TransFrameNet:Facial expression
- She looked away, made uneasy by thethreateninguhkaavaexpressionilmeon his harsh featureskovien kasvonpiirteidensä.
- Even as she was thinking about rallying her defences,hishänenexpressionilmeensächanged.
- For long seconds,hishänenexpressionilmeinseriousvakavin, he looked down into her large green eyes, then, `You're trembling! ``he observed.
- HeHänenwore asombresynkkä,broodinguhkaavaexpressionilmeensäthat relaxed into a half-smile as he caught sight of her, sending a surge of electricity round her nervous system.
- HeHänwas sitting at the table and staring ahead of him with a dark,broodinguhkaavanexpressionnäköisenä.
- Abruptly, her face became devoid ofexpressionilmeettömäksi.
- She saw a look of real dislike cross Mrs Browning's face, quickly followed by anexpressionilmeof exasperationraivostunut.
- Murray's faceMurrayn kasvoillawore anexpressionilmeof dismaytyrmistynytand Richard realised that an explanation was needed immediately.
- The young manNuorella miehellähad a mass of curly black hair, a reddish face and afrantichätääntynytexpressionilme.
- HisHänenfacialkasvojensaexpressionilmenever changed.
- Obviously, the exact direction will depend on clues such asthe speaker'spuhujanfacialkasvojenexpressionilmeestäor tone of voice.
- He made a wry face and shook his head, his eyes holding, at that moment, the same merry twinkle as his grandmother's, a gaiety missing fromhis mother'säidinexpressionilmeestä.
- Fromherhänenflusteredhämmentyneestäexpressionilmeestäänand the fact that I wasn't instantly told to mend my manners, I knew she felt guilty.
- HeHänelläassumed apainedtuskainenexpressionilmeand averted his eyes.
- She looked down, astrangely painedoudon tuskainenexpressionilmeon her facekasvoillaan, then looked up again.
- HerHänenpuzzledkummastunutexpressionilmeensäwas covered.
- Never pick the first fruit, ``he said mysteriously, and then continued when he sawPatrick'sPatrickinpuzzledkummastuneenexpressionilmeen.
- Johnny peered upwards, apuzzledkummastunutexpressionilmeon his facekasvoillaan.
- Alyssia gasped at his loose rendition of the truth, and then closed her mouth as she took inPiers'sPiersinfrozenjäätävänexpressionilmeen.
- Ruxton was holding up a specimen of urine to the light and tossed the superintendent a friendly smile, while his secretary sether powdered facepuuteroidut kasvonsainto anexpressionilmeeseenof restrained annoyancehillityn harmin.
- He bit off whatever he was going to say and inhaled deeply, smoothing his face into ablanktyhjänexpressionilmeenso that only the hot glitter in his eyes betrayed his anger.
- The rain was so heavy now that he was unable to see theexpressionilmettäon her facehänen kasvojensa.
- Nicholson remained slightly ahead of his group so that they could never quite see theexpressionilmettäof disdainhalveksuvaaof his facehänen kasvoillaan.
- Make sure students can see your lips, andfacialkasvojesiexpressionilmeen.
- The old gentlemanVanha herrasmieslooked at him with anexpressionilmeof dislikevastenmielinen.
- Larry, my stepfather,Isäpuoleni Larrysits stiffly with apainedtuskainenexpressionilmeon his facekasvoillaan.
- However,herhänenexpressionilmeensäof angervihainenkept him in touch with that unrecognized part of himself, just as his control gave her a much needed boundary.
- Theexpressionilmeon Mr Hibbert's faceHibbertin kasvojendidn't change.
- The old man looked up, vaguely waving his teapot, anexpressionilmeof simpering apprehensionteennäisen levotonon his facekasvoillaan.
- She stood watching, quite unable to keep ahopefultoiveikastaexpressionilmettäoff her facepois kasvoiltaan.
- HerHänenexpressionilmeensäwasgravehuolestunut, so very different from Sandy.
- KatherineKatherinenmade abrieflyhytexpressionilmeof annoyanceharmistuksen; this was the third time Lumley had requested fresh stock -- she would have to do something about it, and him.
- I saw that theexpressionilmein his eyeshänen silmiensäwas now one of slight amusement.
- Theexpressionilmeof painTuskan-in his facehänen kasvoillaanbecame something else entirely: in some part horror, in some part awe, but in the greatest part some sentiment for which she knew no word.
- HisHänenexpressionilmeensägrewcynicalkyyniseksi.
