TransFrameNet:Education teaching
coach.v 🔎
- All the top-order batsmenKaikkia parhaita kriketinlyöjiähave beenoncoachedvalmennettuon the technique to use against Ambrose and the other West Indies pacementekniikassa, jota käytetään Ambrosea ja muita Länsi-Intian esikuvia kohtaanbut Reid is wary about getting bogged down in a defensive frame of mind.
- ChyzowychChyzowychhadolicoachedvalmentanutat Wake Forest UniversityWake Forestin yliopistossasince 1986vuodesta 1986.
- It's not for a lack of familiarity:SacchiSacchicoachedvalmensiProttiProttiaat third division club RiminiRiminin kolmannen divisioonan seurassain the 1984 -85 seasonkaudella 1984–1985.
- Since thenSiitä alkaenhehänbrieflylyhyesticoachedvalmensithe LakersLakersejaat the end of the 1994 seasonkauden 1994 lopussaand toured the world with his own team.
- IMinäcoachedvalmensinat CaliforniaKaliforniassafrom 1982 -1986vuosina 1982–1986.
- PiercePierce, based in Florida andcoachedvalmensiby Nick BollettieriNick Bollettieri, needed only 62 minutes to beat the eighth seed.
- Supporters of the initiative disputed the account, and one Proposition 187 advocate saidthe familyperhettäwas<empty>probablyluultavasticoachedohjasivatby forces opposed to the measuretoimenpiteen vastaiset voimat.
- MainsMainshasoncoachedvalmentanutNew ZealandUutta-Seelantiain 31 tests31 testissäsince 1992vuodesta 1992for a record of 21 wins, a draw and nine lossestuloksena 21 voittoa, yksi tasapeli ja 9 häviötä.
- MilutinovicMilutinoviccoachedvalmensithe United StatesYhdysvaltojain the 1994 World Cupvuoden 1994 maailmancupissa,with the team advancing to the second round for the first timejoukkueessa, joka eteni ensimmäistä kertaa toiselle kierrokselle.
- Allison, 36Allison, 36,hasoncoachedvalmentanutthe Senators teamSenators-joukkuettain Prince Edward IslandPrinssi Edwardin saarellasince July 1994heinäkuusta 1994,leading the team to a division championship last season with a 41-31-8 recordjohtaen joukkueen divisioonan mestaruuskisoihin viime kautena ennätyksellä 41-31-8.
- The restraint probably stems fromcoach Scotty Bowmanvalmentajalta Scotty Bowmanilta,whojokahasoncoachedvalmentanutsix Stanley Cup championskuutta Stanley Cup -mestariain his careerurallaan.
- The 19-year-old Lodwick finished 60.6 seconds ahead of Baard Joergen Elden,a Norwegian whonorjalaista, jokacoachedvalmensithe U.S. skiersYhdysvaltain hiihtäjiäin cross-country techniquemurtomaahiihdon tekniikassaduring the offseasonkilpailukauden ulkopuolella.
- Barry MelroseBarry Melrose,whojokacoachedvalmensiGretzkyGretzkyäfor three seasonskolme kauttawith the KingsKingsin kanssaand now serves as an analyst for ESPN, thinks Los Angeles is certain to make a trade.
- If he remains with the team through 1997,hehänwill haveoncoachedvalmentanutmore seasons than any Lions coachuseamman kauden kuin kukaan muu Lions-valmentaja.
- KnoxKnoxcoachedvalmensithe SeahawksSeahawksejafor nine seasonsyhdeksän kautta,taking them to the playoffs the only four times they have made itvieden heidät ratkaisuotteluihin ne neljä ainutta kertaa, jolloin he onnistuivat tässä.
- ShanahanShanahanpreviouslyaiemmincoachedvalmentanutfor seven seasonsseitsemän kauttawith the BroncosBroncosin kanssa,mostly as offensive coordinatorvarsin vastenmielisen koordinaattorin.
- MaradonaMaradonahasoncoachedvalmentanuttwo Argentine first-division sideskahta Argentiinan ensimmäisen divisioonan joukkuettathis seasontänä kautena,winning only three of 23 gamesvoittaen vain kolme peliä 23:sta.
- QuickQuickwas the head women's coach in the 1988 Olympics and alsocoachedvalmentanutin two other Olympicskaksissa muissa olympialaisissa.
- BothKumpaakinwere<empty>coachedvalmensiin this distancetällä matkallaby Peter Mueller, who won the 1,000 gold for the United States at the 1976 games in Lake PlacidPeter Mueller, joka voitti 1 000 metrin matkan kultaa Yhdysvalloille Lake Placidin vuoden 1976 kisoissa.
- SheHäntä, too,is<empty>coachedvalmennetaanin the United StatesYhdysvalloissa,at Simsbury, ConnecticutSimsburyssa Connecticutissa, butwith a Ukrainian coach, Halnya Zmiyevskaukrainalaisen valmentajan Halnya Zmiyevskan johdolla.
- After retiring as a playerJäätyään eläkkeelle pelaajana,NiekroNiekromanaged andcoachedvalmensiin the Braves organizationBraves-organisaatiossa.
- HeHänalsocoachedvalmensiwith the Minnesota VikingsMinnesota Vikings -joukkuettabefore joining the Bears in 1978ennen kuin liittyi Bears-joukueeseen vuonna 1978.
- Police duties are being handled bya 3,000-member interim of former soldiers with acceptable human rights records3 000:sta jäsenestä koostuva entisten sotilaiden väliaikaishallinto, jolla on kelvollinen ihmisoikeushistoria,coachedneuvooby 800 International Police Monitors800 kansainvälistä politiikan tarkkailijaa.
- ``We beat Washington and Arizona back-to-back and that solidified us as a true Rose Bowl contender, saidBrooksBrooks,whojokahasoncoachedvalmentanutfor 18 years18 vuottaat OregonOregonissa.
- The only remaining member of the coaching staff, assistant Doug DurhamValmennushenkilöstön ainoa jäljellä oleva jäsen, avustaja Doug Durham,coachedvalmensithe teamjoukkuettain Monday night's 87-57 loss to Georgiamaanantai-yön häviössä 87–57 Georgiaa vastaan.
- ``They may (know), but I'm not sure they have a choice,Richard QuickRichard Quick,whojokawill<empty>coachvalmentaathe U.S. womenYhdysvaltain naisiaat the 1996 Olympicsvuoden 1996 olympialaisissain AtlantaAtlantassa, said Thursday.
- ``Yugoslavia produces so many talented players, there is no such production in Germany, saidLucicLucic,whojokain the pastaiemminhadolicoachedvalmentanutseveral of the playersuseita pelaajiaon the Yugoslav teamJugoslavian joukkueenheretäällä.
- HeHäncoachedohjasiJane Powell, Shirley Jones and othersJane Powellia, Shirley Jonesia ja muitain various Los Angeles stage productionslukuisissa Los Angelesin lavatuotannoissaand worked on the West Coast premiere of Leonard Bernstein's ``Mass .
instruct.v 🔎
- All employees have receiveda bookletvihkosen, jossainstructingneuvotaanthemheitäon how to report `anything from unwanted touching and uncalled-for blue jokes to overt demands for sexual favours.miten ilmoittaa ”kaikesta epätoivotusta koskettelusta ja aiheettomista härskeistä vitseistä seksuaalisten palvelusten saamiseksi”.
- When she wasn't preparing food she could barely swallow, or making hot drinks, or washing up,hehänwas<empty>instructingneuvoiherhäntäon how to use the boat's equipmentveneen laitteiston käytössä.
- Later that dayMyöhemmin tuona päivänä,in the early afternoonvarhain iltapäivällä,MateyMateywas<empty>instructingopettiMcAllisterMcAllisteriain how to knitneulomaan-- something which had been left out of her previous education.
- Although men provide more menace to the basis of a society, it iswomen whonaisilleare<empty>instructedopetetaanin how to behavekäyttäytymistapoja.
- Some cat manualsJoissakin kissaoppaissasolemnlyvakavamielisestiinstructneuvotaantheir readerslukijoitain how to take their pet cats for a walkmiten viedä lemmikkikissat kävelylle.
- On the other hand,Iminullehad also beenoli joinstructedopetettuin what it was to be a woman and how to function successfully in that rolemitä naisena oleminen tarkoitti ja miten toimia tässä roolissa menestyksekkäästi.
- DenisDenispatientlykärsivällisestiinstructedneuvoiJoeyJoeytain what to domitä hänen pitäisi tehdäand he and Michael kept him from talking too loudly.
- Thesehehänsends ahead at intervals,having<empty>instructedmäärättyäänthe slavesorjiawhat to say when Esau comes across themmitä heidän pitää sanoa, kun Esau tulee heidän luokseen.
- From autumn 1937Syksystä 1937 alkaenhehänhada large class of teacherssuurelle opettajien luokalleto<empty>instructopettion the gospelsgospelia.
- `Don't walk into my bedroom without knocking again, ``”Älä astu makuuhuoneeseeni enää koputtamatta”,shehäninstructedkomension a yawnhuutaen.
- The Prime MinisterPääministerillähas the powerto<empty>instructohjatathe civil servicevaltionhallintoaon the conduct of its businesstehtäviensä suorittamiseksiand is aided in this task by a variety of formal and informal groupings at 10 Downing Street.
- Butshehännever daredinstructopetellaon coloursvärejä.
- It has also endorsed continual and greater effortsto<empty>instructopettaachildrenlapsillein traffic safetyliikenneturvallisuutta, for there is ample evidence that by such means the knowledge of road safety procedures can be improved.
- It is a normal sight to seethe school techniciankoulun teknikondiscussing audio-visual maintenance, helping with a video presentation,instructingopettaenchildrenlapsillein camera techniqueskameratekniikoitaormaintaining duplicating equipmentmonistuskoneen huoltoa.
- A multi-media systemMultimediajärjestelmädesignedto<empty>instructkertoastudentsopiskelijoillein aspects of American historyAmerikan historian näkökulmistawill be built by integrating a selection of Hamilton's works with other literary, visual, and audio materials.
- ApprenticesHarjoittelijoillein the middle ageskeskiajallawere<empty>instructedopetettiinin the art and `mystery ``of their craftheidän ammattinsa taiteeseen ja ”mystiikkaan”..
- In the grounds of these houses (many of which displayed an old cannon)Näiden talojen (monissa niistä oli vanha kanuuna) alueilla,the menmiehiäwere<empty>instructedopetettiinin marching and the handling of weaponsmarssimaan ja käsittelemään aseita, and bands rehearsed and played.
- The judgeTuomariinstructedkertoithe juryvalamiehistölleabout legal pointslaillisista kohdista.
- Jesus likensthose whojokainenhave beenon tullutinstructedopetuslapseksiabout the Kingdom of Heaventaivasten valtakunnanto householders who bring out of their treasures things both new and old (Matthew 13:52).
- At the age of nine,JosephJosephille,was<empty>instructedkertoiby a holy manpyhä mieson how to attain his own guardian spirit or Wyakinmiten hän voisi saavuttaa oman suojeluhenkensä tai Wyakinin.
- During the last century they came to be conducted largely by the police andlawyersasianajajatinstructedmääräämänsäby themheidän, who were replaced for most purposes by the Crown Prosecution Service in 1986.
- Mehetabel WrightMehetabel Wrightiawas<empty>instructedopettiby her father Samuel Wesleyhänen isänsä Samuel Wesleyand is said to have understood Greek by the age of eight.
