TransFrameNet:Extreme value
acme.n 🔎
- For many years the decision in Prince (1875), in effect that the man is strictly liable when the girl is under 16, has been paraded by academic lawyers as theacmehuipentumanaof injusticevääryyden.
- Mammals animals with mammary glands that suckle their young -- were certainly present during the Triassic, and were a continuous if subordinate component of fossil faunas throughout theacmevaltakautenaof the dinosaursdinosaurusten.
- The monoplacophorans really reachedtheirniidenacmekukoistusin the Cambriankambrikautena, with curious forms having shapes that have never been paralleled in other molluscs (Yochelcionella).
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- On May 26th26. toukokuutaitsehit anewuudenhighhuippulukemanagainst the dollarverrattuna dollariinof 108.5108,5.
- Pace of flu attackFlunssan tarttumisvauhtihits14-year14 vuoden takaisinhighhuippulukemiin.
- As an irregular five-minute sketchEpäsäännöllisenä viiden minuutin sketsinä,Wayne's WorldWayne's Worldhitunequalledennennäkemättömiäcomickoomisiahighshuippuhetkiä, but when word of a spin-off movie became flesh, the general reaction was one of bafflement.
- UnemploymentTyöttömyyswas at aolirecordennätysmäisenhighkorkealla, particularly among men.
- The Dow Jones industrial average closed on March 20th at 2,739, not far belowitssenall-timekaikkien aikojenhighhuippulukemaaof 2,8102 810on January 2 19902. tammikuuta 1990, and well above this year's low of 2,553.
- Nicosia:The Cisco index closedCisco-indeksi sulkeutuiat anewuudessahighhuippulukemassaof 185.6185,6, a gain of 2.1 points on the week.
- BRITAIN 'S trade deficitBRITANNIAN kauppavajehas soared to aseven-monthseitsemän kuukauden takaisiinhighhuippulukemiin, partly due to the pound's devaluation.
- Very few deaf men and women of ability came through to lead the rest: the clergy retained a powerful grip on the affairs of deaf people, andthe age of paternalismpaternalismin aikakausiwas at ahighhuipussaan.
- The FT-SEFT-SEclosed at anewuudessahighhuippulukemassaof 2807.72807,7, up 18 points.
- He claimsthe problemongelmais at anall-timekaikkien aikojenhighpahinand that confiscated nets are finding their way back into the hands of poachers.
- The Tide tables can not be relied on for precisehighsnousuihinand lowsof the tidesvuorovesien.
- THOSE three major eclipses can be held responsible for the tremendoushighsmenestyksistäand lowsin your love liferakkauselämässäsithis yeartänä vuonna.
- `He has played international rugby during the lows andoccasionalsatunnaisissahighsmenestyksissäfor WalesWalesinand learned to survive.
- InflationInflaatiohad fallen from ahighhuippulukemastaof 15.7 per cent15,7 %in 1987vuonna 1987to 4.9 per cent at end-1990, but at the cost of falling output and a sharp rise in unemployment.
- Day 2 and we are raring to go, working onyesterday'seilisenhighkohokohtia.
- There arehighskohokohtia-- like young Jamie Delgado, a Slater boy since he was ten, winning the Under-14 World Championships -- never before in British tennis history has that happened.
- Share prices in Tokyo climbed by 6.2% during the week to anewuuteen19931993highhuippulukemaan, on hopes of an early economic recovery.
- His prime shorts are what he calls his `vestal virgins ``, growth stocks selling at or neartheirniidenall-timekaikkien aikojenhighshuippulukemia.
- Unemployment jumped from a low of 2.7 per cent to ahighhuippulukemaanof 4.3 per cent4,3 %in 1966vuonna 1966.
low.n 🔎
- Against the markMarkkaan verrattuna,sterlingpuntafell from 2.8505 to 2.8389, after hitting alowpohjalukemanof 2.82802,8280at one stageyhdessä vaiheessa.
- With demand hit by the recessionTaantuman hidastaessa kysyntää,production of its London taxissen Lontoon taksien tuottohit alowpohjalukemanof 35 a week35 viikossaat the turn of the yearvuodenvaihteessa.
- ROBUSTA Coffee futures saw further losses, with prices falling tofreshkirpaiseviin14 year14 vuoden takaisiinlowspohjalukemiinin mid-afternoon tradingkaupankäynnissä keskellä iltapäivää.
- Similarly, without knowing their thickness, it is impossible to calculate how much the low-density Lough Neagh Clay contributes to thegravityvetovoimanlowpohjalukemathat underlies the Lough.
- At a time whenAmerica's interest in British popAmerikan kiinnostus brittiläiseen poppiinwas at anoliall-timekaikkien aikojenlowpohjalukemissa, the label failed to produce one significant hit.
- Dividend yields are close to a20-year20 vuoden takaistalowpohjalukemaa.
- SterlingPuntafell 0.2 of a cent to $1.4560, half a pfennig to Dm2.3750 and hit anewuudenlowpohjalukemanof 169 yen169 jeniä.
- From third place to missing a gate, Martin Bell has experienced the highs andlowsvastoinkäymisiäof ski racinghiihtokilpailunso far this seasontähän mennessä tällä kaudella, but is optimistic, nonetheless
- Mr McCulloh says the shakeout has already seen prices rise from alowpohjalukemastaof 40 cents a pound40 senttiä naulaltafor live beefelävän naudan osaltato nearly 90 cents this spring.
- The stockmarket is up by around 30% fromitssenlowpohjanoteerauksestaat the start of Octoberlokakuun alussa.
