Once more, such a situation is not necessarily incestuous but since love and sexual partnership are so often a matter of emotional dependence it is often hard
from a quasi-marital partnership
lähes aviosuhteen kaltaisesta kumppanuudesta .
good characters
hyviä luonteita from evil ones
pahoista luonteista in The Bill.
Our international spread of assets is
a strength which
vahvuus, joka from many of its competitors
monista kilpailijoistaan .
I do not fully share the concern of those sociologists (and others), who wish to address the question of
from non-professional occupations
muista kuin ammattiin liittyvistä tehtävistä .
Written forms, they argue, enable
such functions
tällaiset funktiot in a way less possible in oral language
mahdollisimman helposti puhutussa kielessä .
every society no matter how simple or complex
Sekä yksinkertaisten että monimutkaisten yhteiskuntien in terms of both prestige and esteem
sekä arvovallan että arvostuksen perusteella and must therefore possess a certain amount of institutionalised inequality (Davis and Moore 1945 p. 243).
It has been shown that
depending on whether they are content words (e.g. adjectives, adverbs, nouns and verbs) or function words (e.g. conjunctions, articles and prepositions)
sen mukaan, ovatko ne sisältösanoja (esim. adjektiivit, adverbit, substantiivit ja verbit) tai funktiosanoja (esim. konjunktiot, artikkelit ja prepositiot) .
In the children with colonic contractions,
fasting motility
liikuntakyky children with and without constipation
lapsia, joilla oli ummetusta tai ei ollut sitä .
In terms of policy there was
erottamiseksi the two main parties
kahden pääpuolueen , with each committed to maintaining the essence of Labour's laissez faire economic approach which had included extensive deregulation and privatization measures.
Curiously, explains Bill Huntley, head of home shopping,
Workers have identical skills, which are not lost during spells of unemployment (but
by their level of commitment
sitoutumistasot , discussed in Assumption 5 below).
The text then makes the most of the grindingly obvious point that
the London Docklands
Lontoon Docklands from every other place
kaikista muista paikoista , because they are in London.
Just as
educational opportunity
koulutusmahdollisuus on the basis of socio-economic background
sosioekonomisen taustan perusteella , so is it on the basis of gender.
Hallowell argued for
a species-specific type of psychic structure in the human being that
ihmisessä oleva lajiin perustuva erityinen psyykkinen rakennetyyppi from the psychological make-up of primates and other animals
kädellisten ja muiden eläinten psykologisesta rakenteesta .
one sample of putty
vahanäytteen .
Moreover, in all this research work there is a failure
types of writing
kirjoitustyyppejä adequately
asianmukaisesti .
between different kinds of correction
erilaiset kuritusmuodot toisistaan , and avoid indiscriminate correction.
Great care is required in
erotettaessa between those acts that are negligent but result from carelessness as opposed to recklessness
toisistaan varomattomia toimia, jotka johtuvat huolimattomuudesta eivätkä piittaamattomuudesta .
between a block and a bomb
toisistaan vastustus ja pommi ?
No longer is
tekemään eroa between fantasy and reality
mielikuvituksen ja todellisuuden välillä , Father Poole told himself.
automaattisesti between an incoming fax signal and voice call
toisistaan tulevan faksisignaalin ja äänipuhelun and will respond accordingly.
However, the financial system consists of
many types of institution
monenlaisista laitoksista ,
by the services that they offer to lenders and borrowers
luotonantajille ja lainaajille tarjottujen palvelujen mukaan .
But although instruments were freely used
erotettavissa until the Second Book of Symphoniae.
Within any given plant French workers have a choice between
several unions
erilaisten ammattiliittojen on political and ideological grounds rather than by means of any structural principles of organisation
poliittisten ja ideologisten syiden perusteella organisaation rakenteellisten periaatteiden sijaan .
Cell division from the blastocyst stage has been rapid and, as will be evident from the above,
eriytymässä according to the part which they are to play
tehtäviensä mukaan .
The main line of development is that
according to the purpose of the writing (eg whether it is everyday or technical) and to its style (eg formal or informal)
kirjoittamisen tarkoituksen (esim. jokapäiväinen tai tekninen) ja tyylinsä (esim. muodollinen tai epämuodollinen) mukaan .
eriytynyttä according to sex
sukupuolen mukaan .
Urry terms this
`class-struggle ``
”luokkataistelun” ,
from `classes-in-struggle within civil society
”luokkien välisestä taistelusta” siviiliyhteiskunnassa .
The result of this casual attitude is a grey area where
the two signs
kahta merkkiä and can in fact become synonymous.
The long, stout spines are
an unusual feature which
epätavallinen piirre, joka from other gastropods
muista kotiloista .
