TransFrameNet:Fairness evaluation
fair.a 🔎
- I shall not repeat what I said to the Government of India, but itisonperfectlytäysinfairrehellistäto say that it was well takensanoa, että he ottivat sen hyvin vastaan.
- `I reckon he was telling aprettyvarsinfairrehellisenversion of the truthversion totuudesta, yeah?
- That sounds like aprettyvarsinfairoikeudenmukaiseltaexchangevaihtokaupalta.
- He was a hard, yet scrupulouslyfairoikeudenmukainenpersonhenkilöto staff and playerstyöntekijöille ja pelaajilleand he remained constant in his attitudes until he died.
- Clara TaylorClara Taylorwas alwaysoli ainaveryhyvinfairoikeudenmukainenin dealing with the girlstyttöjen kanssa.
- `I don't thinkweme're beingolemmeverykovinfairreiluja.
- `Derry City and Roy CoyleDerry City ja Roy Coylehave beenovat olleetveryhyvinfairreilujato meminulleand the knee is no problem now.
- This seems averyhyvinfairreilultadealsopimukselta, for the transformation is pretty dramatic.
- All they want is survival and afairoikeudenmukaistadealsopimusta.
- Giving you afairreilundealdiilinmeans that he should follow a reasonable procedure before taking a final decision that you must part company.
- All I've come for is to seefairreiluaplaypeliä.
- `We believe it is afairoikeudenmukainenand generouspricehinta.
- The large differences show how one can retail one's own eggs direct to the public at afairerkohtuullisempaanpricehintaanand still make a worthwhile profit.
- Thefairoikeudenmukainenprice of the stock index futures contractosakeindeksitermiinin hintacan be calculated in precisely the same way as with the other contracts.
- WeMemight at least beolemme ehkä ainakinfairreilujaabout the ways in which we account for pupils' behaviourtavoissa, joilla otamme huomioon oppilaiden käyttäytymisen.
- Therefore itwasolifairreilua,for the provision to cover subsidiaries as wellettä sopimusehto kattoi myös tytäryhtiöt.
- And ithadn't beenei ollutfairreiluaof herhänento expect him to do soodottaa hänen tekevän näin.
- `I've explained it to him and it's notei olefairreiluaon himhäntä kohtaan,being exposed to some of our defending in recent weeksettä olemme suhtautuneet häneen torjuvasti viime viikkoina.
- Butisonkothistämäfairreiluaon clients who are vulnerable and in needniitä asiakkaita kohtaan, jotka ovat haavoittuvaisia ja avun tarpeessa?
- The Conservatives' attempts to deal with itKonservatiivien yritykset käsitellä sitäwereolivathardlytuskinfairreilujato the Boardsjohtokunnalle, however.
- Furness was strong and forceful by nature and wielded a power in his Departments, althoughhehänwas always just andfairoikeudenmukainenwith his employeestyöntekijöilleen.
- The reportRaportissais<empty>fairoikeutetustiin stating its case in favour of such regulationsmainitaan hänen tapauksestaan tällaisten säännösten puolustamiseksi, without concealing the disadvantages which these new rules would undoubtedly bring about for the Swiss art market.
- It is their duty to hear and determine according to law, and they must bring to that task afairoikeudenmukaisinand unbiasedmindmielin.
- It is significant to note that even at the possible cost of the presidency, the right tofairoikeudenmukaiseenhearingkuulemiseenand enabling unconcealed information to the citizenry [sic] have been remarkably upheld in this case.
- SheHän'sonfairoikeudenmukainento both sideskummallekin osapuolelle.
- It's afairoikeudenmukainencoppollari: I think all taxpayers should pay the same rate of tax.
- High praise is tidy middling andmiddlingkeskitasoisonveryhyvinfairkohtuullista!
- The amount of intake varies from state to state -- California and New York get about $25 billion each, while smaller states get just $1 billion -- although exact amounts are not fully determined because the federal government, as a major contributor to states' Medicaid services, is wrangling foritssenfairoikeudenmukaisestashare of the dividendosingonjaosta.
