- The fourthNeljäsmanagedto<empty>eludevälttelemäänhis pursuerstakaa-ajajiaanby escaping into a bog where no horse could followpakenemalla nevalle, johon yksikään hevonen ei voisi seurata.
- AftereludingVäisteltyääntheir English pursuersenglantilaisia takaa-ajajiaanfor some days they encamped in Stanhope Park in Weardale on 20 July.
- His stomach was churning but he knewhehäncouldvoivansaeludevältelläherhäntä,if only he could remain calm and call her bluff.
- He wondered, again,who or whatketä tai mitäLoppeLoppewaseludingvältteli.
- If onlyshehänhad been ableto<empty>evadepakenemaanher pursuertakaa-ajajaltaansooneraikaisemmin.
- Remaining silent may allowfishkalanto<empty>evadepakenemaanthese predatorsnäiltä saalistajilta, but it is no defence against sharks and barracudas.
- Possums and some other creaturesOpossumit ja jotkut muut olennotevadevälttelevätpredatorssaalistajiaby playing deadteeskentelemällä kuollutta.
- The alien birdVieras lintuevadedpakeniherhäntäwith easehelposti.
- She hadn't simply evaded him;shehän'dolievadedkarttanuthimhäntäeach timejoka kertawith an ease that had left him looking like a foolniin helposti, että hän oli jäänyt näyttämään hölmöltä.
- Flanagan's run on the left caught out Wright andhis crosshänen poikkisyöttönsäevadedvälttithe Aberdeen defenceAberdeenin puolustuksenbefore finding Henry who nodded the ball over the line from inside the six-yard boxennen päätymistään Henrylle, joka pukkasi pallon rajan yli kuuden jaardin ruutuun.
- If you're small andthe thingse, mitäyousinäevadekartatis big (have you ever had this dream?), then the only place to hide is a place where the big thing can't fit.
- BasingerBasingerevadedkarttoireporters and cameramentoimittajia ja kuvaajiaas she left the courthouse Wednesdaylähtiessään oikeustalolta keskiviikkona,leaving by a sidedoor and rushing off in a black sedanpoistuen sivuovesta ja kiiruhtaen pois mustalla sedanilla.
- And 14 minutes later, the cool Marwood foxed Wigan by switching the ball tothe blindside wherekuolleeseen kulmaan, jossawinger Paul Penricelaitahyökkääjä Paul PenriceevadedpakeniMartin OffiahMartin Offiahiltato score in the corner.
- Two more made a futile dive for Okoye's legs at the five andhehänevadedpakenia final defenderlopullista puolustajaaat the goal-linemaalilinjalle.
- HeHänruns too upright, relies too much on sheer strength instead ofevadingkarttaisidefenderspuolustajia, and so takes too many hits.
- FoalsVarsatwho have learntto<empty>evadekarttamaanbot-fliessaivartajiain such a waysillä tavoin, will continue to do so as adult horses if they have access to shelter.
- It would be a mad gamble of course, to launch an invasion from a European port and hopeto<empty>evadevälttämistäthe British fleetbrittiläisen laivueen.
- At that pointhehänwas attacked by twelve Bf109s, butevadedpakeniand got in a good burst at one that overshot him.
- At 8,000 feetnumerous Bf109slukuisat Bf109:tattacked butwere<empty>evadedpakenivatin cloud, and the section broke up.
- `Leave me alone! ``she screamed whenherhäneneffortsto<empty>evadekarttaahimhäntäproved useless and a pair of iron hands fastened on her arms.
- Byevadingvälttelemällähimhäntäearlier that morningaikaisemmin sinä aamunashehän'd played into his hands, at the same time both increasing his suspicions and giving him the best part of the day to allay them.
- He pulled her into his arms, givingherhänelleno chance to tryto<empty>evadekarttaahimhäntä,as he held her tightly against the solid strength of his body.
- Butitseevadedpakenihimhäntä.
- A He111 appeared over the Fleet soon after the Hurricanes had departed andthissitäwas chased by the Fulmar patrol but managedto<empty>evadekarttamaanthemniitäand escape.
- Neither Fedorov northe man whomies, jokahadolievadedkarttanutthemheitäthe other nighteräänä iltanahad put in an appearance, and the chance of their doing so now seemed remote.
- ItSeevadesvälttääcapturekiinniotonby lodging itself inside the very muscles of the pursuertarttumalla takaa-ajajansa lihasten sisään.
- Rámirez-Sánchez, tried in absentia,Rámirez-Sánchez, syytetty poissaolevana,hadolievadedvältellytcapturekiinniottoasince the murders in Paris on June 27, 1975Pariisissa 27. kesäkuuta 1975 tapahtuneista murhista saakka.
- IMinähadolinsuccessfullyonnistuneestievadedvälttänytdetectionselvityksen; I had passed the terrible test of the measuring rod.
- Remarkably,hehänwas ableto<empty>evadevälttämäänlong term imprisonmentpitkäaikaisen vankeuden, and made his way to the West.
- Nana'sNananevasionsvälttelytinfuriated Martha.