- The Bookman put on abravenielifacepettymyksensäand smiled, but Endill knew there was nothing to smile about.
- He turned, hisfacekasvonsanowgrave and serioushuolestuneet ja vakavat.
- When Thomas Carter asked me how I liked Oxford,Iminämade awryironisestifaceirvistinand said, “ Mmmm … ”
- HeHänenmade aruefulsurumielinenfaceilme.
- HeHänmade afaceirvisteli.
- `Huh, ``saidthe chap in the cagoulehuppuun pukeutunut heppu, making ahuffynärkästynytfaceilme.
- CleoCleonpulled anaggrievedloukkaantunutfaceilme.
- MikeMikepulled afaceirvistiat the foodruoalleand took his plate over to Helen's table.
- Itwas probablyoli luultavastiCharlotte'sCharlottenfrownkurtistusof puzzlementhämmästynytthat prompted her to add: `Emerson's wife.
- A faintfrownkurtistusof doubtepäilyksenbrought Lucenzo's brows together.
- `Do be careful, love, ``said his wife, afrownrypistyson her foreheadotsallaanand a worried tone to her voice.
- It's no surpriseIminähad afrownkurtistanon my facekasvojani.
- A look of relief replaced thefrownkurtistuksenon Ellen's faceEllenin kasvoilla.
- ``He raised his arms, looked atthe woman'snaisenbitterkatkeraafrownotsanrypistystä, then at the sea of young faces that formed the audience.
- `I have no silver! ``he shouted back, ignoringCorbett'sCorbettinwarningvaroittavanfrownotsanrypistyksen.
- PennyPennycast anunwelcomingtorjuvanfrownotsanrypistyksenin the direction of the steel grey November skykohti teräksenharmaata marraskuun taivasta, and stepped carefully onto the pavement from the Earl's Court mansion block in which she lived.
- Thoughts of Peter etched afrownrypistämäänto her foreheadotsaansa.
- HisHänenbriefpuzzledkummastunutfrownotsanrypistyksensähardened into furious realisation.
- Staring at her, apuzzledkummastunutfrownsiristysin his eyessilmissään, he took a step back.
- Juliet stared at him, apuzzledkummastunutfrownkurtistuson her facekasvoillaan.
- Aslightlieväfrownkurtistusof disappointmentpettymyksenpassed over the photographer's face.
- He loosed her arm and stood looking at her, aslightlievästifrownrypistäenon his browotsaansa.
- She affected a smallfrownkurtistuksenof concentrationkeskittymisen.
- And aworriedhuolestunutfrownkurtistuscrossed his face, at the thought of her past dangers and the possibility of new ones.
- HerHänenworriedhuolestunutfrownotsanrypistyksensädeepened.
- AceAcegave her amockmulkaisifrownotsa rypyssä.
- He looked down on her, his brow drawn into anangryvihaiseenfrownrypistykseen.
- ``His face creased into a fiercefrownrypistykseenof concentrationkeskittymisen, then he let it go, shaking his head.
- SheHänalways wears afrownotsa kurtussa
- HeHänelläwore theslightesthiemanfrownotsa kurtussa.
- `Book? ``askedJanJanwith afrownrypistäen otsaansa.
- Serious business,hehänthought with afrownrypistäen otsaansaas he picked up the receiver.
- AdeepSyväfrownrypistyscreased Rory's smooth brow.
- Rory stared at the figures on the page, afrownrypistäen otsaansaof deep concentrationkovasta keskittymisestäcreasing her features.
- HisHänenfrownotsanrypistyksensädeepened, then transformed itself into a radiant grin.
- Little did he know that it wasn't a smile, but agrimaceirvistysof paintuskan-.
- Cowley allowed thatslightlievängrimaceirvistyksenof disgustinhonto touch his face that told of his total contempt for this particular villain.
- AcrushedMusertunutgrimaceirvistysof defeattappion-crossed Charlotte's face at his words.
- It was the kind of grin on the face of a leather-jacketed youth when he revs his motor bike and watches thegrimacesirvistyksiäon the faces of those standing aroundympärillään seisovien kasvojen.
- VINNY Jones revealed it was a `toe-job ``which led toPaul Gascoigne'sPaul Gascoignengrimaceirvistämäänin the famous photo of their close encounter.
- The cold empty eyes had not changed: the face, half-hidden by a hood, now wore a permanentgrimaceirvistys.
