Firms in those countries
Näiden maiden yrityksistä become the world leaders and begin
as rising incomes spur demand elsewhere
samalla kun tulojen kasvu vauhditti kysyntää muualla .
've obviously been
on selvästikin to this country
tähän maahan .
£975 million worth of goods
975 miljoonan punnan arvosta tavaroita from the UK
Yhdistyneestä Kuningaskunnasta .
from areas all over the world
kaikilta maailman alueilta .
The same year, 1981, details emerged of a proposed plan
UK plutonium
Yhdistyneen Kuningaskunnan plutoniumia ,
from the civil programme
siviiliohjelmasta ,
for its fast reactor programme
sen nopean reaktorin ohjelmaan .
It is widely thought that
substantial additional amounts
merkittäviä määriä lisää to countries in Eastern Europe
Itä-Euroopan maihin and the Third World.
some 40% of its output
noin 40 % sen tuotosta .
We were
in the first place, and now the white man is being asked back to restore the castles.
the UK
Yhdistyneet Kuningaskunnat 45,000 tonnes of CFCs
45 000 tonnia CFC:tä .
640,000 tonnes of cereals and malt
640 000 tonnia viljaa ja mallasta , while imports for the year are expected to exceed 200,000 tonnes.
She has still not given up the search, but she fears
some animals
joitakin eläimiä to Ireland or to the continent
Irlantiin tai mantereelle .
In return
Vastavuoroisesti the Soviet Union
Neuvostoliitto US$156 million worth of goods
156 miljoonan USA:n dollarin arvosta tavaroita .
to South Africa
Etelä-Afrikkaan to improve the native cattle
alueen paikallisen karjan parantamiseksi and it adapted well to a variety of climates and management systems.
Premier John Major
Pääministeri John Major the Government's Autumn Statement package for recovery
hallituksen Autumn Statement -pakettia elvytystä varten across Europe
koko Eurooppaan ,
as the EC nations prepare to agree wage rise cutbacks for public sector workers
samalla kun EY-valtiot valmistautuvat sopimaan julkisen sektorin työntekijöiden palkkojen nostamisen supistuksista .
during the 1880s
1880-luvulla and an English herdbook was opened in 1900.
more manufactured goods than oil
enemmän valmistettuja tavaroita kuin öljyä .
to several countries
useaan maahan , and has been allowed to import them by the British despite strong reservations from the Spanish authorities and concern expressed by conservationists.
Star Micronics
Star Micronics .
The output of the southern fields
Eteläisten peltojen sato through the terminals on the Gulf which were to be demolished by enemy action at the outbreak of war
Persianlahden terminaalien kautta, ja vihollinen tuhosi ne sodan puhjettua .
their manufactured goods
heidän valmistamiaan tavaroita .
85 per cent of its products and
to customers manufacturing for Marks & Spencer
asiakastuotannosta Marks & Spencerille .