since 1987
vuoden 1987 jälkeen, that the race has been held over onto the standby day
kun kilpailu on pidetty valmiuspäivänä .
But the
he tried to drive away from them in his Ford Escort down a public footpath he was followed and caught
kun hän yritti ajaa pois niiden luota Ford Escortillaan yleistä jalkakäytävää pitkin, häntä seurattiin ja hänet otettiin kiinni .
`Unfortunately, it fell to pieces the
I accessed it as a user
kun käytin sitä käyttäjänä (no seams you see).
Henry was almost shouting
Henry melkein huusi .
we were ever to see him alive
kun koskaan näimme hänet elossa .
Corbett looked down at the fearful remains of a young man who, the
they had met
heidän tavatessaan , had been a vigorous young soldier interested in clearing his own name.
he does seem to have hit rock bottom
hän näyttää olevan murheen murtama .
In 1899 Watson came on a second tour and
went to the far west
meni kauas länteen .
The lur blowers are far more intriguing because local legend has it that
a virgin walks past them
kun neitsyt kävelee heidän ohitseen, the sound of the lur echoes round the square.
the Rowdies were mainly Skinheads for whom the terraces were but one of a number of arenas for collective action
Rowdiet olivat pääasiassa skinheadeja, joille terassit olivat vain yksi monista areenoista kollektiiviseen toimintaan .
No, I don't suppose you do now, but, but I have would off worked for local authorities, because at
they were very poorly paid
heille maksettiin hyvin heikosti .
He rang the Wallis's number twice more during a period of five days and
got the answerphone
kuunteli puhelinvastaajaa .
The results of an 18-month study completed by Public/Private Ventures showed that children participating in one-to-one Big Sister and Big Brother matches for just one year, reduced
by 46%; lowered school absenteeism by 52%; cut aggressive behavior by 33%; enhanced school performance; and improved relations with family and friends.
For the
all nonemergency civilian aircraft in the United States were grounded
kaikki ei-kiireelliset siviililentokoneet Yhdysvalloissa määrättiin lentokieltoon , stranding tens of thousands of passengers across the country.
a day (six on Sundays),
polished wooden trains make the hour-long journey in each direction through orchards and spectacular mountain scenery
kiillotetut puujunat tekevät tunnin mittaisen matkan kuhunkin suuntaan hedelmätarhojen ja vaikuttavien vuoristomaisemien läpi , stopping at Son Sardina and Bunyola.
A large electronic bid-taker on the wall reflects the current bidding price;
every minute
joka minuutti .
I'm reminded of
I have felt sad
kun tunsin oloni surulliseksi, and I will connect them into a series by way of the synaptic corridors they pass through.
Of the ceremonies, first there was el día del prendorio (day of the engagement), when
the bride and groom came together publicly
morsian ja sulhanen yhdistyivät avoimesti for the
We like its familiarity, and hope
it is the same
sen olevan sama .
Many of you responded in a positive manner by
increasing your contribution or contributing to the fund
lahjoituksen kasvattamiseen tai rahastolahjoitukseen for the
.. emergency assistance during
For some, ``occasionally means
; for a few, it means several times a week.
Thus, if you think of a string as a closed loop, that loop might live on the long tube in two ways, either
wrapped around the tube
kiedottuna putken ympärille one or more
yhden tai useamman or not wrapped around the tube, but lying on the tube's surface like a rubber band lying on a surface.
The flat was seven flights up, and Winston, who was thirty-nine and had a varicose ulcer above his right ankle, went slowly,
on the way.