that LMS will bring any difference
LMS:n tuovan mitään eroa : such is the power of consultation -- of involvement and ownership -- in creating a clear, working consensus within a school community.
does not make it any less likely to occur, but planning and preparing for it helps one to cope with it, and will emphasize that professional and consistent judgment has been exercised.
Local authorities
Paikallisviranomaiset a flood of judicial review challenges over community care
oikeudellisten tarkistusten haasteiden tulvaa yhteisöhoidossa .
This will stop your eyes wandering about the page but still allows peripheral vision so that
are able
what is coming next
mitä tulee seuraavaksi .
severe disapproval from that quarter
syvää paheksuntaa tältä taholta , because my father was bemused, to say the least, by my refusal to settle down into a job with a future, as he put it.
The problems discussed above arise even when
by all economic agents
kaikki taloudelliset toimijat .
Furthermore, this downward transport is likely to limit Arctic ozone destruction despite
the increases in stratospheric chlorine amounts
stratosfäärin kloorimäärien nousua from estimates of chlorofluorocarbon release
CFC-päästöjen arvioinnin perusteella .
from the standard grief reaction commonly lasting two years
yleensä kaksi vuotta kestävästä vakiomurhereaktiosta , the recovery process is itself a grief reaction to the loss of a former ``friend in the addictive substance or behaviour.
It was all over now,
this ordeal which
tämä koettelemus, jota with hope and dread
toivoen ja peläten .
De Gaulle recognized that
the crisis that
kriisi, jota since 1946 had finally arrived.
Production should reach 20,000 b/d by the end of 1993 with
full production
täystuotannoksi to plateau at 100,000 b/d
100 000 b/d says Haltenbanken asset manager Per Otto Selnes.
The net profit margin is lower than forecast due to the increase in interest rates and
certain items of expenditure
tiettyjen kuluerien, joita not
at the time of the forecast.
This may make
any savings
säästöjä, joita by remortgaging immaterial in the long run.
when he talked to her about leaving as they watched the sun go down over the Mediterranean during the honeymoon cruise.
The Insurance Companies
Vakuutusyhtiöt maintaining the premium rates at current levels
säilyttämällä vakuutusmaksukertoimet nykyisillä tasoilla but they retain the right to review them from time to time, subject to giving each insured person 60 days notice of any change.
The real interview may run a very different course from
, and you do not want to develop the subconscious belief that it can only go one way.
The claim is currently being considered by
the Adjudication Officer who
oikeudenkäyttöviranomainen, joka a reply from the employer regarding Mr. Docherty's response to their claim that he was dismissed for misconduct
vastausta työnantajalta koskien Dochertyn vastausta vaateeseen, jonka mukaan hänet erotettiin virkavirheen vuoksi .
I also enclose a copy of a letter raising observations on their replies to my Enquiries and
hearing from them on these points
kuulevani heiltä näistä kohdista .
in Caer Wydyr, the Glass Castle which she has raised on her isle.
Gallagher is bound to recruit
a lot of fans who, like me,
paljon faneja, jotka, kuten minä, his next book
hänen seuraavaa kirjaansa with anticipation
innokkaasti .
his summons
hänen kutsuaan without impatience
kärsimättömästi .
The Department of Justice has announced that
tobacco companies
tupakkayritysten will not be permitted to advertise while
the new ruling
uutta päätöstä .
The resulting knock-down sale at the end of the day
alemyyntiä päivän lopussa by many people, who were able to buy a basket for 6d
Monet ihmiset, jotka pystyivät näin ostamaan tennistossut kuudella dollarilla, .
THE arrival of effective anti-viral drugs
Tehokkaiden virustorjuntalääkkeiden tuloa ever since penicillin began its war against bacterial infections during the 1940s.
After the first night there was the traditional party at Sardi's while
At the time of going to press
the working party's document
työpuolueen asiakirjaa .
Identification of the gene encoding s-ADH and the eventual search for polymorphisms
s-ADH:ta koodaavan geenin tunnistamista ja mahdollista monimuotoisuuksien hakua .
the result of a Public Inquiry into the future of Weston Airport
Westonin lentokentän tulevaisuutta käsittelevän julkisen tutkimuksen tuloksia .
the Market Research Society's verdict
Market Research Societyn mielipidettä .
their definition of three and a half hours
heidän määritystään kolmesta ja puolesta tunnista .
