- AlthoughRataganRataganwasolibecloudedpilvien peittämä, the sun shone through behind me, putting a shine on the slate-coloured waters below.
- In 1651 Parliament appointed commissioners to sellExmoor ForestExmoorin metsän,whichjonkawas reported to be “ mountainous and cold ground,muchpaljoltibecloudedpilvien peittämänwith thick fogges and mistspaksuine sumuineen ja usvineenand … overgrown with heath and yielding but a poor kind of turf of little value there. ”
- TheyHeblocktukkivatthe rear view of the roadtien takanäkymänand make our quest to recover the tabs all the more difficult.
- Eclipses of the sun are caused bythe moonkuublockingpeittiour view of itsen näkyvistämme.
- Delia Sutherland sat on a bench,the river viewjokinäkymänblockedpeittiby a public lavatoryjulkinen vessa.
- But withher view of her callerhäntä näkemästä kävijääblockedestiby the open dooravoin oviand her guest, Leith was in too much of a dilemma just then to be too infuriated by the liberty he had taken.
- TheyNeblotted outpeittivätthe sunauringonand cast a dark shadow over the land.
- Strangely, the sun also shone, thoughitseturned a dusty red,blotted outpeittivätby the dark wings of vultureskorppikotkien mustat siivet.
- Above the village, almost invisible against the velvet shroud of the night sky,something hugejokin valtava hahmosilentlyblotted outpeittithe starstähdet.
- The carAutosets off in a series of lurches across the gravel, for a momentblotting outpeitti, or perhaps silencing,the night lifeyöelämän.
- Smoke from burning oilPalavan öljyn savubillows from the crippled Aegean Sea,blotting outpeittithe sky above the northern Spanish coasttaivaan Pohjois-Espanjan rannikon yllä
- But as she reached him the vision shimmered and disappeared and she was alone, stumbling as she tried to find her way through the shadows of a forest,mistsumuncloakingverhotessathe branches of the treespuiden oksat.
- He had pulled her down with him into the whirlpool of love, and now that she was submerged and drowning he had left her, escaping through thecloakingvaipanmistsumu-that hung over the water.
- A facade has a function as an ornament to a town as well ascloakingpeittonaa buildingrakennuksen.
- A facadeJulkisivuhas a function as an ornament to a town as well ascloakingpeittonaa buildingrakennuksen.
- He scooped mud on to his forehead and cheeks and kept close in underthe dripping leaf canopyläpimärän latvuskatoksen, jokacloakingpeittithe bankrantapenkereen.
- The Clwydian HillsClwydian-vuoret, rising to the south andcloakedverhoutuivatin cloudpilveen, looked wonderfully alluring: so I threw myself into the long climb with far more vigour than I might have done normally.
- One look atthe dramatic bays and steep-sided cracks in the rockjännittäviä poukamia ja kiven syviä halkeamiacloakedverhoamiain shrubs and plantspensaiden ja kasvienshows why.
- Ingleborough's steep sides always manage to give the impression that the top of the hill has been sliced off; whenitse'soncloakedverhoutunutin a mist capsumuvaippaan, you can almost imagine a cone-shaped summit.
- There were drunken brawls that rolled from one vessel to another and ended with a splash in the cloudy river, or there were glimpses of painted female faces,bodiesvartalotbarelytuskinconcealedpeittämiäby thin silk shaftsohuiden silkkihuivien.
- The first type has a clear space all around it; a back-to-the-wall bidet is installed againsta false walltekoseinää,whichjokaconcealspeittääthe plumbingputkiston.
- Sitting on the top of Mumbles Head,the mist swirling around himusva kieppui hänen ympärilläänvirtuallylähesconcealingpeittäenhimhänetfrom anyone on the beachrannalla olevien näkyviltä, Joe felt suitably isolated, he wanted to be alone with his misery.
- A stout woman entered, bearing a candelabrum and a tray, and on her plump face, underthe nightcap thatyömyssyn, jokaconcealedpeittithe rags curling her hairräsyjen alla olevat hiuskiehkurat, was an expression of the gravest displeasure.
