, and it was without his former youthful enthusiasm that Picasso began on a great canvas that was to be the first result of his researches.
Getting all this into the tank in the 20 minutes it takes a 50mm (2in) diameter pipe to fill the tank
Tämän kaiken saaminen säiliöön 20 minuutissa (tankin täyttäminen vaatii halkaisijaltaan 50 mm:n putken) .
Mrs Layton remembered washing until 4 am when her husband was temporarily unemployed, and this was
`Against the background of human disunity the
journey to Christian unity
matkaa kristittyjen yhtenäisyyteen must be pursued with determination and vigour, whatever obstacles are perceived to block the path.
`Crossing the Saser La was always considered the
Almost every year he undertook the
journey from London to Whitehaven
matkan Lontoosta Whitehaveniin , where he spent the summer months discussing business with his stewards.
Long gone are those piles of suffocating heavy blankets needed to keep warm in bed at the height of winter coldness and the
task of bedmaking
vuoteenpetaus .
Gedge considers it an
task to create and conform to an invented image
luoda ja mukauttaa keksittyä kuvaa .
They therefore received the doubtful honour of pouring out for some two hundred ladies, regardless of the fact that it was a
and tiring
We asked her why she has given herself such an
They render the production of fine detail a
, but co-ordination of the various sections of mosaic calls for consider able skill.
We reached the camp after an
12-day trek
12 päivää kestäneen vaelluksen .
The Westness Walk is now an
It was on Stephen Leacock's advice that I tried my hand at writing humour and found it
; writing ordinary prose was hard enough, but trying to make it funny was even harder.
Apples became a favourite fruit for the Romans, and they were dried and served as a relish in winter or eaten sour in the summer as refreshment after
Although he had managed to complete ``East Coker there,
his duties as an air-raid warden
hänen velvoitteensa ilmahyökkäysten valvojana were becoming
-- he had to sit up two nights each week, and his general loss of sleep made any kind of work more difficult.
such a journey taken at speed
tällainen nopeatempoinen matka in the extreme
ankarissa olosuhteissa , something of an endurance test for an eleven-year-old.
They had approached the camp silently the previous night, while Howard, with 700 soldiers, emerged from an
crossing of the Lolo Trail
Lolo Trailin ylityksen .
But when he spoke, he had his audience hanging on his every word as he described in the most modest terms, what was clearly an
, expertly carried out.
This meant that the Sutton monks would lose a large part of their income, and
the four mile trek carrying the coffin
neljän mailin vaellus arkkua kantaen ,
especially in bad weather
etenkin huonossa säässä .
Modern training
Nykyaikainen harjoittelu much less
selvästi vähemmän .
`I never expected
travelling on foot
matkustaminen jalkaisin , ``she said.
His round
Hänen kierroksensa had been long and
, and he was thinking how pleasant it would be to see and tease McAllister and ask her to serve them all some home-made lemonade.
Or like the Vicar they keep to the straight path because
All the competitors agreed that they had a
and more than the usual number of wet balls and soggy bunkers!!
Invaluable as this sort of computing may be, the archaeologist's spade reveals more interesting and
matemaattisesti .
Attempted suicide continues to present a
for medical and psychiatric services.
Soft linings for dentures, which are required or at least desired by many patients, are a
research problem
tutkimusongelma .
Firstly it would seem logical that the nil group must have included paupers, a
that will be considered in due course.
`I happened to observe you reading that notice below and it does seem to me that this
might well be of interest to you.
In 1986, one scientific reviewer noted: `Sorting out the causal agents is among the
haastavimmista scientific detective tasks
tieteellisistä salapoliisitehtävistä .
This first part of a scholarly and sometimes
contains plenty to set the pavilions buzzing with discussion.
Prayer is the
in this ministry
tässä ministeriössä ; if you would like to join the prayer chain do contact the team.
The surrounding countryside is quite lovely and you can take a pleasant amble along the river or a
along the South Downs Way, which passes nearby.
Inevitably, deconstructing the titles of individual papers was a
As we all know marine fishkeeping is a
in so many ways
monin tavoin .
