- ChristinaChristinawas determined not to add to them, but was beginningto<empty>experiencetunteagrave doubts of her own about Colin Weatherhead's reliabilityvakavia epäilyksiä Colin Weatherheadin luotettavuudesta.
- WeMeexperiencetunnemmeguiltsyyllisyyttäwhen we blame ourselves or our actions for events.
- With a good heavy hot iron, it would stop belling out here and there, she thought, andshehänexperiencedtunsia flash of pleasure at the quickness and deftness of her workhetkellistä nautintoa hänen työnsä nopeudesta ja sulavuudesta.
- Broadly speaking, this theory states thatstress or dissatisfactionstressiä tai tyytymättömyyttäis more likelyto be<empty>experiencedkokeeby an individualhenkilöif her/his ranks are discrepant -- for instance the ranks associated with income, education and ethnic group.
- Filled with love, she longed to run towards him, but controlled the impulse; then, when he came towards her with his hand outstretched,her hearthänen sydämensäfelttunsiswollen with joypaisuvansa ilosta.
- I don't have to stand here baring my soul in order to makeyousinutfeeltuntemaan olosibetterparemmaksiand less of a victim!
- HeHänhadolifelttuntenut itsensäashamednoloksithe first time he put it on: it brought him back to his ugliness.
- SheHänestäfelttuntuibad about leaving without saying goodbyeikävältä lähteä hyvästelemättä, but what else was she supposed to do?
- Her voice was neutral, precise, measured andJackJackfeltolisick with fearsairas pelosta.
- That knowledge madememinutfeeltuntemaan olonigoodhyväksi.
- IMinäbeganto<empty>feeltuntea olonibetterparemmaksi.
- Shouldshehänenfeeltunteaguiltsyyllisyyttä?
- IMinästillfeelolinsadsurullinenfor her and angry at you.
- “ Areyou<empty>feelingTunnetko olosibetterparemmaksi?,
- For ten years he had lived this lonely life,his heartsydänfulltäynnäof sadnesssuruaand his head full of dark dreams.
- FullTäynnäof hopetoivoa,Iminätook the watch in to a smart business in the Rue du Rhône, where it was examined by a stately manager.
- Aunt Nessy had been upstairs, but hearing voices she came down, and seeing me ran towards me, as lightly and softly as a little bouncing ball,her eyessilmätfulltäynnäof love and welcomerakkautta ja odotusta.