- HeHänbelchedröyhtäisiand Charlie sniggered.
- He boasted a permanent five o'clock shadow and lived the part ofa hard-drinking, hard-swearing, poker-playing small town boy whoryyppäävä, kiroileva, pokeria pelaava pikkukaupungin poika, jokabelchedröyhtäisiand spoke his mind.
- The same effect occurs in cattle, thoughcattlekarjabelchröyhtäiseeoutsurplus methaneylimääräistä metaania.
- After a long whileshehänbelchedröyhtäisiseveral timesuseita kertoja, then said, `Maybe I'll be more resistant now.
- CattonCattonswallowed the last of his coffee,belchedröyhtäisidelicatelyhienostuneestiwith hand over mouth, and said `Manners!
- We squeeze back out the pub door onto the cold pavement, and stand reeling, likewemeidätwereolisibelchedröyhtäissytupby a drunken giantjuopunut jättiläinen.
- Sir JohnSir Johnturned andbelchedröyhtäisias loudly as he couldniin kovaäänisesti kuin pystyi.
- SheHänburpedröyhtäisi,surreptitiouslysalamyhkäisesti,lady-likenaisellisesti, a nasty taste in her mouth.
- Sir JohnSir Johnburpedröyhtäisinoisilyäänekkäästi, rolled on one side and, if Athelstan had not been there, would have fallen completely off the bed.
- It is as thoughIMinä'veolenburpedröyhtäissytduring Evensongiltajumalanpalveluksen aikana.
- At lastCranstonCranstonburpedröyhtäisi, smacked his lips and handed the bowl back.
- The aim is, of course, to persuade the puppy to ask to go outside into the garden whenitsewants to urinate ordefecateulostaa.
- Dogs which have lived in kennels for a long time can be particularly difficult to house-train successfully, although this is helped by the fact thattheynewill onlyvaindefecateulostavatabout twice a daynoin kahdesti päivässä.
- ItSethendefecatedulostidelicatelytaidokkaastibetween the sugar bowl and a coffee cupsokerikulhon ja kahvikupin väliin, settled down with a yawn and appeared to go to sleep.
- Further experiments showed that sloth metabolism was so slow thattheynedefecatedulostivatonly once a weekvain kerran viikossa.
- Feeding stimulates the intestinal tract, and it is usual fora puppypennulleto wantto<empty>defecateulostaasoon after a mealpian aterian jälkeen.
- These patientsNämä potilaatare unableto<empty>defecateulostamaanvoluntarilytahdonalaisestiand must therefore rely upon stimulation of bowel reflexes with or without manual evacuation to complete defecation.
- Most of usValtaosa meistädefecateulostaaonce a daykerran päivässäandat a convenient timesopivaan ajankohtaan.
- CatsKissathateto<empty>defecateulostamistawhere they eatsinne missä syövätand some people place the litter tray too near the animal's food dish.
- Sotheynedefecateulostavatin special chambers within the nestpesänsä erityisonkaloissaand on their manure cultivate their fungus.
- The thievesVarkaatalso stole a pigeon basket anddefecatedulostivatinside a cabin where he and his wife sometimes sitpirttiin, jossa hän ja hänen vaimonsa joskus istuvat.
- EffortlesslyVaivattomasti, anddailypäivittäin,hehänevacuatestyhjentäänearly one pound in weight of soft stool -- the kind of stool which overwhelms our medical expert with its beautylähes paunan painosta pehmeää ulostetta -- sellaista ulostetta, joka häkellyttää asiantuntijalääkärimme kauneudellaan.
- AlexanderAlexanderonly grimaced,fartedpieraisi, then fell head forward into a drunken sleep.
- HeHänfartspieraiseeand puts his thumbs up.
- It sounded likea small marsupialpieni pussieläinsitting in the bath andfartingpieraisisithrough a descant recorderdiskanttinokkahuilun läpi.
- I do rather object tothe sort of chap whojonkin sortin heppua, jokafartspiereskeleein publicjulkisestiand then says `Better out than in. ``
- HeHänneverpeedpissannutin front of other mentoisen miehen nähden.
- YouSinunhadto<empty>peepissataa few times a daymuutaman kerran päivässäto survive.
- SheHänwent to the bathroom next andpeedpissasiloudlykovaäänisesti.
- HeHänstood at the urinal andpeedpissasifiercelykiivaastiat the white ceramic wallvalkoiselle keramiikkaseinälle, streaked with rusty tear-stains from the corroding pipes.
- HeHänunzipped his fly andpeedpissasibefore their very eyesheidän silmiensä edessä.
- According to William, the man and the woman took all their clothes off and climbed into the bath so the woman was sitting with her back to the man, andthe manmiespeedpissasiinto the waterveteen.
