanow, ``she said after dissecting the course that followed.
vegetable.n 🔎
- The locals eat mainly fish andvegetablesvihanneksia.
- Continue to eat plenty of garlic andfreshtuoreita,green leafyvihreitä lehdellisiävegetablesvihanneksia.
- FrozenPakaste-vegetablesvihanneksetwere, somehow, a lowering of standards, but they were quick and convenient and really fresher than anything one could get in the London shops.
- It also eats grass and benefits from a regular supply ofgreentuoreitavegetablesvihanneksiain its diet.
- Many foods provide small amounts but it is especially rich in liver, kidney,rawraakojagreen leafyvihreitä lehdellisiävegetablesvihanneksiaand oranges
- Avoid salads,rawraakojavegetablesvihanneksia, cold buffets, mayonnaise and any fruit you can't peel yourself.
- Start cutting down on ``bad foods today and consume morehealth-giving rawterveellisiä raakojavegetablesvihanneksia, fruits, salads, nuts, grains and pulses.
- The greatest consumers ofrootjuurestenvegetables<empty>are the French, Belgians, and Irish.
- Celeriac: thisknobblypahkuraisenrootjuureksenvegetable<empty>has a similar flavour to celery.
- `A main dish soup made with lamb androotjuureksistavegetables<empty>and leeks.
vinaigrette.n 🔎
- I serve this with a mesclum salad and finely sliced artichoke bottoms as well as a dish of tiny new potatoes in their skins, in achiveruohosipuli-vinaigrettesalaatinkastikkeessawith ground mixed pepper.
- Jean-Claude concentrated on his food -- aleekpurjosipuli-vinaigrettesalaatinkastike, steak-frites and a flan.
- Mustard helps to emulsify avinaigrettesalaatinkastiketta.
- AvinaigretteSalaatinkastike,of old wine vinegar, olive oil and mustardvanhaa viinietikkaa, oliiviöljyä ja sinappia, spooned over a warm, poached chicken stuffed with ham and Swiss chard, makes a wonderful summer dish.
- This means that you can follow a delicate vegetable terrine with a composed salad, orartichokeartisokka-vinaigrettesalaatinkastikettawith a bowl of mussels.
vinegar.n 🔎
- It is a good substitute forriceriisi-vinegaretikallein Oriental cookery.
- Mix the lemon juice with thesherrysherry-vinegaretikkaaand olive oil and season well.
- If the floor does not need sanding, at least give it a good scrub and a final wash of white spirits, or a mixture of two parts water to one ofordinarytavallistavinegaretikkaa.
- Vinegar but onlyundilutedlaimentamatontawhitevalkoistavinegaretikkaa.
- Finally it is blended with10 year old10 vuotta vanhanBalsamicbalsami-vinegaretikanto give its distinctive dark, sweet, rich flavour.
- If you suffer from broken veins or swollen legs soothe the problem with Organic Product Company Leg & Vein Cream Gel, which contains extracts of horse-chestnut and yarrow withnaturalluonnollistacidersiideri-vinegaretikkaain an easily absorbed gel.
- Then came a salad, forty luscious shades of biting green and purple, roasted sesame seeds, toasted sunflower seeds, walnut oil andred winepunaviini-vinegaretikkaa.
- The capers are usually pickled in awhite winevalkoviini-vinegaretikkaanto preserve them.
- We used to make great bowls of raw onions soaked invinegaretikkaanand sugar.