- It is said thatprior to birthennen syntymääthe angelsenkelitinstructopettavatthe childlapsellein full knowledge of life and the universekaikista elämän ja maailmankaikkeuden asioista.
- HeHänbeganto<empty>instructperehdyttäähis sonpoikaansa, this Philip Miller,in the arttaiteeseenfrom his earliest yearsvarhaisvuosiensa, as he had an uncommon liking for that occupation.
- HeHänpreached to andinstructedopettihis fellow prisonersvankilatovereitaan.
- It's likeinstructingopettaisia schoolchildkoululastanot to giggleolemaan tirskumatta.
- Nine or ten cylinders will go to the Serbs, the rest tocity hospitals wherekaupungin sairaaloille, joissaexpertsasiantuntijatwill<empty>instructopettavatdoctorslääkäreillein methods to make the oxygen last longermenetelmiä, joiden avulla happi kestää pidempään.
- The Goths, the Franks, the Angles and the Saxons had converted to Christianity but in the absence ofan effective establishmenttehokasta laitosta, jokato<empty>instructohjaisithemheitäin their faithuskossaanit inevitably remained superficial.
- Every week, on Mondays and Tuesdays,he and his assistanthän ja hänen avustajansawould, between them, visit fourteen familiesto<empty>systematicallyjärjestelmällisestiinstructperehdyttävät(catechise)themheitäin the fundamental teachings of the Scriptureskirjoitusten perusteissa.
- In my dayMinun aikanani,wemeillewere<empty>instructedkerrottiin,that frost never hurt a baby yet, and if the baby cried it must be masteredettä pakkanen ei ollut vielä koskaan satuttanut vauvaa, ja jos vauva itki, se oli rauhoitettava.
- Nobody knew more about lambing and calving than a veterinary surgeon sohehänetwas invitedto<empty>instructopettamaan.
- ScholarsStipendiaattejawill<empty>soonpianbe<empty>instructedopetetaanthrough the eyesilmän kautta.
lecturer.n 🔎
- Last month,William TribeWilliam Tribe, aBritishbrittiläinenlecturerluennoitsijaat Sarajevo universitySarajevon yliopistossa, confirmed that the Oriental Institute was shelled from above and totally destroyed.
- Assume also that each module is taught by several lecturers; each lecturer teaches one module; each student takes several modules; and each student has only onelecturerluennoitsijafor a given moduletietylle moduulille.
- I am sorry I omitted to mentionourmeidänguestlecturer-luennoitsijammefor the yearvuodellein the letter sent out with the QT programme.
- Dr DunnTri Dunn, thelecturerluennoitsijafrom Bristol PolytechnicBristolin polyteknisen laitoksen, had another weekend commitment to fit in, and Dr Peters was ill.
- On my right wasDr Adbul Haidartri Adbul Haidar, a rather gloomy assistantlecturerluennoitsijafrom the Hamdard University in New DelhiNew Delhin Hamdardin yliopistosta; beyond him sat Mr Swaroop Singh, a clerk at the Jawaharlal Nehru University.
- The aim of this new scheme is to make selected awards tolecturersluennoitsijoillein Chemical Engineering or Polymer Chemistrykemian tekniikassa tai polymeerikemiassawho are engaged in research or teaching related to environmental issues.
- JOHN SMITHJOHN SMITH,lecturerluennoitsijain the Law Departmentlakiosaston, warned Marian Jackson at the beginning of her second year that too much time spent with Dram Soc would prevent her from getting a first class degree.
- At OxfordOxfordissahehänestäbecametulilecturerluennoitsijain the philosophy of mathematicsmatematiikan filosofiassain 1945vuonna 1945(reader, 1950), then reader in the philosophy of science in 1955.
- IMinäwastoiminformerlyaiemmina<empty>Lecturerluennoitsijanain Phonetics and Linguisticsfonetiikan ja lingvistiikanat Queen Margaret College, EdinburghQueen Margaret Collegessa Edinburghissaand while there, I developed a number of computer programs to assist with my teaching.
- Rather more than 20 years ago, over a lunch in Staff House, I was persuaded by three eminentlecturersluennoitsijaaof this Universitytämän yliopistonto allow them to nominate me for the Council of Consumers' Association.
- His eldest son, John, wrote about St. Kilda (MacGillivray, 1842) andWilliam MacGillivray himselfitse William MacGillivraywent on to become Professor of Natural History andLecturerluennoitsijaon Botanykasvitieteenin Marischal College and University, AberdeenAberdeenin Marischal Collegessa ja yliopistossa.
- Philip KoomenPhilip Koomen,whojokais a visitingon vierailevalecturerluennoitsijaon the Furniture Design and Craftsmanshiphuonekalujen suunnittelun ja käsityötaidoncourseat Bucks CollegeBucks Collegessaas well as full-time furniture-maker, talks about the produce of his workshop
- In 1890 the first edition of his Manual of Hygiene and Public Health appeared, and in 1891 he was appointedlecturerluennoitsijaksion hygiene and public healthhygienian ja julkisen terveydenat Charing Cross Hospital medical schoolCharing Cross Hospitalin lääketieteellisessä koulussa.
- In 1966 the applicant was appointed as alecturerluennoitsijaksito the universityyliopistonby a letter stating, inter alia, that his appointment might be terminated by either party giving three months' notice in writing.
- In 1870Vuonna 1870hehänetwas elected president of the Medico-Psychological Association andwas Goulstoniantoimi Goulstonian-lecturerluennoitsijanato the Royal College of Physicianslääkäreiden Royal Collegessa.
- The critics argued that for the same money they could promote a lot morelecturersluennoitsijoitato the middle rank of Reader.
- We metourmeidännewlecturerluennoitsijammeMr H.B. ActonH.B. Actoninof the London School of EconomicsLontoon taloustieteen laitokseltawho was to lecture in Social Philosophy.
- OurMeidänlecturerluennoitsijammewasMiss Wilson of the LSELSE:n neiti Wilson.
- I have very great pleasure in introducingourmeidänlecturerluennoitsijamme, my friend and colleague Professor Learner, who is professor of English in this university.
- Apart from that, one ofyoursinunlawlakitieteenlecturersluennoitsijoistasimay be able to help.
- Another of Minton's friends,the Kingston School of ArtKingston School of ArtinlecturerluennoitsijaPaul HolmesPaul Holmes, was taken by Minton to see two abstracts by `Francis Smiling ``hanging in a Young Contemporaries show.
- She was trying to engineer her escape from theclassicsklassisen tieteenlecturerluennoitsijaawhen Jamie made his way over.
- Three years ago the Church also called uponadult educationaikuiskoulutuksenlecturerluennoitsijanDr Norman Toddtri Norman Toddinto run a series of induction courses for bishops.
- There the thinking at Princeton contradicted the thinking at Harvard whereTom LehrerTom Lehrer, thesardonicivallinenmathematicsmatematiikanlecturerluennoitsija, put the point in a hectically hopeful ditty:.
- Supportinglecturersluennoitsijoitawill beProf L.D. Barron (Glasgow), Dr A.G. Cairns Smith (Glasgow) and Prof S.F. Mason (King's College, London)professori L.D. Barron (Glasgow), tri A.G. Cairns Smith (Glasgow) ja professori S.F. Mason (King's College, Lontoo).
- Weekly meetings are held on Monday evenings, and host demonstrations by members or visitinglecturersluennoitsijat.
- A car-drivingAutoa ajava,home-owningkodin omistava,polytechnicammattikorkeakoulunlecturerluennoitsijawith a fake northern accentepäaidolla pohjoisella aksentilla, was a bleating guilty liberal, not a socialist.
- Many subject specialists have questions and some understandable fears about this new way of working so the session is normally run jointly by an ESL practitioner and asubjectaineenlecturerluennoitsija,with experience of language support workjolla on kokemusta kielen tukityöstä.
- •Jamie WallwinJamie Wallwinis aonlecturerluennoitsijaof woodturningpuusorvitaidon
- After years of study he had qualified in Mining Engineering and had taken up a post as a collegelecturerluennoitsijanaon miningkaivostoiminnan.
- As a well-known London character with a penchant for miniature kites, and alecturerluennoitsijaon sewing standardsompelustandardien, his advice supplements what one finds in the manufacturers' manuals.
- And even though the story is about alecturerluennoitsijastaat `the University of Rummidge ``”Rummidgen yliopistosta”, a majority of all viewers mentioned spontaneously that the programme was filmed at Birmingham.
- Meanwhile his old tutor, Frederick Temple, had resigned and Balliol invitedSmithSmithinto take over asmathematicalmatematiikanlecturerluennoitsijana.
- His claims for communications were, in fact, much more modest than theEnglishenglanninkielenlecturersluennoitsijoiden' claims for English.
- Thelecturerluennoitsijamay have been 20 years older, wealthier, and inevitably wiser, but that is often why the student chose to sleep with him.
- It is a distillation of the teaching of computer-assisted engineering atHumberside PolytechnicHumbersiden teknisessä korkeakoulussa,at whichjossaDr Hutchingstri Hutchingsis a seniortoimii vanhempanalecturerluennoitsijana.
- Tom SchullerTom Schuller, seniorlecturerluennoitsijain continuing educationjatkokoulutuksenat Warwick UniversityWarwickin yliopiston, says that this `third-age entitlement ``would enable the over-50s to switch careers, to continue working longer and to preserve their independence.
- `They often masquerade as local government officials, ``saysByron CriddleByron Criddle, seniorlecturerluennoitsijain politicspolitiikanat Aberdeen UniversityAberdeenin yliopistossa.
- Neighbour James LongriggNaapuri James Longrigg, a seniorlecturerluennoitsijaat Newcastle UniversityNewcastlen yliopistossa, said: `Rod was an absolutely splendid young man.
- IMinäwas auniversityyliopistonlecturerluennoitsija. ”
- Baroness Hollis of Heigham -- formerly Patricia, the daughter of a van driverParonitar Hollis of Heigham – aiemmin kuorma-auton kuljettajan tytär Patricia-- was a Labour leader of Norwich Council and auniversityyliopistonlecturerluennoitsija.
- Many of Britain's leading composers have written especially for the ensemble, includingthe University'syliopistonownlecturersluennoitsijatin compositionsävelmätaiteen, John Joubert, John Casken and Jonty Harrison.
professor.n 🔎
- One of the major accounts of the Renaissance in Italy was published in 1860 by aSwiss historySveitsiläinen historian-professorprofessoriat Basel UniversityBaselin yliopistossa.
- Later stillhehänbecametoimifor a short timevähän aikaaa<empty>professorprofessorinaat CambridgeCambridgessa.
- With various mathematical refinements, it was this method thatGalileoGalileo, one-timeprofessorprofessorinaat PaduaPaduassa, used in studying the motion of falling bodies.
- JENNY HEAD, 37, is a part-time shiatsu [massage] therapist andher husband, Mike Fourman, 42,hänen miehensä Mike Fourman, 42,acomputer sciencetietojenkäsittelyopinprofessorprofessoriat Edinburgh UniversityEdinburghin yliopistossa.
- The teaching staff consists of academic personnel from NSM andprofessorsprofessoreistafrom the University of Oslo, the University of California at Berkely and the University of PennsylvaniaOslon yliopistosta, Berkelyn Kalifornian yliopistosta ja Pennsylvanian yliopistosta.
