fell and
just two days before they were due to sail on the liner for France
juuri pari päivää ennen kuin hänen piti purjehtia valtamerialuksella Ranskaan .
When she got over the stroke
Kun hän selviytyi halvauksestaan fell and
On the other hand, if
did slip and
I should no doubt be dead by the morning.
The facts are:
kept to herself, put on her cloak to go for a walk and, in the half-light, slipped on the staircase at Godstowe, fell and
at the start of this season
tämän kauden alussa , said: `This is a good opportunity for me to show what I can do after a bit of a difficult time.
, out until Christmas,
playing for Great Britain against New South Wales Country
pelatessaan Ison-Britannian joukkueessa New South Wales Countrya vastaan , and Saints have been told that insurance does not cover players on international duty.
his left arm
vasemman käsivartensa in three places
kolmesta kohtaa when he was pushed into a wall by some boys at school
kun pari poikaa tönäisi häntä koulussa .
The most unusual item offered in the auction is the special lightweight wrist-brace which Jackie wore after
a bone in his wrist
luun ranteestaan .
Eldon Brown's 40-year-old victim
Eldon Brownin 40-vuotias uhri her pelvis, ankle and four bones in her back
lantionsa, nilkkansa ja neljä luuta selästään ,
after jumping from a fourth floor window to escape him
hypättyään neljännen kerroksen ikkunasta paetakseen häntä .
whilst hunting
metsästäessään and the poor man walked with a limp from then on.
`My father even used to play, until
earlier this year
aiemmin tänä vuonna .
an 18-year-old student at Lady Margaret Hall college
18-vuotias Lady Margaret Hall collegen opiskelija and injured her spine
when she fell out of a window after a pub crawl
pudotessaan ikkunasta kapakkakierroksen jälkeen .
JONJO O'Neill's stable star Danny Connors
JONJO O'Neillin lujatekoinen tähti Danny Connors had to be put down after
turned to sailing after
by throwing himself down on top of the reactor
heittäydyttyään alas reaktorin päältä .
There must be some height, call it h, such that
if it fell from that height
pudotessaan tästä korkeudesta , but would just survive if it fell from a slightly lower height.
in a car accident
auto-onnettomuudessa 5 years ago
5 vuotta sitten .
Collins replaces
London's Michael Watson
Lontoon Michael Watsonin ,
while sparring
sparratessaan .
early on in his spell here
aiemmin vuorollaan täällä and was loath to get stuck in.
Their trial was slated for 23 November but it was postponed until 10 January 1949 because
three ribs
kolme kylkiluuta in a car crash
autojen yhteentörmäyksessä and was unfit to appear.
World Champion Jan Kellner
Maailmanmesteri Jan Kellner during the squirt competition
ruiskutuskilpailussa the day before
päivää ennen .
, 27,
when his Honda CBR 600 spat him off over the high-side during a race
kun hän sinkoutui Honda CBR 600 -moottoripyöränsä yli kilpailun aikana .
In the return match in 1902,
was beaten in eight rounds after
his right hand
oikean kätensä trying to knock Jeffries out
yrittäessään tyrmätä Jeffriesin .
He affected a limp because one leg was `full of shrapnel ``(
falling downstairs during a party
pudottuaan alakertaan juhlien aikana ).
One day I darted out of his way and
West Indies captain Richie Richardson
West Indiesin kapteeni Richie Richardson , who will play for Northern League club Blackpool in the coming season,
during Leeward Islands' Red Stripe Cup match against Windward Islands
Leewardin saaren Red Stripe Cup -pelin aikana Windwardin saarta vastaan .
, but before you come and dress it, I must tell you that we're frightfully hard up.
The ex-England bowler
Englannin entinen keilaaja in the strimmer accident
leikkuutyökaluonnettomuudessa .
tried it once and
so badly I looked like I'd been kissing superglue
niin pahasti että näytin aivan siltä kuin superliima olisi suudellut minua .
A court in the Chinese city of Shanghai sentenced Li Xinghua for disfiguring
Pan Ping, 24, who
Pan Pingin, 24, joka over 30 per cent of her body, including her face
yli 30 prosenttia kehostaan, myös kasvonsa .
`God, Theda! ``
uttered hoarsely,
in the copper tresses that echoed the flaming fire in his loins
kuparisäleillä, jotka sinkoutuivat hänen liekeissä olevista lanteistaan .
Stretching out an incautious hand
on one of the bars
yhdessä palkissa .