- Athens water supplies ``Ateenan vesivaratatall-timekaikkien aikojenlowmatalimmat
- `The number of girlsTyttöjen määräisonnownytat antasollaall-timekaikkien aikojenlowmatalimmalla
- This figureTämä lukugradually declined to alowpohjalukemaanof about 25,000noin 25,000in 1979vuonna 1979but has since climbed again, to around 125,000 in 1986.
- One report spoke of `alowkielteisestä kuvastain public opinionjulkisen mielipiteen``.
- Sydney: Concern about the performance of News Corporation following a warning by Rupert Murdoch helped to pull the All Ordinaries index down 17.5 points to 1,755.8,the day'späivänlowpohjanoteeraus.
maximum.a 🔎
- I assure groups that have contacted me and which are concerned about over-regulation that I want a minimum of regulation and themaximummahdollisimman paljonamount of discretiontoimintavaltaato be given to local authorities.
- Themaximumenimmäis-amountmäärääfor a protected deposit was increased to £20,000.
- We believe that themaximumenimmäis-sentencetuomionfor such a crime should reflect its gravity.
- But so long as the company's objective ismaximummaksimi-profitstuotto, a concern with the welfare of third parties is necessarily an instrumental one: it is a means of protecting profitability in the long term.
- Some books are encountered too late, after the period when they would have hadmaximumenimmäis-impactvaikutusta.
- The body of a young child works at themaximummaksimi-ratenopeudella, enabling the child to process far more information in a given time than an adult could.
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- Any longer than anabsoluteehdottomastimaximumenintäänof sixkuusi, he argued, would run the risk of not being able to recapture viewers lost to an unpopular first episode.
- ThecurrentNykyinenmaximumenimmäismääräisone years' pay and 18 months of medical coverageyhden vuoden palkka ja 18 kuukauden lääkehoito.
- But will this prove awelfarehyvinvoinninmaximumenimmäismäärästä?
- An assimilation arrangement will apply to staff on spinal column points below theirgradetasonsamaximumenimmäis-.
- Moreover, buggery of a woman still carries a maximum penalty of life imprisonment, whereas buggery of a male over 16 has aten-year10 vuodenmaximumenimmäisrangaistus.
- General Manager Rogerson added: `We are running more trains than ever with amaximumenintäänof 2626per day in the height of our season.
- The maximum of silence with themaximummahdollisimman paljonof noisemelua.
- ThepresentNykyinenpracticalkäytännössämaximummaksimiisabout 12-13cmnoin 12–13 cm.
- Hughes and Elner (1979) gave the favoured whelk size for a large Curcinus as I 4 mm, with themaximumenintäänat 27 mm27 mm.
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- They included capital punishment, artificial insemination, adultery, theminimumvähimmäis-ageiänfor the death penalty, corporal punishment of young offenders, and disputes concerning majority verdicts, suspended sentences and parole.
- The prospective crew of the Belgic had refused to sign on unless seamen were paid aminimumvähimmäis-rateansioof £pound12 and firemen £pound12.10s with proportionate increases for petty officers and a consolidation of bonuses.
- The advantages of this arrangement are that the formalities and costs of insolvency are avoided and settlement can be made quickly and withminimummahdollisimman vähäiselläfusshössötyksellä.
- Water tip: In the aquarium aminimumvähimmäis-pHpHof 6.5 is sensible because filters do not work as efficiently below this level.
- To ensure that aminimumvähimmäis-UK standardstandardi Yhdistyneessä Kuningaskunnassais met, the National Boards should undertake the approval of programmes.
- TheminimumVähimmäissumma24-hour cost per guest24 tunnin maksusta vierasta kohtiis£140140 puntaa.
- A savings account option also generates £5 on aminimumvähintään£5,000 balance5 000 punnan saldosta.
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- Claimed battery lifePariston väitetty käyttöikäis aonminimumvähintäänof three hourskolme tuntia, which is fairly accurate.
- The vouchers could be cashed by employers offering thema job contracttyösopimuksenfor aminimumvähintäänof two yearskahdeksi vuodeksi.
- The concept of athree-figurekolmen luvunminimumvähimmäismäärästäfor all notation was introduced in the second edition.
- As anabsolute<empty>minimumVähintäänkinthey will hold the member liable for any failure to supervise.
- As a general guideline it would not be worthwhile for people with less than anabsolute<empty>minimumvähintäänkinof £5,000 to invest per stocksijoittavat 5 000 puntaa osaketta kohti.
- In Alabama's West Jefferson Prison inmates are kept in tiny cells, with thebarevainminimumvähimmäismääräof furniturehuonekaluja.
- The percentage of young people staying on in full-time education after thelegallaillisenminimumvähimmäis-leaving age has increased during the last decade, as Figure 12.1 shows.
- IGS, for example, quotes £60 per person per day, with aminimumvähintäänof fourneljäto a group.
- The clean channel springs into life first, and with theabsolute<empty>minimummahdollisemman vähäiselläof fuss and fiddlinghössötykselläI had some sparkly clean sounds to play with.
- While others dashed about and fussed and worried, he achieved enviable results with theminimummahdollisemman vähäisinof effortponnisteluin.
- For Lloyd's sales however, theminimumvähimmäismääräis£150,000150 000 puntaa.
- Keepbrush strokessiveltimenvetojato aminimummahdollisimman vähän.
- Butrigid timetablesjäykkiä aikataulujawill be kept to aminimummahdollisimman vähän.