He wanted above all to know that he still lay safe and quiet in his nameless grave;
was heavy and
with his longing to ask
halusta kysyä , but he would not.
She gave a jerky nod, trying to combat her jealousy, knowing it was unreasonable, unjust, yet feeling
inside her
hänen sisällään , unstoppable and intolerable.
From behind him came the hubbub of the powerful men who would project him into 10 Downing Street, fulfilling
the dream which
unelman, joka inside him
hänen sisällään all these years.
the enthusiasm which
innokkuus, joka inside Imre Pozsgay
Imre Pozsgayn sisällä when he joined the party at the age of 17 has been extinguished by the bitter experiences of the past 40 years.
She shifted restlessly in her seat once more, imagining she could actually feel
the angry pinpoint of fire
tulen vihaisen kärjen deep inside her womb
syvällä kohdussaan .
with a righteous fury over the injustice of it all
oikeutetusta raivosta tätä kaikkea epäoikeudenmukaisuutta kohtaan .
with impatience
kärsimättömyydestä ,
waited while the coach driver left his seat and joined the four young women who were helping the passengers to alight.
It has to be, you think, the product of a group of pained souls,
shadowy wordsmiths
salamyhkäisten sanaseppojen , desperate to communicate their anger and their enthusiasm.
was told and threw himself,
, into the new plans.
One can imagine
a Soviet general
venäläinen kenraali to see it around her neck
nähdessään sen kaulansa ympärillä .
kaikessa hiljaisuudessa about Felipe's remarks
Felipen huomautuksista as dinner drew near, however, and he had put her in a very awkward position.
Weeks of legal bickering by Pakistan lawyers have left
the International Cricket Council
kansainvälisen krikettineuvoston fuming
kihisemään kiukusta about their inability to take firm action over the damaging saga
heidän kyvyttömyydestään toteuttaa tiukkoja toimia vahingollisen saagan vuoksi .
Meanwhile, in London,
moottoripyöräilijät as the M4 the main artery to Heathrow and the West was shut when concrete joints buckled in the heat
kun Heathrow'n ja Westin välinen M4-pääväylä suljettiin betoniliitosten käyristyttyä kuumuudessa .
She paused to sip her tea, and
at the delay
viivytyksen vuoksi , began to wonder if that were all Dotty would say.
She made no answer, but rose from the chair, knowing when she was beaten, even though
at his high-handedness
hänen itsevaltaisuudestaan .
It was
the Lemarchand woman who
Lemarchandin nainen, joka would be hurting and probably
with impatience
kärsimättömyydestä .
``They were very polite while I was here with them, but
must have boiled and
with indignation
närkästyksestä when they left me, he said, chuckling.
That ended any sort of conversation and
for the rest of the journey, very glad that Felipe sat as silently.
Ethiopia's civil servants
Etiopian virkamiehet about losing their jobs
työpaikkojensa menettämisen mahdollisuudesta .
This announcement gained her a very wry glance and
as she read his looks.
He simply took things out of her hands and left her standing like a fool, and
kaikessa hiljaisuudessa .
She grieved for her father and worried about Maggie, but most of all
and cried
over the affair with James Halden
jutusta James Haldenin kanssa .
compressed her lips and sat down, still clasping her bag tightly.
at the slight to his authority
halveksuntaa hänen auktoriteettiaan kohtaan , but under the eagle-eyed scrutiny of his superior in the dreaded society, he carefully kept his features blank.
`Is that so? ``
slammed back,
kihisten kiukusta at his brash presumption
hänen röyhkeän oletuksensa vuoksi .
lay and
in her bed.
They reached the entrance in mutual silence and,
kihisten kiukusta in mounting outrage
yhä nousevalla raivolla ,
was propelled inside.
inside him
hänen sisällään , like milk bubbling in a saucepan, trying to boil over and escape the unendurable heat.
As she lurched her way to the galley and filled the kettle,
through her
hänen lävitsensä .
She looked up into his face,
through her
hänen lävitseen , and was surprised to see that he was smiling.