If the baby looks more at the new patterns, it indicates that
from the original
alkuperäisestä .
The particular items in the questionnaire which
Tämän lomakkeen erityispiirteet secondary non-respondents
toissijaiset vastaamattomat henkilöt most clearly
mitä selkeämmin from their (secondary) colleagues
(toissijaisista) kollegoistaan were:
As the competitive edge to be gained from the physical product decreases, businesses have turned to
the added value given by service
palvelujen tuottamaan lisäarvoon from their competitors
kilpailijoistaan .
printed letters
painetut kirjaimet with the higher lens
voimakkaammalla linssillä , but reading may be slow and laborious.
An Atlantic bottlenose dolphin
Atlantin pullonokkadelfiini circles, squares and triangles (all of the same standardized area)
ympyrät, neliöt ja kolmiot (kaikki samalla standardisoidulla alueella) ,
using only its sonar
pelkästään kaikuluotaimensa avulla .
Each represents
a calculated angle which
lasketun kulman by a subject with normal vision
normaalinäöllä varustettu kohde at a specific distance (60, 36, 24,12, 9, or 6 metres from the chart).
This is why the perception of a complex painting or piece of music can be elaborated in ever greater detail as
more and more elements
yhä useammat elementit come
Hallucinations and dreams
Harhanäyt ja unet are
from sober waking experience
raittiista heräämiskokemuksesta .
This may be simply defined as the ability
highly contrasted figures
hyvin kontrastoituja hahmoja .
The central vision area of the retina needs to be intact for it to be possible
sharp, fine images
terävät, selkeät kuvat .
are able
different kinds of crying pattern
erilaisia itkumalleja and they typically interpret crying in terms of needs and emotional state.
For this purpose a test may be used
those pupils who have attained a higher level
korkeamman tason saavuttaneet oppilaat from those at a lower level
alemman tason oppilaista .
We can't make that observation directly, because our feelings of cold don't enable
In the same way,
seem able to
and, under optimal conditions, they will respond preferentially to their mother's voice compared to the voice of a stranger.
Items in the tests are not selected on the basis of
among students
opiskelijoiden keskuudessa , i.e. they are not norm-referenced.
They were, indeed, a sorry and sadly bedraggled lot, so covered in diesel and smoke that it was quite impossible
on the basis of age, sex or nationality
iän, sukupuolen tai kansallisuuden perusteella .
It is not possible
between the components of each category
toisistaan kunkin luokan osatekijöitä .
Rhesus monkeys
Rhesus-apinat between objects and scenes
toisistaan esineet ja näkymät on the basis of their visual appearance
niiden visuaalisen ulkoasun perusteella .
In our experimental conditions,
acid clearance time
hapon puhdistumisaika between patients with normal and impaired peristalsis
toisistaan potilaat, joilla oli normaali ja heikentynyt peristaltiikka ; moreover acid clearance time was correlated with the overnight acid exposure time.
Lack of generalization to the test stimulus indicates that
the two stimuli
kaksi ärsykettä from one another
toisistaan .
If today we follow scientific analysis,
the peoples of the non-industrial world
teolliseen maailmaan kuulumattomia ihmisiä on the basis of sensory perception
aistihavainnon perusteella .
A useful step in oral instruction is to teach
between phonetically similar but phonemically separate sounds in the target language
foneettisesti samantapaiset mutta foneemisesti erilliset äänet kohdekielessä .
With each new machine I have wondered whether it would go deeper, and whether
Little generalized suppression was shown by the group given initial discrimination training; that is, these subjects showed a superior ability to
We lose the power to
and so become vulnerable.
None of these religions has satisfied its real purpose, which is to provide fully acceptable and uncontentious guidance in
between right and wrong
oikean väärästä , and in the behaviour that should stem from that discrimination.
But they were still as far from anything like a
real and right
todellinen ja oikea discrimination
erottaminen between the guilty and the unfortunate
syyllisten ja huono-onnisten .
are obviously sensitive enough to make
between lexical descriptions
leksikaalisten kuvausten välillä since this is their function by definition.
Experiment has shown that mimicry in cuckoo eggs has evolved as a counter-adaptation to
, which in turn evolved as a behavioural defence against parasitism.
Although it is tempting to suggest that analogous neurons are involved in the
erottamiseen , this temptation should be resisted -- at least for the time being.
Even when the
of the zoologists
eläintieteilijöiden began to be based on systematic classification rather than fantasy the criteria that were used to distinguish man from non-man remained very uncertain.
Braille is a particularly useful tool for probing predictions from different models because it depends on
erottelusta of raised dot patterns
pistekohokuvioiden , and a rule system of contractions.
In most of his literary reviewing, the fineness of
erottelunsa and the clarity with which he expresses it draws fruitfully on this special shyness.
