at large.a 🔎
- It was clear, incredible as it may seem, that there wasa criminalrikollinenat largekarkuteilläon Ward 4Ward 4:llä…
- But tonight at the end of the eleven day trial,the two gunmenkaksi asemiestäwere stillat largekarkuteillä.
- Four months laterNeljä kuukautta myöhemminher killerhänen murhaajansais stillon yhäat largekarkuteilläand detectives are looking at the possibility that she may not have been his first victim
- He had been detained under section 37 of the Mental Health Act, and the order would have lapsed ifhehänhad remainedat largekarkuteilläfor 28 days28 päivää, unless there was fresh evidence of mental illness.
- For two dayskaksi päivääsheHänremainedat largekarkuteillädespite a posse of pupils carrying out an inch-by-inch search of the building.
- Despite Wood's assurances that Findley and McNall would be tried,theyheremainedat largekarkuteilläin the valleylaaksossa.
- And, in spite of police demands that he give himself up and intensive searches,hehänwas stillat largekarkuteillä.
- A police officer formed the opinion thatshehänwasunlawfullylaittomastiat largekarkuteilläand on the same day went to the patient's home with other police and nurses.
custody.n 🔎
- He had heard a heated exchange between Day and William Tidbury whiletheyhewere incustodypidätettyinäat NewburyNewburyssa.
- An inquest will open soon to establish how a 37-year-old man died while incustodypidätettynäat Darlington police stationDarlingtonin poliisiasemalla.
- The desire to persist in interrogation is a valid reason for keepinga suspectepäiltyäincustodypidätettynäfor thirty-six hours36 tuntiaand indeed beyond.
- Two servicemenKaksi sotilastaare incustodypidätettynäin Ayia NapaAyia Napassaand two others have been charged and freed.
- Also on trial with Proksch were Hans Peter Daimler, currently incustodypidätettynäin West GermanyLänsi-Saksassa, and an Army officer, Johann Edelmaier.
- The suspect also has the right to have one person informed thathehänetis incustodypidätetty.
- FourNeljäincustodypidätettynäon murder chargemurhasyytteen vuoksi
- She had no idea how he knewKattinaKattinawas incustodyhuostassa, or that she had agreed to take over the job.
- Men believed in mastery over women, keepingthemheidätin protectivecustodysäilössä.
detain.v 🔎
- detainedpidättiväthimhänetat Heathrow AirportHeathrow'n lentokentälläand threatened to return him to Sweden.
- mayvoivatdetainpitää vangittunathe suspectepäiltyäfor 24 hours24 tuntia(extendable by the prosecutor to 48 hours) and question him without access to legal advice or notification of his right to maintain silence.
- Garde à vue detention allowsto<empty>detainpitää vangittuinasuspectsepäiltyjäfor interrogationfor a period of up to 10 daysenintään 10 päivää.
- are<empty>detainingpitävät vangittuinathirteen hundred Muslims1 300:a muslimiain detentionin a camp outside Mostar in South-West BosniaMostarin ulkopuolella olevassa leirissä Lounais-Bosniassa.
- HeHänetwas<empty>detainedotettiin sisäänlast nightviime yönäin Sunderland General HospitalSunderland General Hospital -sairaalaan.
- Collectively, these statutes enableto stop and search suspects and ask for personal details, to enter forcibly and search private properties,to<empty>detainpitää vangittuinasuspectsepäiltyjäfor questioningkuulusteluja vartenfor up to 72 hoursenintään 72 tuntiaand to use as much discretion as they require to impose bans or conditions on marches or assemblies.
- detainedpidättiväta manmiehenon the corner of West Avenue and Agate RoadWest Avenuen ja Agate Roadin kulmassaand held on to him until police officers arrived soon after.
- In the latest recorded incident,hadolidetainedpidättänyt150 refugees150 pakolaistaon Aug. 1414. elokuuta, only minutes after they had been forcibly returned to Port-au-Prince by the US coast guard.
- El País reported that``a dozen Nahda leaders”tusina” Nahda-johtajiawere<empty>detainedpidätettiinthe next dayseuraavana päivänä.
- mustn'tsaadetainpidätelläyousinua! ”
- `But, Monsieur Corbett,are notemmedetainingpidätteleyouteitä.
- HeHäntäwas<empty>detainedpidätteli.
- IzetbegovicIzetbegoviciawas<empty>detainedpitivät vangittunaon his return to Sarajevo from Lisbon on May 2hänen palattuaan Sarajevoon Lissabonista 2. toukokuuta.
- Because of his `dissident ``activitieshehäntäwas oftenuseindetainedpidettiin vangittunafor periods of 48-96 hours48–96 tuntia.
