British diplomats and consuls
brittiläisiä diplomaatteja ja konsuleita to accept presents from any foreign government
hyväksymästä lahjoja miltään ulkomaiselta hallitukselta ,
an abandonment of one of the oldest of diplomatic traditions
mikä oli yhden vanhimman diplomaattisen perinteen hylkäämistä .
He recalls that
the Dominic Savio club
Dominic Savio -klubi , designed to safeguard bodily purity,
from even watching a screen kiss at the Saturday matinee
jopa lauantaimatinean suutelukohtauksen katselun .
to call other leaders `Father ``
kutsumasta muita johtajia "Isäksi" .
to be in here
olemasta täällä !
Ottaviani, feeling that the authority of the Holy Office was threatened, tried to persuade
by the Jesuits of the Biblicum
jesuiittojen Biblicum- -- and even have Karl Rahner banned from Rome.
In any case
to go back there
palaamasta sinne and Mrs Gracie has to walk her pug herself.
The Russian panslavist press had long been advocating a Franco-Russian alliance and
in November 1887
Marraskuussa 1887 the Reichsbank
Reichsbankia to float a Russian loan
laskemasta venäläistä lainaa liikkeelle .
Charles VII of France
Ranskan Charles VII the grant of safe-conducts to the English
kulkuluvan myöntämisen englantilaisille , but this ban was relaxed and trade, albeit reduced in volume, continued until 1462.
The technique of satyāgraha was implemented also on behalf of
the untouchables who
kastittomille, joita to use the roads in the vicinity of the Vykom temple in Travancore, South India
käyttämästä teitä lähellä Vykomin temppeliä Travancoressa, Etelä-Intiassa .
If she returned to the Hall and told her father what she had endured
-- that was what must happen.
As if
the entire delegation
koko delegaatiota to travel in his rickety contraption
matkustamasta hänen hataralla härvelillään ,
because if something happened and we all disappeared, our negotiations would have been wasted
koska jos jotakin tapahtuisi ja me kaikki katoaisimme, neuvottelumme olisivat olleet turhia .