It'll be a
for volunteers
vapaaehtoisille , I'm sure you'll all agree.
Now these are
It is likely that you are already using some of them;
may seem
haastavimmilta .
This has to be achieved without adversely affecting design quality,
can prove
Each of the courses -- academic and professional --
Jokainen kurssi – sekä akateeminen että ammatillinen – intellectually
älyllisesti and vocationally attractive.
Whether you are starting a pond from scratch, or looking for fish to supplement existing stock, buying Koi is one of the
haastavimmista and exciting
`Was it
getting to know them
oppia tuntemaan heidät ?
cutting up a partridge
paloitella pyy when your elbows are glued to your ribs
kun kyynärpääsi ovat liimautuneet kylkiluihisi .
, and a slight rocking motion might be necessary to ensure the card is pushed fully home.
, and is used more for fancy and wedding cakes than for fantasy cakes such as those described in this book.
The analyst is then forced on the defensive, explaining why new features can not be included because
or prohibitively expensive.
The Captain also knew that
mining the shallows
matalikkojen miinoitus was an unlikely precaution and
, thus leaving open a side entrance to the port.
these strictures
näitä kuroumia and adequate dilatation takes longer, but with persistence the ultimate results are good and comparable with those in patients with peptic strictures.
I met her in a big line-up of people and
They may not always have turned up with what teachers would have wished, but I am sure that there has been a great acceptance of the way in which they have carried out a
I would find it
to forgive somebody who killed deliberately a member of my family
antaa anteeksi jollekulle, joka on tappanut tarkoituksellisesti perheeni jäsenen .
Looking for tourist highlights in Montepulciano
Matkailunähtävyyksien haku Montepulcianossa can prove
It was not until well into the war that serious attacks were first launched on the principal Iranian terminal at Kharg Island,
The parsing proved to be a
than we had imagined
kuin kuvittelimme , and in 1988 still less than 10% of the corpus is accurately parsed.
have to be made between opposing needs.
Informed parents have to make a
Converting theory into practice
Teorian käytännön toteutus and some of the issues involved at this stage are worthy of consideration.
The question of Meadow's syndrome in relation to food sensitivity is a
They were often beset with inner problems, a
economic environment
talousympäristö , unsteady market conditions and, somehow, the promised excitement of their jobs had failed to materialise.
You often ask me
, and I don't answer.
to cross the road
Tienylitys on account of all the traffic
vilkkaan liikenteen vuoksi , so I just carry on walking on the pavement.
My route to work involves a lot of
with the engine spinning away in second gear, but I average 38 to 40 mpg.
International trade unionism was a
both in principle and in practice
sekä periaatteessa että käytännössä .
We are strong supporters of the peace process, but I hope that the House will recognise that it will be a long and
Let us now turn to a
where the rule in section 20 may be affected, i.e. where the seller undertakes to deliver the goods.
Without structure
Ilman rakennetta it
to keep effort aimed in the right direction
ponnistella kohti oikeaa suuntaa .
that we needed to help each other make it
että meidän täytyi auttaa toinen toisiamme ; everyone who made it to Australia would win a trophy.
tunnistaminen when relatively few portraits in the round have survived
kun suhteellisen harvoja kuvauksia on jäljellä .
Once the activities of an organisation have been divided up, they need to be coordinated and
with the complexity of the organisation's activities
organisaation toimien monimutkaisuuden vuoksi .
Norbert Laurens, a DLV anti-doping official, added: `This is going to make
in financial and practical terms
rahoituksellisesti ja käytännössä .
in cases of rape and assault
raiskaus- ja väkivaltatapauksissa where the identification of the suspect by the victim carries great weight.
to accept friendship
hyväksyä ystävyys .
Schools find it
to adapt to this kind of grouping
sopeutua tämänlaiseen ryhmitykseen where they are dealing with `marginal ``subjects like music theory.
He found it
to be `professional ``in the sense of doing the job competently while being totally uninvolved
olla ”ammattilainen” siten, että työ tehdään pätevästi ilman siihen sitoutumista , and often the lack of involvement showed.