- According to Fred Heatley,the demonstrators whomielenosoittajiawere<empty>detainedpidettiin vangittuinain Victoria RUC stationVictoria RUC -asemallawere well treated.
- The general public prosector has ordered the release of Mr Wolfgang Vogel, a prominent lawyer and former close aide ofMr Honecker whoHoneckerinwas<empty>detainedpidätettiinon Tuesdaytiistainaon suspicion of `criminal blackmail ``epäiltynä ”rikollisesta kiristyksestä”.
- HARARE --detainedpidättiväta Zimbabwean labour leaderzimbabwelaisen työväenliikkeen johtajan, Morgan Tsvangirai, as part of a crackdown on opponents of President Robert Mugabe's government, writes Karl Maier.
- detainedpidätti14 people14 ihmistä,when fighting broke out between Yugoslav and West German fans after the gamekun jugoslavialaisten ja länsisaksalaisten fanien välillä puhkesi tappelu pelin jälkeen.
- The womennaisiawere fined by a magistrate anddetainedpiti vangittuinaat Mangochi police stationMangochin poliisiasemalla,until the fine was paidkunnes sakko maksettiin.
- Cedomir Biga, a Serbian who died on 2 September whiledetainedpiti vangittunain DreznikDreznikissa, was said by police to have died from a heart attack.
- Kurdish asylum seekerkurdilaista turvapaikanhakijaadetainedpiti vangittuna
- Youthnuorukainendetainedvangittufor lifeelinikäiseenfor lawyer's murderAsianajajan murhasta
- Following the raid a number of Hyundai executives were arrested, bringing the total ofUPP campaign workersUPP-kampanjatyöntekijöitädetainedpidätettiinfor violations of electoral lawvaalilain rikkomuksistato at least 70.
- HeHänetwas arrested anddetainedpidettiin vangittunain Newgate prisonNewgaten vankilassain DublinDublinissafrom February to Junehelmikuusta kesäkuuhun1797.
- Mr. BellBellwas taken to a police station in Liverpool anddetainedpidettiin vangittunain police cellspoliisin sellissäovernightyön yli.
- Detainedpidätetytunder a section of the Mental Health ActMielenterveyslain määräysten nojallain the first place, these patients had responded to treatment in hospital, and their leave was subject to a requirement that treatment should be continued outside hospital.
- A further 22 arrested in the raid on Friday, and5151:ädetainedpidettiin vangittunaon the Tottenham estateTottenhamin kartanossain the week leading up to itsitä edeltävällä viikolla, had been charged and would appear in court at a later date.
hold.v 🔎
- I hope that it represents a step towards the release ofother detaineesmuut vangitheldpidetytin MalawiMalawissafor political reasons.
- The government freed as many as226 detainees226 vankiaheldpidettiinin Aceh Province (northern Sumatra)Aceh'n maakunnassa (Pohjois-Sumatra)on Aug. 16.
- The prisonersVankejahave beenoliheldpidettyincommunicadofor eighteen years18 vuotta.
- Americas Watch estimated in 1986 that at any one time,300 or more prisoners300 vankia tai enemmänwere<empty>heldpidettyin DGSE facilitiesDGSE:n tiloissa.
- The report said that the purchase was an attempt to improve relations with Iran to counter a growing military threat from Iraq and to win freedom for Israeli prisoners of war and possiblyWestern hostageslänsimaisia panttivankejaheldpidettiinin LebanonLibanonissa.
- Five days later a general amnesty forprisonersvangeilleheldpidetyilleon security chargesturvallisuussyytteiden vuoksiwas announced.
- The 48-year-old suspect48-vuotiasta epäiltyähad beenoliheldpidetty vangittunasince Fridayperjantaista lähtien.
- SuspectsEpäiltyjäare being<empty>heldpidetään vangittuinaat various police stations in the Home Countiesusealla poliisiasemalla Lontoon ympäristössäincluding Milton Keynes.
- Under South African lawEtelä-Afrikan lain nojallacouldvoiholdpitää vangittunathe manmiestäfor questioningkuulusteluja vartenfor up to 48 hoursenintään 48 tuntiabefore seeking the permission of magistrates for an extension.
- HeHäntäwasoliheldpidetty vangittunain incommunicadoeristyksissäin Bouchoucha Detention CentreBouchouchan vankilassafor nearly three monthslähes kolme kuukautta, over 70 days beyond the maximum 10-day period allowed by Tunisian law.
