Its stories, essays, poems and photos come from a
The South Lake is a haven for watersports enthusiasts whilst the North Lake has a rich and
LEFT When it comes to choosing a leash, there is a
of colours and types
värejä ja tyyppejä available.
Such a surface therefore consists of a large number of tubes emerging at a fine angle so as to present an
of slanting holes
kaltevien reikien .
Being by nature fairly cautious and sometimes reluctant to adapt to change, I was at first somewhat bemused by an
of unfamiliar terms
tuntemattomien termien -- competence elements, HN units, performance criteria.
Sandwiched between the pair
, ranging from the luxurious to the novel, the exorbitantly priced to those selling for a few pounds.
Covering the façade
which have survived the increasingly grim Milanese air remarkably well.
Africa has a
of hoofed herbivores (as well as rodents and primates)
kaviollisia kasvissyöjiä (sekä jyrsijöitä että kädellisiä) , including 85 species of antelope, plus various zebras, buffalo, two rhinos, hippos, and elephants.
At the beginning of July, this
of social and political problems
sosiaalisten ja poliittisten ongelmien induced a renewed cabinet crisis.
Try to gather a
, not just one approach to the question.
Just as we used the tiger as a symbol to secure the protection of a
of habitats
elinympäristöjen , so we want to achieve the same with the elephant in Africa, Simon Lyster adds.
The best that can be said is that to appeal to such a
he clearly possessed some very rare talent indeed.
It is a town that has changed subtly with the subtly changing times and yet has maintained a distinct identity and a
of atmospheres
ilmapiirien , steeped in interest and beckoning to times ancient.
The freedom and
of the media
tiedotusvälineiden taken as a whole has been guaranteed in a rather unexpected way.
of expertise
asiantuntemuksen provides a unique opportunity to study the behaviour of the earth in theory, to make practical scientific and applied geological investigations (including fieldwork), and to develop new technology.
And this must in part have reflected a
among its patrons
sen mesenaattien keskuudessa .
They allow woman-centred feminism both to recognize
among subjects
kohteiden joukossa , and to tie this diversity together in the name of shared feminine experience.
Democracy does not imply a
within society
yhteiskunnassa .
There was great
in the density of parietal cells
parietaalisolujen tiheyksien between specimens of different maturities
maturiteetiltaan erilaisten otosten väliset (Fig 1).
This will bring the benefits of home ownership within the reach of more people and introduce more
in local authority estates
paikallisviranomaisten kiinteistöjen .
The Rhododendron collection, together with plants in the living collection, forms part of an existing EC Biotechnology research programme (Development of rapid molecular and cellular tools for the screening and evaluation of
But fortunately there is
For the next sale, a
will be eligible to establish shops and applicants using them will have preference in allocations if there is heavy demand.
The schools will have fewer resources and a
of subject options
kohdevaihtoehtoja and, as a result, their relative failure will be reinforced.
Bit by bit, the treasurer's
has widened beyond the basic questions of whether or not to borrow or to raise equity capital.
Most artists'
of oil paint
öljymaalausten are priced in series.
of the study sample was 65-90 years (mean 78.2 (SD 6.64) years).
This we did and very soon improved the Mothercare
with sparkling results.
The modern printer is normally a bit-mapped device with a
One of the contradictions is that although at some levels we have an
of choices
valinnanmahdollisuuksia , at other levels we are very much constrained by economic and social facts and pressures.
On the main street, running directly into central London, a Woolworths, a Marks and Spencer and several other department stores preside over a
of smaller shops
pienempiä kauppoja .
A reward `menu ``is simply a list of interchangeable rewards which can be used to provide a
to maintain interest.
This is a very simple example; it is easy to conceive of
and complex
patterns of linkage
kytkösmalleja appearing in various contexts.
The Great Forest is an ancient, vast and
and multiple repeats stay true to the original tone, as do the chorus and pitch-shifted sounds.
The Metropolitan's 33,000 textiles constitute one of the largest and
It should be clear from our list of terms above that there is quite a pronounced divide between ectotherms and endotherms, with the latter having a
range of thermoregulatory techniques
lämmönsäätelytekniikoita .
Many and
for shrub roses
There are many and
of the link-leger designed to combat the same problem.
He had had a
and an outstanding
to lovers of the sea it is a great treat, and affords scope for
, beautiful -- and some of it is likely to arrive on your plate.