- But they are especially concerned with developing uniform, consistent, andfairoikeudenmukaistatax treatmentverokohteluaby state and local authoritiesvaltiovallan ja paikallisviranomaisten.
- The sizes of statistical fluctuations familiar from statistical physics scale as the square root of the number of particles, N. Consider tossing afairoikeancoinkolikon10,000 times.
- Many CEOs decide on what they perceive to be afairoikeudenmukaisenalevel of paypalkkatasona, add $10 million to give themselves some maneuvering room, and then present their outsized demands to a board of directors that they hand-picked.
- ThisTämäis notei olefairreiluato womankindnaisille.
- To effectively support the Congress,GAOGAO:nmust be professional, objective, fact-based, nonpartisan, nonideological,fairoikeudenmukainen, and balancedin all its workkaikessa työssään.
- We will use any means necessary to achieve this end, including competition, bothfairreiluand unfair, wholesale buying up of potential rivals, strategic partnerships and alliances, strategic betrayals of partners and allies, theft, bribery, murder, and, if necessary, putting out a high-quality product.
- This would create the appearance of mediafairreilustaplaypelistäwithout doing either of our favorites much damage.
- Nothing about this processMikään tässä edistyksessä eihas beenole ollutfairreilua.
- My focusPyrinisto beolemaanfairreiluto all sideskaikille osapuolille.
- In that respect, some participants felt that FASB is marching toward a ``fair value path and cautioned that thefairoikeudenmukaisenvaluearvonreporting model is not always good and needs to be used only where it really makes sense.
- The difference between the cost of the PP&E acquired anditssenfairoikeudenmukaisenvaluearvonis recognized as a loss.
- If the fair value of the PP&E acquired is less than thefairoikeudenmukainenvalue of the PP&E surrenderedjäännöksenä olevan PP&E:n arvo, the PP&E acquired is recognized at its cost and subsequently reduced to its fair value.
- It stated that ranking 31st in federal funds per pupil meant that somehow California was not gettingitssen``fairoikeudenmukaistashareosuutta.
- fairoikeudenmukainenvalue of facilities and equipment donated to the governmenthallitukselle lahjoitettujen tilojen ja laitteiden arvo; and
inequitable.a 🔎
- We believeInheritance Taxperintöveroisonparticularlyerityiseninequitableepäoikeudenmukainen.
- Derry'sinequitableepäoikeudenmukainenshare of miseryköyhyyswas also reflected in housing.
- Meanwhile the 11 + began to be criticized not only because it divided children up absurdly young into different categories, within which they were more or less trapped, but also becauseitsewas intrinsicallyoli olennaisestiinequitableepäoikeudenmukainen.
- One problem was that the RHA needed to ensure thatany mental illness initiativemielenterveysaloitewas notei ollutinequitableepäoikeudenmukainenwith respect to the other neglected client groupsverrattuna muihin laiminlyötyihin asiakasryhmiin.
- Certainly, no good ethical case has been made to justify differential orinequitableepäoikeudenmukaistatreatmentkohteluaon such arbitrary grounds.
- It has operated on theratherpikemminkininequitableepäoikeudenmukaiseltabasis of paying different amounts of money or none at all according to the source of disability rather than its extentperustalta maksamalla erilaisia rahamääriä tai ei mitään vammaisuuden syyn perusteella sen laajuuden sijasta.
- Mostly these are the best that can be managed in what is basically aninequitableepäoikeudenmukainenrelationshipsuhde.
- The size of the forces which might be raised by these primitive andinequitableepäoikeudenmukaisinmeanskeinoin, especially at moments of real crisis, should not be under-estimated.
unfair.a 🔎
- Of courseIminä'm beingolenmosterittäinunfairepäreilu, but that's a reader's prerogative.
- The lawLakiis thereforeon siksimosterittäinunfairepäoikeudenmukainento victims of negligencelaiminlyönnin uhreille; in limiting them in this way it totally ignores the reality of the situation.