- The older boy, leaner and more muscular, has shorter hair anda small skull-cap whichpieni kalotti, jokamaysaattoiconcealpeittääa tonsurepaljaaksi ajellun päälaen.
- Froebe rushed into his office from his private quarters, whichwere behindolivat takanaa doorovenconcealedpeittämänby the filing cabinetarkistokaapin.
- It had backed up against the patio,completelytäysinconcealingpeittäenthe ornate wall and steps that led down onto the gravelled walkskoristellun seinän ja askeleet, jotka johtivat alas sorapäällysteisille kävelyreiteille.
- Brambles and nettlesKarhunvatukat ja nokkosetconcealedpeittivätthe openingraon.
- A cloakViittaconcealedpeittihis bodyhänen vartalonsafrom prying eyesurkkivilta silmiltä.
- An embroidered clothkirjailtu vaateconcealingpeittäväher hairHänen hiuksensawas bound with a complex gold fillet, and her robe was of Caspian silk woven in Florence.
- The most exciting discovery this year has been ofa very fine Umbrian crucifix of around 1250hyvin hieno umbrialainen krusifiksi noin vuodelta 1250, jonkahithertocompletelytäysinconcealedpeittääby mediocre seventeenth-century painting optimistically attributed to Titian in the nineteenth centurykeskinkertainen 1600-luvun maalaus, jonka tekijäksi on optimisesti veikkailtu Tiziania 1800-luvulla.
- Another Precambrian block, formed by the Midlands Microcraton of Central England (Figure 2)Toinen prekambrinen Keski-Englannin Midlands Microcraton -järkäleen muodostama lohkare (kuva 2), joka,isonalmost entirelylähes kokonaanconcealedpeitossaby younger rocksnuorempien kivien.
- Gingerly, she lowered herself onto the wall, and sat astrideits smooth apexsileän huipun, joka, stillpartiallyosaksiconcealedpeitossaby overhanging branches from the treepuun riippuvien oksien.
- When the car became an open tourer,the hood and supportskuomu ja alustatwere tucked away behind the leather-covered front seats andconcealedpeitettiinby a sheet of green hessianvihreällä säkkikankaalla.
- She pattedthe buffon whichreunusta, jokaconcealedpeittiher ample bosomhänen laajan povensa, her jaw set ready for a fight.
- A domed roof was supported on steel pillars above the tank,concealingpeittäena small gantry which supported a B/1 type trolley mastpienen nosturitelineen, joka tuki B/1-tyyppistä työntökärryn tankoa.
- She tried to see ifhehänwereolikoconcealedpiiloutunutamong the group hanging around near the circolocircolon lähellä oleskelevan ryhmän joukkoon, but without lifting her eyes to scan them like a strumpet.
- But Blanche noticedMrs Jones's tiny eyesrouva Jonesin pienet silmät,almostlähesconcealedpeitossaamong the wrinkles of powdered skinpuuteroidun ihon ryppyjen, shone with intelligence: she was nobody's fool.
- He ignored both the display cases andthe safe whichkassakaapin, jokawasoliconcealedpiilotettubehind a framed eighteenth-century engraving of the City of LondonLontoon kaupunkia esittävän, kehystetyn 1700-luvun kaiverruksen taakse.
- A small green bulbpieni vihreä hehkulamppuconcealedpiilotettubehind the panelPaneelin taakseflashed on momentarily.
- The most satisfactory arrangement is to havethe cable connectorkaapeliliitinconcealedpiilotettubeneath a small paving slabpienen pihakiveyslaatan alle.
- Amazingly she found herself treated to a brief smile as Niall,hairhiuksetconcealedpiilotettubeneath the operating capleikkauspäähineen alle, glanced briefly in her direction before he bent over the unconscious man once more.
- The actual kneeVarsinainen polviisonconcealedpiilossabeneath the plumagehöyhenpeitteen allaand is almost contiguous with the body.
