TransFrameNet:Duration attribute
abiding.a 🔎
- Children's literature became anabidingpysyväksiinterestharrastukseksi.
- Myabidingkestävämemorymuistiniis of an acrimonious meeting of British Steel where he was much name-called for closures.
- The chosen tie of Oxford blue with narrow stripes of dark green, magenta (for New College) and Cambridge blue reflects a club of quiet distinction with anabidingpysyvälläscholastic flavourakateemisella maulla.
- But he doesn't even try to ignore a deep, child-like,abidingjatkuvaaragevihaa.
- However, in this radical attitude towards the relationship between nature and man -- and his science -- lies both the promise and theabidingjatkuvaproblem of ecological engineeringekologisen insinöörintaidon ongelma.
brief.a 🔎
- For abrieflyhyenperiodaikaaAmy Dillwyn became a national celebrity.
- So after abrieflyhyestivisit to Balmoral in the summervierailtuaan Balmoralissa tänä kesänä, Diana soon established a pattern of leaving Charles to it and returning to London and her friends.
- Their stayHeidän oleskelunsawasolifairlyvarsinbrieflyhytfor, around 1846, the mill was acquired by William Savory.
- Willie looked up and gave abrieflyhyestismilehymyili.
- `I, unfortunately, did not, ``she murmured, her wounded smile abrieflyhyestispasm mocking her own gullibilitykouristellen ivaten omaa herkkäuskoisuuttaan.
- And twice a day, somebody would transmit averyhyvinbrieflyhyen,very high speed coded message from the apartment next doorhyvin nopean koodatun viestin viereisen oven huoneistostavia the VHF array aimed at Nicosia.
- After abrieflyhyen,acid intervalpisteliään hetken, the terms became right and the bargain was struck.
- He could not have done so much insoniinbrieflyhyessäa timeajassa.
- `Mybrieflyhytbut meteoricrisenousuni, ``sighs Lil, `was part of the writing on the wall.
chronic.a 🔎
- Three infants in the random group developedchronickroonisenlung diseasekeuhkosairauden.
- There was in many urban and rural areas extreme poverty due to unemployment, bad working conditions, poor housing, inadequate diet, andchronickroonisestaill healthhuonosta terveydestä.
- In September 1944 he was able to return to his academic duties, but soon after the war ended he was stricken bychronickrooninenillnesssairausand did relatively little research thereafter.
- ProstatitisEturauhastulehduscan be acute orchronickrooninen, it can be `bacterial ``or `non-bacterial.
- As the medical bulletin concludes: `Bulimia nervosa is a serious, under recognized, potentiallychronickrooninenand occasionally fataldisorderhäiriöaffecting many young women but rarely men.
enduring.a 🔎
- Nevertheless, given that those governments left such anenduringkestävänlegacyperinnön, the limits of their policy appraisal need to be stressed.
- His energetic commitment to the idea of openness and cutting through bureaucracy to give employees more responsibility will be anenduringkestävälegacyperintö.
- Moody's mostenduringpysyväqualityominaisuusis proven dependability.
- For Bridget Riley the concern with disrupting the balance has been anenduringjatkuvaeffortpyrkimysin the course of her work, now spanning an international career of over 30 years.
- Latin America's mostenduringkestävincaudillocaudillohated the way Nikita Khrushchev withdrew the Soviet missiles from Cuba in 1962.
- Overallthe patterns established by the 1946 land reformvuoden 1946 maauudistuksessa käyttöönotetut mallithave beenovat olleetremarkablyhuomattavanenduringkestäviä.
- Auditors should recognise the public's `<empty>enduringjatkuvan``expectation that they should detect material fraudodotuksen siitä, että heidän pitäisi havaita materiaalin väärennösand accept the role, it says.
- King denounced not only whites for their paternalism and racialism, but blacks also for theirenduringjatkuvan`slave mentalityorjamentaliteetin``.
- The nation will certainly survive longer, as anenduringkestäväbut Proteanideaidea.