- There were no gaping edges, just warm, wet tracksuit legs, rapidly cooling:Iminä'dolinpeedpissannutmyselfhousuihini.
- So we all had a good laugh at the sparks andall of uskaikki meistäunzipped our flies andpeedpissasivatin the riverjokeenwhether we wanted to or not.
- The skin can not, however, absorb essential oils ifitseis<empty>perspiringhikoilee-- after a sauna for instance.
- Colonel Feather's face was getting red, andhehänwas beginningto<empty>perspirehikoilla.
- SheHänwas scarlet in the face andperspiringhikoiliprofuselyylenpalttisestiby the time she entered the old gentleman's roomastuessaan vanhan herrasmiehen huoneeseen.
- Standing there with his schooner of sherry,perspiringhikoillena littlehiemanat the templesohimoilta, clearly not in his element, and trying painfully hard to overcome it.
- By the time we got there,perspiringhikoillenand strugglingwithin the crowdväkijoukossa, it was impossible to have a thought in one's head except to join in whatever was going on.
- In small fields, hay makers worked,perspiringhikoillenwith the heat.
- In the hall Kruger took out his handkerchief and moppedhishänenperspiringhikoileviafacekasvojaan.
- HeHänperspiredhikoilia lotpaljon, he enthused a lot.
- After half an hour on the bed in the dry heatOltuaan puoli tuntia sängyssä kuivassa kuumuudessahehänwas really enjoying himself andwas<empty>perspiringhikoiliprofuselyylenpalttisesti.
- WillieWilliewas<empty>perspiringhikoiliheavilyrunsaasti.
- Avoid the sun during the middle of the day and reapply the sun-cream, especially when swimming (water reflects and intensifies UV rays) orperspiringhikoiletheavilyrunsaasti.
- Actually,hehänis going topisskustain his pantshousuihinsa.
- SHeHänpissedkusiinto the tubeputkeenand then turned on the shower.
- “ Excuse me,theyhepissedkusivaton mepäälleni… ”
- I didn't need a pee becauseIminä'd beenolinpissingkussuton the Polespaaluihinduring the daypäivän aikana, infecting them with my scent and power.
- Someone elseJoku muupissedkusiover my shoeskenkiini, and all my Dad thought about was me becoming a doctor.
- `IMinä've beenolenpissingkussutbloodvertaall nightkoko yön, Tony.
- SuddenlyIminästartpukingoksentaainto the roadtielle, but nothing comes up except this slimy stuff.
- But, in the end, Steven didn't mind at all whendiscerning folkvalikoiva väkipukedoksensiupall over the loathsome Lost Boyskaikkialle vastenmielisen Lost Boysin päälleand complained of dangerous levels of heartwarming brought on by an excess of Robin Williams.
- PeopleIhmisetwill<empty>pukeoksentavatupall over the placekaikkialleand since it's your fault, you'll have to clear up the mess.
- TheyHepukeoksentavatwith great accuracyvaltavan tarkastiand surprising range.
- A young herring gull taps its mother's beak to triggerherhänetintoregurgitatingoksentamaanits next mealsille seuraavan aterian.
- The whole lotkaikkiis thenSittenregurgitatedoksennetaanand given to mugs to drink.
- This is a rather strange piece of behaviour, which gave rise in the l9th century to the belief thatthe female cuckookäkinaarasswallowed her egg after laying it and thenregurgitatedoksensiitseninto the host's nestisännän pesään.
- Instead of being encouraged to develop into mature professionals with the ability to learn and think for themselves,wemeitäwere simply requiredto<empty>regurgitatetoistamaan mekaanisestilarge amounts of informationsuuret määrät tietoaby rote.
- If it is too dry,shehänregurgitatesoksentaawatervettäfrom her stomachvatsastaanand moistens it.
- The dancing beeTanssiva mehiläinenalsoregurgitatesoksentaafoodravintoato the recruitstulokkailleto illustrate its taste.
- RichterRichterstumbled back andretchedyökkäsiagainst the wallseinää vasten.
- When they finally prised the boy's boots off, the smell that came into the ward madethe nursesairaanhoitajanretchyökkäämääninto the stone sink beside themheidän vieressään olevaan kivilavuaariin.
- IMinäturned andretchedyökkäsin.
- AndIminä've beenolenshittingpaskantanutin my pantshousuihinall the way.
- In pencil he wrote, `At four o'clockRichard WalterRichard Waltershitspaskantaahis pantshousuihinsa.
- BrianBrianinneededto<empty>shitpaskantaaso I gave him a plastic bag and then left it in the bathroom.
- Grubby little man he may be --hehänshitspaskantaain my presenceminun läsnä ollessaniwithout embarrassment -- yet in his thought I perceive he is fastidious.