- It was given by aprofessorprofessorifrom CambridgeCambridgen, Christopher Ricks, and it was a very shiny performance.
- Professorsprofessoritfrom universities over thereSiellä olevien yliopistojenare on a recruiting drive over here.
- His successoris aonlawlakitieteenprofessorprofessorifrom Australia.
- Only theprofessorprofessorinin a hospital departmentsairaalaosastonis allowed to do private practice and this must be done on the hospital premises.
- The first subject, J.A.G.,Ensimmäinen tutkimuskohde, J.A.G.,is a young man of 28 years, assistantprofessorprofessorinin the Universityyliopistossa.
- This was a natural choice because the writer of the television serial, and of the novel upon which it is based, is David Lodge, until recently aProfessorprofessorinain the School of EnglishSchool of English -koulussa.
- GuzmýNN1-NP0, or``Chairman Gonzalo”puheenjohtaja Gonzalo”, a formerphilosophyfilosofianprofessorprofessoriin AyacuchoAyacuchossa, was regarded by his followers in Sendero Luminoso as the fourth sword of the world revolution after Marx, Lenin and Mao Zedong.
- Just becausehehänis aonprofessorprofessoriof medicinelääketieteenat CambridgeCambridgessadoes not make his findings unquestionable.
- Aprofessorprofessoriaof medicinelääketieteen, visiting a medical school in Texas, asked the resident physician how many of his patients practised the habit of downing mud.
- The students -- andtheirheidänprofessorsprofessorinsa-- beat a path to his door.
- I had permission -- frommyminunprofessorprofessoriltani.
- I saw only her andmyminunprofessorprofessorini.
- `Girls at school used to saytheirheidänProfessorprofessorinsacould fix anything.
- The narrator, Richard Papen, longs for entry to the college's charmed but destructive inner circle -- a clique of privileged students fired bytheirheidänclassicsklassisen tieteenprofessorprofessorin's admiration for the ancient Greek mysteries of bucolic visions and violence.
- Itwasolimyminunphilosophyfilosofianprofessorprofessorini, a native of the Antilles, who recalled the fact to me one day: `Whenever you hear anyone abuse the Jews, pay attention because he is talking about you ``.
- His agents leaned on lowlycollegekorkeakoulunprofessorsprofessoreitato stay away from groups Hoover didn't like; otherwise their files went to their colleges, full of raw gossip.
- Wasshehänreally acollegekorkeakoulunprofessorprofessori?
- Dr Eduardo UmaFýP0 MendozaTri Eduardo UmaFýP0 Mendoza,lawlakitieteenprofessorprofessoriand human rights lawyer, has been repeatedly threatened with death over a number of months, apparently as a result of his activities in defence of human rights.
- (At the time,Noam ChomskyNoam Chomsky, the anti-Establishmentlinguisticslingvistiikanprofessorprofessori, was a prominent critic of US intervention in Vietnam.
- Finally in October a new stage was reached in the Group's exchange programme with Jiao Tong University, Shanghai by receivingProfessorsprofessoritYe Dun-ping and Wang Qin-heYe Dun-pingin ja Wang Qin-henof the Department of Social Science and Social Engineeringsosiaalisen tieteen ja sosiaalisen insinööritaidon laitoksesta.
- And Ramsey was elected theCambridgeCambridgenregiusprofessorprofessoriksiby the votes of five men out of seven.
- It was not yet known what had brought theProfessorprofessorinto the city …
- That was after he accusedBerkeley'sBerkeleynPhilosophyfilosofianProfessorprofessoriaof having `idiotic ``notions during a long debate on whether computers will `think like people in three centuries hence.
- The very next day he was upbraided by theprofessorprofessorifor giggling out loud in Gross Anatomy: Rolf and Rudolph were making jokes about the new female corpse.
- In 1949Vuonna 1949hehänestäbecametuliprofessorprofessoriof singinglaulutaiteenat that academytässä akatemiassa.
- Some of the other students also knew Ellis slightly: he had been seen on several demonstrations, and they had assumed he was a graduate student or ayoungnuoriprofessorprofessori.
- Then to the horror of the students theprofessorprofessoridipped his finger into the samples one by one and they saw him put it to his lips.
- Striding towards himwas theoliprofessorprofessori.
- He returned to England to gain his doctorate from London University, andfrom 1923 to 1935vuosina 1923–1935hehänwas Associateoli avustavaProfessorprofessoriof Engineeringinsinööritieteenat the University of British ColumbiaBritish Columbian yliopistossa.
- Sir George Porter, of the Royal Institution in London, andGeorge PimentelGeorge Pimentel,thensilloinenassociateprofessorprofessoriof chemistrykemianat the University of California at BerkeleyKalifornian yliopistossa Berkeleyssä, began work on exploiting matrix isolation in 1954.
- I participated in a national competition called to fill eight positions of associateprofessorprofessorinin gastroenterologygastroenterologian.
- She retired in 1987 from her appointment as AssociateProfessorprofessorinin Child Therapylapsiterapianat Case Western Reserve UniversityCase Western Reserve -yliopiston.
- One dissenting voice is that ofMr Alfred ChandlerAlfred Chandler, emeritusprofessorprofessoriof business historyliiketoimintahistorianat Harvard Business SchoolHarvard Business Schoolin.
- It was lucky thatProfessor St John Gothprofessori St John Goth,Nottingham University'sNottinghamin yliopistonemeritusmedieval historykeskiajan historianprofessorprofessori, could always be relied on.
- He received an honorary LLD at Birmingham and St Andrews; on retirementin 1935vuonna 1935hehänwas made emeritusprofessorprofessoriat ManchesterManchesterissa.
- PROFESSOR George Lightbody MontgomeryPROFESSORI George Lightbody Montgomery, emeritusprofessorprofessoriof pathologypatologianin the University of EdinburghEdinburghin yliopiston, died in Edinburgh on 5 February, aged 87.
- `When you have the killing of a Marine and the beating of the navy man, some response was certainly called for, ``saidMr Edwin SmithEdwin Smith, aUniversity of Southern CaliforniaEtelä-Kalifornian yliopistonlawlakitieteenprofessorprofessori.
- This year, the centenary of the birth of Erwin Panofsky, researchers have once again gathered in Hamburg to discuss the life and work ofthe University'syliopistonformerProfessorprofessorinof Art Historytaidehistorian.
- Manyuniversityyliopisto-professorsprofessoritwere paid less than labourers in the eighteenth century; if not clerics, they were forced, as were academics throughout the nineteenth century, to seek outside work to gain a living.
- Under the provisions of the university decree governing the post, the Halford MackinderProfessorprofessoriaof Geographymaantieteenis required `to lecture and give instruction in Geography ``.
pupil.n 🔎
- Ellcock, 26, took 117 wickets in 46 first-class matches at 29.01 during an injury-plagued 10-year career since making his debut for Worcestershire while still apupiloppilasat Malvern CollegeMalvern Collegenin 1982.
- Every Wednesday afternoon for the past 15 weeks Tony has `tutored ``1st yearensimmäisen vuodenpupilsoppilaitaat nearby (and almost equally fashionable) Holland Park Comprehensivelähellä olevassa (ja lähes yhtä muodikkaassa) Holland Park Comprehensivessa.
- There are about ninetypupilsoppilastaat Sutton SchoolSutton Schoolissa.
- Pupilsoppilaatat Key Stage 2Key Stage 2:nwill be extending their computer skills, and it is important that part of the history course is delivered through computers.
- Pupilsoppilaatfrom 16 Colchester schools16 Colchesterin koulunwent to the University of Essex to take part in the 43rd annual Colchester Schools' Music Festival.
- Bobbie (RH): It was better working withpupilsoppilaidenfrom another schooltoisen koulun'cos everyone's good at different things so the more people in the project, the more things we can do.
- TheseYear 88. vuosikurssinpupilsoppilaatfrom Lakers School in the Forest of DeanForest of Deanin Lakers Schoolinwill be studying the play next year.
- Thirtysenior classvanhempien vuosiluokkienpupilsoppilastafrom ten primary schools in the Yarm areakymmenestä peruskoulusta Yarmanin alueeltawill attend a three-day pilot project.
- Pupilsoppilaatfrom Redcar's Zetland Primary SchoolRedcar's Zetlandin peruskoulunhave been invited to join them as part of the launch of the Tidy Britain Group's National Spring Clean `92 Campaign within Langbaurgh.
- They can and should be made readily accessible to teachers andpupilsoppilaillein Englishenglanninkielenas in other subjects.
- Pupils in action schools became markedly less stereotyped thanpupilsoppilaatin control schoolsvertailukoulujen.
- Pupilsoppilaidenin schools designated for those with moderate learning difficultiesLievistä oppimisvaikeuksista kärsivienhave often met failure throughout their schooling.
- This study looked at addition sums of a very elementary level which the Mathematics 5-14 document suggests should be attained at Level B or by mostpupilsoppilaidenin primary 4peruskoulun 4. luokan.
- Examples of neo-Georgian pubs can be found in the suburbs of Liverpool (often designed byQuiggin and GeeQuiggin ja Gee, two formerpupilsoppilastaof Professor Reillyprofessori Reillyn) and in many other places.
- I'll tell you now nopupiloppilaaniof mineminundrags their feet when they walk.
- Orthodoxpupilsoppilaatof the Jewish secondary schoolJuutalaisen lukionwere greeted on arrival at Shefford with a welcoming ham omelette.
- Pupilsoppilaatof LeavisLeavisincontinue to support his concept of the centrality of the literary experience, denying its identification with middle-class culture and the charge of imposing alien values upon working-class children.
- A dangerous crossing of the East Approach to Leith for pedestrians, includingpupilsoppilaatof Portobello High SchoolPortobellon yläasteen ja lukion, exists at Baileyfield Road immediately north of the bridge carrying the East Coast Main Line railway.
- In future, no doubt, interviewers will look at test scores attained byteachers'opettajienpupilsoppilaatand every school governing body will have a statistician capable of producing appropriate graphs.
- Justin'sJustininpupiloppilasTatian from Mesopotamia developed with a sarcastic pen the philosophers' dependence on Moses, which he argued with elaborate synchronisms from ancient chroniclers proving the priority of Moses.
- In 1900Brahm'sBrahminpupiloppilas, Max Reinhardt, met with a group of other young actors in Berlin's Cafe Monopol.
- I wantmyminunpupilsoppilaidenito participate in mathematical thinking, and to take the initiative.
- Each year a house music competition is held and every single one ofthe school'skoulunseniorpupilsoppilaistatakes part.
- One ofourmeidänCSYSCSYS-pupilsoppilaistammewas awarded first prize.
- STORYTIME: Michael Hardcastle reads forSt Malachy'sSt MalachynPSPS-pupilsoppilailleLisa Monaghan, 10, left, Shauna McDermott, 11, and Geraldine McKiernanLisa Monaghan, 10, vasemmalla, Shauna McDermott, 11, ja Geraldine McKiernanat the Youth Libraries Group `Extravaganza ``in Maysfield Leisure Centre
- But approaching two thousand voters -- the mothers and fathers ofPate's SchoolPaten koulunpupilsoppilaiden-- could now be influenced by the letter.
- BOHUNT and Mill ChaseBOHUNTin ja Mill Chasenpupilsoppilaatvied with each other in a closely-fought end-of-term contest to win a place in the final of a quiz sponsored by Hampshire Racial Equality Council and the county education authority.