Three-quarters said its design appealed to them and 92 per cent found it
There should be seats and toilets within
It's an
, really.
`We have gone a goal down in our last four games, so there is no
at this stage.
The cause of death is frequently ambiguous and pinning it down to occupational environments, which may have been experienced years or even decades ago, is clearly no
was not actually an
ei ollut itse asiassa question to answer
kysymys vastata .
She enjoyed playing wordgames, so she said, `That's an
Having bought a machine equipped with its operating system, many take the
and buy its applications software too.
Its genesis, location, economics and indeed its timing are all something of a puzzle, to which there are for so recent an event, no
He might feel he's a
when you're on someone else's patch
kun olet jonkun toisen kengissä ?
WHEELCHAIR passengers do not have an
when they travel by rail
matkustaa junassa .
when you know how
kun tiedät miten .
The origin of the word turkey
Kalkkuna-sanan alkuperää .
In the contortion of such reasoning
Tällaisen järkeilyn perusteella , it
to lose sight of who has done what to whom and who in fact is the guilty party
unohtaa, kuka on tehnyt ja mitä ja kenelle ja kuka on itse asiassa syyllinen osapuoli .
Life on a cruise ship
Elämä risteilyaluksella with the majority of staff living in two berth cabins, having limited leisure activities and being in a confined environment
koska suurin osa miehistöstä asuu kahden sängyn hyteissä, harrastukset ovat vähissä ja aikaa vietetään ahtaassa ympäristössä .
to be a good carer
olla hyvä hoitaja .
Paths are undefined up to summit and for much of the descent, but
tien löytäminen in clear weather
kirkkaalla säällä .
would have been
olisi ollut for anyone
kenelle tahansa to reach in and yank a club out of the bag
kurottautua ja riuhtaista golfmaila ulos kassista .
With everything going on about the Poll tax, it
to understand how they felt
ymmärtää miltä heistä tuntui .
The opening night was so packed that it
, but visitors were able to appreciate the strikingly contemporary aura of these works.
He lifted his face to the moon and said, “
The orchard walls
Hedelmätarhan seinät are high and
… ”
The norms concerning this
Tätä koskevat säännöt are complicated and sometimes
Like most superstars,
can be temperamental, capricious, and
, I thought.
Guilt like that
Tämänkaltaista syyllisyyttä is
, ``Maggie said softly.
I found it
when I was left totally to the women's company
kun minut jätettiin pelkkien naisten yritykseen …
so dreadfully
niin karmean in the forest these days, and you all look so well-fed and contented.
The first half of 1992
Vuoden 1992 ensimmäinen puolisko with most of us putting in considerable effort to achieve as much as possible.
`Do you think
“ It
But, as her grandfather had drummed into her then, she had no right to inflict pain simply because the other person was telling
a truth that
totuuden, joka .
Flynn admitted that
two home defeats on the trot
kaksi kotihäviötä ravissa was
In terms of broad objectives,
Anthony was doing things the
Faxfinders -- the first Barlaston admin. circle to make a presentation -- came up with the solution to the complex problem after months of
He admitted
drawing the dividing line
jakoviivan piirtäminen .
`She comes from a privileged background but she had
, ``says her astrologer Felix Lyle.
But when she reached the office she found
keskittyminen , and within a short time she became impatient with herself.
With many tax options available for local authorities
Koska paikallisviranomaiset voivat valita monista verovaihtoehdoista , it
to consider all possibilities thoroughly within this chapter
käsitellä kaikkia mahdollisuuksia perusteellisesti tässä luvussa .
In some instances, it
to select appropriate learning activities for a particular pupil without collecting more detailed information
valita sopivat oppimismenetelmät tietylle oppilaalle ilman seikkaperäisempiä tietoja .
DANGER: Jan finds that
when her child stands up
kun hänen lapsensa nousee seisomaan ,
the shopping trolley
Jakobson suggests that `no lack of grammatical device in the language translated into makes
a literal translation of the entire conceptual information contained in the original
alkuperäisen asiakirjan sisältämän koko konseptuaalisen tiedon sanatarkasta kääntämisestä ``.