- One of the birdsYksi linnuistashatpaskansion Gravelsoralleas I pedalled up the path to town on the Tuesday morning.
- HeHän's goingto<empty>spewoksentaa.
- I now know that you don't win at this level unlessyou<empty>sweatraadablood and tearsniska limassa.
- `I<empty>'veOlensweatednähnytbloodvaivaato get him to agree to see me at allsuostutellakseni hänet edes tapaamaan minut.
- HeHänwas<empty>sweatinghikoililike a pigkuin sika.
- HeHänwas<empty>sweatinghikoiliheavilyrunsaastiwith emotion.
- Hutt crept silently into the kitchen,his handshänen kätensäsweatinghikoillessaprofuselyylenpalttisestias he closed in on his prey.
- HeHän's beenonsweatinghikoillutagain.
- HeHänwas red andsweatinghikoilislightlyhiemanas he went on.
- I wear a personal stereo so I don't hear their comments, but sinceIminäsweathikoilena lot when I'm running I can understand that they do not like it when I get too close.
throw up.v
- Hir stomach contracted so fiercely,SHehännearlymelkeinthrew upoksensi.
- `There were people throwing glasses around andmenmiehiäurinatingvirtsaamassain our gardenspuutarhoihimme.
- `And they say they care about those below ``, said the commentary, asthe monkeyapinaurinatedvirtsasiagainst a wallseinälle.
- Mr Stott replaces Ms Wendy Henry, who was sacked last month after publishing photographs ofPrince Williamprinssi Williamistaurinatingvirtsaamassain a London parklontoolaiseen puistoon.
- TheyHeurinatedvirtsasivaton gardenspuutarhoihin, kicked down fences, damaged trees and cars and verbally abused anyone they met.
- He is clearly a very disturbed and emotionally rejected child becausehehändeliberatelytietoisestiurinatesvirtsaaon the carpets and beddingmatoille ja petivaatteisiin, refuses to go to bed or stay in his own bed.
- StopKeithKeithiäurinatingvirtsaamastaon the carpetmatolle.
- After midnight mass on Christmas Eve the street was desperate with maudlin men with bloodied noses and bruised knuckles singing `Silent Night, Holy Night ``astheyheurinatedvirtsasivatthrough the railingsaitojen raoista.
- A line of menRivillinen miehiäwas<empty>urinatingvirtsasiover the edge of the rickety platformhataran laiturin reunan yli, since there were never any toilets.
- The manMieswas<empty>urinatingvirtsasiagainst the alley wallkujan seinämälle.
- Crocodiles digest all the mineral matter in bones, leaving the soft organic residues that decay rapidly afterbeingonvoidederittänyt senby the crocodilekrokotiili.
- Some men insisted that it was not possible to make your first jump withoutvoidingtyhjentämättäyour bowelssuolta.
- The eggs of these parasitesNäiden loisien munatare<empty>voidederittyvätin the faecesulosteiden mukana, and the resulting larvae do represent a slight risk to human health, because they may cause the disease known as toxocariasis.
- The disease is caused by the species of bacterium called Leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae, present in the kidneys of the brown rat andvoidederittyvätin the urinevirtsan mukana.
- Entire wormsKokonaisia matojaare sometimesjoskusvomitedoksennetaanor passed in the faeces.
- This has proved itself withdivers whosukeltajilla, jotkahaveovatvomitedoksentaneetin their maskmaskeihinsaor had mechanical failures and have had to remove their mask.
- The PresidentPresidenttiturned pale,vomitedoksensiinto the lap of MiyazawaMiyazawan syliinand then collapsed to the floor.
- And when her father's hands were on her she felt at timesshehänwould<empty>vomitoksentaisiall over his suitpitkin hänen pukuaan.
- Andthe little onepikkuinenvomitedoksension your jackettakillesi?
- Just as certain behavioural habits develop, such asvomitingoksentaminenafter every mealjokaisen aterian jälkeen, so women with bulimia can develop habitual thoughts and begin to think in a bulimic way.
- The return to speech and motion had cost Ariel so much that when Kit had gone,shehänchoked andvomitedoksensifrom the pit of her bellyvatsanpohjasta asti,until green bile came up and burned her.
- For ten minutesIMinävomitedoksensinelaboratelytaidokkaasti, with steamhammer convulsions that I had no strength to resist or contain.
- Mozart's final illness lasted 15 days, during which time his body swelled,hehänvomitedoksensiintermittentlysysäyksittäinand he suffered from high fever.
- Tenderly he wiped its mouth and nostrils and eyes as it coughed into life,vomitingoksentaensaline nutrientsuolaliuosravinnettaover his handshänen käsilleen.
- Those affectedTartunnan saaneetmay bevoivatvomitingoksentaamany times a daymonta kertaa päivässäand may also be abusing laxatives.