- IMinäam not a darken ole tummapupiloppilasunder a lid but a woman in a room.
- In 1983 the whole curriculum forpupilsoppilaidenaged 12-1612–16-vuotiaidenwas reviewed through the production of two important documents.
- For the next two yearshehänwas aolipupiloppilasunder (Sir) Henry Fowler [q.v.], chief mechanical engineer of the Midland Railway at its Derby worksMidland Railwayn Derby-urakan päämekaanikon (Sir) Henry Fowlerin [q.v.].
- Using his Farman, which he had flown with such excellent results for the past few years,JackJackinstructedpupilsoppilaitawith equally good results.
- Although there are no formal Careers classes,pupilsoppilaatin S4 and S5S4:n ja S5:ncome in small groups to the Careers Office several times each Session.
- Pupilsoppilaatfrom P5 to P7P5–P7:nwith helpers from S1 to S6 are involved.
- Year 1111. vuosikurssinpupilsoppilaidenwere allowed out of school at lunch-time as well as years 12 and 13.
- We also have links with Lothian Region Careers Service who come to the Careers Convention and who also interviewpupilsoppilaitawho are considering going straight into employment when they leave school.
- Theprimary schoolala-asteenpupilsoppilaatstudied by Sinclair and Coulthard had acquired such a knowledge of the way lessons develop; the participants in a trial know what stage it is in and can organize their behaviour accordingly.
- The study set out to look at responses ofPrimary 7peruskoulun 7. luokanpupilsoppilaidento simple addition problems.
- The report stated that the progress ofprimaryperuskoulunpupilsoppilaidenhad been hampered by the influence of highly questionable dogmas, which had led to excessively complex classroom practices and devalued the place of subjects in the curriculum.
- His survey of 1,000 children found that 18.3 per cent of secondary and 17.1 per cent ofmiddle schoolyläasteenpupilsoppilaistaclaimed to have been bullied.
- Manysecondarylukionpupilsoppilaatare likely to be more aware than younger children of their cultural and religious frames of reference.
- Thus children in a primary school will spend most of their time with the same teacher in any one year, whilesecondary schoollukionpupilsoppilaitawill be taught by a variety of different teachers.
school.v 🔎
- True to his word,hehänschooledopettiherhänellein horsemanshipratsastustaitojaand was a hard taskmaster.
- Over the last hundred yearsViimeisen sadan vuoden aikanathe proletariattyöväestöhasonschooledopetellutitself<empty>in the pretensions of the bourgeoisieporvariston mahtailua; while the bourgeoisie, less confident of its ascendancy, has become more sly and deceitful.
- For increasinglyWilliam and HarryWilliamille ja Harryllewill be<empty>schooledopettavatby the Queen's courtierskuningattaren hovimiehetinto the public life that is destined to become their dutyjulkista elämää, josta tulee heidän velvollisuutensa.
- HeHäntäwas<empty>schooledopettiby the shadowy Loremasters of the Tower of Hoeth, who recognised in him great powerTower of Hoethin salamyhkäinen Loremasters, joka huomasi hänessä suuren voiman.
- Mr Hayes said: `We thought of the idea becausehehäncame from just up the road from the school and waslatermyöhemminbrought up andschooledkävi kouluaat Great AytonGreat Aytonissa.
- Born in 1930 in Southport,hehänwas<empty>schooledkävi kouluain his home townkotikaupungissaanbefore studying chemistry at Liverpool Universityennen kemian opiskelua Liverpoolin yliopistossa.
- TavernierTavernier, born in Paris andschooledkävi kouluain LyonLyonissa, was introduced to literary interests early in his school life.
- She was feeling her loss much more than she revealed;shehänwas<empty>schooledopiskeliin hiding her emotionstunteidensa peittämistä.
- But what I still don't understand is, ifyousinuawereonschooledkoulutettuon this stufftähän juttuun, how do you know it's wrong?
- Evenbefore universityennen yliopistoahehäntäwas being<empty>schooledopetettiinto take over one dayhoitamaan tätä toimea jonain päivänä.
- The pigsSikojawere<empty>schooledopetettiinto scale ladders, walk tightropes and perform feats of prestidigitationkiipeämään tikkaita pitkin, kävelemään nuoralla ja suorittamaan hassuja temppuja.
- He was determined thathis childrenhänen lapsensabesaisivatwellhyvänschooledkoulutuksen.
- `Well, ``Twynham interrupted with a grin, `Lady FrancescaLady Francescaawas<empty>schooledopettivattheresielläby the nunsnunnat.
- Come with Ana and me this morning and watchherhänenschoolkouluttavanher horsehevostaan.
- Judged on the rider, not the horse, but ifyousinähaveoletschooledkouluttanutyour horsehevosesiproperlykunnolla, your riding will look better anyway.
- YouSinäcanvoitschoolkouluttaahimhäntäover hurdleshyppäämään esteitä.
- It's a kind of exam -- and it's important toschoolopetellayourself<empty>to be good at examssuoriutumaan hyvin kokeista.
- Now I have my lovely mate,Iminähaveolenschooledopetellutmyself<empty>to be neither malicious nor miserable, and not to hate Peopleetten ole ilkeä tai ärtyisä ja etten vihaa ihmisiä.
schoolmaster.n 🔎
- Thus, when Richard Baxter was offered the position ofschoolmasteropettajanat DudleyDudleyssa, he accepted and was ordained by the Bishop of Worcester on Advent Sunday 1638.
- When he was appointed is not known, but it was before 1496, for the rent roll dated Christmas of that year shows payment of £10 to him as priest andSchoolmasteropettajanaat StockportStockportissa.
- Thereafterhehänwas atoimischoolmasteropettajanaat Worksop CollegeWorksop Collegessa, but was best known as a fast bowler for Essex and England.
- Theschoolmasteropettajaof St. AndrewsSt. Andrewsinwas ambitious `and aspires eagerly to the dignity of being professor of humanity in this university ``.
- After her death, he married Margaret Ann, daughter ofAngus McEwanAngus McEwanin, joka,schoolmasteropettajaof AssyntAssyntissa; they had two sons.
- `IMinä'm noten oleyoursinunschoolmasteropettajasi, `Lewis once crossly remarked to a pupil.
- He called persistently forhishänenoldschoolmasteropettajaansato beat him.
- He was succeeded as Master of Magdalene by anotherEtonEtoninschoolmasteropettaja, A. B. Ramsay.
- Archie's Nephew, a stable-companion of Rushing Wild, was scoring for the first time this season, having acted as aschoolmasteropettajanafor novice ridersuusille ratsastajillein several earlier runs.
- My parents wantedmeminunto be aolevanschoolmasteropettaja, but I married into the dry-cleaning business.
- The plot concerns a highly respectable Germanschoolmasteropettajaa, Professor Raat, who visits a nightclub (The Blue Angel) with the idea of catching out one of his morally wayward students.
schoolmistress.n 🔎
- Such, briefly,was the youngnuorischoolmistressopettajatarin the slum school, caught with the tawse in her hand, and hating herself for being caught this way -- these crying children, and feeling like an ogre.
- After three days, theschoolmistressopettajatarin charge phoned.
- This is the world explored by one ofherhänentwoschoolmistressesopettajattarestaan.
- A Mr. and Mrs. Martin were subsequently appointed as master and matron, and their daughter Selina was given the post ofschoolmistressopettajattaren.
- Rememberherhänet, theschoolmistressopettajattaren?
schoolteacher.n 🔎
- SheHänwas aolischoolteacherluokanopettajaat the village schoolkyläkoulussaand has written a book about Scorton called, I think, `Straws in the Wind ``.
- The mere question: wereyousinäonce theschoolteacherluokanopettajaof a small boy called MorenzMorenz-nimisen pienen pojanand has he showed up?
- Common followed his father's profession and assistedHenry OgleHenry Oglea, aschoolteacherluokanopettajaaof Newham, in improving a reaping-machine design about 1803.
- Just that he had been very unhappy, and his only friendhad beenoli olluthishänenschoolteacherluokanopettajansa, Frlein Neumann.
- The difference between them stems from the choices made in the context of organizing a provision for those who have challenged the authority oftheirheidänschoolteachersluokanopettajiensa.
- `IMinusta'm goingto be the villagekylänschoolteacherluokanopettaja, ``she said quickly, her cheeks pink.
- ElizabethElizabethalso worked as aschoolteacherluokanopettajanawithkanssaILEA from 1970 to 1979.
- In 1933 Blumlein marriedDoreenDoreenin, aschoolteacherluokanopettaja, the daughter of Thurston T. Lane, auctioneer and estate agent, of Penzance.
- The cliche is true only in a crashingIy trivial sense, the same sense in which Shakespeare never wrote anything except whathishänenfirstschoolteacherluokanopettajansataught him to write -- words.
- A few seasons ago, the much-travelledprimaryperus-schoolteacherkoulunopettajawas on the verge of a full international appearance, but had to be satisfied with a B cap against Scotland in Galway.
- Nor does it rely principally on my experience in classrooms, thoughIminähave been, briefly, asecondarylukion-schoolteacheropettajaand have been visiting schools and working with young people in a variety of ways on and off for the last sixteen years.
student.n 🔎
- Central News is a product aimed atstudentsopiskelijoilleat the intermediate level and abovekeskiasteen ja sitä ylempien asteiden.
- SimonSimonis an 18 year oldon 18-vuotiasstudentopiskelijaat WinchesterWinchesterissäand keeps his hair in a neat, easy to care for style.
- He was still prone to falling head-over-heels in love with young men, and through his friend, Paul Holmes, who taught painting at Kingston, he metPeter DatePeter Date, astudentopiskelijaat Sutton Art SchoolSutton Art Schoolin.
- Studentsopiskelijatfrom a collegeKorkeakoulunhurried to the roads leading out of town.
- `They've settled in remarkably well, ``saysthe college'skorkeakoulunRichard Jones, whoRichard Jones, jollahasstudentsopiskelijoitafrom 77 countries.
- The Chipping Norton edition of the Oxford Times featuresSusan CookSusan Cook, an eighteen year oldfashionmuodinstudentopiskelijafrom Faringdon, who was runner up in a national competition for young deaf achiever of the year.
- With Winter's agreement the new Food and Beverage Manager started to take onindustrial releaseteollisen alanstudentsopiskelijoitain 1985.
- It contained the majority ofstudentsopiskelijoitain post-compulsory educationpakollisen koulutuksen jälkeisiä.
- The result is an adversarial but illuminating work which, though heavy going in places, should be compulsory reading for all students of English literature and allstudentsopiskelijoilleof sciencetieteen.
- The truth of the matter is that, conceptually, rhythm occupies that grey area of learning that fewstudentsopiskelijatof the guitarkitaransoitonwill admit to having any desire to explore.
- Other able practitioners of homoeopathy in America were Allen, Nash, Boenninghausen and Boericke -- all of whom added to the homoeopathic literature and whose work is still used today bystudentsopiskelijatof homoeopathyhomeopatian.
- Wear Valley District Council chairman Marie Land will present diplomas toInformation Technologytietotekniikanstudentsopiskelijoilleon Wednesday.
- MBAMBA:n1992-1993 Programmestudentsopiskelijaton the steps of the new Pathfoot Extension.