Her chin rose as
When she was gone,
turned slowly back into the house,
with frustrated anger
turhautuneesta raivosta that she was speechless
ettei hän saanut sanaa suustaan .
at this last suggestion
tämän viimeisen vihjauksen vuoksi ,
had endured Roman's taunting smile as he'd wryly assured his hostess that nothing would give him greater pleasure …
Rory pushed herself out of her chair, suddenly fuelled by restless energy, and strode to the window, gazing unseeingly over the lawn for a few moments as
Sister Cooney
Sisar Cooney silently
kaikessa hiljaisuudessa under her blotched skin
laikukkaan ihonsa alla .
kaikessa hiljaisuudessa for a few weeks and mentioned his anger to a priest during confession.
But I believe
about being dragged into the debate and left to look the villain of the piece
koska hänet on vedetty mukaan keskusteluun ja häntä pidetään nyt kaiken pahan alkuna ja juurena .
beneath the impression of domestic harmony and marital bliss
sopusointuisen kodin ja avioliiton onnen vaikutelman alla .
I was somewhere on the curve of prejudice; aware of
an anger I had not dealt with
viha, jota en ollut käsitellyt ,
beneath the surface
pinnan alla , showing itself in bad dreams and disgruntled waking.
There was a darkness in his eyes,
just beneath the surface
juuri ja juuri pinnan alla .
kaikessa hiljaisuudessa from her interview with Naylor Massingham last Monday
Naylor Massinghamin kanssa viime maanantaina pitämänsä haastattelun vuoksi .
in SDLP ranks
SDLP:n riveissä since DUP leader Ian Paisley and Mr Campbell both criticised the party's `power-sharing ``policy in the run-up to last week's election.
The rage of the Iceni spread through the south-east, affecting first
the Trinovantes who
trinovantteja, jotka in discontent
tyytymättömyydestä for some years.
inside her
hänen sisällään .
Now, naked,
, the deepening light gilding him,
was no less imposing.
so many confused emotions
niin monia hämmentyneitä tunteita away
, it's difficult to know where to turn.
kaikessa hiljaisuudessa simmering
kihistä raivosta over something they feel very strongly about
jostakin, jota he pitävät hyvin tärkeänä .
was another one who didn't take a siesta and just at the moment, still
kihisten raivosta over the way Zoser had slipped through his fingers
siitä tavasta, miten Zoser oli livahtanut hänen sormiensa välistä , he was driving his men hard.
With black hair, and moods to match, for I was more capricious, my blue-grey eyes mirrored
the sullen nature and restlessness which
pahantuulisuutta ja levottomuutta ever
poreili pinnan alla and a new element, political Radicalism, appeared in the shape of peripatetic agitators, critics like William Cobbett who spoke to crowded meetings on his `rural rides ``through Sussex in 1825.
He looked totally at ease, prepared to wait forever, and
Isabel had one quick glimpse of the
in fitzAlan's eyes
Alanin silmissä as he lifted his head, then his mouth came down on hers in a kiss of such male dominance that she went completely limp.
Like a fire that has been damped down but not extinguished,
in Lou's eyes
Loun silmissä .
She felt that all compassion must have passed from Emilia with the emptying of her womb except for
this last residue that
viimeistä jäännöstä, joka in the promise she exacted now
lupauksessa, jota hän nyt vaati .
was also formidable, demanding, difficult -- and
, but she still found it impossible to tear her gaze away.
His blue doublet was gold laced; his breast plate gleamed;
his face, under its heavy helmet
hänen raskaan kypärän alla olevat kasvonsa with a familiar rage
tuttua raivoa , and his dark eyes flared.
On the outside he was coolly polite, but underneath
It would have been hard to sit there
while all around children were bouncing about delivering their verdict of unrestrained approval.
for a moment
at the impertinence
nenäkkyyttää , then he seemed to see the funny side and chuckled hoarsely.
It seemed to Tallis that
for a long time before finally the fire had taken hold.
Oh, André was always a hit with the girls, and he did have a certain effeminate appeal and a wonderful way with words, but he lacked Piers's vitality,
the vibrant sexuality
sykkivää seksuaalisuutta, joka that seemed
inside him
hänen sisällään .
The honey-sweet warmth that
Hunajanmakea lämpö, joka deep inside her
syvällä hänen sisällään exploded, filling her with a shimmering liquid heat.
When he turned around to face her
his dark eyes
hänen tummat silmänsä .
A measure of freedom to the son, and the last indignity to the father's bones -- what manner of dealing is that? ``said
hehkuen raivosta .