No orchestra in the world
Mikään orkesteri maailmassa ``, wrote the poet and composer C F Schubart.
No excitement in my life
Mikään jännitys elämässäni the tense fifteen minutes during which I was connected to that fish
jännittyneelle viisitoistaminuuttiselle, jonka aikana olin yhteydessä siihen kalaan .
This reflects both a desire to uphold tradition and the fact that natural dyes produce
a subtle beauty of tone that
sävyyn hienostunutta kauneutta, jolle has never been
eivät ole koskaan by even the finest synthetic dyes
hienoimmatkaan synteettiset väriaineet .
has never been
ei ole koskaan on this scale
tässä mittapuussa .
Between Casey and the news media there was
a profound mutual distrust
syvä molemminpuolinen epäluottamus, jolle ,
only by the mistrust between him and the intelligence committees of Congress
vain hänen ja kongressin tiedustelukomiteoiden välinen epäluottamus .
Indeed, in many respects,
only by Byzantium
vain Bysantti .
Their numbers
Heidän lukumääränsä two divisions
kahdelle divisioonalle .
A glorious Irish voice rang out in song,
a manly tenor that
miehekäs tenori, joka the most impassioned of blues
intohimoisimmalle bluesille .
Few if any pianists
Harva pianisti, jos kukaan, have ever matched the haunting sweetness and intensity of his cantabile or
the lightness and vivacity of his rhythm
hänen rytminsä keveydelle ja eloisuudelle .
his reputation as a craftsman
hänen maineensa ammattimiehenä , if not exceeded,
his father's
hänen isälleen , as a businessman he was a failure, being declared bankrupt in 1751.
Around 1780 he began developing an apparatus for making
artificial mineral waters
keinotekoista kivennäisvettä, joka or exceeding
the quality of natural spa waters
luonnollisten lähdevesien laadulle , and was the first person to use a force pump to carbonate under pressure.
Many Roman vault spans
Monet roomalaiset holvikaaret were far greater than Gothic ones and
vetäneet vertoja, until the development of steel construction in the nineteenth century.
Her manner
Naisen käytöstapa in abruptness
jyrkkyydessä .
If his peers were equal there to the King, then
must be seen
in knowledge
tietämyksessä , and to give his judgments without leaning on the advice of a mentor.
For anyone interested in history, 1989 was clearly
1789 or 1914
vuotta 1789 tai 1914 in the momentous import of events in Eastern Europe
Itä-Euroopan merkityksellisissä tapahtumissa .
In 11 out of 16 industries the concentration ratio declined, reflecting the greater degree of competition as
European and Japanese firms
eurooppalaiset ja japanilaiset firmat began
US firms
yhdysvaltalaisia firmoja .
But although there was a multiplicity of (short) railway systems in Venezuela,
its relative lack of railway development
sen rautateiden suhteellinen kehityksen puute its comparative economic backwardness
sen talouden suhteellista takapajuisuutta .
Mary was no longer scared of Mum;
stood up to her and
her temper
hänen suuttumukseensa .
As go-between, the area supervisor has
a sense of responsibility towards his seniors
korkea-arvoisempiaan kohtaan vastuuntunto, joka his sense of loyalty to his field staff
hänen lojaalisuuttaan kenttähenkilöstöä kohtaan .
The wonder is that Purcell, seemingly unable to turn out a pot-boiler even for minor events, produced
ten substantial movements which
kymmenen huomattavaa suuntausta, jotka in their vigour and imagination
ponnekkuudessaan ja kekseliäisyydessään the royal odes
kuninkaallisia oodeja .
`I don't know what you're talking about, ``she said,
her tone
äänensävynsä, joka .
Powered by a four-stroke engine, running on unleaded petrol,
the junior-sized version
pienempikokoinen versio the performance of its 180 mph big brother
180 mailia tunnissa kulkevan isoveljensä suorituskykyä .
This, his last concerto, was the first great concerto for the clarinet, and
has come near to
among all of the wind concertos written since
kaikista sen jälkeen kirjoitetuista puhallinkonsertoista .
She stared back at him now with
an indifference that
välinpitämättömyydellä, joka .
Tšekkoslovakialle for mountain scenery
vuoristomaisemissa .
After 200 years in the tourist business, Madeira provides
few places in the world
harva paikka maailmassa .
Nor was it mainly caused by the increasing importance of symphony and sonata, a field in which
such fine musicians as Boccherini and Clementi
hienot muusikot kuten Boccherini ja Clementi their Germanic contemporaries
saksalaisille aikalaisilleen .
There may have only been just under 500 runners, and
the London Marathon
Lontoon maratonille , but it was good to see this significant part of the running world back on the map again.
London is the great city of art auctions, with New York; but
has never in this century
ei ole milloinkaan tällä vuosisadalla Paris or New York
Pariisille tai New Yorkille as a place for painters and sculptors to live in
taidemaalareiden ja kuvanveistäjien asuinpaikkana .
Organisers claim that
, if not eclipse,
this year's Tall Ships extravaganza
tämän vuoden loisteliaalle Tall Ships -näytökselle .
Edouard de Chavigny, his most loyal and discerning client, had the basis for
a collection that
kokoelmalle, jolle one day
only by Paul Mellon and the New York Museum of Modern Art
vain Paul Mellon ja New Yorkin modernin taiteen museo .
The construction of climatic protection would surely encourage entrepreneurs to invest in
leisure and entertainment facilities that
vapaa-ajan- ja viihdepalveluihin, jotka would be without equal in the British Isles and
or eclipse
most facilities abroad
valtaosan ulkomaisista palveluista .
Craft, theoretical and practical organisational ability -- all culminating in
a menu that
ruokalistaan, joka in both visual appeal and taste
sekä visuaalisella viehättävyydellään että maullaan many top restaurants
monille huippuravintoloille -- are put to the test.
Each million birds destroys 60 tons of grain every day making this species
a major pest of African agriculture
afrikkalaisen maanviljelyksen suurimmaksi tuholaiseksi, jolle only by the locust
vain heinäsirkka (above).
But undulating side-wings are not such powerful propellants as a thrashing tail, so
can not swim as fast as its shark cousins or
The new organisation
Uusi organisaatio in its complexity
monimutkaisuudellaan .
a vast palace
valtava palatsi ,
, had been built, containing one of the most beautiful opera houses in Europe.
Another had
Mrs Proudie
rouva Proudielle in the intensity of her opinion and the strength of her will
kiihkeillä mielipiteillään ja tahdonvoimallaan .
A stunt pilot and a photographer are hoping to make
a blockbuster film
menestyselokuvan Indiana Jones
Indiana Jonesille .
A special feature of the boat is
the extensive galley which
kattava kapyysi, joka most domestic kitchens
monille kotikeittiöille .
The English piano builders in the classical era
Klassisen aikakauden englantilaisille pianonrakentajille by the Viennese
wieniläiset .
Mr Brandreth added: `In terms of quality of personnel, the present team at Queen's Park have
a superb record that
erinomainen maine, jolle anywhere else in the country.
Bill has devised
a coast to coast walk
rannikolta rannikolle -kävelyn, joka the hike made famous by Lakeland legend Alfred Wainwright
kuuluisan Lakelandin legendan, Alfred Wainwrightin patikoinnille .