- The new edition of the Oxford Placement Tests now gives you everything you need to testyoursinunstudentsopiskelijoitasi, mark their papers, and place them in the right class with accuracy and efficiency.
- `What's going on here? ``he would ask, setting to work a critical apparatus that lefthishänenstudentsopiskelijansaimpressed.
- After all, when I taught these secrets tomyminunarttaide-studentsopiskelijoilleni, they had one eye on their future interview.
- What Marshall and Clock concluded was that thecommunity collegeyhteisön korkeakoulunstudentsopiskelijatresponded to the surface structure of the discourse only, while the Cornell students responded to its semantic and logical structure.
- In all, then, questionnaires here sent to 70 courses for completion byfinishingyksityiskoulujenstudentsopiskelijat.
- NursingSairaanhoidonstudentsopiskelijatare now more accustomed to researching information for themselves than perhaps you were used to, and to asking pertinent questions.
- Award winningstudentopiskelijaTracey ColeTracey Colehanged herself days after arriving at Oxford.
- Although many college teachers still have such job titles as lecturer, senior lecturer or reader, few teachers are happy reading aloud totheirheidänstudentsopiskelijoilleenfor hours at a time.
- The use of software for garden design will be introduced toHorticulturalPuutarhanhoidonStudentsopiskelijatwithin 1993/94.
- StudentsOpiskelijatfor a week each termat Lurvaine UniversityLurvainen yliopistossa, has been invited to continue the experiment during the coming academic year.
- For exampleMarieMarie, astudentopiskelijaat BB:nwho, in the first few weeks of term, felt herself to be getting behind with work, was concerned about the lack of help provided by the department:
- Last Sunday 200GCSEGCSE:nstudentsopiskelijatfrom Down's School in ComptonComptonin Downin koulustasaw it at the cinema as part of their coursework.
- There is a direct sanction the parent orstudentopiskelijacan bring to bear.
- Some of the vellum bound books are nearly 400 years old and have been read by successive generations ofOxfordOxfordinstudentsopiskelijat.
- AgraduateLoppututkinnon suorittanutstudentopiskelijain mechanical engineeringmekaanisen insinööritaidonispresident of a company which last year made $1 million by manufacturing a machine that cleans and decontaminates microprocessor chips for Silicon Valley's semiconductor firmsjohtajana yrityksessä, jonka liikevaihto oli viime vuonna miljoona dollaria yrityksen valmistettua koneen, joka puhdistaa mikroprosessorisiruja Silicon Valleyn puolijohdeyrityksille.
- There's agraduateLoppututkinnon suorittanutstudentopiskelijaat AMSAMS:ssawho's Japanese, over from Osaka on a six-month exchange deal, companionable enough at first, of course, but becoming increasingly glazed and remote.
- CIT was host in November at 80 Portland Place to a party of two dozen Frenchgraduateloppututkinnon suorittanuttastudentsopiskelijaa, led by Roland Brenin, their director, from the European School of Transport of Group Promotrans.
- The groups are facilitated byUniversityyliopistonmedicallääketieteen,nursingsairaanhoidon,educationopetuksen, andcounsellinglakitieteenstudentsopiskelijatwho help direct the interviews and lead youth through a defined curriculum.
- Demographic information was collected bymedicallääketieteenstudentsopiskelijatadministering a questionnaire.
- So didKiffin RockwellKiffin Rockwell, the twenty-one-year-oldmedicallääketieteenstudentopiskelijafrom North Carolina, both of whose grandfathers had been officers in the Confederate Army.
- The letter-writer is an orthopaedic surgeon who was taken off a plane as he was about to make a short visit to the UK wherehehänhad been aolipost-graduatejatko-studentopiskelija.
- The collegeKorkeakoulussahas a number of residentpost-graduatejatko-studentsopiskelijaawho are there for periods varying from a year to three years.
- JedJedwas aolipost-graduatejatko-studentopiskelijain psychologypsykologian.
- The prizes are awarded every year toundergraduatejoilla ei ole vielä alempaa korkeakoulututkintoastudentsopiskelijoille,who have demonstrated original thinking in their approach to developing designs, project management and presentation.
- In this text, which is aimed atsenior undergraduatekandivaiheenstudentsopiskelijoilleof engineeringinsinööritieteen, the subject of matrices is described and developed before being applied to some of the problems of engineering dynamics.
- His own research on femaleundergraduatekandivaiheenstudentsopiskelijoista,of physicsfysiikanprovides further support for this conclusion; many of them explicitly dissociated themselves from the male physics students and their ambitions.
- Second-year undergraduateToisen vuodenstudentsopiskelijatat the University of EdinburghEdinburghin yliopistossa.
- I also became auniversityyliopisto-studentopiskelijain the days when it was axiomatic that higher education was `free ``.
- The University asks much ofits<empty>studentsopiskelijoiltaan.
study.v 🔎
- Sohehänstudiedopiskelito be a doctorlääkäriksi, and went out to India.
- Spells as a curate in Doncaster and Ipswich were followed by three years as chaplain at St Andrew's in Kowloon, 1929-31, during whichhehänstudiedopiskeliChinesekiinaaat Hong Kong UniversityHongkongin yliopistossa.
- IMinäreally wantedto<empty>studyopiskellaFrenchranskaaat universityyliopistossa, since I was interested in languages.
- TheyHewill<empty>studyopiskelevatfull timefor the SCOTVEC National Certificate in Industrial Measurement and Process Controlkansallisen SCOTVEC-todistuksen saamiseksi teollisen mittauksen ja prosessinhallinnan alallaat college in EdinburghEdinburghin korkeakoulussa.
- IMinästudiedopiskelinhomoeopathyhomeopatiaain both Glasgow and Londonsekä Glasgow'ssa että Lontoossaand then started a part-time appointment at the Glasgow Homoeopathic Hospital, taking over in addition a small general practice.
- NowIminunshould haveto<empty>studyopiskeltavathe English languageenglannin kieltäin earnesttosissaan, keeping one chapter ahead of the students each week.
- Bernard LanskyBernard Lanskystudiedopiskelithe pianopianonsoittoain his native Australiasyntymämaassaan Australiassa,in ParisPariisissaandwith Peter WallfischPeter Wallfischin kanssaat the Royal College of MusicRoyal College of Musicissa.
- The English liberalsEnglantilaiset liberaalitstudiedtutkivattheir seventeenth-century predecessors1600-luvun edeltäjiäänwith great attentionhyvin tarkkaavaisena-- Wordsworth frequently refers with enthusiasm to Milton and Algernon Sidney -- but for them the land of the free was on the other side of the Atlantic.
- HeHänhadolistudiedopiskellutliteraturekirjallisuuttawith the Open Universityavoimessa yliopistossafor three yearskolme vuotta, and already planned, albeit theoretically, to complete an honours degree and go on to do some postgraduate work.
- TheyHestudytutkivatsocial justiceyhteiskunnallista oikeudenmukaisuuttafrom the point of view of people committed in advance to no government or constitution, who are free to create the ideal state from first principles.
- HeHänwas educated privately and at Rossall, and went onto<empty>studyopiskelemaanarchitecturearkkitehtuuriaunder a tutoryksityisopettajan johdollaat CambridgeCambridgessa.
- StudentsOpiskelijatalso continueto<empty>studyopiskeluaSocial Policysosiaalipolitiikanby taking Principles of Social Policy and one Social Policy optionvalitsemalla sosiaalipolitiikan periaatteet ja yhden valinnaisen sosiaalipoliittisen aineen.
- You can study any subject at `A ``level; the important thing is thatthe subjectsaineetyousinunstudyopiskelemasiare academic and that you do well in them.
- The project was overseen and produced byRamuntcho MattaRamuntcho Matta,whojokahasolistudiedopiskellutclassical composition, Indian vocal techniques and the tangoklassista säveltämistä, intialaisia äänitekniikoita ja tangoa, and who met Gysin at the age of 15.
- Leaving school at the age of 14to<empty>studyopiskellakseenmedicinelääketiedettä, he was apprenticed to a surgeon in Worcester.
- Aristotle too claims in several places thatnatural philosophy and medicineluonnonfilosofiaa ja lääketiedettägo hand in hand andare<empty>studiedopiskelevatby the same peoplesamat ihmiset.
- In first and second years,Geographymaantiedettäis<empty>studiedopiskellaanalong with supporting courses that are drawn dominantly from the science programme.
- It is recorded in 1810 thattwo `six months pupilskahta ”kuudennen kuukauden oppilastawere advisedto<empty>studyopiskelemaana little longer ``.
- First, an analysis of the characteristics of present and past students of Arabic will establishwhat kind of studentsmillaiset opiskelijathave been attractedto<empty>studyopiskellaArabicarabiaaand why.
- Sir EduardoSir Eduardowas born in Leith andstudiedopiskeliat Edinburgh School of Art and the SladeEdinburghin School of Artissa ja Sladessa.
- Catherine SomervilleCatherine Somervillestudiedopiskeliat York University, TorontoYorkin yliopistossa Torontossagaining a degree in Fine Art, and later studied printmaking with Robert Patterson at Georgian College.
- They rarely strayed out of Middleton but Solowka remembers with perverse affection a gig atLiverpool University, whereLiverpoolin yliopistossa, jossahehänwas<empty>studyingopiskelifor his degree in environmental biologyympäristöbiologian tutkintoaan.
- Having decided that he wanted to make a career in physicshehänenrolled at Vanderbilt University in Nashville Tennesseeto<empty>studyopiskellakseenfor his doctorate in experimental high energy particle physicskokeellisen suurenergisen hiukkasen fysiikan tohtoriksi.
- It has even been mistakenly argued that at some point during the 1320shehänfled to Paris andstudiedopiskelifor a whilevähän aikaaat the SorbonneSorbonnessa.
- Loathing the expressionism and abstractions that surround him during his time atNewcastleNewcastlessa,wherejossahehänstudiedopiskeliin the late Sixties1960-luvun lopussa, he believes `you have to pick up the traces.
- The next case concerns a constituent whom I will call Mrs. D, who wrote to me abouther two daughterskahdesta tyttärestä,both of whomjotka kummatkinwere<empty>studyingopiskelivatin LondonLontoossa-- not entirely out of choice.
- His choreography is firmly based onthe authentic folk and flamenco dancesaitoihin folk- ja flamenco-tansseihin, joitahehänstudiedopiskeliin SpainEspanjassa.
- HeHänstudiedopiskeliwith Fanny WatermanFanny Watermanin kanssaandat the Moscow ConservatoireMoskovan konservatoriossa.
- Taskopruzade's grandfatherTaskopruzaden isoisä, for example,studiedopiskeliunder Molla YeganMolla Yeganin johdolla, probably at some time alter 839/1435-6, and it was Molla Yegan who recommended him for the post at Taskopru.
- Four-fifths of the womenNeljä viidesosaa naisistawere<empty>studyingopiskelion computing coursestietokonekursseilla.
- It is hard for us to comprehend thatthousands of studentstuhannet opiskelijathave roamed andstudiedopiskelleeton `our ``campus since long before most of us were born.
- By some miracle, I finally reached the end, and, still trembling, told Ricci my name, age andwhokenenIminästudiedopiskelinwithkanssa.
- Your girlfriendTyttöystäväsistudiedopiskeliheretäällä, didn't she?
