For Paul Theroux seven decades later one of the great mysteries of Japanese train travel was the manner in which
Japanese passengers
Japanilaiset matkustajat disembark
poistumaan junasta and entrain at stations where trains stopped merely for seconds.
In common with
most other passengers who
useimmat muut matkustajat, jotka from Exe Valley line trains
Exe Valley -linjan junista at Dulverton
Dulvertonissa , Mrs. Thomas proceeded to the station exit across the railway tracks although a footbridge was provided for passengers.
As soon as the propellers came to a standstill
the passengers
matkustajat onto the parking bay
pysäköintitilaan in front of a small terminal building
pienen terminaalirakennuksen edessä olevaan .
(population 800) was me.
Young Arsenal supporters
Nuoret Arsenalin kannattajat sometimes
south of the river
joen eteläpuolella and
enter Chelsea territory across Wandsworth Bridge
ja saapuvat Chelsean alueelle Wandsworthin siltaa pitkin .
Parliament also approved stricter laws allowing the deportation of illegal immigrants, wider powers for border police, and checks on
potential refugees
mahdollisia pakolaisia from aircraft
lentokoneesta .
Shouting and laughing
huutaen ja nauraen ,
at a broken-down council estate covered in rubbish
ränsistyneellä kunnan kiinteistöllä, joka oli täynnä roskaa .
The state does not spare even essential services; it is disconcerting for
the Western traveller
länsimaiselle matkaajalle disembarking
koneesta poistuvalle at Otopeni international airport
Otopenin kansainvälisellä lentokentällä to see technicians servicing a Tupolev by torchlight.
On 28 April
28. huhtikuuta the Lisbon forces
Lissabonin joukot at Ponta de São Laurenço
Ponta de São Laurençossa under cover of firing from the ships
laivojen tulittamana .
On 27th November 1877
27. marraskuuta 1877 ,
Joseph's people
Josephin kansa at Fort Leavenworth
Fort Leavenworthiin .
SARHWU claimed that 500-800 of its members were attacked by 1,000 strike-breaking vigilantes as
at Germiston
Germistonissa .
poistuivat junasta at Queen's Pier, next to the town hall and the British garrison headquarters
Queen's Pierissä lähellä kaupungintaloa ja Ison-Britannian kasarmin päämajaa ,
for the 25-minute welcome ceremony
25 minuuttia kestävään tervetuliaisseremoniaan .
from the jet
suihkukoneesta ,
they were strangers
he olivat muukalaisia .
On the street outside the Marriott, in the rather rum section of town the locals affectionately have dubbed Pigalle Place, we had encountered
Malgosia, a twenty-three-year-old prostitute
23-vuotiaan prostituoidun Malgosian ,
Astuessaan ulos from the steamer
höyrylaivasta , she'd turned her ankle.
your luxury cruise ship
ylellisestä risteilyaluksestasi for a free day in Vancouver
vapaapäivälle Vancouverissa , a modern and impressive city on an island off the coast of Canada.
At nearby Newgate Bank
lähellä Newgate Bankia to inspect a gallows' stone
hirsipuukiven tutkimiseksi .