It was clear, incredible as it may seem, that there was
But tonight at the end of the eleven day trial,
the two gunmen
kaksi asemiestä were still
Four months later
Neljä kuukautta myöhemmin her killer
hänen murhaajansa and detectives are looking at the possibility that she may not have been his first victim
He had been detained under section 37 of the Mental Health Act, and the order would have lapsed if
had remained
, unless there was fresh evidence of mental illness.
despite a posse of pupils carrying out an inch-by-inch search of the building.
Despite Wood's assurances that Findley and McNall would be tried,
And, in spite of police demands that he give himself up and intensive searches,
was still
A police officer formed the opinion that
and on the same day went to the patient's home with other police and nurses.
He had heard a heated exchange between Day and William Tidbury while
were in
An inquest will open soon to establish how a 37-year-old man died while in
at Darlington police station
Darlingtonin poliisiasemalla .
The desire to persist in interrogation is a valid reason for keeping
for thirty-six hours
36 tuntia and indeed beyond.
Two servicemen
Kaksi sotilasta are in
and two others have been charged and freed.
Also on trial with Proksch were Hans Peter Daimler, currently in
in West Germany
Länsi-Saksassa , and an Army officer, Johann Edelmaier.
The suspect also has the right to have one person informed that
is in
on murder charge
murhasyytteen vuoksi
She had no idea how he knew
was in
, or that she had agreed to take over the job.
Men believed in mastery over women, keeping
in protective
Immigration officials
Maahanmuuttoviranomaiset at Heathrow Airport
Heathrow'n lentokentällä and threatened to return him to Sweden.
(extendable by the prosecutor to 48 hours) and question him without access to legal advice or notification of his right to maintain silence.
Garde à vue detention allows
for interrogation
for a period of up to 10 days
enintään 10 päivää .
Croat forces
Kroatialaiset joukot detaining
pitävät vangittuina thirteen hundred Muslims
1 300:a muslimia in detention
in a camp outside Mostar in South-West Bosnia
Mostarin ulkopuolella olevassa leirissä Lounais-Bosniassa .
in Sunderland General Hospital
Sunderland General Hospital -sairaalaan .
Collectively, these statutes enable
to stop and search suspects and ask for personal details, to enter forcibly and search private properties,
for questioning
kuulusteluja varten for up to 72 hours
enintään 72 tuntia and to use as much discretion as they require to impose bans or conditions on marches or assemblies.
on the corner of West Avenue and Agate Road
West Avenuen ja Agate Roadin kulmassa and held on to him until police officers arrived soon after.
In the latest recorded incident,
Haitian security police
Haitin turvallisuuspoliisi 150 refugees
150 pakolaista , only minutes after they had been forcibly returned to Port-au-Prince by the US coast guard.
El País reported that
``a dozen Nahda leaders
”tusina” Nahda-johtajia the next day
seuraavana päivänä .
! ”
`But, Monsieur Corbett,
by a passing motorist who intervened
ohi ajanut moottoripyöräilijä, joka puuttui asiaan .
pitivät vangittuna by the Serbian forces
Serbialaiset joukot on his return to Sarajevo from Lisbon on May 2
hänen palattuaan Sarajevoon Lissabonista 2. toukokuuta .
Because of his `dissident ``activities
pidettiin vangittuna for periods of 48-96 hours
48–96 tuntia .
According to Fred Heatley,
the demonstrators who
mielenosoittajia detained
pidettiin vangittuina in Victoria RUC station
Victoria RUC -asemalla were well treated.
The general public prosector has ordered the release of Mr Wolfgang Vogel, a prominent lawyer and former close aide of
Mr Honecker who
Honeckerin on suspicion of `criminal blackmail ``
epäiltynä ”rikollisesta kiristyksestä” .
Plainclothes policemen
Siviiliasuiset poliisit a Zimbabwean labour leader
zimbabwelaisen työväenliikkeen johtajan , Morgan Tsvangirai, as part of a crackdown on opponents of President Robert Mugabe's government, writes Karl Maier.
when fighting broke out between Yugoslav and West German fans after the game
kun jugoslavialaisten ja länsisaksalaisten fanien välillä puhkesi tappelu pelin jälkeen .
were fined by a magistrate and
at Mangochi police station
Mangochin poliisiasemalla, until the fine was paid
kunnes sakko maksettiin .