- Whether or not Durkheim was justified in using such data as he did has proved to be anenduringkestäväand importantdebateväittelyever since the study was published.
ephemeral.a 🔎
- That is, the underlying holdings of serious reference works, older classics, local history and other works of more thanephemerallyhytkestoisemmatinterestkiinnostuksenkohteetwould fall to such a low level that most readers' questions and serious enquiries could not be answered without outside help.
- It is a mystic power not of the world of material facts, a divine gift in compensation for ourephemerallyhytikäisestälifeelämästä.
- With it came not only new thoughephemerallyhytikäistämusicmusiikkia, but new clothes, magazines, books and films.
- In short, inveighing against hierarchy is rhetoric: both the logic of efficiency and the historical evidence disclose that non-hierarchical modes are mainly ofephemerallyhyendurationaikaa. (1980: 35).
- Land reform is one of the crucial (and most controversial) matters facing the newly elected Hungarian parliament andpresent lawnykyistä lakiamust be consideredto be<empty>ephemerallyhytikäisenä.
- Statistics -- unpalatable, indigestible andephemerallyhytikäisiäthoughtheynemay be -- tell much of the story of the world's sudden recognition of the Pacific.
eternal.a 🔎
- He preached heavenly redemption,eternaliankaikkistadamnationkadotustaand very little in between.
- The toasts to Gaby, the protestations persisted and in the end the two reeled out of the café arm-in-arm at two in the morning swearingeternalikuistafriendshipystävyyttä.
- You can have it all, we were told; eveneternaliankaikkisenlifeelämänwas promised.
- Because of his obedience he had been granted the gift ofeternaliankaikkisenlifeelämän.
- The scientist who hangs on to yesterday's theory as if it wereeternalikuinentruthtotuusis liable to be dumped on the flat earth -- where he belongs.
- For him she begged the gift of immortality from her fellow gods, but neglected to specifyeternalikuisenyouthnuoruudenas well.
- With Monet, `Money is ephemeral,arttaideisoneternalikuista
extended.a 🔎
- Anextendedpidempidiscussion of this kind of social analysiskeskustelu tämänkaltaisesta sosiaalisesta analyysistais in Chapters 5 and 6.
- In thisextendedpidemmässädiscussionkeskustelussathe author defines the caring professions as those whose members have both a commitment to caring and a task to care.
- They apply to the justification of the use of public power over a range of issues, for anextendedpidemmänperiod of timeajanjakson aikana.
- If curve A in Figure 6.9 applies to Mercury then the erasure of craters must have occurred throughout afairlyvarsinextendedpitkänperiodaikaaduring the final stages of formation.
- Students of foreign languages, many of whom later become teachers, are normally required to spend anextendedpitkiäperiodaikojaabroad as part of their degree course.
- Dissuaded from resigning, Macmillan tookextendedpitkänleavevirkavapaanrather than restrain his public utterances.
- This, the firstextendedpidempiBush-Gorbachev summitBushin ja Gorbachevin välinen huippukokous, was hailed as a new beginning in US-Soviet relations, despite acknowledged and continuing differences on a number of key bilateral and international issues.
interim.a 🔎
- We have to come to some kind of deal with the trade unions in this complexinterimväli-periodajalla.
- This was confirmed by Tunnel of Love, a palatable, modest collection that had the feel of aninterimväliaika-reportraportilta.
- Do send me aninterimväliaikainencopykopioas soon as you can, even in draft or uncorrected form, so that I can all the better rack my brains for you!
- In the summer of 1945 he began to make more use of the enormous scope that theinterimväliaikainenregimehallitusgave him to shape the future of the country.
- Directors said they expect to pay aninterimtilapäisen työntekijänand a final in the current year.
lasting.a 🔎
- The problem of making alastingpysyvänpeacerauhanhad been postponed.
- He also made it clear that in his view alastingpysyväpolitical settlementpoliittinen ratkaisucould only be achieved when the Algerian people made their wishes known through the ballot box.