- Itwas aolimirthlessilotongrimaceirvistys, but, `Oh, yes, I'll probably tell her all about it.
- Monitoring motor activity in newborn babies, Dr McGuiness found boys to be significantly more active, spending less time asleep and performing morefacialkasvoillaangrimacesirvistyksiäthan girls.
- FrancoFrancogave him awryironinengrimaceirvistysand shrugged his shoulders.
- HeHängave aruefulsurumielinengrimaceirvistys.
- MelissaMelissagave amischievousilkikurinengrimaceirvistysas she suddenly remembered the disapproving gleam in her friend's eye on learning where she was spending the evening and, possibly, the night.
- Candy's pert features wrinkled in agrimaceirvistykseenof disgustinhon.
- She stood off to one side, her lips twisted into agrimaceirvistykseenof disgust at their vulgarityinhosta heidän rahvaanomaisuutensa vuoksi.
- StephenStephenmade agrimaceirvistyksenat himhänelle.
- HeHänmade aguiltysyyllisengrimaceirvistyksenof assentmyöntyväisenä.
- EmmieEmmiemade anervoushermostuneengrimaceirvistyksenwith her hideous orange lipsruman oransseilla huulillaan.
- `If you do not stop at the road-block, you are dead, ``saysa soldiersotilaswith agrimaceirvistys.
- `Well, if this war wound stands up ter walkin' up those stairs I might be able ter get it down ter the dustbin for yer, ``hehänsaid with agrimaceirvistys.
- SheHänturned to Candy with anapologeticanteeksipyytävägrimaceirvistys.
- JaneJaneflashed agrinvirnistyksenat PatrickPatrickilleand turned away to open the door.
- A fine sweat was beading his forehead but there was agrinvirnistysof triumphvoiton-on his facehänen kasvoillaan.
- The toothygrinvirnistysof this naturally modest farmer's sonTämän luonnostaan vaatimattoman maanviljelijän pojanwas less than villainous at the finish.
- Itwas aoligrinvirnistysof pure happinesspuhtaan tyytyväisyyden.
- The woman gave the knife to Fierce Eyes, who held it up, agrinvirnistysof delightilahtunuton his gaunt, ageing featuresriutuneilla, ikääntyvillä piirteillään.
- His small round face crinkled up like a naughty baby and, through his irritation, Georg found himself having to stifle agrinvirnistyksensäof his ownoman.
- Thegrinsvirneon men's facesmiesten kasvoillagrew broader.
- IMinullahad a permanentgrinvirneon my facekasvoillaniabout it alltästä kaikesta.
- Kersey watched him go, anappreciativehyväksyvägrinvirnistyson his facekasvoillaan.
- HisHänengrinvirnistyksensäflashed in the mirror.
- Robbie taunted, and was infuriated byhishänencomplacentomahyväisestägrinvirnistyksestään.
- NinaNinaproducedherhänenterrifyingcrocodilekrokotiili-grinvirneensä.
- A trace ofPickerage'sPickeragennaturalurchinmenninkäismäisestägrinvirneestäwafted over his face.
- Lorrimore said to me, and I answered `Anywhere, sir, ``in best Emil fashion, which drew a fastappreciativehyväksyvängrinvirnistyksenfrom Emil himselfitse Emililtä.
- Tony scratched his head and asourhapangrinvirnistysappeared on his handsome face.
- Professor Ryker suppressed anadmiringihailevangrinvirnistyksenas she marched from the room.
- A broadgrinvirnistyslit up Rory's features.
- He came to the kitchen, an unwilling,sheepishnolostunut,pleasedtyytyväinengrinvirnistyson his facekasvoillaan.
- As I regained my composure I could see a widegrinvirnistyksenon the Frenchman's faceranskalaisen kasvoilla.
- A widegrinvirneof delightilonhad become a permanent fixture on his face, and Paul smiled at him in return as he cantered back to check the ox carts.
- I ain't tried very much, ``hehänsaid, givingherhänelleashyujongrinvirneen.
- The shopkeeperKauppiasgave a large toothygrinvirnistyksen.
- HarryHarrygave aself-deprecatingomahyväisengrinvirnistyksen.
- LindseyLindseygave awryironisengrinvirnistyksen.
- HeHängrinnedhis<empty>vulpinegrinvirnistiat herhänelle, and she smiled dutifully at his self-mockery.
- JanetJanethad my breakfast laid out on the table and sat there grinning aninsanejärjettömängrinvirnistyksenat meminulle.