- Later on, the Guitar Institute hopes to raise funding from various sources to enabletalented players from all over the countrylahjakkaat pelaajat ympäri maatato<empty>studyopiskellatheresiellä.
teacher.n 🔎
- `So too forSandy HutchisonSandy Hutchison,myminungamespelienteacheropettajaniat schoolkoulussaand now coach to the Dundee High backs.
- John T. ScopesJohn T. Scopes, abiologybiologian-teacheropettajaat the Central High School in DaytonDaytonin Central High Schoolissa, decided to test the law, and gave his pupils a lecture on evolution.
- The late Dr. Coulton, in his autobiography, told a tale of a greatmathematicalmatematiikanteacheropettajastaat CambridgeCambridgessawho met a candidate in the College court just after the Tripos.
- The 63 students andteachersopettajaafrom Weston-super-Mare College, AvonAvonin Weston-super-Mare Collegesta, were returning from a day trip when the coach skidded and crashed.
- Before Christmas sixteenteachersopettajaafrom Deer Park schoolDer Parkin koulundeveloped sickness and diarrhoea.
- One of theEnglishenglanninkielen-teachersopettajistafrom Nanking stayed in the hospital with me, so that I didn't feel too helpless or lonely, and the 4 British students here visited me.
- About one-third of blackteachersopettajistain DET secondary schoolsDET-lukioidenhave no secondary teaching qualifications (see Figure 10.2).
- ButIminullahad a really goodmusicmusiikin-teacheropettajain high school and he taught me relative pitch.
- The agreement will also result in employers working more closely than before with students andteachersopettajienin schools and collegeskoulujen ja opistojen, to broaden their understanding of the world of work.
- Best-selling novelist, short story writer, occasionalteacheropettajaof creative writingluovan kirjoittamisen`insofar as it can be taught ``.
- There is a considerable quantity of books, periodicals, and reports for theteacheropettajalleof readinglukemisen.
- For more than thirty-seven years held the important situation ofteacheropettajanato the first public institution in this countrytämän maan ensimmäinen julkisen laitoksenfor the education of the deaf and dumb; which was established in this parish, A.D. 1792 …
- `Including a senior, a boy about seventeen, who was probably subjectinghishänenteacheropettajalleento a certain amount of needling?
- With the exception of just one --herhänenteacheropettajansa, Miss Honey.
- One wonderful story is that he decided against a career in mathematics whenhishänenteacheropettajansagave him a poor mark in an exam for answering a problem correctly but not using the method taught in class.
- I said once tomyminunbiologybiologian-teacheropettajalleni, ``Why are so many girls getting pregnant? and she said, ``Didn't you listen in lesson?
- I don't think I've told you aboutMr GroveyGroveystaourmeidändramanäytelmäkirjallisuudenteacheropettajastayet, have I?
- Ian AdamIan Adam,myminunsinginglaulun-teacheropettajani, was ever the confidence booster.
- Now retired thearttaide-teacheropettajaas was is painting flat out full time whilst the other runs the distaff side.
- Libby Roberts,dancetanssin-teacheropettajaand the body behind Slimline Complete Works (Video Collection), replied: `Exercise can strengthen and tone muscles, but not reduce fat.
- For thelanguagekielen-teacheropettajalleit provides powerful clues concerning the causes of the sensation of floundering in conversation to which we referred earlier.
- They can only be solved by a commitment, built into the timetable for the length of the project to give participatingteachersopettajillethe time to view the video and meet their friendly critic.
- Although postage has to be charged extra, often visitingteachersopettajat, trainers and other `travellers ``to your area are willing to act as couriers.
- Garden Number Two is owned by`Miss Green ``”Neiti Green”, a retiredteacheropettajawith a love for nature who wanted a low-maintenance informal design.
- The class has been without a regularteacheropettajaafor eight weeks and now parents are demanding extra help.
- Alllanguagekielen-teachersopettajiashould be encouraged to teach about the nature of language and should be explicitly trained in methods of doing this and co-operating with other teachers in so doing.
- In 1880 he decided to settle in London permanently, and, also in 1880, Queen Victoria appointedhimhänetteacheropettajaksiof singinglaulun-to the royal family.
- Thus it is hardly surprising to find Barrett (1979) warningarttaide-teachersopettajiato:
- My Group was anxious that allteachersopettajatshould understand and think about the ideological assumptions implied by their approach to the teaching of English, for this is one way to overcome dogmatism.
- It is not surprising that manyPrimaryperuskoulunteachersopettajatat this time gave up trying their own hand at teaching the subject, leaving more and more to the `expert ``.
- Her fatherHänen isänsä, aprimary schoolperuskoulunteacheropettaja, was also disappointed with her choice.
- In addition, as one whitesecondary schoollukionteacheropettajatold me `It is a matter of style.
- SchoolKoulujenteachersopettajatare among the most despised, and also the worst-paid, sectors of society.
- It would be misleading to profileschoolkoulujenteachersopettajatas only seeking to maximize their own prestige by cultivating exaggerated interests in sport among black schoolkids and thus jeopardizing their chances academically.
- But it would also helpsecondarylukionteachersopettajiato space out chemistry's sequential steps, giving their pupils more time to absorb principles before they build on them.
- And there is even less agreement amongsecondarylukionteachersopettajienof first-year pupilsensimmäisen vuoden oppilaidenabout how they should build upon the curriculum of top juniors.
- The UniversityYliopistossahad 2000teachersopettajaaand more than 10,000 students, each of whom was required to produce a book every year on the nature of consciousness and the human mind.
- The latest bombshell to hit the academic world was the government's veto of the `agreed ``6% pay increase foruniversityyliopistonteachersopettajille.
- Murray, from Musselburgh, has returned to Tucson where she is staying at the University of Arizona with a formerMusselburgh GrammarMusselburghin kieliopinPEliikunnan-teacheropettajan, Meg Ritchie, the head strength coach there.
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- HeHänwas apparentlyoli selvästifullytäysintrainedkoulutettuby 1549 and began to operate independently.
- He regretted thatas teachers of the deafkuurojen opettajinatheyhewereolivatinadequatelypuutteellisestitrainedkoulutettuja, underpaid and overworked and therefore did not stay in the profession.
- Officers and volunteer NCOsNCO:n virkamiehiä ja vapaaehtoisiawere<empty>trainedkoulutettiinat the centrekeskuksessafor six weekskuusi viikkoabefore joining the Independent Companies in which volunteer soldiers were trained for a further six weeks by their own officers.
- Astrid KleinAstrid Kleinwas<empty>trainedopiskeliat art schooltaidekoulussabut began as a writer.
- All of themKaikki heistähad beenolivattrainedopiskelleetby the Schoolkoulussafrom the age of eight or nine, eight having made their debut at the Winter Gardens at Blackpool.
- And the method has now been adopted nationally:literacy instructorslukutaidon opettajiaare<empty>trainedkouluttavatby a core of part-time teachers based permanently in the countrysidemaaseudulla pysyvästi asuvat pari osa-aikaista opettajaa.
- Traditionally,doctorslääkäreitäwere<empty>trainedkoulutettiinby being apprenticed to established physicianssiten, että he ovat olleet ammatissa jo toimivien lääkäreiden harjoittelijoita.
- IT systemsIT-järjestelmiäare available nowwhichjoitacan bevoivattrainedopettaaby expertsasiantuntijatto perform decision making activities based on implicit information as well as, or even better than, the experts who have trained themsuorittamaan päätöksentekotoimia epäsuorien tietojen perusteella jopa paremmin kuin niitä opettaneet asiantuntijat.
- DavidDavidwas<empty>trainedopiskelifor christian servicekristillistä jumalanpalvelustaat the Scottish Baptist College and at the BTIskotlantilaisessa Baptist Collegessa ja BTI:ssä.
- The Americans had under estimated the fact thattheir troopsheidän joukkonsawereolivattrainedharjaantuneitafor battle in Europetaisteluun Euroopassa, against the USSR in tank warfare -- not jungle warfare in a semi-tropical climate.
- By 1968Vuoteen 1968 mennessä,15,000 men15 000 miestähad beenolitrainedkoulutettufor handling civil disorderkäsittelemään yhteiskunnallisen sekasortoa.
- TheyHeareolivattrainedharjoitelleeton all aspects of aerobics from the beginners' level to advanced stepaerobicin kaikkia näkökohtia aloittelijasta edistyneeseen tasoon.
- Consequently,most pilotsuseimmat lentäjätare<empty>trainedkoulutetaanon flight simulatorslentosimulaattoreissa.
- `Hundreds of our employees, including outside sales reps and store peopleSatojen työntekijöidemme, mukaan lukien ulkopuolisten myyntiedustajien ja myymälähenkilöstön, needto beon saatavatrainedkoulutustaon new productsuusista tuotteistabut we can't always bring them into Louisville.
- TheyHeidätmust beontrainedopetettavain channelling animal behaviourohjaamaan eläinten käyttäytymistä.
- Many come fromEllyrion whereEllyrionista, jossaElveshaltijoitaare<empty>trainedopetetaanin fighting on horsebacktaistelemaan ratsainfrom an early age.
- DawsonDawsonoriginallytrainedopiskeliin art and designtaidetta ja muotoiluaat the London College of FurnitureLondon College of Furnituressa, “ because it was the first course I got on. ”
- WeMeidänneed to acquire a specialist personnel package, andto<empty>trainkoulutettavastaffhenkilöstöäin its usesen käyttöön.
- Thus,providers of servicespalveluntarjoajienmust beon oltavamore highlykorkeammintrainedkoulutettujain sales techniquemyyntitekniikoissaand sales negotiation forms an important part of such interaction.
- Counsel and care suggestscare staffterveydenhuoltohenkilöstöäshould beolisitrainedkoulutettavato fit and adjust hearing aidskiinnittämään ja säätämään kuulolaitteita.
- Once the MIT was educatedKun MIT oli koulutettu,membersjäsenethadto be<empty>trainedkoulutettavato become expert in grade change-over time reduction techniques, the key to improving manufacturing capabilityasiantuntijoiksi laadun huonontumisen estämistekniikoissa, mikä on valmistusta koskevan suorituskyvyn parantamisen avain.
- `Our paramedicsEnsihoitajammeareontrainedkoulutettuto deal with situations like thiskäsittelemään tämänkaltaisia tilanteita, but all of them were very disturbed and upset by what they saw.
- Eventually the traditional route to professional training will emerge wherebyqualified community interpreterspätevät yhteisön tulkitwill,<empty>after a defined period of professional practice and experiencemäärätyn ammattiharjoittelun ja kokemuksen jälkeen, be<empty>trainedkoulutetaanto pass on their skillsvälittämään taitojaan.
- If you join the Royal Navy as a stewardyousinuawill be<empty>trainedkoulutetaanto a professional standardammattistandardeissain bar work, valeting, tableware and table service, cooking and service of foodkoskien baarityötä, palvelua, ruokailuvälineitä ja astioita, ruoanlaittoa ja ruokatarjoilua..
- She had not wanted to bring the subject to him yet -- usually it reached him throughthe features editor whompäätoimittajalta, jolleMarthaMarthahadolitrainedopettanutto SAS standardsSAS-standardeja.
- Every major employer in the area ensures thattheir workforcesniiden työvoimaareontrainedsaanut koulutustato uniformly high standardsyhtenäisistä korkeista standardeista.
- Make crime prevention a core responsibility for all managers and staff andtrainanna koulutustaall company personnelyrityksen kaikille työntekijöillein the company's crime prevention policy and practicerikosten ehkäisyn toimintatavoista ja käytännöistä yrityksessä.
