Certainly, if convertability did not exist, few would accept the notes of banks if there
the chance that they might be worthless in future years
mahdollisuus, että ne saattaisivat olla arvottomia tulevina vuosina .
Doing so, my overall conclusion is that for the reasons set out above there
sufficient grounds for setting aside the demand
riittäviä perusteita pyynnön sivuuttamiseen .
a long-established academic tradition of mixing economics and law
pitkään juurtunut akateeminen perintö talouden ja lain yhdistämisestä .
In the interim
Välikausina there
a period of extraordinary cross-fertilization between Christian and Arabic cultures
ajanjakso, jolloin kristilliset ja arabialaiset kulttuurit saivat runsaasti vaikutteita toisiltaan .
In Britain, there had to be the recognition that
long before that problem could be effectively tackled
jo pitkään ennen kuin se pystyttiin tehokkaasti ratkaisemaan ; American businessmen had already reached this point and had gone beyond it.
In the second -overlapping the first-are those in which the child is adversely affected and in which
child problems
lasten ongelmat which need to be worked through
ja ne on ratkaistava , preferably with direct help.
, please contact Sema Software Technology Technical Support Department for assistance.
You will, I'm sure, some of you will be familiar with
the drugs AIDS problem
lääkkeiden AIDS-ongelmasta ,
in Edinburgh
Edinburghissa .
Temple defined
the relationships which constituted our real wealth
suhteet, jotka muodostivat todellisen vaurautemme as
in terms of family, community and nation
perheessä, yhteisössä ja kansakunnassa .
Financial ratios are
relationships that
suhteita, joita between accounting figures
kirjanpitolukujen välillä , and which are usually expressed in percentage terms.
What it does mean is that he had made it plain that he intended
a legal relationship
oikeudellista suhdetta between two persons
kahden henkilön välillä (soon to become trustee and beneficiary).
For example,
the social security system
sosiaaliturvajärjestelmä primarily to prevent poverty
lähinnä köyhyyden torjumiseksi .
Over 180 different systems of FGD
yli 180 erilaista FGD-järjestelmää , at least 30 of which are used commercially.
Subtle, definite differences
hienovaraisia mutta selkeitä eroja in your pleasure and hers
sinun ja hänen nautinnossaan .
In addition to broad European-American comparisons which have been considered, it is also necessary to explain some of the major variations and country-by-country differences in
the characteristics of unionism which
ammattiyhdistystoiminnan piirteissä, joita within the European context itself
itse Euroopan kontekstissa .
The possibility
Mahdollista of Rhee forming a government unilaterally
että Rhee muodostaisi hallituksen yksipuolisesti .
Here again the old north to south and east to west through-roads were diverted to pass through the new market place, so producing
the dangerous corners which
vaarallisia kaarteita, joita .
quite happily
varsin iloisesti in areas of sparse vegetation
niukan kasvuston alueilla .
The completed painting
Valmis maalaus in its own right
omana itsenään or become the basis for a larger studio painting.
for Jean-Claude
Jean-Claudelle as a separate human being with needs of my own
erillisenä ihmisolentona omine tarpeineni .
The idea for the tongs
Pihtien ideaa ; simply as a concept in the smith's mind.
Concealed households are
within the county
maakunnassa .
The iron and steel industry of Rotherham
Rotherhamin rauta- ja terästeollisuus because long ago iron ore was mined locally as well as coal
koska rautamalmia louhittiin pitkän aikaa sitten paikallisesti hiilen tavoin .
First it will examine
the consultative arrangements which
neuvoa-antavia järjestelyjä, joita between a number of key government agencies and representative bodies
usein tärkeiden hallitusten virastojen ja edustajaelinten välillä .
A second, more troublesome fraction
Toinen, hankalampi särö at the lowest end of the working class
työluokan alimmassa päässä .
In some services
joissakin palveluissa ,
this recognition
Tämä tunnustus , at least in a rudimentary form.
All classic vineyards in Champagne possess
a very thin layer of drift
hyvin ohut lietekerros (ABOVE LEFT),
a seam of brilliant-white chalk up to 300 metres thick
jopa 300 metrin paksuinen hohtavanvalkoinen kalkkisauma .
within the worsening over-supply situation in the oil market, characterised by falling crude and product prices
öljymarkkinoiden ylitarjontatilanteen pahentuessa, jolle on ominaista raakaöljyn ja tuotteiden hintojen alentuminen ,
the seeds of the destruction of the `away from oil ``policy
vaatimuksia ”öljypolitiikasta luopumisesta” .
A similar situation
Samanlaisen tilanteen at the time of the Spanish Conquest
Espanjan valloituksen aikoihin .
Pira-pirana Indians see
within an ordered cosmos created in the ancestral past
järjestäytyneessä kosmoksessa, joka luotiin esi-isien aikaan .
Domestic Rates
Kotimaiset hinnat will cease
in April 1990
huhtikuussa 1990 , tenants who pay their rates in this way should ensure that their rent is reduced by the landlord to reflect this change.
All things that
Kaikki asiat, jotka are particular and singular.
Instead of merely
on the animal or rational level
eläimellisellä tai rationaalisella tasolla ,
want to experience the fullness of life as truly spiritual men and women.