Lin was writing about his native village but
tried to evade the problems posed by autobiographical honesty by
in the form of a novel
romaanin muotoon .
In the early days she had had
lots of quiet opinions
runsaasti hiljaisia mielipiteitä , he remembered,
she had offered him, shyly slyly,
as a kind of invitation or bait
jonkinlaisen kutsun tai syötin muotoon .
The underlying approach was still remarkably uncritical and very much a matter of assertion and appeal to reason,
in fairly bland terms
melko mitäänsanomattomasti and over-reliant on a concept of progress from a philistine past.
Note:If appropriate
an estimate of fees
maksujen arvio may be provided
with suitable caveats
sopivina vastalauseisina , and the person who is to settle the fees specified.
This means that the exchange is normally involved in every application of its rules, even with
in terms of the bilateral rights between buyer and seller
bilateraalisina oikeuksina myyjän ja ostajan välillä .
She said: `Scots can spot a shabby sell-out when they see
even when
in sham patriotic language
tekopatrioottisella kielellä .
Perhaps it is beyond their intellectual grasp; or maybe
is too complex.
The court held that
was defective because it
in mandatory terms
velvoittavin ehdoin , and inconsistent with the intended flexible nature of the scheme.
in general terms
yleisellä tasolla, then it is too vague and ill-defined.
There is frequently a ``personal element in poetry, but
within a highly formalised and conventional genre
hyvin muodollisessa ja sovinnaisessa genressä .
`God-speak ``often sounds pompous and bombastic and the sub-text can suggest: `I'm not really confident about my thoughts and opinions, so
as holy proclamations
pyhiksi julistuksiksi .
This process
Tämä prosessi is complicated to describe, but when
laskennallisesti it becomes a neat recursive procedure.
For cell populations,
were all long transformed and
as geometric means (SD)
geometrisin keinoin (SD) and analysed parametrically. p Values were taken as significant.
It is because
can be most effectively defined and
that the study of literature claims a central place in humane studies.
Children's communications
Lasten viestintä in a sort of `code ``
eräänlaisena "koodina" .
One user expressed concern over using services;
as `technofear ``
"teknopelkona" .
Independently of any other verb,
the bare infinitive
pelkkä infinitiivi here
as a possibility, a rejected possibility
mahdollisuutena, hylättynä mahdollisuutena .
But by
must have given his clients a clear indication of the type of building he wanted to build.
as the `central dogma ``of molecular biology
molekyylibiologian keskeisenä dogmina, ,
that information can pass from DNA to protein, but not from protein to DNA
että tieto voi siirtyä DNA:sta proteiiniin, mutta ei proteiinista DNA:han .
Choose the practice passage for
; say it aloud, thinking of the rhythm, feeling and emotional impact.
one manager
eräs päällikkö : ``If you want to move an elephant you have to be pretty rude about it.
To that of justification by faith he added the corollary that
were a necessary
olivat tarpeellinen of thanksgiving on the part of a Christian
kristityn kiitollisuudesta for unmerited justification by a merciful God.
Profitability or, as some may prefer, greed was the dynamic -- plus, to be fair, a romantic enthusiasm for railways as the most
of man's capacity to master his environment.
ihmisen kyvystä hallita ympäristöään
Said by a husband to a wife in the middle of the night it might function as an
arkkitehtuuri gained
by man trying to interpret nature
ihmisestä, joka yrittää tulkita luontoa .
The decision problem
Päätöksenteko-ongelma, which confronted policy makers was given
The aim of this subsection is to use capital market theory to obtain an
for the risk premium of an index future
indeksifutuurin riskipreemion .
This formula differs somewhat from the classical
for elastic deformation of a plane
lentokoneen kimmoisen muodonmuutoksen by a rigid sphere.
She felt Johnny's body stiffen, and the
mellow, languid
lämpimän, raukean in his eyes
hänen silmiensä was replaced by something infinitely less comforting.