- When the last shot had been fired and the troops left for the United States, many GIs turned up at embarkation points withloyal canine friendsuskolliset koiraystävätconcealedpiilossain their kit bagsmatkakasseissaan.
- On another occasion the master recorded that on entering the men's yard, he discovered that Paine hadnewspaperssanomalehtiäconcealedpiilottanutin his pockettaskuunsa:
- There had been a great Victorian pile of a hospital there then, maybe still was unless they had demolished it,its chimneysen savupiippuconcealedpiilotettuinside a mock campanilevalekellotornin sisään.
- It was all too easy to visualisea cylindrical metal casinglieriömäistä metallikoteloa, jokaconcealedpiilotettuinside that innocent-looking exteriortämän harmittomalta näyttävän ulkokuoren sisään.
- There are two external zipped hip pockets, both with storm flaps, anda map pocketkarttataskuconcealedpiilotettunainside the jackettakin sisään.
- He was taken straight to the canteen and given stew andsomethingjotakinconcealedpiilotettuaunder custardvaniljakastikkeen alle.
- Sometimes the water would be calm then suddenly filled with little rapids called rips;huge rocksvaltavat kivetwould sometimes beolivat joskusconcealedpiilossaunder the waterveden allabut we learned to recognise the water flow around them.
- When one of those crisp, sunny days does arrive, make absolutely sure that control surfaces or the tail cone of taildraggers do not havea mass of icejäämassaaconcealedpiilossawithin themniiden sisällä.
- Otto's houseOtton talowas nowoli nytconcealedpiilossafrom viewnäkyviltäbehind groves of sombre cypressessynkkien sypressilehtojen takana.
- The base of the circular grey polePyöreän harmaan pylvään jalustawasoliconcealedpiilossain a clump of long brown grasspitkän ruskean ruohotukon keskellä.
- `I read about them, it all goes dark whenthe sunaurinkocoverspeittääthe moonkuun.
- On the left wasthe privykäymälä,coveredpeitossaby a curtain which hung from a metal rodmetallitangosta riippuvan verhon.
- Her hair, which was long and fairHänen pitkät ja ohuet hiuksensa,wasolivatalmost entirelylähes kokonaancoveredpeitossaby her white veilvalkoisen hunnun.
- Eyewitnesses said the terrorists were wearing baseball caps and one hada scarfhuivicoveringpeittihis facehänen kasvonsa.
- She was wearinga low-cut green silk dressavokaulainen vihreä silkkimekko,partiallyosaksicoveredpeitossaby a charming little white broderie anglaise nonsense of an apronhassun esiliinan, pienen valkoisen englantilaisen brodeerauksen, the sort of apron that features in blue movies.
- Now it wasa pillar of darknesstumma patsascoveringpeittihimhänetfrom the eyes of the watchkatselijan silmiltäas he stepped out from the trees and walked steadily across the open space of grass.
- `They are not! ``she protested, locking her wrists together whenher handshänen kätensäseemed about to flutter up andcoverpeittivätthose very eyesnämä samat silmätfrom his probing gazehänen tutkivalta katseeltaan.
- The domeKupoliwasolicoveredpeitossaon the outsideulkopuoleltaby a flattish pitched rooflitteän vinokaton, an ambulatory was constructed round the rotunda which became the nave and a chancel was added at the east side.
- Paul Caswell, who's twenty seven, arrived at Witney Magistrates for this afternoon's hearinghis headpääcoveredpeitossain a blankethuovan…
- Not that I could see anything when I arrived --itsewasolicoveredpeitossain cloudpilvien.
- The seaMeriwasolicoveredpeitossawith a mist that hovered above its surface, like a cloudsen yllä pilven tavoin leijuvan sumun.
- What he glimpsed appeared to bea bodyvartalocoveredpeittämäwith a blankethuovan.
