TransFrameNet:Emotion active
- IMinundo not needto<empty>agonisetuskaillaabout that sort of discontinuity of experiencetämänkaltaisen kokemuksen loppumisesta.
- It is clear thatthe APUAPUagonisedtuskailigreatlysuurestion just what to assess under the umbrella word “ science ” — and how to assess itsiitä, mitä kattosana ”tiede” piti sisällään ja miten arvioida sitä.
- The football authorities have not beenthe only onesainoinato<empty>agonizeharmitelleetover the impact of television on sporttelevision vaikutusta urheiluun.
- All that dayshehänthought about his words, considered them,agonisedtuskailiover themniiden kanssa, tried to justify her behaviour that now seemed to bear no justification at all.
- And to thinkhehän'd beenoliagonizingtuskaillutabout what line to take on Bartocci's conspiracy theorymiten suhtautua Bartoccin salaliittoteoriaan!
- AgonizingTuskailtuaanover what to saymitä sanoa,hehänwas suddenly struck by inspiration.
- When agronomists held courses for peasants,theyhefrettedolivat huolissaanthat on average only 150 turned upsiitä, että vain 150 saapui paikalle, as compared with attendances of 4000 at a single conference in Smolensk guberniia.
- AMERICANSAMERIKKALAISETare<empty>frettinghermoilevatagainthat their economic recoveryettä heidän taloudellinen elpymisensäis frail.
- RichardRichard'sfrettinghermoileeabout dinneraterian vuoksi.
- Don'tÄläfrethuoliabout JonathonJonathonista, Melanie.
- There was so much to achieve andIminäfrettedhermoilinendlesslyloputtomastiabout the work that was needed to co-ordinate it alltyöstä, jota tarvittiin sen kaiken koordinointiin.
- The Emperor's veteransKeisarin veteraanit,frettinghermoilivatagainst the injustices of Bourbon FranceBourbonin Ranskan vääryyksistä, had welcomed Napoleon's return and flocked to the Eagles.
- Understandably,shehänfrettedoli ärsyyntynytat this circumscribed lifestyletästä rajoitetusta elintyylistä, but another episode of somewhat more serious bleeding two weeks ago had convinced everyone that the programme of rest and professional care was not an overcautious one.
- Still, it's natural forthe novelistromaanikirjailijasometimesto<empty>frethermoileeat the obliquities of fictionkaunokirjallisuuden kiemuroiden takia.
- Adam wondered ifAbigailAbigailsometimes woke up and looked for him in the dark, in the empty room, andfrettedliikehti levottomastifor a while before she began to cry.
- I thoughtyousinä'd onlyvainfretpaheksuisitover itsitä.
- Waking or sleepinghis mindhänen mielensäfrettedtuskailiawayat the casetapauksen kanssa, images drifted in and out of his consciousness, words and phrases came to mind in a confusing jumble but once, in a doze, it seemed that Beryl was actually speaking to him in her clear, cracked voice.
- BlancheBlanchehad been doomed to fight for her promotion, watch her weight, andfretmurehtiaover her childlessnesslapsellisuuttaan.
- `YouSinäfrethermoilettoo muchaivan liikaa, ``said Ymor, without taking his eyes from the two men opposite him.
- `We don't put him next to other horses, but he can see them clearly, only a field away, andhehändoesn'teifrethermoileor botherat allollenkaan.
- So long as an account's written down somewhere,no onekukaan's going tofusshössötäabout the detailsyksityiskohdista.
- They liked him,theyhefussedtouhottivatover himhänen vuokseen.
- `I'm not sayingIminälose sleepmenetän yöuneniabout itsen vuoksi, but the prospect of making a howler in front of millions of people is a worry.
- `Butnobodyei kukaan'slosingmenetämuchsleepyöuniaanover itsen vuoksi, ``added Bodie, `except us.
- We'll never know why their parents deserted them (maybe pesticides got them), but I'm suretheir offspringheidän jälkeläisensäwon'teivätlosemenetäanysleepyöuniaanover itsen vuoksi.
- In any case, Ari,don'teilose sleepmenetä yöuniaanover any big hotel being built hereminkään tänne rakennetun ison hotellin vuoksi.
- JulieJulielostmenettänytnosleepyöuniaan,when Roseanne Barr and Meryl Streep replaced her and Patricia Hodge as the leading ladies in the diluted Hollywood film version of the Fay Weldon novelkun Roseanne Barr ja Meryl Streep korvasivat hänet ja Patricia Hodgen johtavissa naisosissa laimennetussa Hollywood-elokuvaversiossa Fay Weldonin novellista.
- His son has gone off to London, andhehänworrieshuolehtithat he may lose touch with himsiitä, että menettää yhteyden häneen.
- All the time Maureen was awayshehänwas<empty>worryinghuolehtiherself<empty>sickkovastiabout BigglesBigglesistä.
- This kind of problemTämänkaltainen ongelmahasonworriedhuolestuttanutsome people interested in animals that gain protection from predators by ``mimicryjoitakin ihmisiä, jotka ovat kiinnostuneet eläimistä, jotka pyrkivät suojautumaan saalistajilta ”matkimisen” avulla.
- TheyHemight besaattavatworryingolla huolestathemselves<empty>sicksuunniltaan, thinking she'd had an accident.
- Daniel patted his wife again and tried to reassure her, althoughhehänwasoliworriedhuolissaanhimself<empty>about Billy's wellbeingBillyn kunnosta.
- I don't thinkwemeidänneedworryolla huolissammeourselves<empty>about little Miss Harkerpienestä neiti Harkerista.
- HeHänworriesmurehtiia great dealpaljonabout the housetalon vuoksi.
- MaudMaudwasworriedmurehtiiby the lightingvalaistuksesta, which Sir George turned on -- a dim standard lamp by the fire, a slightly happier lamp, made from a Chinese vase, on the table.
- SheHän's probably beenon luultavastiworryinghuolehtinutwhat family secrets I'd let out of the bagsiitä, mitä perhesalaisuuksia päästän ulos säkistäni.
- IMinänever, everworrymurehdiabout my ageikääni.
- The familyPerheworriedmurehtiabout itsitäin their different ways.
- `Don'tÄläworrymurehdiabout RoseRosesta, ``he said.
- HeHänworriesmurehtiiat the extent to which known Felix pictures have disappeared in the last 30 yearssitä, miten monia tunnettuja Felix-kuvia on kadonnut viimeisen 30 vuoden aikana, and can detail those that have gone missing from Brighton, The Oval and a Piccadilly pub.
- IMinäworryolen huolissanifor himhänen puolestaan.
- The meal was passed in comparative silence,each womanjokainen nainenworryingmurehtiin her own waybecause of George's failure to returnsitä, ettei George palannut.
- NowIminäjustworryolen huolissaniabout whether we'll still have tubes or notsiitä, onko meillä vielä putkia vai ei.
- But Mr Frankland's next words showed me thatIminundid not needto<empty>worryolla huolissani.