- In those daysJapan's firmsjapanilaiset yrityksetborrowed technology from abroad,thensittentrainedkouluttivattheir workerstyöntekijänsäto apply itsen soveltamiseen.
- TrainOpetteleyourself<empty>to be content with less than perfect-looking produceolemaan tyytyväinen vähempään kuin täydelliseltä näyttävään tuotteeseen.
- YouSinäcanvoittrainopetellayourself<empty>to write faster and legiblykirjoittamaan nopeammin ja selvemmin.
- But his years in charge of a thriving and successful golf club had softened his hard-edged military manner, andhehänhadolitrainedopetelluthimself<empty>to adopt an informal, `civilian ``manneromaksumaan epämuodollisen, ”sivistyneen” käytöstavan.
- He sees the cost oftrainingkouluttamisenthe receptionistvastaanottovirkailijanto smilehymyilemäänmultiplying into a thousand money-making opportunities.
- Following press reports, on Aug. 8 the SADF confirmed thatitsetrainedkouluttiInkatha membersInkathan jäseniäat a camp in the Caprivi Strip in northern Namibialeirillä Caprivi Stripissä Pohjois-Namibiassa.
- HeHänalreadyjotrainskouluttaaapprenticesharjoittelijoita, and now welcomes any potential carving students.
- WeMeidänmusttäytyytrainkouluttaastaffhenkilöstöäto teach as effectively as possibleopettamaan mahdollisimman tehokkaastiand should encourage them to see this as an important part of their job.
- Who'd have thought I would be able to say thatIminätrainedopetinMarmaduke ``Duke Hussey, chairman of the BBCMarmaduke ”Duke” Husseylle, BBC:n puheenjohtajalle,in TV interviewing techniquetelevision haastattelutekniikoita?
- HeHäntrainedkouluttimaster chefshuippukokkeja; Mrs Marshall trained domestic servants.
- Powicke justly remarked that `the list ofwell-known English barons, ecclesiastics, knights and clerks whotunnettujen englantilaisten baronien, pappien, ritarien ja kirjurien, jotkawereolitrainedkoulutettuin Gascon affairsGasconin asioihinin the course of their distinguished careersheidän ansioituneilla urillaanwould be long indeed ``.
- HeHäntrainedharjoitteliwith a small firm in Mansfieldpienessä yrityksessä Mansfieldissä.
- In the United Kingdom reports thatthe secret service MI6salainen palvelu MI6was<empty>trainingopettithe Khmers Rougespunaisille khmereillein mine-laying and mines technologymiinojen asettamista ja miinateknologiaawere strongly denied by the Foreign Secretary, Douglas Hurd.
- MitchellMitchelltrainedopiskelias a journalisttoimittajaksion The ScotsmanThe Scotsmanissaand worked for the Scottish Tourist Board, Apex Publishing in Oman and British Gas Scotland before setting up Elliot Mitchell Communications, which later merged with Commpress.
- Theyheidätwill<empty>thensittenbe<empty>trainedkouluttaaby a producerTuottajaand with luck will, in due course, become one themselves.
- NigelNigeltrainedopiskeliat Kirby College, MiddlesbroughKirby Collegessa Middlesbroughissa, andwith John McCoyJohn McCoyn kanssaat Martha's Vineyard, KirklevingtonMartha's Vineyardilla Kirklevingtonissa.
- The teachersOpettajathad been<empty>trainedkoulutettiinat two training colleges in Kemmendinekahdessa harjoittelukorkeakoulussa Kemmendinessa,those for primary schools studying for one year and those for middle schools for two yearsala-asteen opettajat opiskelivat yhden vuoden ja ylä-asteen opettajat kaksi vuotta.
- TheyHeitähad beenolitrainedopetettuat collegekorkeakoulussato preach Western-style sermons based on abstract thinking arranged in linear formsaarnaamaan länsimaisia saarnoja, jotka perustuivat lineaarisesti järjestettyyn abstraktiseen ajatteluun.
- Here you will carry outall of the taskskaikki tehtävät, joihinyousinuthave beenontrainedkoulutettufor including general ship's dutiesmukaan lukien aluksen yleiset tehtävät.
- It'll be staffed byeight Protek employeeskahdeksaa Protekin työntekijääcurrentlyparhaillaanbeing<empty>trainedkouluttaaby OSFOSFand Protek will bring a further 50 industry consultants onto the project in the near term.
- `If the United states is to remain technologically strong,our schoolskoulujemmemust begintrainingopettaaour childrenlapsillemmein today's technologynykypäivän teknologiaa, ``the company says.
- Many of you who come to this rostrum this weekMonet teistä, jotka tulitte puhujankorokkeelle tällä viikollawill have beenovattrainedsaaneet harjoitustain the democracy of congresskongressidemokratiassabefore you got hereennen tänne saapumista.
- These peopleNämä ihmisethave beenovattrainedopiskelleetin librarianship, which is an art in itselfkirjastonhoitoa, joka on taide sinänsä.
- We've gota lot of volunteers whopaljon vapaaehtoisia, joilleweme've ertrainedopettaneetin listening skills and how to answer the phone, and how to deal with some of the problems that come upkuuntelutaitoja ja puheluun vastaamista sekä esille tulevien joidenkin ongelmien käsittelyä.
- This course, organised by the Agricultural training board, is helpingto<empty>trainkouluttamaanthose who want to learnniitä, jotka haluavat oppiahow to shear sheepkerimään lampaan.
- These teamsNämä tiimitwill be<empty>trainedharjoittelevatin direction and how to participate in problem solvingjohtajuutta ja ongelmanratkaisuun osallistumista.
- His son, MarkHänen poikansa Mark,trainedopiskelias an osteopath or somethingosteopaatiksi tai vastaavaksiand set up in practice here.
- Moreover, becauseemployeestyöntekijätwere typicallyovat yleensätrainedsaaneet koulutustaas single-skill operatives for a particular type of (often) enterprise-specific technologyvain yhteen tietyn tyyppiseen (usein) yrityskohtaiseen teknologiaantheir acquired skills were largely non-transferable.
- One shop steward remarked that, `that is the first timemanagementjohtohaveontrainedopettanutusmeitäas they would train one anothersiten kuin he opettaisivat toinen toisiaan.
- HeHänhas worked in shops, factories and stores, andhasontrainedharjoitellutin engraving and drycleaningkaiverrusta ja kemiallista pesua, and has worked as a medical assistant.
- IN a gym in DarlingtonDarlingtonissa sijaitsevassa kuntosalissaveteran boxer Laurie Degnanveteraaninyrkkeilijä Laurie Degnanis<empty>trainingvalmentaaeight-year-old boys8-vuotiaita poikiaas future champion fighterstuleviksi mestaritaistelijoiksi.
- Both Orton and Vera ChirwaBoth Orton ja Vera Chirwatrainedopiskelivatas lawyersasianajajiksiin BritainBritanniassaduring the 1950s1950-luvulla.
- hehäntrainedopiskelias an accountantkirjanpitäjäksiwith Price WaterhousePrice Waterhousessain ManchesterManchesterissa.
- HeHäntrainedharjoittelias a teenagerteini-ikäisenäto be a file forgerasiakirjojen väärentäjäksiand was employed by Messrs Cammell and Johnson in Furnival Street, but his first passion remained cricket.
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- `I'm having a little party formyminuntuteesoppilaideni.
- Although the second- and third-years don't officially come back until next week,Puddephat'sPuddephatintuteesoppilaathave been called back early so they can be allocated to new people quickly.
- Though I don't know why you think he's so important, now we've discovered he isn't R. Just becausehehänwasoliPuddephat'sPuddephatintuteeoppilas, it doesn't mean he knew him terribly well.
- `IMinullaused to have atuteeoppilaswho lived there, ``she responded brightly when the professor's wife told her in which part of London they had their house.
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- HerHänentutorsopinto-ohjaajansaat University CollegeUniversity Collegessahave allowed her a third attempt next year but have insisted she take a year out.
- Ifyousinäare already working as anurseassistenttinatutor<empty>at a college, please approach your principal for further details on how to apply.
- On graduatinghehänetwas ordained, and for a short periodwas atoimitutortuutorinaat New CollegeNew Collegessa.
- First of all,Suzanne GibsonSuzanne Gibsonis aonlawlakitieteentutoropettajaat New CollegeNew Collegessa.
- Audrey BakerAudrey Baker,tutortuutorinafor the National Marriage Guidance Council (address on page 153)National Marriage Guidance Councilissa (osoite sivulla 153), says that although long-established marriages do not necessarily founder at retirement, many couples make themselves miserable by not communicating.
- Alter Judy became pregnant in the lower sixth at school, she left and foundherselfitselleenatutoryksityisopettajanfor her A-level EnglishA-tason englannissa, and also attended maths classes at the local college.
- HeHänsupported the BIFD andwas a most energeticoli mitä energisintutoryksityisopettajafor the Diploma in Funeral Directinghautajaisten ohjauksen tutkinnossa.
- All he seemed concerned about was finding a newtutoryksityisopettajanfor SilviaSilvialle.
- For example, a maletutoryksityisopettajafrom the local collegepaikallisen collegenused this technique to cajole some of the male users into joining the bridging course.
- Tutor -- Anne Day of the Dolmetsch Historical Dance Society and atutoropinto-ohjaajafrom the London College of Dance and DramaLondon College of Dance and Draman.
- After the War,hehänwas Fellow andTutorassistenttiin Economicstaloustieteenat that collegetässä korkeakoulussa, deserting Oxford for a political career when he became an MP in 1950.
- ``I have been considering finding you atutoryksityisopettajanain another European languagetoisen eurooppalaisen kielen, her mother continued.
- Mosttutorsyksityisopettajatin EFL or ESOLEFL:n tai ESOL:inare a product of that system.
- Dr Eamon DuffyTohtori Eamon Duffyis fellow andtutorassistenttiof Magdalene College, Cambridge,Cambridgen Magdalene Collegenand a lecturer in divinity at the university.
- Boece was the friend of Erasmus; andErasmusErasmusbecame thetoimitutoryksityisopettajanaof James IV's illegitimate son Alexander, Archbishop of St Andrews, whose death at Flodden he mourned with the most moving griefJaakko IV:n aviottomalle pojalle, St Andrewsin arkkipiispa Alxanderille, jonka kuolemaa Floddenissa hän suri hyvin syvästi.
- All the principaltutorsopettajatof NAS coursesNAS-kurssienare actively engaged in fieldwork or research and many of the venues offer the opportunity to visit museums, historic monuments, ships, archaeological laboratories or maritime museums.
- Margaret RobertsMargaret Robertsilla,tutoropettajallaof the geography method coursemaantieteellisen metodin kurssin, has long-standing research and teaching interests in Language and Learning.
- From 1828 until 1853Vuosina 1828–1853hehänwastoimimathematicsmatematiikantutortuutorinaof Wadham CollegeWadham Collegen, though he was never a fellow.
- I had known the family for some years asIminähad beenolen ollutMrs Singh'srouva SinghinEnglishenglanninkielen-tutoropettajaon a local authority adult literacy programmepaikallisviranomaisen järjestämässä aikuisten lukutaito-ohjelmassa.
- However, this almost certainly reflects the general commitment to language (particularly the teaching of reading) by alltutorsopettajienon Primary training coursesalkeiskoulutuskurssien.