- Higher precision is obtained by studying the apparent motion of radio-sources that pass near to and behind the Sun's disc, a technique which is not restricted to times ofsolarauringon-eclipsepimennyksiin.
- The narrowness of the region, and its variable position from one eclipse to the next, means that at a given point on the Earth's surfacetotaltäydellisetsolarauringon-eclipsespimennyksetare rare.
- However, the recentlunarkuun-eclipsepimennysand Mercury in retrograde motion signify the financial position is much too uncertain.
- A few accounts oftotal and partialtäydellisistä ja osittaisistaeclipsespimennyksistäof the sunauringon-also survive from Babylon and ancient China.
- It is scientific knowledge that enables an astronomer to predict when the nexteclipsepimennysof the sunauringon-will occur or a physicist to explain why the boiling-point of water is lower than normal at high altitudes.
- An outstretched fistOjennettu nyrkkicouldpystyieclipsepimentämäänthe sun that burned them by dayauringon, joka poltti heitä päivisin.
- Gold-edged cloudsKultareunaiset pilvetsailed in a sea of cold blue sky, violentlyeclipsedpimensivätby sleet-scudding showers slashing up Loch Torridonräntäiset sadekuurot, jotka löivät Loch Torridoniin.
- OVERLEAF: The Dalek city as seen by the film camera;a wreath of dry icekuivan jään kiehkuratenshroudsverhoavatthe modelmallin.
- The jangle of harness, the clang of steel, the choked-off screams, all seemed damped down, as ifa mistsumuenshroudedverhoaisithemheidät.
- The national side were not alone atthe fortlinnoituksesta,whichjokanestles high in the hills andwasolipartiallyosaksienshroudedverhoamain mistsumunyesterday.
- Carla gave her attention to a brass bell, a crinoline lady witha clapper of dirty base metallikainen metalliläppäenshroudedverhoamabeneath the silly wide skirthassun leveän mekon.
- Melissa took a step forward and saw that she was clinging to the cast-iron pillar with both hands,her facehänen kasvonsahalfpuoliksihiddenpiilossaamong the foliagelehvistön keskellä, her shoulders heaving.
- The path and the valley are actually a trap created by a flock of Harpies who nest ina small cavepienissä luolissahiddenpiilossaamong the rockskivien keskellä.
- The grass grew wild, andthe heavy bunches of grapesraskaat rypälekimputwereolivatalmostläheshiddenpiilossaamongst the vine leavesviininlehvien keskellä.
- A rustic bench surrounding it gave me the foothold I needed to get up into its branches andIminäsat therehiddenpiilossaamong the blossomskukkien keskelläwhile the baulked beast quested in the flower beds.
- I could not see him well;hehänwasolimainlysuurelta osinhiddenpiilossabehind treespuiden takana, and motionless.
- The sunAurinkowas stilloli yhähiddenpiilossabehind Spyglass HillSpyglass Hillin takana, which came down to the sea in dangerous cliffs on this side of the island.
- The third wasthe communal gardenskunnan puutarhat,hiddenpiilossabehind the housing facadestalojen etusivujen, green oases growing vegetables, fruit trees, herbs and flowers.
- One conclusive test was conducted by an American bishop, suspicious that there might bea ventriloquistvatsastapuhujahiddenpiilossabehind a curtainverhon takana.
- It was led by Father Reynard,his russet gownpunaruskea viittanowhiddenpiilossabeneath a gold and scarlet copekultaisen ja tulipunaisen papinkaavun alla.
- The execution stakeTeloituspaaluwas nowoli nythiddenpiilossabeneath its wall of flameliekkimeren alla.
- Hens and geese were picking around in two small haystacks andfleets of tiny yellow chickenspikkuruiset keltaiset kananpojatwereolivathalfpuoliksihiddenpiilossabeneath some planking and under the foundations of some rickety shedsjoidenkin lankkujen ja huterojen vajojen alla.
- For the past 300 yearsthe substantial remains of one of medieval England's most important fortressesyhden keskiajan Englannin tärkeimmän linnoituksen huomattavat rauniothave lainhiddenpiilossabeneath part of the city centrekaupungin keskustan alla.
