We were also aware of the problem that
, particularly that at age 7, could result in bilingual children reaching only a comparatively low level of achievement.
of the functioning vision is important.
Cover versions
Cover-versiot can give an
of singing ability
laulutaidosta ``, says Gatfield, `but not star quality.
This project focuses on
' developing
practices in relation to both TA and SAT administration at KS1, and on the interpretation and use of results made by other teachers, parents and LEAs.
For example,
may be required to take an
of her nursing skills
sairaanhoitotaidoistaan for examination purposes during the allocation, and may need extra help for this purpose.
Such nurses
Sellaisten sairaanhoitajien need to benefit from an individual appraisal and
of their experience and skills
heidän kokemuksensa ja taitojensa so that re-entry becomes a natural progression for them rather than a hurdle to be jumped.
of oral skills
suullisten taitojen is considered as important as the assessment of other skills
passed the
to get into the place
saadaksesi paikan , didn't you?
The other difference is that
the vast majority of successful candidates
suuri enemmistö menestyvistä kokelaista would undoubtedly fail the
for entry to the higher levels of the bureaucracy
pyrkiessään byrokratian korkeammille tasoille .
I was dragged out of my bed one morning when I was in A Division, and at that time unless
hengenpelastus- in the water, you couldn't be considered for promotion.
`But I can not comment on any suggestion that he was worried about
in any way.
want to pass all
, I want my mum and dad to be proud of me.
Where there were more Indians than positions as Chiefs, when, for example,
many constables
monet konstaapelit had passed
the Sergeant's
ylikonstaapelin , personal animosity could be severe.
North-East members send congratulations to one of their number, Rosaline Garton, on
success in the
Teachers' Award
Teachers' Award .
STUDENTS at Dance In Studio, based at Polam Hall School, Darlington are
the first in the area
alueen ensimmäisiä to take the new and highly-acclaimed
Royal Academy of Dancing
Kuninkaallisen tanssiakatemian .
, practising hard for her next
, with her teacher Teresa Ardagh Walters.
You see if we can get away on holiday earlier this year because the
's in June or in July we'll be back.
Having teenagers is a humbling experience at the best of times -- and having
is the greatest leveller of all.
We probably know
quite a lot of people who
melko paljon ihmisiä, jotka are taking
of one sort or another at the moment.
We, in Norfolk, are exceptionally proud that their determined effort and hard work has enabled
to pass the
in only eighteen months of training.
You don't wake up thinking, oh my God,
've failed the
, no.
We consider the proposal to introduce
to be unnecessary and unhelpful to the profession as a whole for a number of reasons.
In those days
all aircrew
koko lentohenkilöstön had to take a six monthly
Basic Efficiency
perustehokkuus- to ensure they were keeping up to date with equipment and training procedures.
At the end of the trial period
all three groups
kaikki kolme ryhmää took an
English for Commerce
kaupanalan englannin to assess progress.
are sitting the new Intermediate
in May 1993, you will already be aware that group financial statements attract a 35% weighting in the Financial Reporting syllabus.
The Working Party also noted that only
, of all professions, presently take
in trust law and equity
säätiölaista ja osakkeista and are familiar with the concepts and practical applications of this very complicated area of law.
Admission procedures for the BMus in Musical Technology are also noted in the Admissions section: students should have reached a standard equivalent to Grade VII of the
Associated Board
Associated Boardin in any recognised instrument
jossakin tunnustetussa asiapaperissa .
In June the Avonlea boys and girls had to go to Charlottetown to take
New drivers taking their L tests from next year will face a fresh challenge as part of
, and it's been announced by the Roads Minister, Christopher Chope today.
The system was introduced in order to counter the lack of motivation and the crippling sense of failure among school students engendered by the fiercely competitive and academic
In the case of
there are doubtless some teachers who keep their pupils back and refuse to enter them for an examination unless they are virtually certain that they will succeed.
