Surely the House acted wisely when hon. Members on both sides of the Chamber threw out the Shops Bill, which I considered to be a
piece of legislation
lakitekstinä .
Nor do I think that it
if two men of a loving disposition should set up home together
jos kaksi rakastunutta miestä perustavat yhteisen kodin .
that Euro MPs can draw up to £40,000 a year in expenses
että europarlamentaarikot voivat saada jopa 40 000 puntaa kulukorvauksia vuodessa .
He had fully intended to tell her exactly what he thought of
, for he had no doubt at all that what had been done had been done deliberately.
He called it a
for a man in a position of trust
luottamusasemassa olevalle miehelle .
That was a
by my hon. Friend the Member for Harrow, West (Mr. Hughes)
kunnioitettavalta ystävältäni ja Harrow, Westin jäseneltä (Hughes) .
A monologue that centred on hunt balls, riding to hounds, polo and the
decline of the manners of Guards officers
vahtisotilaiden käytöstapojen huonontumista were hardly subjects about which they were often invited to give an opinion.
and depressing
that we buy so many foreign products
että ostamme niin paljon ulkomaisia tuotteita when there are British alternatives.
is a
On an issue of such constitutional significance, this is a
to cut ham like that
leikata kinkkua tuolla tavoin .
that the Government are destroying living standards
että hallitus tuhoaa elintasoja , yet they claim to believe in human values?
Mother Mary had never seen a more
considering how pure Mother Verity was
kun otetaan huomioon abbedissa Verityn luonteen turmelemattomuus. .
court judgment
tuomioistuimen tuomio rewards Butch Reynolds for cheating.
Personally, for want of a better alternative, I've resorted to the
practice of sanctimony-baiting
hurskasteluun .
For Lord John to run away would be seen as the
, yet he was terrified of staying.
I now come to the
escapades committed
hurjasteluun -- to which I was a party.
Well here are the answers and they make
for Premier John Major
pääministeri John Majorille .
`Poor Albert, ``Carrie said, thinking how
not being able to keep up with Fred with all of them watching
oli se, ettei hän pysynyt Fredin vauhdissa mukana kaikkien tuijottaessa häntä .
`We could do with some loaves and fishes, ``Mr Hobbs said and looked embarrassed, as if it
to care about other people's hunger
huolehtia toisten ihmisten nälästä .
As Kaplan says, it transforms the meaning of femininity within feminism, from
, to proud resistance (1986: 11).
Afterwards Neil Cochrane thought that he should have struck Havvie down then, but shock at learning who McAllister really was had him in its grip, and he let the
go by.
And how could she keep
from Miss Hatherby?
Linfield have been given a lifeline courtesy of
dismissal from the tournament
turnauksesta erottamisen and let's hope they grasp it with both hands.
Some private places are awful, but
some longstay psychogeriatric wards
jotkin pitkäaikaista oleskelua varten tarkoitetut psykiatriset sairasosastot .
A disconcerting, even
had taken possession.
Many of the most famous hams are British, which makes it all the more
that many shops are selling the wet and tasteless ersatz ham that we are all familiar with
että monet kaupat myyvät kosteaa ja mautonta korvikekinkkua, johon olemme tottuneet .
that Britain should opt out in that way
että Ison-Britannian pitäisi valita tämä tie ?