- It turned very cold in the evening, withthe summit of the mountainvuoren huippuperiodicallyhiddenpeitossain mistsumun, but as the sun set we had a magnificent view.
- The grainJyvätmay be in a pocket,hiddenpiilossainside a boxkopissa, or out of sight above the horse on a bird table.
- She curled her fingers around the shard in her palm, slipped it back intothe thin pouch of cottonohueen puuvillapussiinhiddenpiilossainside the skirts of her dresshänen mekkonsa helmoissa.
- The odd, lugubrious figure sitting on a stool at the barBaarin jakkaralla istuva kummallinen ja murheellinen hahmowas nowoli nytcompletelytäysinhiddenpiilossafrom viewnäkyviltäalong with the half-caste man yanking the arm of the one-armed bandit a few yards away.
- A bulging section provides the crux and allows access to rock of a far more amendable angle in the form ofa large slabsuuren laatan—hiddenpiilossafrom the foot of the cliffkukkulan äärellä.
- The light was on and Phoebe was sitting on the bed with Maggie's arms wrapped convulsively around her,her scarlet and sparkling bodyhelakanpunainen ja tärisevä vartalothuspartlyosittainhiddenpiilossafrom her grandmotherhänen isoäidiltään.
- Her voice was low,her facehänen kasvonsahiddenpiilossafrom meminultaunder the hoodhupun alla.
- You saidher facehänen kasvonsawasolivatpartiallyosaksihiddenpiilossaunder an anorak hoodanorakkihupun alla.
- He was a tall man withdark hair thatmustat hiukset, jotkawas alwaysolivat ainahiddenpiilossaunder a hathatun alla.
- Everything was there except a crucifix, and I didn't doubt thatthistämäwasolihiddenpiilossaunderneath a thick petticoatpaksun alushameen alla.
- He took out his wallet, hoping to findsomethingjotakinhiddenpiilotettuwithin the pigskinsiannahan alle.
- Surreptitiously,her handkädethiddenpiilotettuinawithin the furry confines of her muffhänen muhvinsa karvaisiin onkaloihin, Anne made the sign of the cross.
- LAST WEEK 'S announcement that a gigantic cloud of dark gas has been found in space is leading to speculation aboutan `invisible mass ``”näkymättömästä massasta”hiddenpiilotetustawithin itsen sisään.
- The ship he was onLaiva, jossa hän oli,was, he and his men hoped,oli, ainakin hän ja hänen miehensä toivoivat niin,hiddenpiilossafrom viewnäkyviltäin the shadow of the large island in the centre of the gulfsuuren saaren varjossa lahden keskellä.
- The council houses, of fudge-coloured brick, stood in two rows and a horseshoe shape witha screen of Leyland's cypressLeylandin sypressithidingpeittivätthemnefrom the villagekylän näkyvistä.
- They watched untilthe cloudpilvihidpeittihimhänetfrom viewnäkyviltä.
- It was a strange sort of progress, becausethe mistsumuhidpeittithe waterveden; hid, even, our horses' heads.
- He tried to pull Caspar with him so thattheyhewould beolisivathiddenpiilossaby a treepuun takana, but Caspar hung back barking.
- The ground rose slightly, then dipped; after a hundred yards or soa shallow outcrop of rocksmatala kivirykelmähidpeittithe housetalon.
- ItSewasolipartlyosittainhiddenpeitossaby cypress trees and a high hedgesypressipuiden ja korkean pensasaidan, but the sign had been newly painted in dark green, and there was no doubting it: Thorn House.
- The rectory, now in non-ecclesiastical ownership, is a long pale, yellow building opposite the church, witha tall hedgekorkea pensasaitahalfpuoliksihidingpeittääitsenfrom viewnäkyvistä.
- More easily now,hehänmade his way along the roof-tops,hiddenpiilossafrom sightnäkyviltäby the forest of chimney stackssavupiippuröykkiöiden muodostaman metsän takana.