- Ludens looked his craziest, his hair jagged, his dark eyes narrowed, the corners of his mouth raised in a ghastly contortedgrinvirneeseenof fearpelon-.
- His mouth twisted in a briefgrinvirneeseenof self-mocking apologyitseivallisen anteeksipyytävään.
- Her pretty perspiring face split into asheepishnolostuneeseengrinvirneeseen, then became serious again on reflection of being taken over by her baser instincts so completely.
- Ruth didn't move, not a muscle other than the ones to widen her lips into agrinvirnistykseen.
- `I overheard you two talking, ``BernardBernardreplied with asheepishnolostuneengrinvirneen.
- `Blowing the gaff about a black marketeer in the family? ``suggestedIrisIriswith amischievousilkikurisengrinvirneen.
- `Got your man yet? ``askedGarvieGarviewith agrinirvistys.
- I was finding it hard to keep agrinvirnistystäoff my facepois kasvoiltani.
- AcunningSöpögrinvirnistysspread over Asshe's face.
- He broke off as Jim Miller let go a Indian whoop of relief anddelightedilahtunutgrinsvirnistysspread across the faces of everyone in the group.
- I began to speak, but was silenced by asterntuikealookkatsefrom the Inspectortarkastajanand a raising of his hand.
- Onelookvilkaisufrom LizLizinhad silenced her, but the damage had been done.
- `Well, I draw the line at Dawn, ``Sophie said firmly, then, as she caught areproachfulmoittivanlookkatseenfrom HelenHelenin, she realised how ungenerous she sounded.
- Theperturbedhuolestunutlookilmefrom Cai GuoqiangCai Guoqianginsuggests all is not going to plan or time …
- Early on Buttons fidgeted, earning alooksilmäyksenof disapprovalpaheksuvanfrom Lord DeverillLordi Deverilliltä.
- De Villiers refused to back down, even whenfitzAlanAlanturned alooksilmäyksenof furyraivostuneenon himhäneen.
- ``Matthew Preston, Jenny whispered, and seeingSara'sSaranlookilmeenof non-comprehensionymmällään olevanadded, ``The man Aunt Alicia rents half Moorlake to.
- `She's no niece o'mine, ``grumbled Jack, shrugging helplessly whenhis daughterhänen tyttärensäturned ahorrifiedkauhistuneenlookkatseenon himhäneen.
- She resumedherhänenvagueepämääräistälookilmettäänand her dusting.
- Robyn'sRobyninlookilmeleft him in no doubt.
- I did a couple of years of catalogue work -- companies that sell clothing through the mail, ``she said, in answer tohishänenpuzzledkummastuneeseenlookkatseeseensa.
- Those words of Idris, `Pas possible, ``andhishänenhangdogalakuloinenlookilmeensäwould not leave me alone.
- HeHänslantedherhäneenathoughtfully challengingmietteliään haastavanlooksilmäyksen.
- HeHängaveherhäneenahardkovan,penetratingläpitunkevanlookkatseen, a look that held a charge.
- LukeLukegaveherhäneenacoldkylmän, piercinglookkatseen.
- SheHänflashedhimhäntäalookvilkaisibefore bestowing her nicest smile on Jim.
- AshleyAshleydartedhimhäntäalookkatseellafrom beneath her lashes.
- HeHänthrewherhäneenanangryvihaisenlooksilmäyksenover his shoulder.
- TheangryVihainenlookilmeon the judge's sallow facetuomarin kelmeillä kasvoillashowed that either his attendance in court that morning or Cranston's arrival had put him in an ill humour.
- HeHänflashed anangryvihaisenlookkatseenaround the airport.
- He halted only for a second, enough to narrow his eyes and purse his lips into alookilmeeseenof utter disgustäärimmäisen inhon, as though a dog's turd had grown legs and scurried on to his carpet.
- Ruxton stared her unwaveringly in the eye, alookilmeenof apprehensionlevottomanrather than reprimand.
- She glanced at Cynthia's face and alookilmeof pitysääliväcrossed her own.
- HelenHelengavehimhäneenalookkatseenof furyraivostuneen.
- HeHängaveherhäneena strangelookkatseen, and she wondered why he had called her Sarella Vila if he'd already forgotten about Peter.
- SheHäntweaked the pale blue hat she was wearing with alookilmeenof satisfactiontyytyväisenand walked into the café to a table in a corner.
- With a mocking smile forherhänenlookilmeestäänof speechless outragesanattoman raivonsa, he wandered out.