- `It'sonmosterittäinunfairepäoikeudenmukainenof the Labour PartyTyöväenpuolueto have imposed a burden such as this on a man of John Scott's agemäärättyään tämänkaltaisen rasitteen John Scottin ikäiselle miehelle, ``he says.
- I'm sure he's in there somewhere, surrounded by aquitevarsinunfairkohtuutonbevy of beautieskaunotarten parvi.
- It was averyhyvinunfairepäreiluportrayal of youkuvaus sinusta.
- `You know, darling, ``Louise said, as she was tying her scarf, `yousinä'reoletveryhyvinunfairepäreiluto yourself and your motheritsellesi ja äidillesi.
- `Just tired, ``said Julia, burying her immediate andveryhyvinunfairkohtuuttomanjealousymustasukkaisuutensain sympathy.
- ThisTämä, however,seemsnäyttääa littlehiemanunfairepäoikeudenmukaiseltato Matza.
- ItseemsTuntuuveryhyvinunfairepäreilultato leave her hoping when there is no hopeantaa hänen edelleen toivoa kun toivoa ei ole olemassa.
- ItSeseemstuntuua bithiemanunfairepäreilultato people who can not afford to update their computer every 12 monthsihmisistä, joilla ei ole varaa päivittää tietokonettaan joka 12 kuukausi.
- If a common agreement blankets all competitors, however, none can secure anunfairepäreiluaadvantageetuaby undercutting the labour standards.
- Ifunfairepäreiluoverseas competitionkansainvälinen kilpailucauses them to dwindle, holes appear in the fabric.
- If there are any cases in which the victim ofunfairepäreilunpressurepainostuksenmay avoid a contract even though the threat is not of unlawful action, there seems no possibility of any concurrent tort liability.
- Individual citizens and minority communities themselves need protection against the power of the state and against discrimination andunfairepäreiluatreatmentkohtelua.
- `But I feel it'sona bithiemanunfairepäreilua,that he should try to use a few Press photographs as an excuseettä hän yrittää käyttää muutamaa lehdistökuvaa tekosyynä!
- Mr Connor said itwasoliunfairepäreiluathat she be refused the help now being offered to othersevätä häneltä apu, jota tarjotaan nyt muille.
- Itis notei oleunfairepäreilua,when my horse loseskun hevoseni häviää, even if I was confident, with good reason, that it would win.
- Itis not, however,ei ole kuitenkaanautomaticallyautomaattisestiunfairepäoikeudenmukaistato dismiss an employee while he remains eligible for sick pay under the rules of the schemeerottaa työntekijää vaikka hän onkin vielä oikeutettu saamaan sairausajan palkkaa järjestelmän sääntöjen mukaisesti.
- Itis, of course,on tietenkina littlehiemanunfairepäreiluato make a comparison between Ayers Rock and Bullens Creekverrata toisiinsa Ayers Rockia ja Bullens Creekiä.
- Itwasoliso damnedniin pahuksenunfairepäreilua,that she would never see themettei hän koskaan nähnyt heitä.
- LifeElämäcould bevoi ollaunfairepäreiluafor somejoillekin.
- David Jenkins, spokesman for RoSPA, said: `It'sonunfairepäreilua,for stores to blame the users for accidentsettä myymälät syyttävät käyttäjiä onnettomuuksista.
- If parents' distaste for a child's friend is really caused by social and class differences itwould usually beolisi yleensäunfairepäreiluaof themheiltäto interferepuuttua asioihin.
- ItSewasoliunfairepäreiluaof meminulta; I shouldn't have interrupted.
- Some death-penalty supporters advance the argument that itisonunfairepäreiluaon taxpayersveronmaksajia kohtaanto expect them to finance a convict's imprisonment for lifeodottaa heidän rahoittavan rikoksesta tuomitun elinikäisen vankeusrangaistuksen.
- ThisTämämay besaattaa ollaunfairepäreiluaon herhäntä kohtaan, but it probably helps the Community to have Mrs Cresson threatening to block Japanese exports if `reciprocal access ``is not given to European goods in Japan.
- ItSe'sonunfairepäreiluato yousinulle, and unfair to Alison.