Your son Wilfred has spent six years as a grub in this school and
for him to emerge from the chrysalis
hänen kuoriutuvan kotelostaan .
for better selections and performance in the autumn from the so-called `heirs apparent ``to the Webb Ellis Trophy
parempia valintoja ja tuloksia syksyllä ns. Webb Ellis -palkinnon ”manttelinperijöiltä” .
The Messiah whom
Vapahtaja, jota Jesus's contemporaries
Jeesuksen aikalaiset was a variant of a familiar and long established principle.
As well as determining the information needed now and in the near future, some regard must be given to the difficult task of trying
information needs
tietotarpeita in the longer term (Land, 1982).
he would probably be difficult about it
hänen luultavasti suhtautuvan asiaan torjuvasti , but that should not be a major problem.
what he was planning
mitä hän suunnitteli .
And it's quite another thing
what's going to happen
mitä tuleman pitää , and then deliberately to prevent its happening.
It is less sure that
in 1975
the dramatic increase in the demand for places in the ten years to follow
paikkojen kysynnän jyrkkää nousua seuraavina kymmenenä vuotena .
the Baltic region as a ``region within the European Communities
Baltian alueen olevan ”Euroopan yhteisöjen sisällä oleva alue” and said that regional co-operation would ``facilitate the linkages of the European Communities with the non-member countries of the region.
That alone made
That a movement beginning as a breakaway group within Judaism should end by capturing the imperial palace
että juutalaisuudesta irtautunut ryhmä lopulta valtaisi keisarinpalatsin could hardly have been
eivät tuskin olisi pystyneet by the Emperors Tiberius or Nero
Keisari Tiberius tai Nero .
should have been
olisi pitänyt by a reasonable man
täysjärkisen miehen , it would not break the chain of causation.
It was
a development that
kehitys, jota , and it was inevitable.
Demarcation problems
Rajausongelmia if a county court had to deal with a dispute involving men of different counties, or when a ``criminal fled from one county into another.
Positive, forward thinking is behind Wright's plans for the polytechnic, especially in the light of
the transformations
muutosten, jotka in training and education.
As it stands, it is among the best of the poetry of the Oxford Movement, and probably a longer life would have produced
by Bridges and James
Bridgesin ja Jamesin .
Deeds of variations were orginally known as deeds of family arrangement because they were generally used to re-arrange assets within a family so as to cover
when the will was made.
Something extra,
, something else he would have to take care of.
The main problem that
pääasiallinen ongelma is among the younger academic staff.
`Ann's mother was plainly one of a class within the area of
ennalta arvattavan and one to whom the defendants therefore owed a duty.
The court held that the damage suffered by the plaintiff was too remote as Weil's disease was unforeseeable, although it
that the plaintiff would have suffered damage from rats
että valittaja olisi kärsinyt rottien aiheuttamasta vahingosta .
But if
winding up
yhtiöiden purkaminen foreseeable
odotettavissa, when shares are issued, the limitation of rights has a commercial effect.
Even when it is not displaced, the prima facie rule does not exclude
any further loss which
mitään muuta menetystä, jota as a result of the buyer's breach
ostajan rikkeen tuloksena .
The test for remoteness of damage was whether
the kind of damage suffered by the plaintiff
valittajan kärsimän vahingon laatua at the time of the breach of duty.
One view of this case is that
no damage to the plaintiff
mitään kantajalle koituvaa vahinkoa because of the angle at which the cover fell into the molten liquid
johtuen kulmasta, jolla kansi putosi sulaan nesteeseen .
There are also the
ennalta arvattavia that emerge when one takes as the basis for study the concepts of `normal ``and `typical children.
For a duty to arise,
some damage to the plaintiff
joidenkin kantajalle koituvien vahinkojen foreseeable
ennalta arvattavissa .
In the eve-of-election euphoria,
party aides
puolueavustajat confidently
luottamuksellisesti that the Liberal Democrats could achieve a total of 29 or 30 seats
että liberaalidemokraatit saisivat yhteensä 29 tai 30 paikkaa .
In language that was strikingly reminiscent of the Khmers Rouges,
a CPP official
CPP:n virkamies that popular anger at the conduct of the election might lead to `insurrection or riot ``
että vaalien menettelytapaa koskeva väestön suuttumus saattaisi johtaa ”kansannousuun tai kapinaan” .
were proved wrong.
For the geographer, the opportunity to analyse and
this resilience
tätä sietokykyä is a marvellous challenge.