- Two young urchins,their faceskasvotcompletelytäysinhiddenpiilossaby hoodshuppujen, came hurrying by, kicking an inflated pig's bladder before them.
- `Every time I look at it I see some detail for the first time -- a tiny insect on a stone,a birdlinnunhalfpuoliksihiddenpiilossaby foliagelehvistön takana, a shadow which yesterday escaped me.
- TheyNemay be openly on display, orvoivat olla avoimesti näytteillä taitotallytäysinhiddenpeitossaby pubic hairhäpykarvojen.
- A long porchPitkä porstuapartiallyosaksihidpeittithe squat front doorasumattoman talon etuoven, its arched cover all over tangled creepers, the grass and pavings all about it thick with weeds.
- He glanced round again, butthe Thing, the Beast, the Monster, or whatever it wasOlento, Peto tai Hirviö, mikä se nyt olikin,,wasolihiddenpiilossafrom his sighthänen näkyviltäänby the smoke it shot out as it galloped forwardsumussa, jota se tuprutti laukatessaan eteenpäin.
- IRAS will scan the Milky Way for the first two or three months, concluding with passes overthe centre of the galaxy -- a strong infrared sourcegalaksin keskustan - voimakas infrapunalähdehiddenpiilossafrom optical astronomersoptisilta astronomeiltaby dustsumun vuoksi.
- ItSenwas parked next to the wall andalmostläheshiddenpiilottifrom viewnäkyviltäby the red Studebaker beside itSen vieressä oleva punainen Studebaker.
- The balding robber, whosefacekasvotwasolivatpartlyosittainmaskedpeitossaby a scarfhuivin, appeared to be aged about 50.
- Left, the exterior of The Pen and Parchment, Stratford -upon-Avon:Georgian windowsgeorgialaiset ikkunatmaskedpeitossaby large blindssuurten kaihdintenon the left, with what remains of the Georgian barn on the right.
- Tweed stood behindthe heavy net curtainsraskaiden verkkoverhojen, jotkamaskingpeittivätthe windows of his Park Crescent officehänen Park Crescent -toimistonsa ikkunat, watching the trees in distant Regent's Park shuffle and shudder under the wind's onslaught.
- He bore little resemblance to the photograph in the newspaper, with wide hamster-like cheeks anda narrow chinkapea poskimaskedpeitossaby his spade beardparransängen.
- The instruments don't have the same clarity as the Calibra's andsome of the Corrado's switchesjotkut Corradon kytkimetareovatmaskedpeitossaby the wheelpyörän.
- The only chance was to stay perfectly still, and hopethe flashing fireleimuava tuliwould<empty>maskpeittäisithemheidätfrom sightnäkyvistä.
- Beyond Peveril Point, Durlston Bay displayscliffs of Purbeck stonePurbeckin rantakalliotcovered with boulders andmaskedpeitossaby landslipsmaanvyörymien.
- This block is made out ofa steel structureteräsrakenteesta, jokacovered with concrete slabs andmaskedverhottuwith a red brick shellpunaisella tiilikuorella.
- This experiment was carried out in a dedicated growth room withwallsseinätwellhyvinmaskedpeitettywith charcoal-grey cartridge paperhiilenharmaalla pakkauspaperilla.
- Choice pearsensiluokkaiset päärynätmaskedpeitetytwith chocolate sauce and creamSuklaakastikkeella ja kermalla, beautiful fresh peaches smothered in raspberry purée and set around with vanilla ice seem to me offences to nature, let alone to art or basic principles.
- It was hard to tell becausehis facehänen kasvonsawasolivatmaskedpeitossawith ribbons of caked bloodkokkaroituneen veririhman, and his eyes were just slits in a puffy mess of red and black bruises.
- It was a mild night withcloudspilvetdrifting across the sky and occasionallyobscuringpimensivätthe new moonuusikuun.