- I also feel itwould beolisiunfairväärin,to my daughtertyttärellenito have an affair with a womanjos minulla olisi suhde johonkin naiseen.
- ButIminähave beenolen ollutunfairepäreiluto the typistskonekirjoittajille.
- `Itwould have beenolisi ollutterriblyhyvinunfairkohtuutontato him and any possible new ownershänelle ja kaikille mahdollisille uusille omistajilleto find him a new home when he was in such a terrible statelöytää hänelle uusi koti, kun hän oli niin kurjassa kunnossa.
- This stretch of canal holds a large head of fish but there are also a lot of carp and it was decided to be anunfairkohtuuttomanavenuelausekkeena.
- ItSewasolisoniinunfairepäreilua!
- But Labour's Pam Tatlow saysitse'sonpoliticallypoliittisestiunfairepäreilua.
unjust.a 🔎
- “ Thatis aonmostmitäunjustepäoikeudenmukaisinand … and … absurdgeneralizationyleistys. ”
- If we agree with this view, then women's lower wages may be seen as either their just reward or, alternatively, as the result of amostmitäunjustkohtuuttomimmastafamily systemperhejärjestelmästä.
- That is what happened, and we now realise that we must take away from such authorities thatmostmitäunjustepäreiluintool with which they managed to acquire electoral support that they did not deserve and have unscrupulously usedväline, jolla he onnistuvat saamaan äänestäjien tuen, jota he eivät ainsainneet ja jota he ovat hyödyntäneet häikäilemättömästi.
- ItSe'sveryhyvinunjustepäreilua. ”
- Itseemstuntuuveryhyvinunjustepäreilulta,that D should have been required to pay Mrs. Bennett's debtettä D:n on täytynyt maksaa Bennettin velka; but note that he could probably have recovered the money from her as money paid to her use.
- Suchunjustkohtuuttomatlawslaitdeserve to be broken.
- Once age is controlled, the effect of education upon attitudes towards breakingunjustkohtuuttomienlawslakienchanges.
- We saw in this chapter that the rich are more inclined to say that they would break anunjustkohtuuttomanlawlainthan the poor.
- It's anunjustepäoikeudenmukainenworldMaailma.
- If the reason girls achieve less than boys is because of remediable educational or social conditions which disadvantage them, then itis clearlyselvästikinunjustepäoikeudenmukaista,that girls should get a less fair deal than boysettä tyttöjä kohdellaan selvästi poikia epäreilummin.
- Itisonunjustepäreiluato make sweeping condemnation of the private sectortuomita yleistävästi yksityistä sektoria, as we know that this hospital compares favourably against many others.
- Itwasoliunjustepäreiluaof herhänen puoleltaanto disregard those thumb-sucking years in which Lily had held her closesivuuttaa nuo peukalon imemisvuodet, jolloin Lily oli pitänyt häntä lähellään.
- They sayitseisunjustepäreiluafor the publicanshotellinpitäjilleand bad for the pubs.
- His preferred solution was that, as in cases of mistake of fact, money paid under a mistake of law should be recoverable if itwould beolisiunjustepäreiluafor the recipientvastaanottajanto retain itpitää sitä.
- Whena systemjärjestelmäisonunjustepäoikeudenmukainento the coreläpikotaisin, abolition, not reform, is what respect for justice demands.
- We can not feel thatsuch an arrangementtällainen järjestelyis in any wayunjustepäoikeudenmukainento yousinulle.
- If they are inaccurate, then the obvious strategy would be to try to rectify the perceptions, by persuading people thatthe systemjärjestelmäis notei oleunjustepäoikeudenmukainenafter all.
- Shall we just say thata checkerboard solutionshakkilautaratkaisuisonunjustepäoikeudenmukainenby definitionsinänsäbecause it treats different people differently for no good reason, and justice requires treating like cases alike?
- Blanche wanted her reward, her confirmation thatthe worldmaailmawas notei ollutasniinunjustepäoikeudenmukainenas she sometimes imaginedkuin hän joskus kuvitteli.