- Alleged White House gunman Robert PickettVäitetty White Housen pyssymies Robert Pickettwas arraigned Wednesday at a federal court in Washington and orderedheldpidettäväksi vangittunawithout bondilman takuumaksua.
intern.v 🔎
- Hehäntäwas<empty>brieflyvähän aikaainternedpitivät vangittunain TunisTunisissa, then liberated by the Americans.
- Albert Mokhiber, president of the Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), does not believe thatwantsto<empty>internvangitaArab-Americansarabiamerikkalaisia.
- The arrest was made on 4 May andGandhiGandhiwas<empty>internedsuljettiinin Yeravda jailYeravdan vankilaan.
- The story was so mad that your brother was being told to shoot Martin Meehan and thatIminutwas goingto be<empty>internedsulkea vankilaanfor doing nothingkoska en tehnyt mitään.
- HeHäntäwas considered to be one of the most dangerous of all the fascists andwas<empty>internedsuljettiin vankilaanuntil the end of the Second World Wartoisen maailmansodan loppuun asti.
- Only on the outbreak of war were steps taken to discourage its members from any anti-war activity whentwo of its leading members, Oliver Gilbert and T. Victor-Rowe,kaksi sen johtavista jäsenistä, Oliver Gilbert ja T. Victor-Rowe,were<empty>internedsuljettiin vankilaanon 22 September 193922. syyskuuta 1939.
- Internedsuljettiinfrom 1932-33vuosina 1932–33in a Nazi concentration campnatsien keskitysleirille,heHänetfled to Czechoslovakia after the war.
- Arrested andinternedsulkivat vankilaan,AdairAdairinwas eventually moved from Bayonne to Fresne.
- He didn't want to go to Switzerland: if he did go, the chances were thathehänetwould be<empty>internedsuljettaisiin vankilaantheresielläfor the rest of the warloppusodan ajaksi.
- Liddell later returned to China as a teacher and missionary wherehehänetwas<empty>internedsulkivat vankilaanat a camp in WeifangWeifangin leirillä.
internment.n 🔎
- Colin and Eamon Meehan claimed that they were not guilty of trying to buy weapons in the US for the Provisional IRA becauseinternmentvanginneetin the 1970s1970-luvulladrove them insane.
- In 1942 it was he, and not Churchill (who was away), who ordered thewartimesodanaikaiseninternmentvangitsemisenof Nehru and GandhiNehrun ja Gandhin, a move he never regretted.
- In 1941, the French Police cooperated in the first massinternmentsvangitsemisissaon French soilRanskan maaperällä.
- He had been visiting the island since 1935 and duringhishäneninternmentollessaan vankilassaas a prisoner of warsotavankinahe worked up plans to establish an observatory on the island after the war.
- Since the beginning of the war demands had been made for theinternmentvangitsemiseksiof naturalized alienskansalaisuuden saaneiden ulkomaalaisten, and a spy mania developed.
- The Long Beach Museum of Art in Long Beach, California, initiates the `New Art: New Visions ``programme with an exhibition devoted to a reconsideration of theinternmentvangitsemistaof Japanese-Americansjapanilaisamerikkalaistenduring World War IItoisen maailmansodan aikana.
- Despite his boasts of political eminence in England, the Leader of the British National Socialist Party had a dread of being bundled off tointernmentvangitaanin SilesiaSilesiassaas an undesirable alienepätoivottuna ulkomaalaisena.
- These troops have been fighting TITO up till 8 May, when an armistice was agreed on, and by a subterfuge, they have contrived to cross the Drau and acceptinternmentvangitsemisenin British prison campsbrittiläisille vankileireille.
- Many of these were transferred to aninternmentvankileirillecamp at Long Kesh near Lisburn.
- When war broke out he had to endurefour months'neljän kuukaudeninternmentvankeudenas an enemy alienvihollisjoukkoihin kuuluvana ulkomaalaisena.
- The Group said that a further 20,000 died as a result oftheirheidäninternmentvangitsemisensaout of an overall total of 150,000 NKVD prisoners.
under_arrest.prep 🔎
- Another witness had earlier reported seeingfour hooded and shackled menneljä huputettua ja kahlittua miestäunder arrestpidätettyinäat the military section of the airportlentokentän sotilasalueelladuring the coupvallankaappauksen aikana, but there was no way of identifying them.
- Israel's plan was actually that ofan American businessmanamerikkalaista liikemiestänowunder arrestpidätettynäin the United StatesYhdysvalloissacharged with trading with Iran.
- ButIminä'm notunder arrestpidätettynä?
- The seven laureates hope to focus world attention on the plight of Ms Suu Kyi,whojokahas beenunder<empty>housekotiarestissaarrest<empty>in Burma since 1989, and 1,500 other political prisoners of the junta.