- She found Maisie Dougall standing in the doorway, aseriousvakavalookilmeon her ruddy facepunakoilla kasvoillaan.
- `My friend Lady Jane told me you were a sort of Watson to -- ``She stopped abruptly as she saw thelookilmeenof outrageraivonon Auguste's faceAugusten kasvoilla.
- Surprisingly, it's Penn who comes out best:hishänenstuttering shyness,gauchekömpelöpoutmutristuksensaand holy fool looks quietly convincing.
- VictoriaVictoria, who was by now very tired, looked up at the tree with adoubtfulmietteliäästipoutmutristaen.
- When Richard's top lip set in an obstinate bow and his lower lip protruded in asullenyrmeäänpoutmutristukseenhe had the unmistakable look of his aunt Margaret.
- `All right, then, ``agreed Peggy,herhänenpoutnyrpistyksensädisappearing at once.
- The face they show to the public is the icy hauteur and thearrogantylimielinenpoutnyrpistys-the trademarks of the world's top models.
- He pursed his big mouth into such ababyishvauvamaiseenpoutmutristukseenthat Meredith found him comical; he sniggered.
- `You still want to be my chief fuel technician? ``he teased, butshehänengave amockpilkkaavaanpoutmutristukseen.
- `I'm sorry, Silas, ``she mumbled, bringing forwardherhänenchildishlapsellisenpoutmutristuksensa.
- The AstropathAstropathlistened, wearing afaintlievärictusvirneof a smilehymyn, and thinking who knew what.
- Zulei hopped backwards, trying to regain her balance, her mouth arictusirvistäenof hatevihasta.
- For a long time he remained motionless like this, his body arched backward, his teeth clenched, his lips drawn back in asilenthiljaiseenrictusirvistykseenof ecstatic agonyhaltioituneen kärsimyksen.
- Gilbert tried to squirm away, pulling his mouth into adistortedvääristyneeseenrictusirvistykseen.
- They were drunk, marchers and watchers, exalted out of themselves, their faces set in therictusvirneeseenof certaintyitsestään selvyyden.
- There he was, all right -- a tiny figure, in perfect colour, standing in front of a group of Watchmen whose faces were each frozen in aterrifiedkauhistuneeseenrictusirvistykseen.
- Itwas aoliwideleveä,,manicraivokasandjautterly humourlessehdottoman huumorintajutonrictusirvistys.
- The man hesitated, then clamped his teeth in arictusirvistykseenand twitched off again.
- You wouldn't think it was possible for a middle-aged department store manager to simply crumple before the witheringscowlsmulkaisujenof his wifevaimonsa.
- As he stepped closer to Eisenhower, however, his face took on a more considered expression, ascowlkurtistusof concentrationkeskittymisenseeming to split his forehead in two.
- Thescowlkurtistuson his facehänen kasvoillaanindicated displeasure, and after a moment's silence she asked, `Is anything the matter?
- Lucy noticed thescowlkurtistuksenon his facehänen kasvoillaan.
- HisHänenscowlotsaryppynsävanished; he shrugged extravagantly and smiled.
- Ronni folded her arms across her chest and tried to fix adisapprovingmoittivanscowlmulkaisunto her face.
- Michele was smiling slightly, butPaulPaulwore ascowlrypisti otsaansa, and it was apparent to Luce that, faced with the other man's cool sophistication, he felt ill at ease, out of his depth.
- RobRobgaveherhäneenanembarrassedvaivaantuneenscowlmulkaisun.
- IMinullahad a permanentscowlkurtistuson my facekasvoillanifor weeks.
- He kicked the kerb again hard and set his lips in ascowlkurtisti.
- Hayman's monkey-like face twisted into aviciousilkeäänscowlkurtistukseenjust thinking about it.
- `Give me a pen, ``askedthe bullyhäirikköwith ascowlmulkaisu.
- HeHänreceived this innocent information with ascowlmulkaisu.
- Swod allowed himself aquarterneljännes-smilehymynat her recognitionhänen ihailustaanbut his body was so unused to this display of emotion that he began to cough.
- Sophie suppressed asmilehymynat the exchangevastineeksi, and then brother and sister were upon them.
- She couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking, and allowed herself asour internalhappaman sisäisensmilehymynat the thought that only she and Ace knew he had to be wrongsiitä ajatuksesta, että vain hän ja Ace tiesivät hänen olevan väärässä.
- Itwas aolismilehymyfor himhänellealone.