Since then she had seen many different
in his eyes
hänen silmissään :
amusement, surprise, speculation, even respect
huvittuneisuus, yllättyneisyys, pohdiskelevuus, jopa kunnioitus .
in open discussion about needs
avoimessa keskustelussa tarpeista and in drawing up a training plan: the boards had recognised a problem and done something to resolve it.
Boris Chicherin's (very different) political opinions
Boris Chicherinin (hyvin erilaiset) poliittiset mielipiteet found equally
in his inaugural of October 1861
hänen virkaanastujaisissaan lokakuussa 1861 .
Matthew Preston's voice was still pleasant, but the
in his eyes
hänen silmissään hardened a little.
No wonder politicians of all parties are terrified that
these opinions and feelings
nämä mielipiteet ja tunteet might find open
through elected members of parliament
äänestettyjen parlamentin jäsenten kautta .
`I hope it reminded festival goers that in many countries, freedom of
, never mind a literature festival, is just a dream.
Both also point out that ``different does not mean ``less effective when comparing the ways in which
meaning intentions
merkityksen tarkoitukselle are given
through grammatical forms, vocabulary and pronunciation
kieliopillisten muotojen, sanaston ja ääntämisen kautta .
The concern of the group for individual members
Yksittäisten jäsenten huoli ryhmästä found
through precious substances in death as well as in life
arvokkaista merkityksistä niin kuolemassa kuin elämässäkin .
also give
their feelings about situations which worry them
tunteilleen heitä huolettavasta tilanteesta and by doing so provide some relief from anxiety.
The concept of satyāgraha gave practical
the religious and ethical ideals of Truth and non-violence
totuuden ja väkivallattomuuden uskonnollisille ja eettisille ihanteille .
Stepping gingerly on to more dangerous ground, I would also suggest that
are more able to give direct
the light principle
valon periaatteelle through creative and artistic activity
luovalla ja taiteellisella toiminnalla than through religious involvement.
It was
George Orwell
George Orwell who gave the most memorable
the socialist patriotism of 1940
vuoden 1940 sosialistiselle patriotismille .
Its somewhat sketchy character suggests, in fact, that his main purpose was simply to finish what
had begun rather than to give
urgent or forceful
kiireellinen tai vakuuttava to
The tears came, and rapidly dissolved
to one
of utter despair
täydestä epätoivosta .
the same point
samalle kohdalle during his entry into the city, when the procession included cartloads of weapons which criers identified as having been captured from the Woodvilles.
Sally-Anne was particularly pleased with the last bit, and saw by Miss
sympaattisesta that she was swallowing every word.
However, after watching it on stage, it was obvious from
that she knew of Bassanio and was very fond of him.
She couldn't forget
just now.
Lewis too rose from his seat, a tired, bewildered
across his honest features
vilpittömillä kasvoillaan .
`How you feelin', mate? ``asked Charlie as he tried to fathom the
on his friend's face
ystävänsä kasvoilla .
And they also need a catch-all range of
to help clinch the deal.
For such an animal there is only one possible kind of
: the narrow vertical slit of a fully contracted pupil.
Edouard could see the
come into his eyes, and the desperation for approval.
However, the many and varied exceptions to both these general tendencies render it impracticable
a more general definition of hyponymy
yleisempi hyponymian määritelmä along these lines
näillä riveillä .
`Was he taking it to the person it belongs to? ``he asked at last, and it was as though all the time
had been trying
in a special way
erityisellä tavalla .
But even as
, confidence deserted her.
A second approach is
in such a way as to make it clear that the court should make a moral judgment on the gravity of the defendant's conduct
siten, että tulisi selväksi, että oikeuden tulisi antaa moraalinen tuomio vastaajan toiminnan vakavuudesta .
In that different method
in the first instance
as a question about corporate responsibility
kysymykseksi yritysvastuusta .
its policies for the future
sen menettelytapoja tulevaisuutta varten , we hope that the Council will fully acknowledge the importance of the land use planning system, something which is not clearly enough stated in Threshold 21.
should not attempt
our legal rules
laillisia määräyksiä with the precision of a logician's statement of the conditions necessary and sufficient for a determination
sillä tarkkuudella, jolla loogikko määrittää määräytymiseen tarvittavat ja riittävät ehdot .