The case for a compulsory
at 16+ seems increasingly weak (and the fact that such examinations are not mentioned in the Secretary of State's prospective for his newly invented Technology Colleges may reflect this).
Some caution has already been expressed about the extent to which the new
will reach less able children previously excluded from the Certificate of Secondary Education.
This was our “ Marche Képi Blanc ”, on completion of which
would have passed the
to become legionnaires
tullaksemme legioonalaisiksi .
From October 1994, the Board will pay solicitors' representatives only if they have passed an independent
to carry out police station work
työn jatkamiseksi poliisiasemalla .
The names of the other two workers have been placed on the waiting list for the
to permit them to drive a mini bus
joka antaa oikeuden minibussin ajamiseen .
Rob Wilson's reputation as a rod builder is unequalled in Scotland and perhaps the greatest
of his skill
hänen taidoilleen came in 1958.
With the scratch golfer's appreciation of a demanding
, he loves Royal Portrush, and appreciates just as much the way he was greeted by the club.
But Fimbra's rigid policing style has alienated many of the firms which have passed the
of being responsible
vastuullisuuden , well-conducted businesses.
The only point of
that I can divine is that they will serve to check up on the teachers.
But whoever it was that made that claim obviously did not have a school day on which
was expected to use MY brain to do one of
`What did you get on
, Charity? ``that horrible Tommy Bellinger had asked her.
The theoretical framework underlying
suullisen kielitaidon is echoed in the GCSE national criteria for assessing oral communication.
I remember
from his
-- a quiet man.
But whoever it was that made that claim obviously did not have a school day on which he was expected to use MY brain to do one of
Your body -- even if it can't do
or win the high jump -- remains something that modern science can not copy.
That'll be quite good about
won't it?
`What did you get on
, Charity? ``that horrible Tommy Bellinger had asked her.
Research concerns such issues as implementation and take-up, educational home visiting, home- school communication, effects on
performance, and teachers' and parents' views of involvement.
Selection is by qualifying
(meant to assess general ability) and interviews.
After that, the final two weeks at Orange would be spent in taking
and exams
in everything that we had learnt
kaikesta, mitä olimme oppineet .
As the law stands, it is possible for
a teenager
teini-ikäiselle to pass a
on his 17th birthday -- and drive off in a 150mph Ford Sierra or a Mercedes sports.
GRAN Dot Ransom, former mayoress of Warwick
GRAN Dot Ransom, Warwickin entinen kaupunginjohtajatar , has passed
at the first attempt -- at the age of 70.
Laura Brown, the youth worker,
Nuorisotyöntekijä Laura Brown has passed
mini bus driving
minibussin ajo- and two senior boys have completed the Senior Member Involvement Training Course.
just in time for the holidays.
taking the
were divided into three equally sized bands according to their scores.
At present a person can take a few driving lessons and pass a
and he is then free to purchase any type of car they can afford, regardless of how powerful that car is.
The alcohol knowledge test (AKT)
is a twenty item multiple choice
on kaksikymmentä monivalintakysymystä sisältävä of alcohol knowledge
alkoholitietoisuudesta .
Both the Listening Test and the
have been the subject of rigorous research over a number of years, with up to forty different nationalities of students.
focuses on the grammatical structures of English covered by the vast majority of coursebooks and public examinations.
Note that the
has been divided in two parts (1-50, 51-100).
Candidates offering `AS ``level French may be required to take a
language aptitude
kielellisen soveltuvuus- .
had been carried out in the breach rather than the observance.
'd just passed his
Commonly known as an essay, this form of assessment is the most open-ended type of written
In the USA
teacher competency
opettajan pätevyys- are also included; these test teacher knowledge.
is subjective.
have been used for individual student assessment and as instruments for the product evaluation of instructional programmes.
There is a
at the end of each topic
kunkin aiheen lopussa for the student
opiskelijalle to complete and marks in percentage are given upon completion.