- In 1629 Hobbes returned to the Continent on a second tour, astutoryksityisopettajanato the son of Sir Gervase ClintonSir Gervase Clintonin pojan.
- MartinMartinwasfor some yearsjoitakin vuosiatutoryksityisopettajanato the MacLeods of SkyeSkyen MacLeodsille, and had also been at one time a scholar at Leiden University in the Netherlands.
- Roger Ascham (1515-68)Roger Ascham (1515–68),tutoryksityisopettajato Queen Elizabethkuningatar Elizabethin, wrote in The Scholemaster:
- The Board'sHallituksenresidenttutortuutori,Douglas-SmithDouglas-Smith, was also accountable to the LEA which contributed towards his salary.
- I'm still friends withmyminuntutortuutorini, and she was really pleased when I told her I'd got a job.
- HeHänwas one ofmyminuntutorstuutoreistani, I respected his views, that kind of thing.
- Many beginners have difficulty in bending the knee, and I don't mean totheirheidänarttaide-tutoropettajaansa!
- At the age of 17 she was raped byherhänenperspectivesopinto-tutorohjaajansa, Tassi.
- `If you want to know what a word means, ``saidmyminunphilosophyfilosofiantutoropettajani, `never look it up in a dictionary.
- He would be a university lecturer, responsible far lecturing perhaps once a week; a Fellow of Magdalen, involved in the administration of the College; and, perhaps most importantly, acollegekorkeakouluntutorassistentti.
- Anandi RamamurthyAnandi Ramamurthy, a freelanceeducational galleryopinto-tutorohjaajabrought in specially for this project, was commended for the way she made viewing interesting and easy to understand.
- Thelanguagekielen-tutorsopettajatwe have had on our courses were certainly not always given sufficient help to do the job asked of them, and as Language Enhancement Coordinator, I take my share of responsibility for this.
- Many potentialforeign languagevieraan kielentutorsopettajatare also linguistically better educated.
- CollegeKorkeakoulunsports and leisureurheilu- ja vapaa-ajantutorohjaajaJohn DaceyJohn Dacey, who is organising the fund- raising, said: `We were inspired to raise the money through seeing reports about Albania which is the poorest country in Europe.
- Evidently, she took pleasure in surprisingherhänentutorsopettajansawith new vocabulary.
- Many nursing studies departmentsMonilla sairaanhoito-opintojen osastoillahaveontutorsopinto-ohjaajiawith a specific remit for assisting nurses with their postbasic education, and they are usually very happy to provide assistance and advice to nurses currently in practice.
- He was educated under the supervision of his uncle, the Revd Henry Duncan, DD [q.v.], at Ruthwell manse,hishänentutorsyksityisopettajinaanincluding Robert Mitchell.
- Examination scripts should be marked by thesubjectaineen-tutorsopettajienwithin two to three weeks of students sitting the examinations.
- The regular training programme is jointly planned byadult education advisoryaikuisten opinto-tutorsohjaajatand senior speech therapists.
- HeHänstudied at the Royal College of Art before teaching at St Martin's School of Art andis coursekurssintutorohjaajaat Colchester InstituteColchester Institutessa.
- More and more worried teenagers spend their Easter at intensive revision courses, such as those run by CherwellTutorsopettajienin OxfordOxfordissa.
- The Gaelic courseGaelin kielen kurssillahad onetutoropettajaand one student.
- When he was released he remained in Wales as a private schoolmaster untilhehänestäbecame chaplain andtutoryksityisopettajato the family of Lord Carbery in his beautiful house, `Golden Grove ``, in Carmarthenshire.
- HeHänellähas privatetutors-opettajia.
- A planned tutorial programme was prepared by the senior mistress, head of house andthe child'slapsentutoropettajato raise the awareness of the children in the tutor group.
- Malcolm Watters, seniorcareersura-tutorohjaaja, careers, said: `There is considerable local and national concern about the drop in number of students applying to study physics at advanced level in sixth form colleges.
- In September 1938, A. E. Douglas-Smith took up his duties asuniversityyliopistonresidenttutortuutorinain the county.
- Successful students are awarded the University of Durham Certificate inBritish Sign Languagebrittiläisen viittomakielenTutorsopettajina' Training Course (Foundation Level).
- Professor Brown, who was 47, leavesa wife EvelynEvelyn-vaimon, also anOpen Universityavoimen yliopistontutoropettajaand 3 children.
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- Er, there's a suggestion that he had mild epilepsy, and they tried to keep it quite, andhis fatherhänen isänsätutoredopettihimhäntäat homekotona.
- During the twelve years of their life togetherHeidän 12 vuotta kestäneen yhteiselämänsä aikana,hehänhadolitutoredopastanutherhäntäcarefullyvarovastiin monkishnessmunkkien elämään.
- An authority on the subjectAiheen asiantuntijahadolitutoredopastanutthemheitäin the accent used at that timetuona aikana käytetyssä ääntämistavassa.
- Jackie SimmondsJackie Simmondswill be<empty>tutoringpitääa pastel workshoppastellityöpajanon July 1212. heinäkuutaat the international Centre for Wildlife Art in Gloucestershirekansainvälisessä Centre for Wildlife Art -keskuksessa Gloucestershiressa(for full details see pages 10-11) using Schmincke's Soft Pastels.
- SidSidpatientlykärsivällisestitutoredopastimeminuaon star gradingstähtiluokittelussaand assured me that technically the climb was only a V. Diff, so I would cope!
- Hawk nodded tohis father, the man whoisälleen, miehelle jokahadolitutoredvalmentanuthimhäntäas a Dreamwalkerdreamwalkerina, and was not acknowledged.
- I particularly enjoyed the article aboutBasil CottleBasil Cottlesta,whojokaoncekerrantutoredopastimeminuain speaking the lilting cadences of medieval versekeskiaikaisten runomuotojen laulavan intonaation lausunnassa.
- HeHänofferedto<empty>tutoropastamaanthe girltyttöä, but after trying to teach her for a while, gave it up as he considered she was unable to focus on what she was being taught.
- Doug GreenDoug Greenwent on totutorvalmentaaJane DubarJane Dubaria: `Actually I think I learnt as actually part of the INSET course more from being a tutor than as a teacher participant.
- In 1808 he married Elizabeth, daughter of Major-General Benjamin Fisher and niece ofDr John Fisher, bishop of Salisbury [q.v.], whoSalisburyn piispa tri John Fisherin [q.v.], jokahadolitutoredopettanutPrince Edward, Duke of KentKentin herttuaa prinssi Edwardia.
- J. B. DancerJ. B. Dancerreceived some basic education at a dame school andwas<empty>thensittentutoredopettiby his fatherhänen isänsäin mathematics, French, Latin, and Greekmatematiikassa, ranskassa, latinassa ja kreikassa.
- HeHäntäwas<empty>tutoredopettiby Hugh Cressy [q.v.], the former chaplain of Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Strafford [q.v.], and Lucius Cary, second Viscount Falkland [q.v.]Hugh Cressy [q.v.], Straffordin kreivin Thomas Wentworthin [q.v.] entinen pappi, ja Falklandin toinen varakreivi Lucious Cary [q.v.].
- One childYhtä lastawas being<empty>tutoredopetettiinat homekotona, and they were all fine.
- Up until two years agoVielä kaksi vuotta sitten,hehäntähad beenolitutoredopetettuat homekotona.
- HeHänwas nineteen in 1773, andhad beenolitutoredopettanutat OxfordOxfordissaby George Strahan, a friend of JohnsonJohnsonin ystävä George Strahan.
- No record exists of his education and it is assumed thathehänwas privatelysai yksityis-tutoredopetusta.
- In the 1930s, at the age of eighteen,David ThomsonDavid Thomsonwentto<empty>tutoropettamaanthe children of an Irish `Great House ``, Woodbrook, on the road between Carrick-on-Shannon and Boyle, in County Leitrimirlantilaisen ”Great Housen” lasta Woodbrookissa, Carrick-on-Shannonin ja Boylen välisellä tiellä Leitrimin maakunnassa.
- A well-known artistTunnettu taiteilijatutorsohjaaat least two of these meetingsainakin kahta näistä kokouksistaeach year, providing advice on techniques and interpretation.
- I told you,Iminätutoropetanat the collegekorkeakoulussa.
- When I came back from Bletchley,Iminähad agreedto<empty>tutoropettamaanfor the First Ordinary English class at Edinburgh Universityenglanninkielen First Ordinary -luokassa Edinburghin yliopistossaa Polish woman considerably older than myselfselvästi itseäni vanhempaa puolalaista naista.
- SheHänhopes to continuetutoringopetustafor A level and GCSEA-tasolla ja GCSE:ssäand will be a member of the staff of the Readers' training course in the Derby Diocese.
- ``The interpretive community formed around Rasta language and symbolsrasta-kielen ja -symbolien ympärille muodostunutta tulkintayhteisöä, presided over andtutoredvalmensivatin dread ethicsrastalettietiikassaby Marley and other outernational reggae artistsMarley ja muut kansainväliset reggae-artistit, simply could not withstand these changes.
- Mr. DugganHerra Dugganwill still beantaa yhätutoringopetustain Frenchranskassafrom Kingsley CentreKingsley Centressäand one of his plans could be to set up a shop for Christian books, publications and cards in the Alton area.
- Navigator Erle WilliamsPurjehtija Erle Williams,tutoredvalmennustain the harsh school of Whitbread Round the World racingWhitbread Round the World Racingin kovassa koulussa, trimmed the mainsail to the backstay while the broken boom was taken off.
- By November 1992,30 Napier students from 5 Napier departments30 napierilaista opiskelijaa viidestä napierilaisesta laitoksestawere<empty>tutoringopettivatin 4 local secondary schoolsneljässä paikallisessa lukiossa.
- Textbooks published by the Institute/Faculty are available to tutors free of charge forthe subject in whichaiheesta, jotatheyheare<empty>tutoringopettavaton application to the office of the Education Service.
- The nineYhdeksän,tutoredohjasiby Calder Hall painter and decorator ShaunCalder Hall -maalari ja -sisustussuunnittelija Shaun, proved they had the stamina to fight throughout a day which began at 5.30 am.
- HeHänwas educated at the grammar schools of Lostwithiel and Plymouth, andtutoredopettiby the Revd Thomas Byrth [q.v.] of DiptfordDiptfordin Revd Thomas Byrth [q.v.],before matriculating at Oxford in 1824ennen kuin hän kirjoittautui Oxfordiin vuonna 1824.
- Hoskins says thathehän's never been a dab hand at the Mario video games despitetutoringopetuksestafrom his seven-year-old son, Jackhänen 7-vuotiaan poikansa Jackin antamasta.
- DavidDavidwill demonstrate varied techniques and approaches, show you some of his oil paintings andtutoropettaaon this themetästä aiheestathroughout the day.
- Every Wednesday afternoon for the past 15 weeksTonyTonyhas `olitutoredopettanut``1st year pupils1. vuoden oppilaitaat nearby (and almost equally fashionable) Holland Park Comprehensivelähellä (ja lähes yhtä muodikasta) Holland Park Comprehensivea.
- `Yes, sir, ``saidMenziesMenzies, jota, obviouslytutoredneuvottunot to add anything that might later help prosecuting counselolla lisäämättä mitään, mikä voisi myöhemmin auttaa syyttävää asianajajaa.
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