- How she managed to find asmilehymyilemäänfor IvoIvollewhen she saw him waiting for her in the foyer, she didn't know.
- Lurching slowly from side to side, becoming faster and steadier, the Vimy rose into the air followed by cheers from the spectators andsmileshymyjäfrom the Vickers teamVickers-joukkueen.
- This produced anansweringtakaisinsmilehymyilemäänfrom her husbandhänen miehensä.
- Royalbion's most important guests were at the hospitality unit today, hoping for asmilehymyäfrom the Princessprinsessalta.
- SheHänproduced asmilehymyäof pure triumphpuhdasta voiton-.
- Diana'sDianansmilehymyof delightilahtunutis truly radiant.
- The canteen was like a thousand others, run by unpaid volunteers and makeshift and bare, but thesmilehymyof the elderly helperiäkkäämmän avustajanwas as bright as her flowered pinafore.
- Russell smiled again but Dexter found it impossible to decide whether itwas aolikosmilehymyof contemplation, charm or mendacitytarkoituksellista, lumoavaa vai valheellista-- or all three.
- The waiter bowed his head slightly lower, asmilehymyof pleasurenautinnollinensplitting his face.
- Back home, after Alexander had dropped them off and Emily was tucked up fast asleep in bed, Lisa even forced asmilehymynof admirationihailevanat his duplicityhänen petollisuuttaan.
- She had to admit that he looked more worried about her than threatening and this brought asmallpienensmilehymynof reliefhelpotuksento her face.
- There was asmilehymyon his facekasvoillaanand it was still on his face when he stopped as if seized up and fell headlong in the passageway.
- DinahDinahturned aradiantsäteilevästismilehymyillenon himhänelle.
- Holman could almost detect anembitteredkatkeroituneensmilehymynon the pain-wracked facetuskan vääristämillä kasvoilla.
- He was quite calm, aslightlieväsmilehymyon his lipshuulillaan, a kind of self-sufficiency there that Munro had noticed in many airborne soldiers.
- HisHänencheeryhilpeäsmilehymynsävanished.
- HisHänensmilehymynsähad a bitter edge.
- MarcusMarcusagain smiled what Ludens saw as amysterious complicitarvoituksellisen rikoskumppanuudensmilehymynä, as if Ludens were a talented tempter who was at the same time a fellow initiate.
- StephenStephenbestowedon themheitähis<empty>besthospitalityvieraanvaraisestismilehymyillen.
- `Style, ``shehänreplied, throwing her long fair hair over her shoulders and flashinghimhänellethe toothpastesmilehymynagain.
- I shall always remember thatself deprecatingitseään vähättelevänsmilehymynand ironic phrase which I liked so much.
- His mouth was curved in ahardkovaan,mockingpilkalliseensmilehymyyn.
- Oblivious of the anger that crackled in the air,shehäncast awelcomingsydämellisensmilehymynin Jake's directionJaken suuntaan.
- Bang on cue, she strode out on to the stage, feeling none of the terror that had crippled her last performance, the excited cheers of the children bringing abeamingsäteilevänsmilehymynto her face.
- Luch looked over at Hector forhishänensmilehymystäänbefore bowing grave thanks.
- She couldn't prevent atinyhienoistaironicironistasmilehymyäfrom curving her lips.
- AslyOvelasmilehymytouched the comers of her mouth.
- She was beginning another song now, ahappyiloinensmilehymyturning up the corners of her mouth.
- A raresmilehymycrept over Trepolov's lips, but it did not reach his eyes, Auguste noticed.
- There were nosmileshymyjä, no ritual handshakes.
- Not that Yuri need have fretted for a moment -- as the softer shape emerged, abigleveäsmilehymyspread across his strong features.
- FOR as long as most people can remember, the stocky figure, big head andproudylpeä,tightkireäsmilehymyof Jordan's King HusseinJordanian kuninkaan Husseininhave symbolised stability in the wildness of the Middle East.
- HeHängaveherhänelleabigleveän,warmlämpimän,encouragingrohkaisevansmilehymyn.
- There was abigleveäsmilehymyon Jim Wagstaff's faceJim Wagstaffin kasvoillaas he arrived in the Maternity Ward at the Princess Margaret Hospital in Swindon.
- It was Ludovico de Severi da Bologna, the Latin Patriarch of Antioch; andNicholasNicholas, animated once again, was bestowing one ofhishänenbroadleveistä,well-meaninghyvää tarkoittavistasmileshymyistäänon the fellowkaverille.