I was wondering what kind of problems I'd come up against, having heard
I started to think he finally made it
to be myself
olla oma itseni .
It is a difficult balance to achieve, and the higher up the organization one goes, the
mahdottomammalta seems.
Without such powers, the SIB is unable to create a climate of fear in the financial markets; and without that, it will find it
to control the SROs
hallita SRO:ta .
Their natural ability to infiltrate woods and move quickly through dense undergrowth means that they can accomplish
tasks which
tehtäviä, jotka .
No, the real point is to make
for Patros Bey
Patros Beylle .
Lääketieteellisesti , it
for someone who has lost their sight due to glaucoma
henkilölle, joka on menettänyt näkönsä glaukooman vuoksi to get it back
saada se takaisin .
Dominion over western Europe
Länsi-Euroopan herruus was
far from
kaikkea muuta kuin for such a man as Henry VI
Henrik VI:n kaltaiselle miehelle .
In such corners of Plenty
Plentyn tällaisilla kulmilla it
not to fancy yourself deep underground, in the realm of some benighted race of blind burrowers, all listlessly trying to remember the sun
olla nauttimatta alamaailmasta, sokeiden ja takapajuisten kaivajien pesässä, kaikkien yrittäessä voimattomasti muistella aurinkoa .
But there wasn't a Randall now, only a lot of mildly hostile folk who were blocking the way, making
with the gear we had, and certainly with our lack of skill for getting to a positive point on the Earth that could do some good
varusteillamme, ja varmasti myös taitojen puutteen vuoksi, jotta hyötyisimme maapallon tarjoamista eduista .
Despite the relatively large amount of specific and varied information given In the article on Ali Tusi, however, it
on present evidence
nykyisten todisteiden valossa to date precisely his departure for Persia
ajoittaa tarkasti hänen lähtöään Persiasta .
Thus there has grown up an interest in feminist `herstory ``;
etymologisesti ,
emphasizes that his-story has been just that -- the history of men.
; her senses were heightened to such a degree that she could hear every move he made.
at that time
Noihin aikoihin to use words like `proletarian ``, `working class or `Blue Col ``
käyttää sanoja, kuten ”työläinen”, ”työväenluokka” tai ”tehdastyöläinen”. .
He regarded
being chief secretary
kansliapäällikön virkaa , with its need to cut departmental spending throughout Government, as
in terms of sheer workload
pelkällä työtaakalla mitattuna ``.
Whoever is in charge next season faces a
rebuilding job
uudelleenrakennustyön after the nightmare of relegation
relegaatiota koskevan painajaisen jälkeen .
At the start of the year, several firms were steeling themselves for the
, face-losing
to pull out of some markets -- or out of the securities business altogether.
during the last two Tests
kahden viimeisen ottelun aikana , and when it gets tough you want to have your best blokes there.
Adam, 52, and former dancer Jackie had their marriage put to the
in the early days.
He said: `This
as we are likely to face this season
kuin mitä todennäköisesti kohtaamme tällä kaudella .
The transfer-listed Republic of Ireland goalkeeper is desperate for first team football, especially as the Republic face
away World Cup assignments against Denmark and Spain
maailmancupin pelit Tanskaa ja Espanjaa vastaan .
UNLUCKY 13th minute for Millwall's Malcolm Allen -- sent-off for a
in the game against his former club Watford
pelissä entistä Watfordin klubiaan vastaan .
WITH their very predictable choice of players, particularly the number of England players, the Lions are going to find it
in New Zealand
Uudessa-Seelannissa .
to avoid the singer getting the lion's share of mugshots
välttää sitä, että laulajan naama on useimmissa kuvissa .
YOUNG pretenders Curtis Robb and David Grindley last night discovered that
I can see he made
We must continue to ensure that the sentence fits the crime -- with long sentences for dangerous criminals, and fines and a
for punishment outside prison
vankilan ulkopuolisille rangaistuksille available as an alternative for less serious crime.
Jupp Heynckes faces a
at a club desperately in need of coherent policies.