These safeguards
Nämä suojatoimenpiteet in an adjudicative fashion
ratkaisevalla tavalla , albeit one which is significantly modified to take account of the circumstances.
To clarify information,
to cut out alternatives
jättäen vaihtoehdot ulkopuolelle .
said hesitantly, not fully understanding
, `Two beliefs war within me: I am convinced that I will find my way back home again.
His public pronouncements and statements
Hänen julkiset julkilausumansa ja lausuntonsa were brilliantly timed and
to send the right signals to Algiers, raise popular expectations at home, and undermine the credibility of the Pflimlin government
oikeiden signaalien lähettämiseksi Algiersille, yleisten odotusten synnyttämiseksi kotona ja Pflimlinin hallituksen uskottavuuden heikentämiseksi .
I kept one hand on my sword hilt and the other on my wallet as
the letter I intended to send to Cardinal Wolsey demanding the graveyard be cleared of such a collection of villains
kirjettä, jonka aioin lähettää kardinaali Wolseylle vaatien hautausmaata puhdistettavaksi sellaisesta rikollisjoukkiosta .
But it must also be remembered that this statement was made after his involvement with Surrealism and that
might not have
ei ehkä olisi his reactions
reaktioitaan in precisely this way
juuri tällä tavoin in earlier years.
Their problem is not knowing
without inflaming Pakistan.
The voice, so accustomed to obedience, continued in courtesy, but its ring of conviction was sharpening, and Miranda sensed that Anthony Everard had reached the point when, if
, he would assert his authority undisguised.
in a Kantian style
kantilaiseen tyyliin , what are the ``conditions of its possibility?
`And? ``said John, surprised that
the usually articulate Comfort
tavallisesti selväsanaisen Comfortin her approval
hyväksyntänsä in such pedestrian words
niin keskinkertaisin sanoin .
by the book
sääntöjen mukaan .
, compare and record answers, sift evidence and deduce the identity of the criminal.
as a suggestion
ehdotukseksi , Nathan's rasping tone made the words an order.
To satisfy the US Senate
as to enable each state to respond to aggression only with ``such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force
että kukin osavaltio voisi vastata vihamielisyyteen vain "sellaisella toiminnalla kuin pidetään tarpeellisena, mukaan lukien sotavoimien käyttö" .
At that time, it was proposed that municipal and government debt be included along with equities, and
asianmukaisesti .
The written test versions tended to produce the higher success rates because
and did not involve memorizing information as did the mental tests.
Some of the most important questions clinicians ask
Jotkut tärkeimmistä kliinikkojen kysymystä kysymyksistä in very simple terms
hyvin yksinkertaisesti :
as: do you believe it dishonest for a person not to pay a fare which he believes he does not owe?
esim. uskotko, että on epärehellistä, jos henkilö ei maksa kyytimaksua, jota hän ei usko olevansa velkaa?
Analysts said
in a way that made it difficult to confirm or refute
siten, että sitä oli vaikea vahvistaa tai kumota .
In drama there is rarely a single right answer, and it's often more appropriate to
so that it is the teacher who does not know, the children who do the clarification
siten, että opettaja on se, joka ei tiedä, ja lapset niitä, jotka selventävät :
reveals the fact they are thinking in the old materialistic and nationalistic terms.
It really should not strike you as odd that I have been enquiring into your affairs -- if
The issue at stake --
-- was institutional: who governs, the government or the assembly?
What the camera did was help
My hon. Friend is wrong -- if he does not mind my saying so -- in
the way in which
tavassa, jolla .
His design had to reveal the pattern and
of the dream world he wished to conjure up
unelmamaailmasta, jollaisen hän halusi loihtia .
The arabesque as a gesture changes to give some insight into the character's moods, emotions and actions, as well as arising out of the rhythmic and melodic
He said calmly: `All right,
was inaccurate.
