from the shower room
Suihkuhuoneesta .
Fly around this area even without landing there, and you can still look at unbelievably-coloured lakes, watch
, see silica terraces, sulphur mines and geothermal power plants.
The taxi rattled to the side of the road,
from its bonnet regions
sen konepellin alueelta .
Therefore, most of those scientists who believe that the infill is lava believe that
in a series of sheets, each a few tens of metres thick
laattasarjoja, joista kukin on parin kymmenen metrin paksuinen .
Buid describe these feelings in terms of
rising up from the chest into the neck and
in bitter words or even violence
kitkerinä sanoina tai jopa väkivaltana if not held in check by the mind.
We finished our drinks and Siegfried immersed himself in the Veterinary Record as
savoury smells
herkullisia tuoksuja, jotka began
from the kitchen
keittiöstä .
from her lips
hänen huuliltaan like a cry of despair
epätoivoisen huudon tavoin .
Cheap electricity
Halpaa sähköä forth from reactors fed by an inexhaustible resource -- seawater
reaktoreista, joihin syötetään ehtymätöntä luonnonvaraa eli merivettä .
When he emerged from the bathroom
Kun hän ilmestyi kylpyhuoneesta the dog was still howling and
from behind Sheila's door
Sheilan oven takana .
from one focus
Yhdestä polttopisteestä is reflected by a hyperbola as if to radiate from the other focus.
The purpose of this exercise is to demonstrate that
and that there is more to the human being than guts, blood and bone.
Could it be physically meaningful to entertain the concept of a morphic field of
life energy which
elämänenergiasta, joka for the span of the organism's lifetime
ja kestää elimistössä eliniän ?
Her touch became lighter until all I could feel was
from her palms
hänen kämmenistään .
Although his support for Darwinism was unusual, his concept of
successive waves of migration
peräkkäisistä vaellusaalloista, jotka outwards from a centre of progressive evolution
progressiivisen evoluution keskuksesta ulospäin seems to have struck a chord in the minds of his contemporaries.
Imagine that a series of pebbles is being dropped in quick succession into the middle of a pond, so that
leviävät säteittäin from the middle.
There was nothing in Luke's voice to suggest anything more than a mild curiosity, but Fran could feel
from his powerful body
hänen voimakkaasta vartalostaan as he leant forward in the seat.
He let go of her hand, but it remained there, captured by the silk texture of his skin, by
the warmth that
lämmön, joka .
are most visible on a clear night, in excess of about 25 metres from a sodium light, and are seen
in planes parallel to the main axis of the lamp fitting
pintoihin, jotka ovat samansuuntaisia lamppuhelan pääakselin kanssa .
Major groups do not simply obliterate other major groups by competition; rather do
leviävät säteittäin into the adaptive zones
sopeutuville vyöhykkeille after the previous dominant group has become extinct
sen jälkeen, kun aiempi vallitseva ryhmä on kuollut sukupuuttoon .
In the evening Chola woke him with some water to drink: he winced and then groaned as
shot out from his thigh and
through his body
hänen vartalonsa läpi .
It was broad daylight when I read this passage and
the sunlight that
auringonvalo, joka through the high plate-glass windows
korkeiden tasolasien läpi illuminated a scene of modernity and order.
Her main complaint was
a severe pain which
ankara kipu, joka to the left eyeball
vasempaan silmämunaan .
across her chest
hänen rintansa läpi and pierced her neck.
Ions are repelled from it;
in straight lines as a sort of radially-expanding `image ``of the fine structure of the metal point
suorina viivoina eräänlaisena säteittäin laajentuvana ”kuvana” metallikärjen ohuesta rakenteesta .
leviävät säteittäin some 2 yards
noin kaksi jaardia out from this central point
ulospäin tästä keskipisteestä , and then no further effect is obvious immediately.