- Many traumatic events may be overcome withoutlastingpysyviädamagevahinkojaif, for instance, the child has a continuous, warm, secure relationship with one parent or parent-substitute.
- Friendship has the advantage of choice, friends are chosen by the individual concerned butitseis, also, flexible and not necessarilylastingpysyvä.
- The broadly based Hadrianic Greek revivalLaajapohjainen Hadrianuksen Kreikan henkiinherääminenthus provedlongpitkäänlasting<empty>, and exerted a profound influence on the art of later antiquity.
lengthy.a 🔎
- Alengthypitkällinendiscussionkeskustelutook place concerning the poor attendances at many of this year `s functions.
- Thelengthypitkällinenperiod which most party leaders have already spent in Parliament before gaining officeajanjakso, jonka useimmat puoluejohtajat ovat jo viettäneet parlamentissa ennen viran saamistacertainly gives them time and opportunity to acquire suitable skills.
- The long-term effect was to damage severely the profitability of the county's coastal trade, to raise the levels of taxation and to cause alengthypitkällisenperiod of economic declinetaloudellisen taantumisen ajanjakson.
- Even when a decision is taken, nothing much is expected to change in the short term as in all probability there will be a fairlylengthypitkällinentransitional periodsiirtymäkausi.
- Boy charged with rape A 15-YEAR-OLD boy appeared before magistrates yesterday charged with rape and other serious sexual offences involving young children, alleged to have been committed over alengthypitkällisenperiodajanjakson.
- This is hardly surprising as establishing new artists is a costly andlengthypitkällinenprocessprosessi.
- Michelle knows all too wellhowmitenlengthypitkällinenthe legal processoikeudenkäyntimenettelycan be and she's relieved her case is at last being heard.
- Little time was wasted in bringing the assassin to justice, nolengthypitkällisiätrial or appealoikeudenkäyntejä tai valituksiabeing allowed to prolong the judicial proceedings, for Bellingham was found guilty and led to the scaffold three days later.
- It can be marked by very low pitch, even on lexical items, loss of amplitude and alengthypitkällinenpausetauko.
- With a nuclear station decommissioning was alengthypitkällinen, expensive and potentially hazardousenterpriseyritys.
- I try not to cook anything that requireslengthypitkällistäboilingkeittämistäjust before a party to prevent the kitchen being turned into a Turkish bath.
- A short bubble-ride up to 1850m brought us to L'Altipiano, where we fortified ourselves for the afternoon's skiing with alengthypitkälliselläand very enjoyablelunchlounaalla.
- Because of that, the National Farmers Union of Scotland gave me alengthypitkällisenand accuratebriefselostuksen.
long.a 🔎
- Legend has it right, as it turns out, but it's alongpitkänhouraikaabefore roguish adventurer Brendan Fraser can transport dimwitted 1920s Pandora heroine Rachel Weisz to Hamunaptra so that she can open the Book of the Dead and start stupidly incanting.
- This has left some friends with no option but to start ``taking bets onhowmitenlongpitkäänthe marriage lasts.
- Given thelongpitkähistoryhistoriaof popular belief in the intrinsic superiority of certain classes of people — men, whites, Christians, Americans — the philosophical belief in equality stands as a critique of commonly held beliefs.
- It took alongpitkäntimeaikaafor them to be readmitted to positions of responsibility.
- Jesse Ventura is the product of Minnesota political culture, with its mix of Yankee and Germanic reformism and itslongpitkäähistoryhistoriaaof influential regional third-party movements such as the Nonpartisan League and the Farmer-Labor party.
- At a level of complexity above atomic nuclei, once into the realm of complex molecules, the universe will not, can not, come to equilibrium, onvastlyhyvinlongpitkällätimescalesaikajaksollacompared to its historical age.
- While a burnt-out hack like Lurie sweats bullets trying to be Levine (and failing every single solitary day of hislongpitkänand lucrativelifeelämän), excellent cartoonists figure out how to draw in a way that perfectly supports the statement they're making.