- He could not resist afaintlievääsmilehymyäcreeping over his face.
- Yet Meredith detected afaintlievänsmilehymynof triumphvoiton-on his facehänen kasvoillaan.
- SheHänturned and flashed asmilehymynat MegMegille; her teeth were large and yellow like the donkeys'.
- Depositing the letters in front of him, and waiting until the younger girl had placed the tray on his desk,shehänflashed adazzlinghäikäisevänsmilehymynat himhänelle, then retreated.
- SheHänflashedhimhänellea falsesmilehymynof congratulationonnittelu-.
- The ghost of asmilehymynglimmered in his eyes.
- This would raise awryironisensmilehymynfrom the Dutch manager, Thijs Libregts, who is finding it hard to discover a matching pair.
- Her motherHänen äitinsäraised her eyebrows, slanting awryironisensmilehymynat her guesthänen vieraalleen.
- Flora returned thesmilehymyn.
- When sentence had been passed he glanced at her and was sure he could see the trace of asmilehymynon her lipshänen huulillaan.
- A shadow of apprehension crossed her face, immediately replaced by awarmlämminandwelcomingsydämellinensmilehymy.
- `Everything I've always wanted, ``she answered gently,herhänenwarmlämminsmilehymynsälighting her whole face.
- Glancing up, she caughtRoss'sRossinnod andwarmlämpimänsmilehymynof approvalhyväksyvänat the efforts she was making to reassure Emma and Sophie about their parents' conditionhänen ponnisteluilleen Emman ja Sophien lohduttamiseksi heidän vanhempiensa tilanteesta.
- She managed awryironisensmilehymyn, pushing her hair away from her face and rubbing her eyes.
- ThenKhrushchevKhrushchevbeamed awideleveäninfectioustarttuvansmilehymyn, of the kind with which Winston Churchill and Aneurin Bevan used to charm their audiences.
- BRAVE Princess DianaURHEA prinsessa Dianaput two weeks of torment behind her yesterday … and beamed thissmilehymynof reliefhelpottuneen.
- HarryHarrygavehimhänelleafriendlyystävällisensmilehymyn.
- HeHänellähad asmilehymyon his facekasvoillaanas we shook hands.
- She'sHänelläalways had asmilehymyfor meminulle, Mr Feather.
- The child's face, shiny with butter and dotted with toastcrumbs, folded up in ahugeleveäänsmilehymyyn.
- Then he looked up at Fei Yen, his strong features formed into asmilehymyynof pleasurenautinnolliseen.
- Now me, I'm firmly on Ana's side, ``she finished asAnaAnawalked into the room with asmilehymyon her facekasvoillaan.
- The fellowKaverismiled abroadleveäätoothlesssmilehymyä, looking from Beth to his companion, then back again.
- HeHänsmiledhishänenwinningvoitto-smilehymyään.
- IMinullawear anamazedhämmästynytsmilehymyon my facekasvoillani.
- Not bothering to conceal asmirkvirnistystäof satisfactiontyytyväistä, he announced, `We're going to have to let the bugger go.
- Gloomily, she remembered thesmirkvirnistyksenon Gould's faceGouldin kasvoilla, the surprise and disappointment on Annie's.
- `Look at theself-satisfiedomahyväistäsmirkvirnistystäon the man's facemiehen kasvoilla.
- Mr Falt could be forgivenhishänensmirkvirnistyksensäwhen, on election day, he was able to report not a body count but a remarkable turnout of voters.
- Desperately he tried to force his mind away, but the mud and the caravan, and the smell of, cats and drink and flesh, andHolly'sHollynsmirkvirnistysflooded back, nauseating him.
- The girls, elbows propping up against the wall behind, hips thrust forward, blew them two almosttoothlesshampaatontasmirksvirnistystäas the windscreen wipers cut a valiant swathe through the dried spittle.
- I know what profession she's in, and no wonderthat taxi driverettä taksinkuljettajawas givingmeminullethe bigsmirkvirnistyksen.
- SheHängave anunpleasantepämiellyttävänsmirkvirnistyksen.
- HeHängaveLambertLambertilleagrubbyepäilyttävänsmirkvirnistyksen.
- If you can manage that, and, come out with the right answer, then there's a pretty good chanceyousinulla'll have asmirkvirnistyson your facenaamallasithe next time the heavens open.
