TransFrameNet:Emotions success or failure
- The cosmetic industry is bizarre because it is run by men who create needs that don't exist, makingwomennaisetfeelincrediblyuskomattomandissatisfiedtyytymättömiksiwith their bodiesvartaloihinsa.
- In Children's Drawings (Penguin, £6.99), she suggests thatchildrenlapsetbecome<empty>dissatisfiedtyytymättömiäwith their worktyöhönsä, often between the ages of eight and ten, when they can't achieve visual realism.
- Unfortunately Harry could never understand Dona and Karenin in truing to help the situation madeAnnaAnnaeven morevieläkindissatisfiedtyytymättömämmäksiwith her lifeelämäänsä.
- Things started to go wrong whenStuartStuartbecameoliincreasinglyyhädissatisfiedtyytymättömämpiat worktyöpaikalla.
- Of twenty-seven who are satisfied,twentykaksikymmentä(seventy -four per cent)areondissatisfiedtyytymätönwith houseworktaloustöihin, and eighteen (sixty -seven per cent) with life generally.
- Goscinny had worked in America with Harvey Kurtzman of MAD fame:hehänhad becomeolidissatisfiedtyytymätönas a draughtsmantyöhönsä piirtäjänäand chose to redirect his talents to story-telling.
- In the event delivery was not made until early September and a strong letter of complaint from adissatisfiedtyytymättömältäNorthern Ireland customerpohjoisirlantilaiselta asiakkaaltagreeted Jim Dalliton upon his return from holiday.
- SheHänisondissatisfiedtyytymätönand tends to comment apathetically on her dissatisfaction, but her observations at this point in the interview were very lively indeed:
- Reference selling involves the use ofsatisfiedtyytyväistencustomersasiakkaidenin order to convince the buyer of the effectiveness of the salesman's product.
- Oncethe ReichsministerReichsministerappearednäyttisatisfiedtyytyväiseltäwith his guestvieraaseensathe tension had seeped out of the lieutenant, to be replaced by a stubbornness and even pugnacity.
- HalemaHalemaseemednäyttisatisfiedtyytyväiseltäwith my answervastaukseeniand the talk turned to the lives of such spirits and then to the djinn.
- Very relevant to the changing social role of women is the finding thatwomennaisetare, in general,ovat yleensälessvähemmänsatisfiedtyytyväisiäby their marriagesavioliittoonsathan men.
- Sweetheart was standing in the kitchen with a smallsatisfiedtyytyväinensmile on her facehymy kasvoillaan.
- He raised asatisfiedtyytyväisenbright-eyed smilekirkassilmäisen hymyntowards the pulpit.
- As Morgan walked back to the Mayfair alonehehänfeltsatisfiedtyytyväiseksi.
- `Notsatisfiedtyydywith stealing my moneyvarastamaan rahojani, you're trying to tell me I'm senile into the bargain, is that it?
- Once again,Iminäwas restless andunfulfilledtyytymätön, though I now had a successful business and was happily married.
- The result is thatretired peopleeläkeläisettoo oftenliian useinbecome bored, dissatisfied andunfulfilledtyytymättömiä.
- Opt-out parents lead to drop-out children: and as long as we haveunfulfilledtyytymättömiäyoungstersnuoria, we are breeding a new generation of unfulfilled adults. ”
- IMinäwas in bud, not flower, clearlyolin nupussa enkä kukkinut, selvästikinunfulfilledtyytymätönby my husbandaviomieheeni.
- It is a temptation forall mothers whose liveskaikille äideille, joiden elämäareonemotionallyemotionaalisestiunfulfilledepätyydyttävää.
- Opt-out parents lead to drop-out children: and as long as we have unfulfilled youngsters, we are breeding a new generation ofunfulfilledtyytymättömiäadultsaikuisia. ”