- Since this is rarely so,a deft bodynäppärä kehonevasionvälttely, backed up with a counter-block just before the moment of the attack's impact, almost always pays dividends.
- WadoWadoemploys very light and fast techniques, preferringevasionvälttelyäto meeting brute force head on.
- Another member of the Squadron, air bomber Colin Gifford, remembers Johnson declaring Sugar the best aeroplane on the Squadron after having got him through some violentevasiveväistö-actionliikkeistäone night.
- He took `difficult and dangerous ``evasiveväistö-manoeuvresliikkeitä.
- He says they picked it up on the radar and had to takeevasiveväistö-actionliike.
- Thence it was finally brought to India in the thirteenth century byrefugeespakolaisiltafleeingpakeneviltaGenghis KhanTšingis-kaania-- at about the same time as Abelard was lecturing to his students at the new university of Paris.
- `WeMe're<empty>fleeingpakenemmethe beasts from the mountainspetoja vuorilta.
- Forcedto<empty>fleepakenemaanthe Nazisnatsejain 1937vuonna 1937-- leaving behind the 20,000 bibliography volumes --the older Breslauervanhempi Breslauerresettled his family in London but was killed shortly after in an air-raid.
- Armies of monkeys marching through the jungle roof on swinging arms took fright, too, when they saw the little file of humans andtheynefledpakenivatchatteringräkättäenthrough the upper branchesyläoksia pitkinalmost as speedily as the birdslähes yhtä vauhdikkaasti kuin linnut.
- They have been padlocked byownersomistajatfleeingpakenevatmilitant kidnappingstaistelunhaluisilta sieppauksilta, extortions and crackdowns by the security forces.
- Only the faded sashes they wore, and the weapons they carried, marked them as anything butordinary folktavallisiksi ihmisiksi, jotkafleeingpakenevatthe maraudersrosvoilta.
- The aged Duke HunoldIkääntynyt herttua Hunoldwas defeated, andfledpakenito take refuge with Lupus, Duke of the Gasconsturvaan Gasconsin herttua Lupuksen kanssa.
- Also,most preyvaltaosa saaliseläimistäcan onlyvoi vainfleepaetafastnopeastiin a forward directioneteenpäin, so attacking the head is the best way of hampering their escape.
- It may have inundated lower Egypt, flooded the Nile and swept back the Red Sea waters to permit the escape ofthe Israelitesisraelilaisillefleeingpakenevillefrom the PharaohFaaraota.
- A MAN was shot twice yesterday ashehänfledpakenifrom five masked youthsviittä naamioitua nuorta.
- MayerMayerfledpakenithrough the lobbyaulan kauttaand then, mustering all his courage, he turned and called Chaplin, who was in hot pursuit, a pervert.
get away.v
- SheHäncollected the money for his drink, andgot awaypakenifrom himhäntäas fast as she couldniin nopeasti kuin pystyi.
- HeHänhad decidedto<empty>get awayvältelläfrom his chaperonskaitsijoitaanand ask her to his hotel for the night.
- I give you my word thatI<empty>won't attemptto<empty>get awaykarata,if you let me know when the police are called in.
- But the plan fell apart whenColleyColleytriedto<empty>get awayvältelläfrom the youthsnuoriaat a rest stop on Interstate 10päätien nro 10 levähdyspaikalla, said Deron Spear, 18, the driver of the getaway car.
- KoshnickKoshnickmanagedto<empty>get awayvälttelemäänfrom as many as 2,000 protestersjopa 2 000 vastalauseentekijääafter the intervention of the Croat mayor Mijo Brajkovickroatialaisen kaupunginjohtaja Mijo Brajkovicin sekaantumisen jälkeen, EU spokesman Dragan Gasic said.
give the slip.v
- Police investigations showed the unidentified victim was among four ofsix men whokuudesta miehestä, jotkagavelivahtivatpolicepoliisiltathe slipkarkuunat a roadblock in Gua Musangtiesulussa Gua Musangissaon Jan 3030. tammikuuta.
- PolicePoliisiltawere<empty>given the sliplivahdettiin karkuunduring the nightyön aikana,but the Porsche was sighted again Monday morning near Diepholz, about 140 kilometers (87 miles) west of Celle.
- PARIS (AP) --- French authorities trying to catch a terrorist bomber are coming to grips with an unpleasant thought ---their No. 1 suspectheidän ykkösepäiltynsämay haveon saattanutquietlyhiljaagivenlivahtaathemheiltäthe slipkarkuun.
- Cooper said all five had arrived in Doha on tourist visas arranged by hotels, but they switched hotels in an effortto<empty>givelivahtaasecurity officialsturvamiehiltäthe slipkarkuun.
- Sometimeswemeidänhaveto<empty>givelivahtaathe officialsvirkamiehiäthe slipkarkuun,so that we can go out to fishjotta voimme mennä kalaan, Samala said.
- KerryKerrygavelivahtithemheiltäthe slipkarkuunand was found Sunday night in Kota Bahru, 400 kilometers (250 miles) north of the capital.