- Albert, she had remarked -- Rose hadn't known Twitch even had a Christian name -- is like pummy stone, whereas Naseby (whojollahad had adefiniteselväsmirkvirnistyson his facekasvoillaanwhen he saw her new hat) is like Irritating Plaster, he causes irruptions.
- But all I got in reply was asquintysiristävänsmirkvirnistyksenand the hiss of piss.
- She wanted to take that thick neck of his and press her fingernails, long and freshly varnished for Urquhart's benefit, deep into the flesh until thecockynäsäviisaansmirkvirnistyksenon his facehänen kasvojensawas replaced by a grimace of pain.
- Corbett thought ofde Craon'sde Craoninevililkeääsmirkvirnistystäand then Bruce with his cruel mouth and perfect knowledge of French.
- So instead of being outraged, one is left with aresignedalistunutsmirkvirnistys.
- `She says she can feel keys, ``saidHollyHollywith asmirkhymyillen omahyväisesti.
- `So I don't think he found me quite so ridiculous as you make out, ``concludedViolaViola, with anangryvihainensmirkvirnistysof triumphvoiton-.
- If he hadn't known that fact himself, DevlinParnhamParnhamhad pointed it out to him repeatedly with aself-satisfiedomahyväinenlittlepienismirkvirnistys.
- Anyone who spoke while the results were being read would receive asnarltuhahduksenof disapprovalpaheksuvan.
- Withel'sWithelinsnarlparkaisuof triumphvoiton-died in his throat.
- Nicolo's smile faded, became asnarlärähdykseksiof rageraivon-.
- ThesnarlKiukkuinen ilmeon his facehänen kasvoillaan, twisted horribly with contempt, was terrifying to behold but worse was the way he wiped the saliva away from his slobbering mouth with his sleeve and seemed to cast it towards her.
- Kevin Phillips'Kevin Phillipsinsnarlmurahduksetsays it all as he leads the Neath tribe's celebrations after winning the 1990 Schweppes Cup Final.
- With his Buster Keaton sag andGroucho MarxGroucho Marxinsnarlmurahduksineen, he's a sly combination of innocence and experience, a wized-up fool.
- Her black eyes were bright, her lips curled back in afearsomepelottavaansnarlärähdykseenthat dribbled saliva and left her tongue hanging.
- His lips were drawn back in asnarlirvistysof paintuskan-, his skinny white limbs were like a frozen chicken's.
- He touched his torn face and his lips drew back in asnarlparahdukseen.
- Judy Holt offers an aggressive Rita her face contorted into abitterkatkeraansnarlparahdukseen.
- His stumpy, yellowed silver moustache rides proudly overhishänencamel-likekamelimaisensneervirnistyksensäas he strides to the back of the bar, probably to renegotiate his olive and yoghurt contracts with the owner.
- Afaintlieväsneervirnistysof satisfactiontyytyväisyydentouched the corners of his mouth.
- Dexter saw that Blanche could not hide afaintlievääsneervirnistystäof distastevastenmielisyydenat how the TV reporter had behaved.
- HeHängave aderisivepilkallisestisneervirnisti.
- John asked, lips drawn back in asarcasticsarkastiseensneervirnistykseen.
- His tone was cutting and his lips twisted in acynicalkyyniseensneervirnistykseen.
- Her mouth contorted in asneervirneeseen.
- Although I couldn't actually seeMaté'sMaténsneervirnistys, I felt it in the darkness.
- Ho was looking at him now with asneervirnistyson his facekasvoillaan.
- Steven, Katz's head waiter and full-time `character ``, serves up three mammoth egg mayonnaise sandwiches with acomickoominensneervirnistyson his facekasvoillaan.
- `Of course, ``saidSnydeSnydewith aslighthiemansneervirnistäen, smiling again this time coldly.
- The sergeantKersanttiflicked up the plastic film and scrutinised the tweed jacket and brown trousers with afaintlievästisneervirnistäen: he wouldn't be seen dead wearing such clothes.
- Also now and thensomeone at one of the two tablesjoku näissä kahdessa pöydässä istuvastamight look at the other table with asneerhymyillen pilkallisestior an ugly remark.
- Only then didshehänlook carefully at the egg and with aslightlieväsneervirnistyson her facekasvoillaanturned and deposited it with a gesture of disgust in a nearby aspidistra pot.
- Otherwise she felt certainhehän'd dismiss the whole embarrassing situation with acarelesshuolettomallasneervirnistyksellä.
- Asneervirnistyscrossed her face.