TransFrameNet:Exertive force
mighty.a 🔎
- He was themightiestmahtavinwarrior of his ageaikakautensa soturi, and he led the terrifying Unberogens into battle against the Orcs countless times.
- The Empire's greatest general and themightiestmahtavinOrc Warlord of the ageaikakautensa örkkisotapäällikköfell upon each other with the fury of ancient enemies.
- `Both are built on seven hills, both have been the pleasure centres ofmightymahtavienempiresimperiumien.
- He is a chivalric hero, amightymahtavaslayer of the Danestanskalaisten tappaja, a triumpher in single combat, a victor over the invading German hordes.
- Discovering that the man who has been passing threats to me is themightymahtavaTod RichardsonTod Richardsonwill not help me sleep peacefully in my bed.
- `There must be amightyvaltavauproar from commuter areas to end this threat to off-peak rail servicesrähinä asumalähiöissä tämän ruuhka-aikojen ulkopuolisia junapalveluja uhkaavan vision poistamiseksi.
- MightyMahtavatfigures clad in lightvalossa kylpevät hahmotsent the surge of mystical power tumbling back to Nagarythe.
- Gammon swung the antique warming-pan with a will and struck the Cerean amightyvoimakkaanblow to the back of the headiskun takaraivoon.
- Under League rules, the game had to be replayed in its entirety, and Tranmere lost, to suffer amightyvaltavansetback in their drive for promotiontakaiskun pyrkimyksissään päästä ylempään divisioonaan.
strong.a 🔎
- WEAK countries needstrongvahvojaleadersjohtajiato hold them together, and strong leaders leave large holes when they leave their jobs.
- Mr Major sent a personal message ofstrongvahvastasupporttuesta, backing the Russian leader's moves towards democracy and economic reforms.
- Thornton was astrongvahva, if irregular,family manperheenisä.
- Even as a match for the Tatar warriors of the Crimea, who were similarly equipped, their value declined when in the 1630s and 1640s astrongkestäväline of fortificationslinnakerintamawas built in the south.
- It had been expected to pose astrongsuurenchallenge to the BNPhaasteen BNP:lle, but in the event gained less than 30 per cent of the seats.
- His unfailing support, wide advice,strongvoimakasadvocacyasioiden ajaminenand practical help sustained and encouraged me from my start in September 1967 as FYT's first paid staff person.
- SheHänestäwill be<empty>strongervoimakkaampi, and the fun will come back, but it will always be tough at their age, ``she said.
- I bettheyhe'reovatveryhyvinstrongvahvoja.