- On some days the smoke is so thick here thatitseobscurespimentääthe sunauringon.
- She began to pray to God herself, seeing God quite clearly, as she always did when she said prayers,a robed, long-haired, bearded figuremekollinen, pitkähiuksinen, parrakas hahmo,partlyosittainobscuredpeitossaby cloudspilvien.
- Claudia's faceClaudian kasvotisovatobscuredpeitossaby the dust which risesnousevan pölyn.
- Later, more houses were builtobscuringpeittivätthe buildingrakennuksenfrom the streetkadultaand the position of the office block prevented passers-by from seeing inside.
- The opposition was led by a retired Admiral who complained thatthe towertorniwould<empty>obscurepeittäisithe viewnäköalanfrom his househänen talostaan.
- It's my guess thatthe statuetteveistoswas then replaced, andwas<empty>obscuredpiilotettiinfrom his line of visionhänen näköakselistaanby the bannerjulistekankaallathis morning.
- But she could not make outhis facehänen kasvonsa,obscuredpeittyivätfrom herhäneltäby shadow and the oblique angle at which he had set his seatvarjoon ja vinoon kulmaan, jonka hän oli asettanut tuolilleen.
- As Sara leaned over the gate,a slight figure whopieni hahmo, jokahad beenoliobscuredpiilossabehind themheidän takanaanbegan walking towards her along the hedge.
- This is most common in the case of overlapping when it can be falsely assumed thatpart of a continuous formosa jatkuvasta muodostaisonobscuredpiilossafrom viewnäkyviltä.
- The `feel good ``factor may only be jolted when you come to a `Y junction and curse that thick rear side panel,obstructingpeittääthe over-the-shoulder rear three-quarter viewolkapään yli heitetystä silmäyksestä kolme neljäsosaa.
- He put his head as near the bars as he could so thattheyhedid noteivätobstructpeittäisihis viewhänen näköalaansa.
- Others are merely temporarily hidden, such as whether there is fire behinda building whichrakennuksen, mikäobstructspeittääour line of sightnäköalamme; we could come to know about this by going to see.
- Visibility in the CorradoNäkyvyyden Corradossais<empty>obstructedestävätby the broad C-pillars and high rearlaajat C-pilarit ja korkea takaosa-- made even higher by an electrically-raised spoiler.
- A cloudPilvioccludespeittääthe mountain's footvuoren alaosan
- More commonly, however,the adjacent pore spaceviereinen huokoinen tilais latermyöhemminoccludedpeitetäänby cementsementillä(Fig. 5.35b) which may render the corrosion, if minor, more difficult to distinguish.
- Conversely,refuse on the surfacepinnalla olevat roskatoccludespeittävätpredator visionpetoeläimen näönand predation can sometimes be low.
- Around the stair tower,a curved, fin-like aluminium wallkaareva, uimaräpylän muotoinen alumiiniseinäscreenspeittääthe lower conference room and the boardroom terrace abovealemman konferenssisalin ja yllä olevan johdon terassin, and adds a further textural element to the low-key material themes of timber and brick.
- I led Karen up a narrow companion-way marked `Crew Only ``toa constricted quarterdeckahtaalle kannellepartiallyosaksiscreenedpeitossaby the lifeboats hanging from their cradlestelineistään roikkuvien pelastusveneiden.
- Nigel Cramer spent the night in a plain, bare room ina Tudor grangetudor-maatalossa, jota,screenedpeittifrom the nearest roadlähimmän tien näkyvistäby a belt of treespuukaistale, in the heart of Surrey.
- ItSitästands in a group of four renovated farm buildings andis<empty>screenedpeittävätfrom the tiny roadpienen tien näkyvistäby unkempt treeshoitamattomat puut.
- They ate and drank, sitting tucked intolong grass thatpitkässä ruohossa, jokascreenedsuojasithemheitäfrom the riverjoelta; they could hear the flow of it, and the occasional plop of a fish.