H. M. Johnson's dog turned out to have a threshold for
identical to Johnson's because the dog watched Johnson's face and wanted to please.
In this way
is much improved without excessively lengthening the test time (Killcross and Cassie, 1975).
This last point is critical since it means that the number of common elements will be reduced and accordingly that
between A and B
A:n ja B:n will be enhanced.
The images were easily distinguishable by eye and even with the rather crude resolution obtainable with this camera there should be no difficulty in
by their particular physiques and personalities
heidän erityisten ruumiinrakenteidensa ja luonteidensa perusteella , whereas Weaver had judged them by their ability to act.
Why then do we need two words, which help
from ethnicity
etnisyydestä , though both are so closely identified today?
from expert witnesses
kokeneista asiantuntijoista
We have so far been considering the extent to which
the intentional ingredient in natural language
luonnollisen kielen tarkoitukselliset ainesosat from other systems of animal communication
muista eläinviestintäjärjestelmistä .
Marxist and neo-Marxist sociologists
marxilaiset ja uusmarxilaiset sosiologit try
according to their role within the economic system
niiden aseman perusteella talousjärjestelmässä , while Weberians are more likely to analyse class in terms of the market situation of particular occupational groups.
a system which
järjestelmän, joka could be carried in aircraft for use against submarines (and
) had to be small.
the two concepts
kaksi konseptia since two processes may share a program of instructions (or, more generally, any set of computer words which are not altered, such as a table of constants).
I employ the term' sharing' in a technical sense
from `reciprocity
”vastavuoroisuudesta” ``as a specific type of transaction.
, the term Rainbow Serpent is applied, due to the widespread belief among Aborigines that they are capable of assuming the form of the rainbow when they desire to do so.
Mostly 8 to 10in high,
by brilliantly coloured flowers
kirkkaanväristen kukkien perusteella .
Dependent conditionals
alisteisia ehtolauseita have often not been
eivät ole usein from one or another larger category of ``if statements
yhdestä tai toisesta ”jos”-lauseiden suuresta luokasta .
The categories `restricted ``and `full realisation of potential
”Rajoitettua” ja ”täyden” potentiaalin esiintymisen luokkia .
Put in slightly different language slave trading blocked the operation of Christian benevolence arising from man's innate ability
and strengthened `by various communications of his revealed Will ``.
In principle,
single cell genetic markers
yksittäisiä solugeneettisiä markkereita could be used
injected donor cells
injektoidut luovuttajan solut from surrounding host tissue
ympäröivästä isäntäkudoksesta .
Few of the troops
Vain harvat joukot between Burmans, Chinese and Japanese
toisistaan burmalaiset, kiinalaiset ja japanilaiset .
When you are teaching
between right and wrong and between obedient and disobedient behaviour
oikean ja väärän sekä tottelevaisen ja tottelemattoman käytöksen välillä , you need to be predictable in your reactions.
The result is
a range of different genres of literary criticism and literary theory
erilaisia kirjallisuuskritiikin ja kirjallisuusteorian lajeja ,
to some extent
jossain määrin .
As the English word `science ``might lead us to expect, scientia falls into
various bodies of knowledge, or sciences
erilaisia tietämyksen muotoja tai tieteitä ,
by their different subject-matters
erilaisten aiheidensa perusteella .
the two species
kahdesta lajista by zoologists
Eläintieteilijöiden , one is confined to Africa, the other to southern and south-eastern Asia, including India, Burma, Malaya, Indo-China, Sumatra and Ceylon.
Mis-recognitions and errors of spelling
Virheellisiä tunnistuksia ja ääntämisvirheitä are impossible
from each other
toisistaan , given the nature of the data output from the pattern recogniser, however they should be detected and corrected if possible.
Rationaalisuutta , as
from Rationalism
rationalismista , is considered by Oakeshott as `faithfulness to the knowledge we have of how to conduct the specific activity we are engaged in ``.
in the book
between an error an illusion and a delusion
virheen, illuusion ja harhakuvitelman välillä .
on the basis of `material ``and `mythical referents
”aineellisten” ja ”myyttisten” viitekohtien perusteella .
But before this both centres produced very similar ranges of designs and there are considerable difficulties in
on stylistic grounds alone
pelkästään tyylillisten seikkojen perusteella between late Malaga and early Valencia lustre pottery
Malagan ja varhaisen Valencian kiiltokeramiikka toisistaan .
There are
a few similar species, known rarely from rocks of Cretaceous and Tertiary age
kaksi samantapaista lajia, jotka erottuvat harvoin liitu- ja tertiäärikauden kivistä ,
on the branching patterns of the fronds
haarakuvioiden perusteella .