The changes in brush border enzymes and morphology were conspicuous within four hours, thereby showing that
the mucosal damage
limakalvovauriot ,
tyypilliset for coeliac disease
vatsataudille , occurred rapidly.
Many of these conserved amino acid residues are at
jotka ovat tyypillisiä for type III repeats
tyypin III uusiutumisille (Fig. 2).
Tyypillisiä in Campra's divertissements as well as those of Lully before him
Campran ja häntä aiemmin Lullyn esityksissä ,
link dances to airs and even choruses.
The diagnoses of early infection in the male and late infection in the female may be suggested by the clinical findings,
luonteenomainen in the early stages.
Also from the Arctic and mountainous regions arc the snow buntings, and these are a
luonteenomainen of the Shetland winter
Shetlandin talvelle , as lively flocks of `snaafowls ``forage on the stubble.
luonteenomainen of the English Forest was the appointment of knights of the locality to act as unpaid officers.
Previous studies have tended to concentrate almost exclusively on scientists' choices between different theories or explanations since such choices were regarded as the
luonteenomaisena of science.
These small crystals are known as phenocrysts and are one of the
luonteenomaisimpia of andesites.
luonteenomaisin of addictive disease is that it is a relapsing condition.
For example,
new molecules
uudet molekyylit characteristic
luonteenomaiset appear on the cell surface.
A series of murders of young children were, she implies, the corollary of
the disintegration of moral rules
moraalisten sääntöjen katoamisen characteristic
tyypillisen of 1960s Britain
1960-luvun Isolle-Britannialle :
Cafés stretch along the river bank, and many of
the old half-timbered houses
vanhat puoliksi puusta rakennetut talot characteristic
luonteenomaiset of this region
tälle alueelle conceal bars, restaurants and coffee shops.
At first Bakhtin found
this quality, otherwise `polyphony ``or `heteroglossia
tänä piirre tai ”polyfonia” tai ”heteroglossia” ,
luonteenomaista of Dostoevsky
Dostojevskille , but he later extended it to typify the novel as a genre.
luonteenomaisin piirre of these motives
Näiden motiivien is the hatched maeander or key-pattern, which occurs constantly in a great variety of simple or complex forms.
But it
luonteenomaista of Williams, whose head was always buzzing with Dante, and with the dangerous borderlines between sacred and profane love
Williamsille, jonka pää on täpötäynnä Dantea ja joka taiteilee vaarallisesti hengellisen ja maallisen rakkauden välimailla ,
that he should have read The Allegory in that way
että hän luki Allegoriaa tällä tavoin .
Considering Franco's lifelong and obsessive involvement with Morocco and
luonteenomainen reluctance to relinquish territorial gains
haluttomuus luopua aluevalloituksista , the speed with which independence was granted to Spanish Morocco was extraordinary.
He has also developed
a style of polished elegance which
hienostuneen eleganssityylin, josta has become
luonteenomaista of our time
aikakaudellemme as Man Ray's solarized photography was of the years around 1930
kuin Man Rayn solarisoitunut valokuvaustaide 1930-luvulla .
In Chapter 1, and along the way, we have seen how a
tyypillinen of seventeenth-century thought
1600-luvun ajattelun was
its anti-Aristotelianism
Aristoteleen vastaisuus .
All GeH 3 -compounds
Kaikki GeH 3 -komponentit give a
tyypillisen strong IR band near 850 cm -1
vahvan IR-kaistan lähellä arvoa 850 cm -1 , attributable to a deformation mode of the germyl group; the exact frequency varies with the mass of the attached group.
One compound based on methylene chloride also incorporates ammonium hydroxide to give
Hot ionised gases, and the impurities they contain, also produce
spectral lines that
spektrisiä viivoja, jotka of the plasma temperature
plasman lämpötilalle .
Dress not only covers and decorates the body but instils in the wearer
tyypilliset strengths and weaknesses
vahvuudet ja heikkoudet .
It adds a
tyypillisen to a range of savoury dishes, from pizza to pork chops.
Education is no less and no more a part of the real world than any other activity, just as
tyypillisiä of the physical world
fyysiselle maailmalle as are plains, lakes and deserts
kuin tasangot, järvet ja aavikot .
The colonnaded street
pylväsreunusteiset tiet ,
tyypilliset of Asia Minor
Vähä-Aasialle , is to be seen in most town layouts, in addition to the colonnaded stoas which surround the market place.
tyypillistä, that the more modest member of these august committees fail to recognize themselves as belonging to the Great and Good, a tribe which lives in the great terra incognita of Quangoland
että näiden elokuun komiteoiden vaatimattomimmat jäsenet eivät tunne kuuluvansa suurten ja hyvien joukkoon, heimoon, joka elää Quangolandin tuntemattomilla alueilla .
One particular owl quality that is. sufficient by itself to attract mobbing birds is the
tyypillisen hooting sound
huhuileva ääni it makes.
As Mommsen (1974, p. 37) observed: `Weber never envisaged any other world than
by the rivalry of nation states
kansallisvaltioiden kilpailuhenki .
It is hardly surprising, therefore, if
, for substantial change very often counts as heresy.
Symptomatic, primary HIV-1 infection
Oireelliselle, primaariselle HIV-1-tartunnalle by a mononucleosis-like illness, with or without aseptic meningitis
mononukleoosin kaltainen sairaus aseptisen aivokalvontulehduksen kanssa tai ilman sitä .
The impact of bureaucratic strategies of control imposed on the enforcement job in a
jolle on tyypillistä by a high degree of personal autonomy
suuri henkilökohtainen autonomia is explored in Part II.