`I'm sensitive to my head coach, it's the
possibly including the President of the United States
lukuun ottamatta ehkä Yhdysvaltojen presidenttiä .
Quite simply, we all need to make
for the criminal
rikollisille .
John Read from Gloucester goes in this, while Jason Sklenar from Cheltenham faces an even
in the biathlon
ampumahiihdossa .
Hers is one of the
in the show.
So many people have credit cards, because it
to get through daily life today without one
selviytyä arkipäivän toimista ilman sitä .
It was a
, traditional
As they say, when
, the tough gets going.
Fixing a curtain rail to the top of a window surround can be a
After a
, sea-washed
, the true nature of the rock becomes apparent.
This can be a
as most people are self.conscious in front of the camera.
Changing a light bulb
Lampun vaihtaminen , especially if a two-way switch makes it difficult to tell whether the light is switched on or off.
Finding out the exact proportions and method of preparation will take some time and be a
But running doubles is a
Achieving total independence without loneliness or self absorption is a
All the
are declared meaningless, despite the fact that they are sufficiently well comprehended to give rise to perplexity.
What was always going to be an
has now been made even more unfavourable for the Government -- by the Government.
Yet the skill it has shown in the last three weeks suggests it is well equipped for the
There's also an option to practise serving: a
task involving quickly guiding a small cross into the service box
tehtävä, johon liittyy pienen poikkisyötön ohjaus syöttöruutuun .
For all their logic,
big-bank mergers
isojen pankkien fuusiot have proved
to get to St Katharine's by the Tower at 22 miles
päästä St Katharine's by the Tower -kirkolle 22 mailin vauhdilla , but the views are well worth the effort.
The May Hill Stakes, frequently an early guide to the following year's Classics
May Hill Stakes -kilpailu, joka antaa usein osviittaa seuraavan vuoden Classics -kilpailuun ,
to keep her shut away if they were staying with him
pitää hänet loitolla, jos he jäisivät paikalle hänen kanssaan .
After snapping up four birdies, he said: `
in that wind
tässä tuulessa .
As Mellowes said, negotiations had reached a
A fine position, constant exposure, and some
ensure it status as one of the greatest sea cliff classics.
Contrary to expectations, there appears to be a broad convergence of views between the two men, even on such
as Bosnia, NATO, the EC and the GATT trade talks.
was blowing on to the anchorage and what with snakes and the prospect of getting wet I lay off for lunch.
Getting the tank into the dining room
Säiliön kuljettaminen ruokailuhuoneeseen .
Applying the principle to property descriptions
Periaatteen soveltaminen kiinteistökuvauksiin .
than I had first supposed
kuin aluksi luulin .
will be more complicated, but the roles played by observation, induction and deduction remain essentially the same.
I begin with a
This process of the effective addition of value to meet a specific executive information need at a specific time and place is most certainly not a
Sometimes one might also set them
tasks requiring a certain degree of intelligence to solve some problem
tehtäviä, jotka vaativat tietynasteista älykkyyttä ongelman ratkaisemiseksi , and the more intelligent ones would thus demonstrate their superior ability.
Since the lexicon and corpus change each time the tagset is altered this is not a
to ask whether you have measured those parts of yourself that always give trouble
kysyä, oletko mitannut nämä aina ongelmia aiheuttaneet osat itse ?
This children issue
Tämä lapsikysymys for Changez the Bubble
Changez the Bubblelle .
Morphological processing
Morfologinen prosessointi for a computer
tietokoneelle as it is for a human.
, Mr Stevens, but you must yourself realize their larger significance.
Oh, and don't tell him your war stories because
might just seem
voivat vain tuntua .
The only major reference work using systematic names i Chemical Abstracts and that does at least cross-reference the common
It was one of those
and I had entirely forgotten it when Mrs Rumney phoned again.
In the event, as historians have observed,
-- a man's signature on his marriage contract.
, it may indeed `blow over ``without an issue being made of it, but if the causes are not identified, the conflict may grow to unmanageable proportions.
There was murder for gain, and for the
and pointless
, often for hardly any reason at all.