- There would follow alongpitkäwarsota, the first real one in Europe since World War II, that would cause many, many dead and even more refugees.
- I sensed mylongpitkäsearchhakuniwould uncover issues that were then only dimly visible to me.
- Molecular phylogenetic analyses demonstrate stability of these obligate mutualists overlongpitkilläevolutionaryperiodsjaksoilla, ranging from tens to hundreds of millions of years.
- For the advocates of the butchers' economic rights, the critical perspective was thelongpitkähistoryhistoriaof emancipating craftsmen and laborers from the feudal bondage that subjected them to a network of service and financial obligations.
- Since solute absorption is, in general, a slowly varying and smooth process, relativelylongpitkiätime intervalsaikavälejäcan be used and this latter constraint is not usually limiting.
- His radicalism, however, did not lastlongpitkään.
- The process usually takestooliianlongpitkään, and in the final analysis, the most severe sanction the AICPA can impose is expulsion from the Institute.
momentary.a 🔎
- He paused, feeling amomentaryhetkellistäpitysääliäfor the old man.
- There was amomentaryhetkellinenpausetauko.
- He suspected that if he were to walk into the newsroom and make an arrest there would be only amomentaryhetkellinengasphengenvetobefore someone was out with the first of a new crop of jokes.
- `I think, after all, what you probably are is a perfectly respectable wife and mother, and that all you're guilty of is amomentaryhetkelliseenlapselipsahdukseen.
- He took pity on her, driving himself inside her so deeply, her virginity causing him onlymomentaryhetkellisencheckesteen.
perpetual.a 🔎
- They have drifted into aperpetualjatkuvaannapnokkauneen,
- Between these two forms of political action there is aperpetualjatkuvaatensionjännitystä, the nature of which will become clearer when we have examined the development of parties themselves.
- Orisonkothe delayviiveperpetualjatkuvaa?
- Buckley's peaceful Northern Ireland community also conforms to this pattern, seeing itself as an island of human values underperpetualjatkuvassa`siegepiirityksessä``from dangerous, barely human outsiders.
short.a 🔎
- In summer Venice is crammed with tourists and the heat is often stifling, but autumn is perfect for ashortlyhyeenbreaktaukoon.
- Thisveryhyvinshortlyhytbreaktaukowill enable you to return to speechreading with renewed energy, impetus and enthusiasm.
- Then we hadveryhyvinshortlyhytnoticevaroitusaikaof an impending visit.
- `Sorry to drag you across to the Yard atsuchniinshortlyhyellänoticevaroitusajalla, ``murmured Spittals, advancing towards her with what was intended to be a hearty smile of welcome.
- Perhaps you missed theshortlyhyenperiodjaksonin which the fish were feeding?
- Then, as we saw in the previous chapter, it was introduced in Scotland in 1989 and in England and Wales in 1990, but it lasted for averyhyvinshortlyhyenperiodajan.
- For dairy farmersshorterlyhyempiäcourseskurssejawere run but travel could still be considerable and some found it very difficult to attend.
- He considered this for ashortlyhyentimeaikaaand concluded that he had to make a public stand for those things which he believed.
- Although I was tempted to think that such ashortlyhyttimeaikawould make no difference, I knew that when I got near to Kano, if I got that far, every minute would count.
- In certain cases the law imposes veryshortlyhyettime limits within which you must actaikarajat, jolloin sinun on toimittava.
- Just ashortvähänwhileaikaaago she had thought that nothing could increase the feeling of dread that Andrew had left behind him in the drawing-room.
- Watersports: Water skiing, sailing and windsurfing are all available in the nearby resort of Zell am See, which is ashortlyhyenjourneymatkanaway on a regular bus service.
- Theshortlyhytanswervastausto this contention on behalf of the appellant is that the money in the wallet which he appropriated belonged to another, to Mr. Occhi.