Flor gets off to an impressive start; the terraced dynamics and tempi of the opening section are brooding and solid, with
deep, ruminative
syvä, pohdiskeleva from the Concertgebouw basses.
The slow movement, as I say, is outstanding, with
straight, simple
suora, yksinkertainen conveying an emotional intensity quite as deep as with a more overtly expressive style.
Policy E two
Menetelmä E kaksi as proposed is a very common form of
by planning authorities
suunnitteluviranomaisten to circumvent the Government objection to presumption against policies.
Shall we -- `But
a dozen times and would not be forestalled.
Very often
in a particular way
tietyllä tavalla in order to enable you to show a little originality of treatment.
Hope's original draft
Hopen alkuperäinen luonnos was longer, cohesive and
oli pidempi, yhtenäisempi ja more powerfully
voimakkaammin .
None could be found; nevertheless, on 23 July the Imperial government sent Serbia
an ultimatum
uhkavaatimuksen ,
as to be unacceptable
mahdottomaksi hyväksyä .
To some commentators this appears to leave too much scope for giving continued weight to parental wishes, and they would like to see
`first and paramount consideration ``
"tärkeimmällä ja ylimmällä harkinnalla" .
Given these details
would seem to foster an over optimistic view of what many lower attainers understand when they ``find the area and perimeter of a rectangular shape.
Thus the meaning of
a criterion statement
kriteerien lausunnossa ``The pupil can …
"oppilas voi..." must be related to the time at which the skill or knowledge was demonstrated and the reliability of the judgement used.
, therefore,
contained no exclusion clause, other than that implied in the phrases ``serving in German forces and ``should be disarmed.
This bequest regarding the income from the land is like a prior legacy -- except that
Clause 8.1.1
Lauseke 8.1.1 to circumvent the problem by which any time given by a creditor to a debtor could have the effect of releasing the guarantor from its obligations
että se kiertää ongelman, jonka mukaan luotonantaja voi milloin tahansa vapauttaa velallisen takaajan velvoitteistaan .
A final warning
Viimeistä varoitusta ought not
If they succeed without merit, the fault would appear to lie with the way the appeal system is operating rather than in regulation 72
is currently
on tällä hetkellä .
as to involve two successive questions
että siihen kuuluu kaksi kysymystä , but the second question logically arises only if the first is answered in a certain way.
Erm I I would have thought it would be helpful that if
criterion four
kriteeri neljä in such a way that it it emphasised the need to maximize transport choice
niin, että se korostaa tarvetta maksimoida kuljetusvalinnan .
exceptionally widely
poikkeuksellisen laveasti and would empower the Secretary of State to undertake root-and-branch reforms of the whole process of transferring shares, whether or not these were listed on an exchange.
his amendment
muutosehdotuksensa to include a condemnation of IRA violence
sisältämään IRA-väkivaltaisuuden tuomitsemisen to preclude support from Sinn Fein councillors.
so as not to offend the parents?
Divorce has unfortunate consequences because of
I do not intend to give the
of a regression session on these pages
regressiosessiosta näillä sivuilla because some readers might try to use it in the wrong way.
Again the
is either identical or very similar (for example, compare Matthew 3:7-10; Luke 3:7-9).
Her first step was to contact a solicitor to advise
on the
of any reply to Prince Philip's devastating letter.
Erm yes you you you'll know from my evidence that I have certain reservations about the
yksityiskohtaisesta of this of this particular criteria.
It was at that meeting that Dista proposed a new
for the Data sheet
tietolomakkeeseen -- the standard form of recommendation to doctors on how a drug should be administered.
0404.2 The appropriate FSA
in the disclaimer
The paper's final
is a classic piece of commission fudge.
was not quite good enough John, because there isn't going to be a manual for finance monitor or a manual for health monitor.
`The officers are concerned especially about the
on the disclaimer notice
vastuuvapauslausekkeen ilmoituksessa issued to NBS participants.
Of particular interest
on the question of shortages
kun kysymyksessä on puute :