`Are you afraid
had a stroke, more than one in fact, and
rather badly
varsin pahasti , because she apparently suffered one when she was bending down to tend the fire.
also found that firing a gun was not something he was adept at, and
with the powder from the blank cartridge
tyhjän patruunan ruudilla .
had stepped into the steam room to be met by a blast of hissing scalding fog which caused him to breath in sharply, thereby
It's also good for sunburn and if
`It was so dark
fell and
It hit me and
Sitting on the ground was
Terry Porter who
Terry Porter, joka 'd apparently fallen over and
quite badly
varsin pahasti .
Johnny had been going too fast and had slipped,
Returning from a training exercise one night,
tripped over the guy ropes of his tent and
quite badly
varsin pahasti , which entailed a return to hospital.
Simon had put Ben onto his lead so that
didn't run back down to the beach and
on the rusty barbed wire
ruosteiseen piikkilankaan .
Elisa (enzyme-linked immuno selective assay) and radioimmunoassay indicated that the blood was human -- perhaps
while scraping wood
raaputtaessaan puuta ?
He told Norwich Crown Court he became so de-pressed that
went to the girl's Felixstowe home,
and rubbed poison into the wound in a suicide bid.
`The sharp blade gave me a close shave in one go, but
I'm just lucky really that
, because if I had tried to ring my bell, they would have said, `Tough, wait until the morning.
Only a prisoner and the nurse had spoken to me the night before
Most cutters engage in the behaviour on several occasions,
hundreds of times
satoja kertoja altogether (Rosenthal et al. 1972).
For the opening night in Baltimore, the prop man had oversharpened the knife so that
his right index finger
oikean etusormensa rather severely
varsin vakavasti during the performance
esityksen aikana .
our King's grandfather
kuninkaamme isoisä while breaking his egg this way
rikkoessaan munan tällä tavoin , and so his father the King ordered all Lilliputians, from then on, to break the smaller end of their eggs.
There is little point in having a first aid kit on the ground floor if
Her screams were not heard and
in a struggle
kamppailun aikana .
“ He was carving part of a cabinet by hand … and
I did it so vigorously, however, that
on the edge of the hard black instrument
kovan mustan instrumentin reunalla .
`I see
when I am shaving
kun ajan partaa .
It's alleged
on the broken glass
särkyneeseen lasiin and that Paterson helped him get rid of the bloodstained clothing.
just by falling
vain kaaduttuaan ?
on the first jump
ensimmäisellä hypyllä and despite leading for much of the way round never really mastered the race.
`I fell,
, ``she said.
Mostly I'm sorry that
And I mean one had to be grateful because she was much more concerned about whether
falling off the ladder
pudottuani tikkailta than her wardrobe.
More than 100 people a week
Yli 100 ihmistä viikossa are taken to hospital after
on supermarket trolleys
supermarkettien ostoskärryihin .
when you hit the ground
kun iskeydyt maahan , or your opponent may be so close that he or she can hit you immediately.
I tell you though, if
're gon na
, you can really hurt yourself.
as the tailplane hit him glancingly
kun korkeusvakain hipaisi häntä , and his ankle when he hit the ground.
A pupil from Hummersknott School, Darlington, was taken to Darlington Memorial Hospital after
in the playground
pelikentällä .
Betty was so low that
somehow contrived
quite badly
varsin pahasti with a clove that she was sticking into an onion
mausteneilikalla, jota hän pisti sipuliin .
I always put it off and played a lot of sport at high school instead, until
Thank goodness
at hockey practice
jääkiekkoharjoittelussa , was her last patient scheduled at the walk-in clinic today.
, and Ana needed `help around the place ``.
last Thursday
viime torstaina and the club have admitted taking a risk playing him on Saturday.
in training
harjoituksissa , has a reasonable chance of facing the French in the first game in Group A of the mini-league series.
The all-rounder
Monipuolinen lahjakkuus ,
during Pakistan's World Cup campaign
Pakistanin maailmancupin kampanjan aikana , said he will not tour England if he has to have an operation.
When I was playing rugby and
she actually lent me a very expensive Jaeger coat to keep me warm.
and had to go to hospital, which is a teaching hospital.
in his mishap
onnettomuudessaan but said: `I am only aware of it when there is a kick-back from the wheel, like on a kerb for example.
Jennifer Briggs, a GP at Saltcoats, said that
playing football
pelatessaan jalkapalloa a week before she had examined him
viikkoa ennen kuin hän oli tutkinut hänet .
One young man recently told me about
his emotionally disturbed mother
hänen emotionaalisesti häiriintyneestä äidistään ,
attempted suicide but succeeded only in
It was done to prevent
giving way to a compulsive wish
by picking at her skin
näykkimällä ihoaan .
He has always been very bad about it, which is why
at Steve Hadley's yard
Steve Hadleyn pihalla , and even now John has to dope him before he is clipped.