Such an approach
Tällainen lähestymistapa many Western cities in the post-war period
monissa länsimaisissa kaupungeissa sodanjälkeisellä kaudella and has undoubtedly retarded the rate of deterioration in the quality of life in residential areas.
Further, while continuous monitoring may ensure that participants in co-operative R & D ventures do not distort competition, it substitutes administrative action for
the public and/or privately initiated judicial-review process which
julkisessa ja/tai yksityisesti aloitetussa oikeustarkistusprosessissa, joka characterizes
on tyypillistä most antitrust policies
useimmille kartellipolitiikoille .
Here the spotlight turns to the school, the crucible in which interests melt into each other to produce
the mixture of concerns which
huolien sekoituksen, joka characterize
on tyypillistä black sportsmen
mustille miesurheilijoille .
The radical simplification of forms which
muotojen radikaali yksinkertaistaminen the painting
Maalaustaiteelle can be accounted for by the fact that this was one of the first canvases in which Braque attempted to work from memory.
dependent conditionals
alisteiset ehtolauseet characterized
luonnehdittavissa in terms of two categories to which Philosophers have given much attention, those of subjunctive and counterfactual statements
kahdessa kategoriassa, joihin filosofit ovat kiinnittäneet paljon huomiota, eli konjuktiivissa ja epäfaktuaalisissa väitteisissä ?
Many labour markets
Monille työmarkkinoille by countervailing market power
tasoittava markkinavoima ; there is bilateral bargaining between unions and large firms or employers' organizations.
Everyday conversational discourse
jokapäiväiselle keskustelulle by this lack of preplanning
Tämä esisuunnittelun puute .
It is not only overt actions which are reprehensible, but rather
the thoughts of the heart and that attitude of rebellion against God which
sydämen ajatukset ja tämä Jumalan vastainen kapina, joka (Rom. 3:9-20).
They gave themselves away by
feature analysis
piirreanalyysissa the features themselves thus become important components of the phonology.
The single
of the English sentencing system is the breadth of discretion that is conferred on sentencers at all levels within the system.
(5) Assess your significant competitors for the different types of work you undertake (or would like to undertake),
, their market representation and legal specialisation.
Such communities acquired
and many welcomed the Evangelical Revival with enthusiasm.
of a political system
Poliittisen järjestelmän can be recognized by comparing that system with another or, better still, with many others.
As with the sliced bread, we were looking for a good, brown appearance, a firm crust, a
and taste with some nuttiness and a firm but springy texture.
patterns and processes
mallit ja prosessit of government accounting and budgeting are largely a product of the public sector infrastructure.
It is this change `in unison ``that is such a
of molecular drive
molekyylirakenteen .
Among the pleasures around Oberkirch are the villages, each with
and the bigger town of Offenburg.
The eye-spotted dorsal fin is another
It is also an
in terms of its high level of geographical polarization.
They were in effect an inferior kind of man, with no
Lurpak is made from cream which is ripened for 24 hours before it is churned, a process which imparts
, and it is subject to rigorous independent testing at every stage of production.
lies in what it does not do.
Drifting out of an open window, riding over a choppy bassline, comes the
In the meantime the others had been out on the track and found the footprints of the Friar and the
of his staff
hänen työntekijöidensä .
And the
omalaatuisimmat are often the most vulnerable -- those of native peoples.
SIR -- Peterborough attributes the Trumpet Hornpipe, the
of Captain Pugwash
Captain Pugwashin , to Johnny Pearson (April 8).
Accordionist Tommy Edmondson, 58, of Rothbury, Northumberland, has received £100 for the
of the BBC children's cartoon Captain Pugwash
BBC:n lasten Captain Pugwash -sarjakuvan , which he recorded 40 years ago and was paid £2.
It was
, the one his band always played at the start of every session.
I think all
should carry a warning that the potential purchaser will not automatically sound like the player the guitar has been designed to serve.
These include mimicry of dolphin swimming patterns, showing feelings and spontaneous behaviour, responding to
by talking back through snorkels, making eye contact, and responding to their gestures.
first-ever posthumous
raises some interesting questions.
But if
are a window into the psyches of the guitarists concerned, then what can we learn about Captain Kirk?
Dr Hi-Do-Ho Calloway, The King of Hi-De-Ho, celebrated his honorary doctorate in fine arts from the University of Rochester with a show-stopping rendition of
`Minnie the Moocher.
A smart department store in London, Harrods, has signed an agreement with a Japanese trading company, Mitsubishi Corporation, to sell fashions through `
``in Japanese department stores.
For me, the
of Thai cookery
thai-keittiön are coriander leaf and root, lemon grass and kaffir lime leaf.
a cute and cloying sentimentality, with pathos laid on thick
söpö ja imelä tunteellisuus täynnä paatosta .
Joy Morton incorporated his Morton Salt company in Chicago in 1910, based on a business dating from 1848, and
`umbrella girl ``
”sateenvarjotytön” is still familiar on American dining tables.
THe gull wing doors, right
Oikealla olevat lokinsiipiovet ,
and offer superb access to the interior.
The researchers relied on
the ability of the material to repel a magnetic field
materiaalin kykyyn hylkiä magneettikenttää , a
of superconductors
suprajohtimien .
Once both hands are across, the feet will inevitably follow, smearing cautiously on another of
those rounded breaks that
näihin pyöristettyihin taukoihin, jotka hereabouts
näiden tienoiden .
the choked delivery
tukahtuneesta äänestä has become one of
tavaramerkkinsä , it's not a little disconcerting to hear a smooth vocal style accompanying his post- Graduate body movements.
`You Make Me Feel (Mighty Real) ``sang Sylvester with
that glorious lightness of spirit that
tuolla maineikkaalla hengen keveydellä, joka , encapsulating our lack, our need, our desire.