- Black lashesMustat silmäripsetscreenedsuojasivathis eyeshänen silmänsäfrom herhäneltä, but his dark coppery face was taut and intent, angles sharpened, flat surfaces hard.
- WeMewereolimmescreenedpiilossafrom the wild birdsvillilinnuiltaas we hurried along behind high earth banks planted with willow.
- The royals, who normally havea special pewerityinen kirkonpenkkiscreenedpiilossafrom other worshippersmuilta jumalanpalvelijoilta, behaved like any other wedding family.
- The unique marble hall, which gave its name to the palaceAinutlaatuinen marmorisali, jonka mukaan palatsi oli nimetty,wasoliscreenedpiilossawith boards that served as exhibition stands for the photographs, diagrams and modelspahvien takana; niitä käytettiin näyttelyjalustoina valokuville, graafisille esityksille ja malleille.
- The mistSumualsoshroudedverhosithe fishkalanand we thrashed away mightily, to no avail.
- It was not an inviting prospect; grey as usual withthe damned mistkirottu sumushroudingverhosithe jettiesrantalaiturit.
- ItSeis neverei ole koskaanshroudedverhoamaby cloudspilvien, it does not disappear at night nor does it move.
- Undera skytaivaanshroudedverhoamanby deep snow cloudssyvien lumipilvien, some boys threw snowballs at each other, shrieking with laughter as they hit their target.
- At this final glimpse, he was going to join a new mistress in Pisa, while Clairmont went on toFlorenceFirenzeen, joka, thenshroudedverhoutuiin thick fogpaksuun sumuun.
- We leftthe pathpolun,shroudedpeittämänin a beautiful and eerie veil of mistkauniin ja aavemaisen sumuverhon, coloured pink with the rising sun, and clambered up the hillside towards the ridge of Cairn Liath.
- For those who made the summit,itsewas, disappointingly,oli valitettavastishroudedpeitossain cloudpilvien.
- For the chances are thatonejotkutwill beovatshroudedverhoamiain a cool mistkolean sumun, while the other bakes in blazing sunshine.
- Vincent's figure,headpääshroudedpeitossawith a sacksäkin, leans forward to attack a steep hill.
- It rattled along the road, waking a baroque concerto of echoes from rotting red-brick gables, and somewhere, ina front-roometeisessäshroudedpeitossawith dirty net curtainslikaisten verkkoverhojen, a baby began to cry.
- JosephJosephwasolishroudedsuojassabeneath a grey, black-striped blanketharmaan, mustaraitaisen peiton alla, and rested his rifle across his saddle pommel.
- It was the image ofa large bulky-looking objectsuuresta kömpelönnäköisestä esineestäshroudedpeitossabeneath a groundsheetsuojamuovin allaand secured with baling wire, and it was humming and humming and humming.
- Hardly a star showed, forthe skytaivaswasoliveiledpeitossaby a lacy wrackpitsimäisen rihman, bleached snow-white by the moon that rose in a clear unclouded patch.
- The air was constantly heavy with moisture, few days being clear ofthe mistssumusta,whichjokaveiledverhosithe moor-topssuotand drifted among the valley trees in swathes, cloaking the bare branches.
- Above,storm cloudsmyrskypilvetveiledverhosivatthe heavenstaivaan, blocking the sunlight, and below the red stillness covered the surface of the planet.
- We sawthe moonkuunappear and disappear,veiledverhoamanby cloudspilvien.
- It lay at the end of an avenue,a grey mass of stonesuuri kivimassa, seeminglyveiledpeittynytin a mist of heatkuumuuden utuun.
- The faceTaivaswasoliveiledpeitossain cloudpilvien; thunder and lightning raged.
- Lebna Dengel conducted state business inside his great white tent, sitting on a platform, dressed in rich robes and withhis facekasvotpartlyosittainveiledpeitossawith blue taffetasinisen taftin.
- A quiche and a cakePiirakka ja kakkusat side by side on the dresserveiledpeitossawith a clean tea-towelpuhtaan astiapyyhkeen.