Cedomir Biga, a Serbian who died on 2 September while
by Croatian police
Kroatian poliisi , was said by police to have died from a heart attack.
Kurdish asylum seeker
kurdilaista turvapaikanhakijaa
for lawyer's murder
Asianajajan murhasta
Following the raid a number of Hyundai executives were arrested, bringing the total of
UPP campaign workers
UPP-kampanjatyöntekijöitä for violations of electoral law
vaalilain rikkomuksista to at least 70.
was arrested and
pidettiin vangittuna in Newgate prison
Newgaten vankilassa from February to June
helmikuusta kesäkuuhun 1797.
was taken to a police station in Liverpool and
pidettiin vangittuna in police cells
poliisin sellissä .
under a section of the Mental Health Act
Mielenterveyslain määräysten nojalla in the first place, these patients had responded to treatment in hospital, and their leave was subject to a requirement that treatment should be continued outside hospital.
A further 22 arrested in the raid on Friday, and
pidettiin vangittuna on the Tottenham estate
Tottenhamin kartanossa in the week leading up to it
sitä edeltävällä viikolla , had been charged and would appear in court at a later date.
pitivät vangittuna by the Germans
Saksalaiset , then liberated by the Americans.
Albert Mokhiber, president of the Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), does not believe that
anybody in the government
kukaan hallituksessa wants
arabiamerikkalaisia .
The arrest was made on 4 May and
in Yeravda jail
Yeravdan vankilaan .
The story was so mad that your brother was being told to shoot Martin Meehan and that
was going
for doing nothing
koska en tehnyt mitään .
was considered to be one of the most dangerous of all the fascists and
suljettiin vankilaan until the end of the Second World War
toisen maailmansodan loppuun asti .
Only on the outbreak of war were steps taken to discourage its members from any anti-war activity when
two of its leading members, Oliver Gilbert and T. Victor-Rowe,
kaksi sen johtavista jäsenistä, Oliver Gilbert ja T. Victor-Rowe, interned
suljettiin vankilaan on 22 September 1939
22. syyskuuta 1939 .
from 1932-33
vuosina 1932–33 in a Nazi concentration camp
natsien keskitysleirille ,
fled to Czechoslovakia after the war.
Arrested and
sulkivat vankilaan by the Germans
Saksalaiset ,
was eventually moved from Bayonne to Fresne.
He didn't want to go to Switzerland: if he did go, the chances were that
suljettaisiin vankilaan for the rest of the war
loppusodan ajaksi .
Liddell later returned to China as a teacher and missionary where
sulkivat vankilaan by the Japanese
japanilaiset at a camp in Weifang
Weifangin leirillä .
Colin and Eamon Meehan claimed that they were not guilty of trying to buy weapons in the US for the Provisional IRA because
drove them insane.
In 1942 it was he, and not Churchill (who was away), who ordered the
of Nehru and Gandhi
Nehrun ja Gandhin , a move he never regretted.
In 1941, the French Police cooperated in the first mass
vangitsemisissa on French soil
Ranskan maaperällä .
He had been visiting the island since 1935 and during
ollessaan vankilassa as a prisoner of war
sotavankina he worked up plans to establish an observatory on the island after the war.
Since the beginning of the war demands had been made for the
vangitsemiseksi of naturalized aliens
kansalaisuuden saaneiden ulkomaalaisten , and a spy mania developed.
The Long Beach Museum of Art in Long Beach, California, initiates the `New Art: New Visions ``programme with an exhibition devoted to a reconsideration of the
of Japanese-Americans
japanilaisamerikkalaisten during World War II
toisen maailmansodan aikana .
Despite his boasts of political eminence in England, the Leader of the British National Socialist Party had a dread of being bundled off to
as an undesirable alien
epätoivottuna ulkomaalaisena .
These troops have been fighting TITO up till 8 May, when an armistice was agreed on, and by a subterfuge, they have contrived to cross the Drau and accept
in British prison camps
brittiläisille vankileireille .
Many of these were transferred to an
camp at Long Kesh near Lisburn.
When war broke out he had to endure
four months'
neljän kuukauden as an enemy alien
vihollisjoukkoihin kuuluvana ulkomaalaisena .
The Group said that a further 20,000 died as a result of
vangitsemisensa out of an overall total of 150,000 NKVD prisoners.