But within a few hours Mal was suffering exhaustion and
falling on diamond-hard green ice on the Lhotse Face
putoamalla timantinkovalle vihreälle jäälle Lhotse Facessa .
a few weeks after the final GP
pari viikkoa lopullisen GP:n jälkeen .
A woman who kept a child home from school to mind the baby while she worked broke the law, and if she left the baby alone and
, she was also liable to prosecution.
They know that we send them straight to the cells at An Dap now, no matter
, it is important that you know how to give the right first aid treatment, quickly, quietly and with lots of reassurance to the child.
or kill
yourself or others
itseäsi ja muita .
Clare Wood has found herself restricted to doubles this week after
her right ankle
oikean nilkkansa in a basketball accident
koripallo-onnettomuudessa 10 days ago
10 päivää sitten .
Sterland's long exile began when
ankle ligaments
nilkan nivelsiteet in the game at Tottenham
pelissä Tottenhamissa .
He replaces
Dave Mitchell
Dave Mitchellin ,
while playing for Australia
pelatessaan Australian väreissä .
Top turret gunner, Bill Sartor,
Huipputykkimies Bill Sartor in the turret mechanism
tykkimekanismissa and was out of action until March 22.
At the end of 1971
Vuoden 1971 lopussa ,
playing for a World XI in Australia
pelatessaan World XI -turnausta Australiassa ,
when diving to attempt a catch
sukeltaessaan pallon perään and spent a month in hospital.
Jonsson, the 1990 world champion, who failed to agree terms last season, was lured back after
Todd Wiltshire
Todd Wiltshire .
Mr Parfitt was in constant pain after
in a laboratory accident
laboratorio-onnettomuudessa 22 years ago
22 vuotta sitten .
Graham Bradley
Graham Bradley ,
, is also fit to take his National mount on Rowlandsons Jewels.
training with England
harjoittelussa Englannin kanssa , is fit to return for Forest.
But she was alone when
climbed over the raised cot sides of her bed and crashed to the floor,
decided to gallop about, and freakishly collided with a shed,
Centre Anthony Herbert
Keskushyökkääjä Anthony Herbert also
when running into former Wallaby prop Matt Ryan in a Brisbane club match
törmätessään entiseen Wallaby-ammattilaiseen Matt Ryaniin Brisbanen seuran pelissä .
, a 35 year old carpenter,
and one of Carey's fellow missionaries, John Thomas, was called to give medical aid.
an 18-year-old student at Lady Margaret Hall college
18-vuotias Lady Margaret Hall collegen opiskelija broke a leg and
when she fell out of a window after a pub crawl
pudotessaan ikkunasta kapakkakierroksen jälkeen .
playing rugby at school
pelattuaan rugbyä koulussa .
early in December
varhain joulukuussa and, although he played for his club on Saturday, the selectors are not convinced he is ready to return.
the ligaments in my left knee
vasemman polveni nivelsiteet , the doctor said I didn't need an operation but it would never be 100% again.
One player definitely missing this weekend is Llanelli and Wales B scrum-half and
captain Rupert Moon
kapteeni Rupert Moon ,
his collarbone
solisluunsa in the East Wales v West Wales match
pelissä, jossa olivat vastakkain Itä-Wales ja Länsi-Wales, .
Chapman may have been seeking to ease the pressure on his players, but if he did entertain hopes of the Double, they were dashed when
at Upton Park
Upton Parkissa .
during the friendly with Ajax
ystävyyspelissä Ajaxin kanssa on Wednesday
keskiviikkona , but was improved yesterday.
PAUL ACCOLA, Switzerland's alpine skiing world champion, will miss the Championships in Japan in February after surgery on
his left knee
vasemman polvensa ,
in training
harjoituksissa .
a thigh muscle
reisilihaksen while fielding
ottaessaan koppia but now, batting with a runner, made an unbeaten 43 to steer England to safety.
England lost their most important batsman and bowler from the last two Tests, for apart from Gooch's broken hand
a rib muscle
kylkiluun lihaksen , and his accuracy was very sorely missed.
If you parted the net curtains and peered sideways and upwards you could see one tiny piece of bright blue sky, but
a groin muscle
nivuslihaksen , so Luke had to take his place.
a calf muscle
pohjelihaksen when he stepped up his training
aloittaessaan harjoittelunsa .
They walk onto court with untuned muscles and joints in cold weather and then wonder why
the first time that they stretch for the ball
ensimmäisen kerran kurottuessaan nappaamaan palloa .
Referee Neil Midgley
Erotuomari Neil Midgley (Bolton), who retires in a fortnight's time,
a calf muscle
pohjelihaksen in the first half
ensimmäisellä puoliajalla and was replaced by senior linesman Graham Bradbury (York.)