Even so, navigation would be a problem -- especially since
where you would arrive
mihin saavut .
when ovulation will take place
Ovulaatiohetken in advance is important when trying for a baby.
Then try
what will come next
mitä tapahtuu seuraavaksi .
Rocky to get a first team start BEFORE Christmas
Rockyn saavan ensimmäisen tiimilähdön ENNEN joulua …
should have been
olisi pitänyt a decade earlier
Expect your appetite to get out of control once a month or so: if
, you can cope with it more readily.
Although it
luottamuksellisesti by a number of high-ranking orthodox medical practitioners
monet arvostetut ortodoksiset lääketieteen harjoittajat that any research in homoeopathy would rapidly discredit the whole subject
että kaikenlainen homeopatiatutkimus saattaisi koko aiheen huonoon valoon , I have not found this to be the case.
, with an estimated 108,000,000 people,
to double its population by 2010
kaksinkertaistavan väkilukunsa vuoteen 2010 mennessä .
on the basis of disorder at demonstrations in Paris and Chicago earlier in the year
Pariisissa ja Chicagossa aiemmin tänä vuonna puhjenneiden mielenosoitusten aiheuttaman sekasorron vuoksi .
the dictation and domination
käskemistä ja hallintaa for athletics
urheilijoille hasn't happened.
Voters behave in
, as far as the collective pattern of choices is concerned,
political scientists
poliittiset tiedemiehet are largely able
from their occupations, social origins and personalities
heidän ammattinsa, sosiaalisen alkuperänsä ja persoonallisuutensa perusteella .
Like the basic designs, which are mainly of the maze type, it is very difficult
from the punchcard or design
reikäkortista tai mallista, what will appear on the fabric
mitä kankaassa näkyy .
But when you explore the same region of the visual field with a moving spot you get
a result that
tuloksen, jota could not have
et olisi pystynyt from the responses with stationary spots
vastauksista, joissa on liikkumattomia pisteitä .
At the moment
are unable
who will or will not abuse
kuka syyllistyy väärinkäyttöön ja kuka ei .
It is obviously important to the managers of such organisations to be able
by how much the process will improve after particular lengths of time and numbers of products made
miten paljon prosessi parantuu tietyn ajan jälkeen ja miten paljon tuotteita valmistetaan .
`He will have, ``
”Hän tulee saamaan sen”, gloomily.
the export drive
viennin vetäminen for nearly a decade has yet to happen.
Being part of the natural world and a proper object of scientific study,
ennustettavissa on the basis of X's preferences and information, which are in turn the result of X's nature and nurture
X:n mieltymysten ja tietojen perusteella, jotka vuorostaan ovat tulosta X:n luonteesta ja hoivasta .
There was no
Many of these exchanges followed a
ennustettavissa, that a perfectionist like Pérignon would not rest until he found a bottle strong enough to withstand the internal pressure exerted by a sparkling wine
että Pérignonin kaltainen perfektionisti ei lepäisi ennen kuin hän löytäisi riittävän vankan pullon, joka kestäisi kuohuviinin aiheuttamaa sisäistä painetta .
ennustettavissa, that another important single issue could bring the students back out of their classrooms and onto the streets
että toinen tärkeä yksittäinen kysymys vetäisi opiskelijat jälleen luokkahuoneista takaisin kaduille .
As we noticed in chapter 3,
the full membership of this limited
tämän rajoitetun sarjan täysi jäsenyys set
ennustettavissa by environmental phonological rules
ympäristöllisten fonologisten sääntöjen mukaan : for example, whereas shook, look belong to it, cook, book do not.
In this chapter we have looked at the extent to which
chronic sickness rates as reported on the GHS
GHS:n ilmoitetut krooniset sairausasteet predictable
ennustettavissa from death rates
kuolleisuuden mukaan .
Apart from the sixth scene, where
Anderson's frequent hesitations
Andersonin toistuvat epäröinnit predictable
ennustettavissa from the confrontational nature of the situation
tilanteen vastakkainasettelua koskevan luonteen mukaan , evidence of this difference is provided by scenes three and four.
Moreover, the necessity to control games according to the laws of probability, dammed statistics and Hoyle have reduced many captains to
ennustettaviin stereo-types
stereotyyppeihin .
Can the ward manager demonstrate that staff deployment matches
workload variations
työkuormavaihteluja ?
He's confident, too, claiming: `Benn has taken a great risk in fighting me because, like Ruddock,
and I aim to exploit his lack of variety.